Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engoebcw   Word;    February 25, 2023 at 00:09    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

7138  RUT 1:9  The Lord grant that each of you may find peace and happiness in the house of a new husband.’ Then she kissed them; but they began to weep aloud
7145  RUT 1:16  But Ruth answered, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to go back. I will go where you go, and I will stay wherever you stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God;
7174  RUT 2:23  So she gleaned with the girls of Boaz until the end of the barley and wheat harvest; but she lived with her mother-in-law.
7196  RUT 4:4  and I thought that I would lay the matter before you, suggesting that you buy it in the presence of these men who sit here and of the elders of my people. If you will buy it and so keep it in the possession of the family, do so; but if not; then tell me, so that I may know; for no one but you has the right to buy it, and I am next to you.’ ‘I will buy it,’ he said.
7199  RUT 4:7  Now this used to be the custom in Israel: to make valid anything relating to a matter of redemption or exchange, a man drew off his sandal and gave it to the other man; and this was the way contracts were attested in Israel.
7205  RUT 4:13  So Boaz married Ruth, and she became his wife; and the Lord gave to her a son.
7207  RUT 4:15  This child will restore your vigor and nourish you in your old age; for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is worth more to you than seven sons, has borne a son to Boaz!’
12735  EST 2:7  Mordecai had adopted Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle’s daughter, since she had neither father nor mother. The girl was shapely and beautiful; and after her father and mother died, Mordecai raised her as if she was his own daughter.
12835  EST 8:14  So the couriers who rode the swift, noble steeds went out, hastened and impelled by the king’s commands! Meantime the decree had been given out in the royal palace at Susa;
12848  EST 9:10  the ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Jews’ enemy; but they did not take any plunder.
12870  EST 9:32  And the commands of Esther confirmed these matters of Purim; and it was written in the records.
13947  PSA 1:4  Not so fare the wicked, not so; like chaff are they, blown by the wind.
13961  PSA 2:12  lest, angry, he hurl you to ruin; for soon will his fury blaze. Happy all who take refuge in him.
13979  PSA 4:9  So in peace I will lie down and sleep; for you, Lord, keep me safe.
13990  PSA 5:11  Condemn them, God; let their schemes bring them down to the ground. For their numberless crimes thrust them down for playing the rebel against you.
13995  PSA 6:3  Lord, be gracious to me in my weakness. Heal me Lord, for racked is my body;
13997  PSA 6:5  Turn, Lord, rescue me; save me, because of your love.
13998  PSA 6:6  For in death none can call you to mind; in Sheol who can praise you?
14000  PSA 6:8  My eyes swollen with grief; from weeping caused by my foes.
14005  PSA 7:2  Lord my God, I take refuge in you. Deliver me, save me from all who pursue me;
14018  PSA 7:15  The enemy who conceives evil; pregnant with mischief, giving birth to lies,
14019  PSA 7:16  a pit they have made and dug; but into the hole that they made they will fall.
14020  PSA 7:17  On their own heads their mischief comes back; on their own skulls their violence comes down.
14029  PSA 8:8  sheep and oxen, all of them; and the wild beasts also:
14034  PSA 9:3  I will rejoice and exult in you, singing praise to your name, Most High;
14045  PSA 9:14  Show me favour, Lord, see how my foes afflict me, lift me up from the gates of death;
14051  PSA 9:20  Arise, Lord; don’t let them triumph: before your face let the nations be judged.
14055  PSA 10:3  For the wicked boasts of their wanton greed; the robber despises the Lord, and curses him,
14057  PSA 10:5  Never a season that they do not prosper; your judgments are far above out of their sight: they scoff at their foes.
14058  PSA 10:6  Each says in their heart, ‘I will never be shaken; I will live for all time untouched by misfortune.’
14061  PSA 10:9  Like a lion that lurks in a secret lair they lurk intending to catch the defenceless; to seize them, to drag them away in their net.
14066  PSA 10:14  You have seen the trouble and sorrow; you mark it all, and will take it in hand. The hapless can count on you, helper of orphans.
14077  PSA 11:7  For the Lord is just, and justice he loves; so the upright will see his face.
14083  PSA 12:6  ‘The poor are despoiled, and the needy are sighing; so now I will act,’ the Lord declares ‘And place them in the safety they long for.’
14093  PSA 14:1  Fools say in their heart, ‘There is no God.’ Vile, hateful their life is; not one does good.
14095  PSA 14:3  But all have turned bad, the taint is on all; not one does good, no, not one.
14097  PSA 14:5  Sore afraid will they be; for God is among those who are righteous,
14101  PSA 15:2  The person whose walk is blameless, whose conduct is right, whose words are true and sincere;
14103  PSA 15:4  nor cruelly insult a neighbour, who regards with contempt those rejected by God; but honours those who obey the Lord, who keeps an oath, whatever the cost,
14107  PSA 16:3  Those who are holy in the land, they, they alone, are the noble ones; all my delight is in them.’
14113  PSA 16:9  So my heart is glad, there is joy inside me; and in safety of body I live.
14116  PSA 17:1  Listen, O Lord, to my innocence; attend to my piercing cry. Give heed to my prayer out of lips unfeigned.
14121  PSA 17:6  So I call you, O God, with assurance of answer; bend down your ear to me, hear what I say.
14137  PSA 18:7  In distress I cried to the Lord, and shouted for help to my God; in his temple he heard my voice, into his ears came my cry.
14161  PSA 18:31  As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure. He is shield to all who take refuge in him.
14172  PSA 18:42  They cried for help, but none saved them; to the Lord, but he answered them not.
14185  PSA 19:4  without speaking, without words; without the sound of voices.
14193  PSA 19:12  By them is your servant warned; who keeps them has rich reward.
14204  PSA 20:8  Some in chariots are strong, some in horses; but our strength is the Lord our God.
14214  PSA 21:8  For the king puts always his trust in the Lord; the Most High, in his love, will preserve him unshaken.
14227  PSA 22:7  But I am a worm, not a person; insulted by others, despised by the people.
14229  PSA 22:9  ‘He relies on the Lord; let him save him. Let him rescue the one he holds dear!’
14236  PSA 22:16  My palate is dry as a sherd, my tongue sticks to my jaws; in the dust of death you lay me.
14246  PSA 22:26  Of you is my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him.
14248  PSA 22:28  All will call it to mind, to the ends of the earth, and turn to the Lord; and all tribes of the nations will bow down before you.
14251  PSA 22:31  My descendants will tell of the Lord to the next generation;
14257  PSA 23:5  You spread a table for me in face of my foes; with oil you anoint my head, and my cup runs over.
14265  PSA 24:7  Lift high your heads, you gates – Higher, you ancient doors; welcome the glorious king.
14267  PSA 24:9  Lift high your heads, you gates – Higher, you ancient doors; welcome the glorious king.
14270  PSA 25:2  In you I trust, put me not to shame; let not my foes exult over me.
14275  PSA 25:7  Do not remember the sins of my youth; remember me in kindness, because of your goodness, Lord.
14285  PSA 25:17  In my heart are strain and storm; bring me out of my distresses.
14291  PSA 26:1  Defend me, O Lord, for my walk has been blameless; in the Lord have I trusted unswervingly:
14292  PSA 26:2  Examine me, Lord, and test me; test my heart and my mind.
14295  PSA 26:5  I hate the assembly of knaves, I would never sit down with the wicked;
14299  PSA 26:9  Do not gather me up with sinners; slay me not with people of blood,
14303  PSA 27:1  The Lord is my light and my saviour; whom then should I fear? The Lord protects my life; whom then should I dread?
14312  PSA 27:10  for father and mother have left me; but the Lord will take me up.
14314  PSA 27:12  Give me not up, O Lord, unto the rage of my foes; for against me have risen false witnesses, breathing out cruelty.
14317  PSA 28:1  Unto you, O Lord, do I cry; my rock, be not deaf to me: lest, through holding your peace, I become like those who go down to the pit.
14321  PSA 28:5  They are blind to all that the Lord does, to all that his hands have wrought; and so he will tear them down, to build them up no more.
14323  PSA 28:7  The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him. I was helped: so my heart is exultant, and in my song I will praise him.
14334  PSA 29:9  The Lord’s voice whirls the oaks, and strips the forests bare; and all in his temple say ‘Glory.’
14341  PSA 30:5  Sing praise to the Lord, faithful people; give thanks to his holy name.
14348  PSA 30:12  You have turned my mourning to dancing; my sackcloth you have unloosed, and clothed me with joy:
14351  PSA 31:2  In you, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me in your faithfulness;
14353  PSA 31:4  For my rock and my fortress are you; lead me and guide me so your name will be honoured.
14356  PSA 31:7  I hate those devoted to worthless idols; I trust in the Lord.
14359  PSA 31:10  Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am distressed; my eye is wasted away with sorrow.
14364  PSA 31:15  But my trust is in you, Lord. ‘You are my God,’ I say;
14373  PSA 31:24  Love the Lord, all you faithful; the Lord protects the loyal, but repays the haughty in full.
14377  PSA 32:3  When I held my peace, my bones wore away with my endless groaning;
14379  PSA 32:5  I began to acknowledge my sin, not concealing my guilt; and the moment I vowed to confess to the Lord my transgression, then you yourself did pardon the guilt of my sin. Selah
14380  PSA 32:6  For this cause let all who are faithful pray to you in the time of distress; then, when the great waters rush, they will not reach to him.
14385  PSA 32:11  Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous; and ring out your joy, all you upright in heart.
14389  PSA 33:4  For the Lord is straight in his promise; and all that he does is in faithfulness.
14390  PSA 33:5  Justice and right he loves; the earth is full of his kindness.
14398  PSA 33:13  The Lord looks down from heaven, he sees all of humanity;
14401  PSA 33:16  It is not by great armies that kings are victorious, it is not by great strength that a warrior saves himself;
14403  PSA 33:18  See! The eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his kindness;
14422  PSA 34:15  Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
14429  PSA 34:22  Misfortune will slay the ungodly; those who hate the righteous are doomed.
14438  PSA 35:8  Upon them may ruin come unawares; may the net which they hid catch themselves, and into the pit may they fall.
14439  PSA 35:9  Then I will exult in the Lord, and be joyful because of his help;
14450  PSA 35:20  For it is not peace that they speak of those who are quiet in the land; but treacherous charges they plot.
14472  PSA 37:1  Be not kindled to wrath at the wicked, nor envious of those who work wrong;
14474  PSA 37:3  Trust in the Lord, and do good; remain in the land, and deal faithfully:
14476  PSA 37:5  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act,
14483  PSA 37:12  The wicked plots against the righteous, snarls like a wild animal;
14485  PSA 37:14  The wicked have drawn the sword, and bent the bow, to fell the poor, to slay those who walk uprightly;