Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engourb   Word’Word    February 25, 2023 at 00:09    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

27  GEN 1:27  God created man in his own likeness. In God’s image he created him; zachar ·male· and n'keivah ·female· he created them.
60  GEN 3:4  The serpent said to the woman, “You won’t surely die,
64  GEN 3:8  They sh'ma ·heard obeyed· Adonai God’s voice walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Adonai God among the trees of the garden.
73  GEN 3:17  To Adam [Human, Red earth] he said, “Because you have sh'ma ·hear obey· your wife’s voice, and ate from the tree, about which I enjoined you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ the ground is cursed for your sake. You will eat from it with much labor all the days of your life.
85  GEN 4:5  but he didn’t respect Cain [Acquisition] and his offering. Cain [Acquisition] was very angry, and the expression on his face fell.
87  GEN 4:7  If you do well, won’t it be lifted up? If you don’t do well, sin crouches at the door. Its desire is for you, but you are to rule over it.”
89  GEN 4:9  Adonai said to Cain [Acquisition], “Where is Abel [Vanity, Mourning], your brother?” He said, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
90  GEN 4:10  Adonai said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground.
91  GEN 4:11  Now you are cursed because of the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.
92  GEN 4:12  From now on, when you till the ground, it won’t yield its strength to you. You will be a fugitive and a wanderer in the earth.”
101  GEN 4:21  His brother’s name was Jubal, who was the father of all who handle the harp and pipe.
107  GEN 5:1  This is the book of the generations of Adam [Human, Red earth]. In the day that God created man, he made him in God’s likeness.
128  GEN 5:22  After Methuselah’s birth, Enoch walked with God for three hundred years, and became the father of more sons and daughters.
140  GEN 6:2  Beni-Elohim ·Sons of Elohim God· saw that men’s daughters were beautiful, and they took any that they wanted for themselves as wives.
142  GEN 6:4  The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the Beni-Elohim ·Sons of Elohim God· came in to men’s daughters and had children with them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
143  GEN 6:5  Adonai saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was continually only evil.
171  GEN 7:11  In the six hundredth year of Noah [Rest]’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep were burst open, and the sky’s windows were opened.
186  GEN 8:2  The deep’s fountains and the sky’s windows were also stopped, and the rain from the sky was restrained.
188  GEN 8:4  The ship rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on Ararat’s mountains.
196  GEN 8:12  He waited yet another seven days, and sent out the dove; and she didn’t return to him any more.
205  GEN 8:21  Adonai smelled the pleasant aroma. Adonai said in his heart, “I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake because the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. I will never again strike every living thing, as I have done.
211  GEN 9:5  I will surely require your blood of your lives; at the hand of every animal I will require it. At the hand of man, even at the hand of every man’s brother, I will require the life of man.
212  GEN 9:6  Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his own image.
229  GEN 9:23  Shem [Name] and Japheth [Enlargement, Spreading wide] took a garment, and laid it on both their shoulders, went in backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were backwards, and they didn’t see their father’s nakedness.
260  GEN 10:25  To Eber were born two sons. The name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided. His brother’s name was Joktan.
270  GEN 11:3  They said to one another, “Come, let’s make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar.
271  GEN 11:4  They said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top reaches to the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad on the surface of the whole earth.”
274  GEN 11:7  Come, let’s go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not sh'ma ·hear understand obey· one another’s speech.”
296  GEN 11:29  Avram [Exalted father] and Nahor married wives. The name of Avram [Exalted father]’s wife was Sarai [Mockery], and the name of Nahor’s wife was Milcah, the daughter of Haran [Mountaineer] who was also the father of Iscah.
298  GEN 11:31  Terah took Avram [Exalted father] his son, Lot [Veil, Covering] the son of Haran [Mountaineer], his son’s son, and Sarai [Mockery] his daughter-in-law, his son Avram [Exalted father]’s wife. They went from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan [Humbled]. They came to Haran [Mountaineer] and lived there.
300  GEN 12:1  Now Adonai said to Avram [Exalted father], “Leave your country, and your relatives, and your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you.
304  GEN 12:5  Avram [Exalted father] took Sarai [Mockery] his wife, Lot [Veil, Covering] his brother’s son, all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran [Mountaineer], and they went to go into the land of Canaan [Humbled]. They entered into the land of Canaan [Humbled].
314  GEN 12:15  The princes of Pharaoh saw her, and praised her to Pharaoh; and the woman was taken into Pharaoh’s house.
317  GEN 12:18  Pharaoh called Avram [Exalted father] and said, “What is this that you have done to me? Why didn’t you tell me that she was your wife?
349  GEN 14:12  They took Lot [Veil, Covering], Avram [Exalted father]’s brother’s son, who lived in Sodom [Burning], and his goods, and departed.
354  GEN 14:17  The king of Sodom [Burning] went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, at the valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley).
371  GEN 15:10  He brought him all these, and divided them in the middle, and laid each half opposite the other; but he didn’t divide the birds.
394  GEN 16:12  He will be like a wild donkey among men. His hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. He will live opposite all of his brothers.”
428  GEN 18:3  and said, “My lord, if now I have found chen ·grace· in your sight, please don’t go away from your servant.
440  GEN 18:15  Then Sarah [Princess] denied it, saying, “I didn’t laugh,” for she was afraid. He said, “No, but you did laugh.”
454  GEN 18:29  He spoke to him yet again, and said, “What if there are forty found there?” He said, “I will not do it for the forty’s sake.”
455  GEN 18:30  He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be angry, and I will speak. What if there are thirty found there?” He said, “I will not do it, if I find thirty there.”
456  GEN 18:31  He said, “See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord. What if there are twenty found there?” He said, “I will not destroy it for the twenty’s sake.”
457  GEN 18:32  He said, “Oh don’t let the Lord be angry, and I will speak just once more. What if ten are found there?” He said, “I will not destroy it for the ten’s sake.”
460  GEN 19:2  and he said, “See now, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, stay all night, wash your feet, and you can rise up early, and go on your way.” They said, “No, but we will stay in the street all night.”
465  GEN 19:7  He said, “Please, my brothers, don’t act so wickedly.
466  GEN 19:8  See now, I have two virgin daughters. Please let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them what seems good to you. Only don’t do anything to these men, because they have come under the shadow of my roof.”
474  GEN 19:16  But he lingered; and the men grabbed his hand, his wife’s hand, and his two daughters’ hands, Adonai being merciful to him; and they took him out, and set him outside of the city.
475  GEN 19:17  It came to pass, when they had taken them out, that he said, “Escape for your life! Don’t look behind you, and don’t stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be consumed!”
477  GEN 19:19  See now, your servant has found chen ·grace· in your sight, and you have magnified your cheshed ·loving-kindness·, which you have shown to me in saving my life. I can’t escape to the mountain, lest evil overtake me, and I die.
480  GEN 19:22  Hurry, escape there, for I can’t do anything until you get there.” Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar [Small].
490  GEN 19:32  Come, let’s make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve our father’s family line.”
491  GEN 19:33  They made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father. He didn’t know when she lay down, nor when she arose.
492  GEN 19:34  It came to pass on the next day, that the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let us make him drink wine again, tonight. You go in, and lie with him, that we may preserve our father’s family line.”
493  GEN 19:35  They made their father drink wine that night also. The younger went and lay with him. He didn’t know when she lay down, nor when she got up.
499  GEN 20:3  But God came to Abimelech [My father king] in a dream of the night, and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead man, because of the woman whom you have taken. For she is a man’s wife.”
501  GEN 20:5  Didn’t he tell me, ‘She is my sister?’ She, even she herself, said, ‘He is my brother.’ In the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands have I done this.”
502  GEN 20:6  God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld you from sinning against me. Therefore I didn’t allow you to touch her.
503  GEN 20:7  Now therefore, restore the man’s wife. For he is a prophet, and he will pray for you, and you will live. If you don’t restore her, know for sure that you will die, you, and all who are yours.”
507  GEN 20:11  Abraham [Father of a multitude] said, “Because I thought, ‘Surely the fear of God is not in this place. They will kill me for my wife’s sake.’
509  GEN 20:13  When God caused me to wander from my father’s house, I said to her, ‘This is your cheshed ·loving-kindness· which you shall show to me. Everywhere that we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’”
531  GEN 21:17  God sh'ma ·heard obeyed· the voice of the boy. Ha mal'ak Elohim [The Angel of God] called to Hagar [Flight] out of the sky, and said to her, “What ails you, Hagar [Flight]? Don’t be afraid. For God has sh'ma ·hear obey· the voice of the boy where he is.
537  GEN 21:23  Now, therefore, swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my son’s son. But according to the cheshed ·loving-kindness· that I have done to you, you shall do to me, and to the land in which you have lived as a foreigner.”
540  GEN 21:26  Abimelech [My father king] said, “I don’t know who has done this thing. You didn’t tell me, and I didn’t sh'ma ·heard obeyed· of it until today.”
598  GEN 24:6  Abraham [Father of a multitude] said to him, “Beware that you don’t bring my son there again.
599  GEN 24:7  Adonai, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my birth, who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, ‘I will give this land to your offspring. He will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there.
602  GEN 24:10  The servant took ten camels, of his master’s camels, and departed, having a variety of good things of his master’s with him. He arose, and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor.
615  GEN 24:23  and said, “Whose daughter are you? Please tell me. Is there room in your father’s house for us to lodge in?”
619  GEN 24:27  He said, “Blessed be Adonai, the God of my master Abraham [Father of a multitude], who has not forsaken his cheshed ·loving-kindness· and his truth toward my master. As for me, Adonai has led me on the way to the house of my master’s relatives.”
620  GEN 24:28  The young lady ran, and told her mother’s house about these words.
622  GEN 24:30  When he saw the ring, and the bracelets on his sister’s hands, and when he sh'ma ·heard obeyed· the words of Rebekah [Securely bound] his sister, saying, “This is what the man said to me,” he came to the man. Behold, he was standing by the camels at the spring.
628  GEN 24:36  Sarah [Princess], my master’s wife, bore a son to my master when she was old. He has given all that he has to him.
630  GEN 24:38  but you shall go to my father’s house, and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son.’
632  GEN 24:40  He said to me, ‘Adonai, before whom I walk, will send his angel with you, and prosper your way. You shall take a wife for my son from my relatives, and of my father’s house.
633  GEN 24:41  Then will you be clear from my oath, when you come to my relatives. If they don’t give her to you, you shall be clear from my oath.’
636  GEN 24:44  and she will tell me, “Drink, and I will also draw for your camels,”— let her be the woman whom Adonai has appointed for my master’s son.’
639  GEN 24:47  I asked her, and said, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ She said, ‘The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bore to him.’ I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands.
640  GEN 24:48  I bowed my head, and worshiped Adonai, and blessed Adonai, the God of my master Abraham [Father of a multitude], who had led me in the right way to take my master’s brother’s daughter for his son.
642  GEN 24:50  Then Laban [White] and Bethuel answered, “The thing proceeds from Adonai . We can’t speak to you bad or good.
643  GEN 24:51  Behold, Rebekah [Securely bound] is before you. Take her, and go, and let her be your master’s son’s wife, as Adonai has spoken.”
659  GEN 24:67  Isaac [Laughter] brought her into his mother Sarah [Princess]’s tent, and took Rebekah [Securely bound], and she became his wife. He 'ahav ·affectionately loved· her. Isaac [Laughter] was comforted after his mother’s death.
687  GEN 25:28  Now Isaac [Laughter] 'ahav ·affectionately loved· Esau [Hairy], because he ate Esau’s venison. Rebekah [Securely bound] 'ahav ·affectionately loved· Jacob [Supplanter].
708  GEN 26:15  Now all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his father, the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] had stopped, and filled with earth.
715  GEN 26:22  He left that place, and dug another well. They didn’t argue over that one. He called it Rehoboth. He said, “For now Adonai has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land.” (4)
717  GEN 26:24  Adonai appeared to him the same night, and said, “I am the God of Abraham [Father of a multitude] your father. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you, and will bless you, and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham [Father of a multitude]’s sake.”
730  GEN 27:2  He said, “See now, I am old. I don’t know the day of my death.
751  GEN 27:23  He didn’t recognize him, because his hands were hairy, like his brother, Esau [Hairy]’s hands. So he blessed him.
753  GEN 27:25  He said, “Bring it near to me, and I will eat of my son’s venison, that my soul may bless you.” He brought it near to him, and he ate. He brought him wine, and he drank.
757  GEN 27:29  Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers. Let your mother’s sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you. Blessed be everyone who blesses you.”
759  GEN 27:31  He also made savory food, and brought it to his father. He said to his father, “Let my father arise, and eat of his son’s venison, that your soul may bless me.”
772  GEN 27:44  Stay with him a few days, until your brother’s fury turns away;
773  GEN 27:45  until your brother’s anger turn away from you, and he forgets what you have done to him. Then I will send, and get you from there. Why should I be bereaved of you both in one day?”
776  GEN 28:2  Arise, go to Paddan Aram [Elevated], to the house of Bethuel your mother’s father. Take a wife from there from the daughters of Laban [White], your mother’s brother.
782  GEN 28:8  Esau [Hairy] saw that the daughters of Canaan [Humbled] didn’t please Isaac [Laughter], his father.
790  GEN 28:16  Jacob [Supplanter] awakened out of his sleep, and he said, “Surely Adonai is in this place, and I didn’t know it.”
791  GEN 28:17  He was afraid, and said, “How dreadful is this place! This is none other than God’s house, and this is the gate of heaven.”
795  GEN 28:21  so that I come again to my father’s house in peace, and Adonai will be my God,
796  GEN 28:22  then this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, will be God’s house. Of all that you will give me I will surely give a tenth to you.”
798  GEN 29:2  He looked, and behold, a well in the field, and, behold, three flocks of sheep lying there by it. For out of that well they watered the flocks. The stone on the well’s mouth was large.
799  GEN 29:3  There all the flocks were gathered. They rolled the stone from the well’s mouth, and watered the sheep, and put the stone again on the well’s mouth in its place.