24041 | MAT 24:15 | Jisasr kfo memorm, “Wahtitwako, profet Danierr kfomo yak batiyuk shr bebr htirahkomr Bro Nkifrarhu temperrn mtohrahr.” (Yimar Danierr kfoyuk mrokfom htiyukr hti hik marnya hanyhato mrokfo yimbu yuham yakkfot.) |
24231 | MAT 27:33 | Be yimomn, mfnahmom wom kmit kutewumt Golgotat. (Kfe sfiohniyet yima mfham kanjo nd tkitt rhumoatt futamoumt yima mfha tpit.) |
24800 | MRK 13:14 | Jisasr kfo memorm, “Wahtiyaf hanyswako. Bro Nkifrarhu temperrhu kforafet kforafet tkitm bi wom hhrek shrr bi rim yorhtrm nd temperrhu Tahi Yarhr bbnarofakhato fnahnir, to be Judia profins tohyuk yimam mirahm wom atoh hasonom, yura kminysofko ayakrmanyitwam. (Yimar mrokfom htiyukr hti hik marnya hanyhato mrokfo yimbu yuham yakkfot.) |
24917 | MRK 15:22 | Jisasr soldiam yakni hanymohat hanymomr wom tkitt kutewumt Golgota. (Kfe sfiohniyet yima mfham kanjo nd tkitt rhumoatt futamoumt yima mfha tpit.) |
25403 | LUK 9:33 | Nd yimaf Jisasrpno mitohmof, memof, ka Jisasr htanyhato ainyo. Pitar memorr, “Broye, nmoh asha tohneft hifa. Ka husfirpa kunyenm yimanom nhombra-hato singorahnom. Ninhu womt, Mosesrhu womt, yo Iraijarhu womt.” (Pitar inji kfomohat nhai tu hifa yima dukefrpno ptharmor. Be tngrpatn furamott nd mrokfot.) |
26037 | LUK 23:33 | Be nd husfirpa yima bugam hanymomm yima mfha tpitn. (Kfe sfiohniyet yima mfham kanjo nd tkitt rhumoatt futamoumt yima mfha tpit.) Ndha nd husfirpa yimam bgre mimn nire tir wuram frdbkafhato yuht bgre miyetm kasinyamomm. Nd fasoh nefm nayetf mano mano tohmof. Womr tirmifko, womr kindonko. |
26907 | JHN 19:13 | Be Pailatr nd mrokfot wanyhato Jisasr fak hfhanmorr. Yak hfhanhato Pailatr ror jasr yorhwa gajis rim rhumor. (Nd Pailatr jasrhu gajis rim rhumo tkitt Hibru yarmumat kutamoumt Gabata.) Nd rhu yefinyuk tkitr tahirpaye thu trku htfas bugamomr. |
26911 | JHN 19:17 | Be Jisasr fakni hanymomr. Rorhu tuhegiryuk bgre mis tur tita hatohta hanymort. Kmi taunt htanymortn wom kmi mfhat kutewumt yima Mfha Tpit, ndha hanymort. (Hibrukfot futamoumt Golgotat.) |
26945 | JHN 20:9 | (To nd Kraisrhu nohhato tfit sinya mrokfothu mna yuhat nhai bi yakrmoft. Nd Bro Nkifrarhu rfa borngt yorhwa mrokfot afo yuhre fak mmotamoft.) |
27996 | ACT 28:29 | (Porr nd mrokfot kfo nuhasafo-motrm kmiko yihato tfit tum rinatuhakhato natkbotkmom.) |
30208 | HEB 10:8 | Nd ror barkof wukfonamo mrokfot tfit wompam kfo memor, “Yeshri mhta hihato tarioh mthewohat nhai hti wofnkahnm. Yemro skurn gbefr nhai wofnkahnr. Yemrom yakhato tarioh kandhi gunahato krn gbefr muhmohat ndm nhai mthatihato yindhorrmoa. Yemro kkut yakhato thu pprimoat Bokis Kontrakt nhai ndm htihato yima yuhur yindhorrmoarn. Nhai.” (Nd nd nefm Mosesr Bro Nkifrarpno yakhato yimam hikmoa nefm nhai yak thurmoamm yimam namoa fasoh nefm.) |
30906 | REV 8:11 | (Nd gunyrhu yufat Kurjbnehetr.) Nd tekmi tek yinham nd gunyr misuhmotrm nd bupa tasyuk tekmi tek yinharoh bupam kurjbnehmom. Yimam nd tekmi yinharoh kurjbnehet bupam tas yamomn noh wurasoh bugamom. |
30919 | REV 9:11 | Nd yakum kingetem. Nd kingrn tohukatohworm. Nd kingr ndar bbinysoft kfe gdbofmo muhrhu mounmoter. Hibru yarmumat nd mounmotrhu yufat kutewumr Abadon. Grik yarmumat Apolion. (Tfit nmoh yuteft nd yufathu yimbu yuhat inji akfonom Shrka Kafringetr.) |