23264 | MAT 3:3 | Johannes molwe profeta Isaiah ye kekapta kofal irel yodwe ye sor bo, “Ye tetawul semal mo lobosla ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo, ‘Ha hafle sew yalap bo yalepal Samol; ha hawwele mala yalepal!’” |
23288 | MAT 4:10 | Iwe Jesus sa sor bo, “Chuy mo igla ho, Satan! Babior we ye santus ye sor bo, ‘Deus chog mele habe hasrowu ngo ha tagul ngali, ngo tor semal mo solbos!’” |
23711 | MAT 15:9 | Tor pelal le rebe hasrowuyey bo hatobtob kala re fofoloyu, ila foriyel yarmat ngo re sala foruloh le yai hatobtob!’” |
23937 | MAT 21:42 | Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha ted yawli mwo molwe Babior we ye Santus ye sor? ‘Feas we sallap kowe re ppedaloh bo tor pelal, ila feas la sala mel le ye hartal palleng pelal. Mele ila Samol mele ye foru le be iye sengal; ye foru le tor hapagol yal kamdidiy!’” |
24287 | MRK 1:3 | Semal yarmat ila ye tetawul mo lobowe ye tolmay loh le ye sor bo: ‘Ha hafle mala yalepal Samol; ha haforu bo be wwel bo yebe darloh iyang!’” |
24753 | MRK 12:11 | Mele ila Samol mele ye foru le be iye sengal; ye foru le tor hapagol yal kkamdidiy!’” |
25100 | LUK 3:6 | Panger yarmat ngo re bele wiri Demer we Deus yebe fangdiy!’” |
25646 | LUK 14:24 | Ibe kangalugmi le tor semal mo irer rechokwe iy mol dengag ir metamo le yebe songu sugfed mo irel mongol gubul le yai!’” |
25762 | LUK 18:5 | Ibele taldi mo irel meka yesa weres iyang. Hare ibe te taldi, ngo ibele nguch irel yal budoh loh chog irey!’” |
25770 | LUK 18:13 | Ngo yeramtawe ma hattey paliyel raeg ye su chog mo medaw le yete terdah le ye tutugu mala metal ubal ngo sa sor bo, ‘Deus, fahoy depom ngalyey bo ngang semal choto hamolfid!’” |
25827 | LUK 19:27 | Iwe ngo rechokla re ma hapaliyel ngalyey le rete dipliyey bo ibe mel bo yar king, ila habe hasirdoh iga bo habe llirdiy fael metay!’” |
26136 | JHN 1:23 | Johannes sa hatefaeli le ye kapta mokwe yalol profeta Isaiah we ye sor bo: “Ngang ‘yalol semal yarmat le ye tetawul mo lal lobosla ye tolmay loh: Ha hawwele yalap la be budoh Samol iyang!’” |
27472 | ACT 13:41 | ‘Ha kalladoh hami rechokla hama tap kamemal meka. Ha lluwdah yami mes! Bo mele ifoforu igla ila sew formel le ha towe chepar iyang, le ila mwo semal ye hamdefa ngalugmi!’” |
30073 | HEB 3:11 | Isa ssong ngo isa hatugulu bo, ‘Tor fael sew le rebe chil loh wol fuluwe medalbo ibe fang ngalir bo rebe hasoso iyang!’” |
30084 | HEB 4:3 | Gich ika ye tugul lal depach mele be yoh le sibe bulong luwul hasoso la Deus yesa hatugulu. Be wochog molwe ye sor bo, “Iy sa ssong ngo iy sa hatugulu bo: ‘Tor fael sew le rebe chil loh wol fuluwe medalbo iy be fang bo fuluyer rebe hasoso iyang!’” Deus ye sor mele le ila mwo yesa moll yal hatugulu mele yebe foru irel yodwe ye hasubu faileng le iyang. |