Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-eng-web-c   “Word.”    February 25, 2023 at 00:05    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

1563  EXO 2:8  Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Go.” The young woman went and called the child’s mother.
1721  EXO 8:6  Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.” Moses said, “Let it be according to your word, that you may know that there is no one like Yahweh our God.
4406  NUM 22:30  The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your donkey, on which you have ridden all your life long until today? Was I ever in the habit of doing so to you?” He said, “No.”
6869  JDG 11:38  He said, “Go.” He sent her away for two months; and she departed, she and her companions, and mourned her virginity on the mountains.
9425  1KI 20:14  Ahab said, “By whom?” He said, “Yahweh says, ‘By the young men of the princes of the provinces.’” Then he said, “Who shall begin the battle?” He answered, “You.”
15766  PSA 106:48  Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting! Let all the people say, “Amen.” Praise Yah!
22936  HAG 2:12  ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and with his fold touches bread, stew, wine, oil, or any food, will it become holy?’” The priests answered, “No.”
23794  MAT 17:25  He said, “Yes.” When he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth receive toll or tribute? From their children, or from strangers?”
24574  MRK 8:5  He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” They said, “Seven.”
24588  MRK 8:19  When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Twelve.”
24589  MRK 8:20  “When the seven loaves fed the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Seven.”
25968  LUK 22:35  He said to them, “When I sent you out without purse, bag, and sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “Nothing.”
26134  JHN 1:21  They asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the prophet?” He answered, “No.”
26907  JHN 19:13  When Pilate therefore heard these words, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called “The Pavement”, but in Hebrew, “Gabbatha.”
26952  JHN 20:16  Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him, “Rabboni!” which is to say, “Teacher!”
26972  JHN 21:5  Jesus therefore said to them, “Children, have you anything to eat?” They answered him, “No.”
27799  ACT 22:27  The commanding officer came and asked him, “Tell me, are you a Roman?” He said, “Yes.”
28887  2CO 1:19  For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us—by me, Silvanus, and Timothy—was not “Yes and no,” but in him is “Yes.”
28888  2CO 1:20  For however many are the promises of God, in him is the “Yes.” Therefore also through him is the “Amen”, to the glory of God through us.
30906  REV 8:11  The name of the star is “Wormwood.” One third of the waters became wormwood. Many people died from the waters, because they were made bitter.
31311  TOB 8:8  She said with him, “Amen.” And they both slept that night.
35395  2MA 7:8  But he answered in the language of his ancestors and said to them, “No.” Therefore he also underwent the next torture in succession, as the first had done.