Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engWycliffe   S    February 25, 2023 at 00:06    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

2  GEN 1:2  Forsothe the erthe was idel and voide, and derknessis weren on the face of depthe; and the Spiryt of the Lord was borun on the watris.
73  GEN 3:17  Sothely God seyde to Adam, For thou herdist the voys of thi wijf, and hast ete of the tree, of which Y comaundide to thee that thou schuldist not ete, the erthe schal be cursid in thi werk; in traueylis thou schalt ete therof in alle daies of thi lijf;
83  GEN 4:3  Sotheli it was don after many daies, that Cayn offride yiftis to the Lord of the fruytis of erthe;
99  GEN 4:19  that took twei wyues, the name to o wijf was Ada, and the name to the tother was Sella.
102  GEN 4:22  And Sella gendride Tubalcayn, that was an hamerbetere, and smyyt on alle werkis of bras and of yrun; forsothe the sistir of Tubalcayn was Neoma.
103  GEN 4:23  And Lameth seide to his wyues Ada and Sella, Ye wyues of Lameth, here my vois, and herkne my word; for Y haue slayn a man bi my wounde, and a yong wexynge man bi my `violent betyng;
105  GEN 4:25  Also yit Adam knewe his wijf, and sche childide a sone, and clepide his name Seth, and seide, God hath put to me another seed for Abel, whom Cayn killide.
106  GEN 4:26  But also a sone was borun to Seth, which sone he clepide Enos; this Enos bigan to clepe inwardli the name of the Lord.
109  GEN 5:3  Forsothe Adam lyuede an hundrid yeer and thretti, and gendride a sone to his ymage and liknesse, and clepide his name Seth.
110  GEN 5:4  And the daies of Adam after that he gendride Seth weren maad eiyte hundrid yeer, and he gendride sones and douytris.
112  GEN 5:6  Also Seth lyuede an hundrid and fyue yeer, and gendride Enos.
113  GEN 5:7  And Seth lyuede aftir that he gendride Enos eiyte hundrid and seuen yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
114  GEN 5:8  And alle the daies of Seth weren maad nyne hundrid and twelue yeer, and he was deed.
139  GEN 6:1  Forsothe Noe whanne he was of fyue hundrid yeer gendride Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And whanne men bigunnen to be multiplied on erthe, and hadden gendrid douytris,
142  GEN 6:4  Sotheli giauntis weren on erthe in tho daies, forsothe aftir that the sones of God entriden to the douytris of men, and tho douytris gendriden; these weren myyti of the world and famouse men.
143  GEN 6:5  Sotheli God seiy that myche malice of men was in erthe, and that al the thouyt of herte was ententif to yuel in al tyme,
148  GEN 6:10  and gendride thre sones, Sem, Cam, and Jafeth.
173  GEN 7:13  In the ende of that dai Noe entride, and Sem, Cham, and Japheth, hise sones, his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones, entriden with hem into the schip.
194  GEN 8:10  Sotheli whanne othere seuene daies weren abedun aftirward, eft he leet out a culuer fro the schip;
199  GEN 8:15  Sotheli the Lord spak to Noe;
224  GEN 9:18  Therfore thei that yeden out of the schip weren Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth; forsothe Cham, thilke is the fadir of Chanaan.
229  GEN 9:23  And sotheli Sem and Jafeth puttiden a mentil on her schuldris, and thei yeden bacward, and hileden the schameful membris of her fadir, and her faces weren turned awei, and thei sien not the priuy membris of her fadir.
232  GEN 9:26  And Noe seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Sem,
233  GEN 9:27  and Chanaan be the seruaunt to Sem; God alarge Jafeth, and dwelle in the tabernaclis of Sem, and Chanaan be seruaunt of hym.
236  GEN 10:1  These ben the generaciouns of the sones of Noe, Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And sones weren borun to hem aftir the greet flood.
241  GEN 10:6  Sotheli the sones of Cham weren Thus, and Mesraym, and Futh, and Chanaan.
242  GEN 10:7  Forsothe the sones of Thus weren Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sones of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan.
245  GEN 10:10  Sotheli the bigynnyng of his rewme was Babiloyne, and Arach, and Archad, and Thalamye, in the lond of Sennaar.
250  GEN 10:15  Forsothe Chanaan gendride Sidon, his firste gendride sone, Ethei, and Jebusei,
253  GEN 10:18  Ceney, and Aradie, Samarites, and Amathei; and puplis of Chananeis weren sowun abrood bi these men.
254  GEN 10:19  And the termes of Chanaan weren maad to men comynge fro Sidon to Gerara, til to Gasa, til thou entre in to Sodom and Gomore, and Adama, and Seboyne, til to Lesa.
256  GEN 10:21  Also of Sem weren borun the fadris of alle the sones of Heber, and Japhet was the more brother.
257  GEN 10:22  The sones of Sem weren Elam, and Assur, and Arfaxath, and Lud, and Aram.
259  GEN 10:24  And sotheli Arfaxath gendride Sale, of whom Heber was borun.
261  GEN 10:26  And thilke Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech,
263  GEN 10:28  and Deda, and Ebal, and Abymahel, Saba, and Ofir, and Euila, and Jobab;
265  GEN 10:30  And the habitacioun of hem was maad fro Messa, as `me goith til to Sefar, an hil of the eest.
266  GEN 10:31  These ben the sones of Sem, bi kynredis, and langagis, and cuntrees, in her folkis.
269  GEN 11:2  And whanne thei yeden forth fro the eest, thei fonden a feeld in the lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden ther ynne.
277  GEN 11:10  These ben the generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid yeer whanne he gendride Arfaxath, twey yeer aftir the greet flood.
278  GEN 11:11  And Sem lyuede aftir that he gendride Arfaxath fyue hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
279  GEN 11:12  Forsothe Arfaxath lyuede fyue and thretti yeer, and gendride Sale;
280  GEN 11:13  and Arfaxath lyuede aftir that he gendride Sale thre hundride and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
281  GEN 11:14  Also Sale lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Heber;
282  GEN 11:15  and Sale lyuede after that he gendride Heber foure hundrid and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
283  GEN 11:16  Sotheli Heber lyuede foure and thretti yeer, and gendride Falech;
287  GEN 11:20  And Reu lyuede two and thretti yeer, and gendride Saruch;
288  GEN 11:21  and Reu lyuede aftir that he gendride Saruch two hundrid and seuene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
289  GEN 11:22  Sotheli Saruch lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Nachor;
290  GEN 11:23  and Saruch lyuede aftir that he gendride Nacor two hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris.
294  GEN 11:27  Sotheli these ben the generaciouns of Thare. Thare gendride Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Forsothe Aran gendride Loth;
296  GEN 11:29  Forsothe Abram and Nachor weddiden wyues; the name of the wijf of Abram was Saray, and the name of the wiif of Nachor was Melcha, the douyter of Aran, fadir of Melcha and fadir of Jescha.
297  GEN 11:30  Sotheli Saray was bareyn, and hadde no children.
298  GEN 11:31  And so Thare took Abram, his sone, and Loth, the sone of Aran his sone, and Saray, his douyter in lawe, the wijf of Abram, his sone, and ledde hem out of Vr of Caldeis, that thei schulen go in to the lond of Chanaan; and thei camen `til to Aran, and dwelliden there.
304  GEN 12:5  And he took Saray, his wijf, and Loth, the sone of his brother, and al the substaunce which thei hadden in possessioun, and the men whiche thei hadden bigete in Aran; and thei yeden out that thei `schulen go in to the loond of Chanaan. And whanne they camen in to it,
305  GEN 12:6  Abram passide thorou the lond til to the place of Sichem, and til to the noble valey. Forsothe Chananei was thanne in the lond.
306  GEN 12:7  Sotheli the Lord apperide to Abram, and seide to hym, Y schal yyue this lond to thi seed. And Abram bildide there an auter to the Lord, that apperide to hym.
309  GEN 12:10  Sotheli hungur was maad in the lond; and Abram yede doun in to Egipt, to be a pilgrime ther, for hungur hadde maistrie in the lond.
310  GEN 12:11  And whanne he was nyy to entre in to Egipt, he seide to Saray, his wijf, Y knowe that thou art a fair womman,
316  GEN 12:17  Forsothe the Lord beet Farao and his hous with moste veniaunces, for Saray, the wijf of Abram.
329  GEN 13:10  And so Loth reiside hise iyen, and seiy aboute al the cuntrei of Jordan, which was al moistid, bifor that the Lord distriede Sodom and Gomorre, as paradis of the Lord, and as Egipt, as men comen in to Segor.
331  GEN 13:12  Abram dwellide in the lond of Chanaan; sotheli Loth dwellide in townes aboute Jordan, and wonide in Sodom.
332  GEN 13:13  Forsothe men of Sodom weren ful wickid, and synneris greetly bifore the Lord.
338  GEN 14:1  Forsothe it was don in that tyme, that Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte, and Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elemytis,
339  GEN 14:2  and Tadal, kyng of folkis, bigunnen batel ayens Bara, kyng of Sodom, and ayens Bersa, kyng of Gomorre, and ayens Sennaar, kyng of Adama, and ayens Semeber, kyng of Seboym, and ayens the kyng of Bale; thilke Bale is Segor.
342  GEN 14:5  Therfor Chodorlaomor cam in the fourtenthe yeer, and kyngis that weren with him, and thei `han smyte Rafaym in Astaroth Carnaym, and Susym with hem, and Emym in Sabe Cariathaym,
343  GEN 14:6  and Choreis in the hillis of Seir, til to the feldi placis of Faran, which is in wildirnesse.
345  GEN 14:8  And the kyng of Sodom, and the king of Gomorre, and the kyng of Adama, and the kyng of Seboym, also and the kyng of Bale, which is Segor, yeden out, and dressiden scheltrun ayens hem in the valei of wode,
346  GEN 14:9  that is, ayens Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elamytis, and Thadal, kyng of folkis, and Amrafel, kyng of Sennaar, and Ariok, kyng of Ponte; foure kyngis ayens fyue.
347  GEN 14:10  Forsothe the valey of the wode hadde many pittis of pitche; and so the kyng of Sodom and the kyng of Gomorre turneden the backis, and felden doun there; and thei that leften fledden to the hil.
348  GEN 14:11  Sotheli thei token awei al the catel of Sodom and Gomorre, and alle thingis that perteynen to mete, and yeden awei;
349  GEN 14:12  also and thei token awey Loth and his catel, the sone of the brother of Abram, which Loth dwellide in Sodom.
354  GEN 14:17  Sotheli the kyng of Sodom yede out in to the metyng of him, after that he turnede ayen fro sleyng of Chodorlaomor, and of kyngis that weren with him, in the valei of Sabe, which is the valey of the kyng.
355  GEN 14:18  And sotheli Melchisedech, kyng of Salem, brouyte forth breed and wyn, for he was the preest of hiyeste God;
358  GEN 14:21  Forsothe the kyng of Sodom seide to Abram, Yyue thou the men to me; take thou othir thingis to thee.
364  GEN 15:3  And Abram addide, Sotheli thou hast not youe seed to me, and, lo! my borun seruaunt schal be myn eir.
366  GEN 15:5  And the Lord ledde out Abram, and seide to hym, Biholde thou heuene, and noumbre thou sterris, if thou maist. And the Lord seide to Abram, So thi seed schal be.
377  GEN 15:16  Sotheli in the fourthe generacioun thei schulen turne ayen hidir, for the wickidnesses of Amoreis ben not yit fillid, `til to present tyme.
383  GEN 16:1  Therfor Sarai, wijf of Abram, hadde not gendrid fre children; but sche hadde a seruauntesse of Egipt, Agar bi name, and seide to hir hosebonde, Lo!
387  GEN 16:5  And Saray seide to Abram, Thou doist wickidli ayens me; I yaf my seruauntesse in to thi bosum, which seeth, that sche conseyuede, and dispisith me; the Lord deme betwixe me and thee.
388  GEN 16:6  And Abram answerde and seide to hir, Lo! thi seruauntesse is in thin hond; vse thou hir as `it likith. Therfor for Sarai turmentide hir, sche fledde awei.
389  GEN 16:7  And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde founde hir bisidis a welle of watir in wildernesse, which welle is in the weie of Sur in deseert,