Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engf35   ‘Word’    February 25, 2023 at 00:07    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

23525  MAT 10:39  The one ‘finding’ his life will lose it, and the one ‘losing’ his life for my sake will find it.
23766  MAT 16:25  For whoever desires to save his life will waste it, but whoever ‘wastes’ his life on my account will find it.
23781  MAT 17:12  But I say to you that ‘Elijah’ has come already, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. Thus also the Son of the Man is about to suffer at their hands.”
23796  MAT 17:27  But, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And opening its mouth you will find a ‘stater’ [a coin]; take that and give it to them for me and you.”
23861  MAT 19:30  But many ‘first’ will be last, and ‘last’ first.
23984  MAT 22:43  He says to them: “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord’ saying,
24414  MRK 4:22  For there is no ‘hidden’ that may not be exposed, nor has anything been concealed but that it should come to light.
24516  MRK 6:40  So they reclined in ‘plots’ of hundreds and of fifties.
24604  MRK 8:35  Because whoever may resolve to ‘save’ his life will waste it; but whoever may ‘waste’ his life for my sake and the Gospel's, he will save it.
24620  MRK 9:13  Still, I say to you that ‘Elijah’ has also come, and they did to him as they wished, as it is written about him.”
24756  MRK 12:14  Upon arriving they said to Him: “Teacher, we know that you are honest—you do not ‘protect’ anyone, because you do not consider the position of people, but teach the way of God in truth—is it right to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
24913  MRK 15:18  and began to ‘acclaim’ Him by saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”
24914  MRK 15:19  They kept hitting Him on the head with a rod and spitting on Him, and kneeling down they would ‘worship’ Him.
24921  MRK 15:26  The statement of His ‘crime’ that had been written was: THE KING OF THE JEWS.
25247  LUK 6:32  Also, if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them.
25248  LUK 6:33  And if you do good to those doing good to you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ do the same.
25249  LUK 6:34  And if you lend to those from whom you expect to get it back, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ lend to ‘sinners’, to receive an equal value back.
25394  LUK 9:24  Because whoever desires to ‘save’ his life will waste it, but whoever ‘wastes’ his life for my sake, he will save it.
25468  LUK 10:36  So which of these three, would you say, was ‘neighbor’ to him who ran into the robbers?”
25508  LUK 11:34  The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, whenever your ‘eye’ is good, your whole body is illuminated. But when it is malignant, your body also is darkened.
25509  LUK 11:35  So see to it that the ‘light’ in you not be darkness.
25529  LUK 12:1  Meanwhile, when a crowd of thousands had converged, so that they were stepping on each other, He began to speak first to His disciples: “Guard yourselves from the ‘yeast’ of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
25561  LUK 12:33  Sell your possessions and give to charity. Make for yourselves ‘purses’ that will not wear out, an unfailing treasure in the heavens, where a thief cannot approach, nor a moth destroy.
25658  LUK 15:1  Then all the tax collectors and ‘sinners’ were getting close to Him to hear Him.
25659  LUK 15:2  Well the Pharisees and the scribes started complaining, saying, “This man welcomes ‘sinners’ and eats with them.”
25697  LUK 16:8  The master even ‘commended’ the dishonest manager, because he had acted shrewdly. The sons of this age are shrewder in their own generation than the sons of the Light.
25753  LUK 17:33  Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever ‘wastes’ it will preserve it.
25895  LUK 20:47  who ‘devour’ widows' houses, and for a show make long prayers. These will receive more severe judgment.”
26366  JHN 6:40  Again this is the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who ‘sees’ the Son and believes into Him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
26548  JHN 9:39  And Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see may see, and those who ‘see’ may become blind.”
26550  JHN 9:41  Jesus said to them: “If you were ‘blind’ you would not have sin. But now you say, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains.
26585  JHN 10:35  If He called them ‘gods’ to whom the Word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—
26674  JHN 12:25  The one ‘loving’ his life will waste it, and the one ‘hating’ his life, in this world, will preserve it into eternal life.
26712  JHN 13:13  You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’, and you speak correctly, because I am.
26813  JHN 16:18  So they said: “What is this ‘little’ that He mentions? We do not know what He is talking about.”
26907  JHN 19:13  Well, upon hearing this statement Pilate led Jesus outside and sat down on the judgment seat, in a place called ‘Stone Pavement’, while in Hebrew ‘Gabatha’
27038  ACT 2:20  The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into ‘blood’ before the great and glorious day of the Lord will come.
27342  ACT 10:14  But Peter said: “No way, Lord! Never have I eaten anything ‘common’ or unclean!”
27356  ACT 10:28  Then he said to them: “You know how it is unlawful for a Jewish man to associate with or to approach a different race; but God has shown me that I should not call any man ‘common’ or unclean.
27384  ACT 11:8  So I said: ‘No way, Lord! Never has anything ‘common’ or unclean entered my mouth!’
27752  ACT 21:20  But after listening they ‘glorified’ the Lord by saying to him: “You see, brother, how many tens of thousands are the Jews who have believed, and they are all zealous for the law;
27944  ACT 27:21  Now after long abstinence from food, Paul stood up in the midst of them and said: “Well men, it would have been better to take my advice and not sail from Crete, only to ‘gain’ this damage and loss.
28156  ROM 6:20  For when you were slaves to the sin, you were ‘free’ from the righteousness.
28157  ROM 6:21  So what ‘fruit’ did you have at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? The end of those things is death!
28158  ROM 6:22  But now, having been emancipated from the sin, and having become enslaved to God, you have your ‘fruit’ into sanctification—and the end is eternal life!
28162  ROM 7:3  So then, if she should ‘marry’ another man while her husband is living, she will be labeled an adulteress; but if the husband should die, she is free from that law, not being an adulteress if she marries another man.
28170  ROM 7:11  Because the sin, grasping an opportunity through the commandment, completely deceived me, and used it to ‘kill’ me.
28173  ROM 7:14  We know that the law is spiritual, but I am fleshly, having been ‘sold’ under sin
28182  ROM 7:23  but I see a different ‘law’ in my body parts, warring against the law of my mind and taking me captive to the law of the sin that is in my body parts.
28230  ROM 9:7  Neither are they all ‘children’ because they are Abraham's descendants; but, “in Isaac will your seed be called.”
28293  ROM 11:16  Now if the ‘firstfruit’ is holy, so is the whole batch; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.
28302  ROM 11:25  Brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant of this ‘mystery’ (so that you not be conceited): hardening has come upon Israel in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.
28452  1CO 1:21  For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through its ‘wisdom’ did not get to know God, it pleased God to save the believing ones through the ‘foolishness’ of what was preached—
28456  1CO 1:25  because the ‘foolishness’ of God is wiser than men, and the ‘weakness’ of God is stronger than men.
28463  1CO 2:1  So when I came to you, brothers, I did not come proclaiming God's testimony to you with a ‘superior’ speech or wisdom.
28464  1CO 2:2  For I determined to ‘know’ nothing while among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
28496  1CO 3:18  Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become ‘foolish’ so that he may become wise.
28509  1CO 4:8  You are already stuffed! You are already rich! You have become ‘kings’ without us! I could wish that you really did reign, so that we might be kings with you too!
28547  1CO 6:12  All things are ‘permissible’ for me, but not all things are expedient. All things are ‘permissible’ for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.
28600  1CO 8:5  For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on the earth (since there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords’),
28604  1CO 8:9  But take care lest somehow this ‘right’ of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.
28658  1CO 10:23  All things are ‘permissible’ for me, but not all things are expedient. All things are ‘permissible’ for me, but not all things edify.
28664  1CO 10:29  ‘Conscience’ I say, not your own but that of the other. Now just why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience?
28687  1CO 11:19  For there would really need to be factions among you so that the ‘approved’ ones may be recognized among you.
28748  1CO 14:2  Because he who speaks in a ‘language’ is not speaking to people but to God, since no one understands; in spirit he speaks mysteries.
28750  1CO 14:4  The one speaking in a ‘language’ edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the congregation.
28751  1CO 14:5  I could wish that you all spoke in ‘languages’, but even more that you might prophesy; because the one prophesying is greater than the one speaking in ‘languages’ (unless he interprets), so that the congregation may receive edification.
28752  1CO 14:6  Now then, brothers, what good will I do you if I come to you speaking in ‘languages’ instead of addressing you with revelation, or with knowledge, or with prophecy, or with teaching?
28759  1CO 14:13  Therefore the one speaking in a ‘language’ should pray that he may interpret.
28764  1CO 14:18  I thank my God speaking in ‘languages’ more than you all,
28768  1CO 14:22  Therefore the ‘languages’ are for a sign, not to believers but to unbelievers; while prophesying is not for unbelievers but for believers.
28818  1CO 15:32  If I fought human ‘animals’ in Ephesus, what did I gain? If the dead are not raised, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”
28828  1CO 15:42  The resurrection of the dead is like that: the body is ‘planted’ in deterioration and it is raised in incorruptibility;
28829  1CO 15:43  it is ‘planted’ in dishonor and it is raised in glory; it is ‘planted’ in weakness and it is raised in power;
28830  1CO 15:44  it is ‘planted’ a natural body and it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.
28912  2CO 3:3  you are manifestly a letter of Christ, mediated by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets but on ‘tablets’ that are hearts of flesh.)
28946  2CO 5:1  Now then, we know that though our earthly, tent-like ‘house’ may be destroyed, we have a building from God (not a handmade house), eternal in the heavens.
28949  2CO 5:4  Yes, being in this ‘tent’ is a burden, so we groan—not enough to want to strip, but to be really clothed; that what is mortal may be swallowed up by the Life.
28961  2CO 5:16  So then, from now on we regard no one from a fleshly perspective—even if we have ‘known’ Christ in this way, we do so no longer—
28963  2CO 5:18  And that ‘all’ is from the God who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ and given us the ministry of the reconciliation,
28974  2CO 6:8  through glory and dishonor, through defamation and good repute; as ‘deceivers’ and true,
29029  2CO 9:5  So I considered it necessary to urge the brothers to go to you in advance and finish preparing the ‘blessing’ you had promised, that it be ready, representing generosity and not stinginess.
29032  2CO 9:8  Further, God is able to make all ‘grace’ abound toward you, that always having all sufficiency in everything you may abound to every good work—
29041  2CO 10:2  Yes, I beg you, that when I am present I may not have to be bold with the confidence that I will ‘dare’ to visit upon some who think that we are walking in a fleshly manner.
29046  2CO 10:7  Do you only look at the ‘face’ of things? If anyone has persuaded himself that he is Christ's, let him consider this again with himself, that just as he is Christ's, so also we are Christ's.
29048  2CO 10:9  so as not to appear to agree that it is only with letters that I ‘terrify’ you.
29049  2CO 10:10  Because some say, “His letters are ‘heavy’ and forceful, but his physical presence is weak, and his speech can be disdained.”
29061  2CO 11:4  For if someone comes and preaches another ‘Jesus’ whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you easily put up with it.
29065  2CO 11:8  I ‘robbed’ other congregations, receiving support from them so as to serve you,
29070  2CO 11:13  Such men are really false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into ‘apostles’ of Christ.
29077  2CO 11:20  In fact, you even put up with someone who enslaves you, who ‘devours’ you, who takes advantage, who exalts himself, who beats on your face!
29080  2CO 11:23  Are they ministers of Christ? (I'm being irrational) I am more: in labors more abundantly, in beatings beyond count, in prison more frequently, in ‘deaths’ often—
29176  GAL 3:7  Now you must know that only those who are of faith are ‘sons’ of Abraham.
29222  GAL 4:24  I will now allegorize them—these are two covenants: one is from Mount Sinai, bearing children into slavery, which is ‘Hagar’
29223  GAL 4:25  (for this ‘Hagar’ is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present day Jerusalem, and is in slavery with her children);
29224  GAL 4:26  while the ‘Jerusalem’ that is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
29259  GAL 6:4  Let each one test his own work, and then do his ‘boasting’ only within himself, never to someone else.
29282  EPH 1:9  having made known to us the ‘secret’ of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him[S],
29307  EPH 2:11  So then, remember that once you physical Gentiles—called ‘uncircumcision’ by the so-called ‘circumcision’ (that made in flesh with hands)—
29321  EPH 3:3  how that by revelation He made known to me the ‘secret’ (as I have written briefly already,