Wildebeest analysis examples for:   cuk-cuk   Word’,    February 11, 2023 at 18:20    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

2475  EXO 33:1  Geb Bab-Jehová Moisésʼga sogded: “Emigindi, wegi be nae. Be Egipto-yargi-dulemar-onosadmala be nae. Abrahamʼga, Isaacʼga, degi, Jacobʼga an ise-sogar-sogsad, ‘we-yala an be-waganga ukedseye’, a-yarse be namala.
7753  1SA 20:21  Geb sigu-sunaega, an-mai-wargwen an barmidoed. An ega sogdibe: ‘Be dake, sigumar wesik meremamaid be sunae’, dobsuli sunna be nodaged. ¡Bab-Jehová-Dula-Maid-nuggi an bega soged!
7754  1SA 20:22  Ar ega an sogerdi: ‘Be dake, sigumar bur egesik mamaid’, adi, Bab-Jehová naed be-abeged. ¡Degisoggu, be wakinsunnoed!
24732  MRK 11:23  Ar napira an bemarga soged, ar doa-dule we-yarga sogdibe: ‘Wegi-siid be ainire, be demarse nae’, a-dule bensulidgi deyob sogdibe, ar e-sogedba ibmar-ega-guo daksoggu, ar deyob ega ibmar guodo.
24740  MRK 11:31  Judío-dummagan na muchub-muchub sognanai guarmalad: “Anmar sogdibe: ‘Bab-Dummad barmiarye’, anmarga sogdagoed: ‘Degite, ¿ibiga bemar bengusmarsunna?’