Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-eng-t4t   P    February 11, 2023 at 18:26    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

22  GEN 1:22  God blessed them. He said,Produce offspring and become very numerous. I want the creatures in the water to live in all the oceans, and birds also to become very numerous.” And that is what happened.
28  GEN 1:28  God blessed them, saying,Produce many children, who will live all over the earth and rule over it. I want them to rule over the fish and the birds and over all creatures that scurry across the ground.”
42  GEN 2:11  The name of the first river is Pishon. That river flows through all the land of Havilah, where there is gold.
75  GEN 3:19  All your life you will sweat as you work hard to produce food to eat. Then you will die [EUP], and your body will be buried in the ground. I made you from soil, so when you die and are buried your body will decay and become soil again.”
87  GEN 4:7  If you had done what was right (OR, if you do what is right) [RHQ], I would accept your offering. But if you do not do what is right, your desire to sin is ready to attack you like a wild animal that [PRS] crouches outside the doorway, ready to spring on its victim [MET]. Your desire to sin wants to control you, but you must ◄control/not obey► it.”
92  GEN 4:12  You will till the ground to plant crops, but the ground will produce very few [HYP] crops. And you will continually wander around the earth, and not have any place to live permanently.”
105  GEN 4:25  Adam continued to ◄have sex/sleepwith [EUP] his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to another son, whom she named Seth, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘given’, because, she said, “God has given me another child to take the place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”
142  GEN 6:4  There were giants called Nephils who lived on the earth at that time and later. During that time some of the Nephil men who ◄belonged to/believed in► God had sex [EUP] with women who did not ◄belong to/believe in► God, and they gave birth to children. The Nephils were considered to be heroic fighters, and they became famous.
168  GEN 7:8  Pairs of animals, those that God said that he would accept for sacrifices and those that he would not accept for sacrifices, and pairs of birds and pairs of all the kinds of creatures that move close to the ground,
175  GEN 7:15  Pairs of all animals came to Noah and entered the boat.
183  GEN 7:23  God destroyed every living creature: People and animals and creatures that scurry across the ground and birds. Only Noah and those who were in the boat with him remained alive.
241  GEN 10:6  The descendants of Ham were Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.
249  GEN 10:14  Pathrus, Casluh and Caphtor people-groups. The Philistine people were descended from Casluh.
260  GEN 10:25  Eber became the father of two sons. One of them was named Peleg, which means ‘division’, because during the time he lived, people on [MTY] the earth became divided and scattered everywhere. Peleg’s younger brother was Joktan.
283  GEN 11:16  When Eber was 34 years old, he became the father of Peleg.
284  GEN 11:17  After Peleg was born, Eber lived 430 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
285  GEN 11:18  When Peleg was 30 years old, he became the father of Reu.
286  GEN 11:19  After Reu was born, Peleg lived 209 more years and became the father of other sons and daughters.
326  GEN 13:7  Furthermore, the descendants of Canaan and Perizzi were also living in that area, and the land really belonged to them. And the men who took care of Abram’s animals started quarreling with the men who took care of Lot’s animals.
335  GEN 13:16  I will cause your descendants to be as numerous as particles of dust! It will be easier to count the particles of dust than it will be to count your descendants [HYP].
343  GEN 14:6  They also defeated the Hor people-group in the hilly area of Seir as far as El-Paran near the desert.
376  GEN 15:15  But as for you, you will die [EUP] peacefully when you are very old.
381  GEN 15:20  the Heth, the Periz, the Repha,
384  GEN 16:2  So one day Sarai said to Abram, “Listen to me! Yahweh has not allowed me to become pregnant. So ◄sleep with/have sex with► [EUP] my slave Hagar. Perhaps she will bear children whom I can consider to be mine.” Abram agreed to do what Sarai said.
386  GEN 16:4  He ◄slept with/had sex with► [EUP] Hagar and she became pregnant. When she realized that she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress Sarai.
387  GEN 16:5  Then Sarai said to Abram, “It is your fault! I put my servant into your arms, so that you could sleep with her [EUP]. Now she realizes that she is pregnant, and she despises me. I think Yahweh will punish you for doing this to me!”
402  GEN 17:4  “Listen to this agreement that I am making with you: People of many nations will be your descendants.
416  GEN 17:18  Then Abraham said to God,Perhaps you will let Ishmael receive your blessing and inherit all I possess.”
463  GEN 19:5  They called out to Lot, saying, “Where are the men who came to your house this evening? Bring them out, so that we can have sex with them!” [EUP]
477  GEN 19:19  Please, listen. You have been pleased with me and have been very kind to me and spared my life. But I cannot flee to the mountain. If I try to do that, I will die in this disaster [PRS].
480  GEN 19:22  But hurry! Run there, because I cannot destroy anything until you arrive there.” People later called the name of the town Zoar which means ‘small’, because Lot said it was small.
489  GEN 19:31  One day the older daughter said to ◄the younger daughter/her sister►, “Our father is old, and there is no man in this area who can have sex [EUP] with us, as people all over the earth do.
490  GEN 19:32  Let’s make our father drink wine until he gets drunk. Then we can have sex with him [EUP] without him knowing it. In that way he will cause us to become pregnant and we can bear children.”
500  GEN 20:4  But Abimelech had not had sex [EUP] with her, so he said, “God, since the people of my nation and I am innocent; will you kill me?
502  GEN 20:6  God said to him in another dream, “Yes, I know that your motives were pure. That is why I truly prevented you from sinning against me. I did not allow you to have sex [EUP] with her.
512  GEN 20:16  And he said to Sarah, “Look here, I am giving 1,000 pieces of silver to your brother. This is to insure that no one will bring up this matter again and say that I have done something wrong. [EUP, IDM]”
535  GEN 21:21  He lived in Paran Desert. While e was there, Hagar got a wife for him from Egypt.
536  GEN 21:22  At that time, King Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, said to Abraham, “It is clear that God helps you with everything that you do.
546  GEN 21:32  After they made the agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and his army commander, Phicol, left, and returned to the land of the Philistine people-group.
548  GEN 21:34  Abraham lived in the land of the Philistine people-group for a long time.
570  GEN 22:22  After Kemuel was Kesad, then Hazo, then Pildash, then Jidlaph, then Bethuel,
582  GEN 23:10  Ephron was sitting among the people near the city gate where many [HYP] descendants of Heth had gathered. He heard what Abraham said to them.
594  GEN 24:2  One day Abraham said to the chief servant of his household, the man who was in charge of everything Abraham owned,Put your hand between my thighs to solemnly promise you will do what I tell you.
606  GEN 24:14  I am asking you this: ‘I will say to some girl,Please lower your jar so that I may drink some water.” If she says, “Drink some, and I will draw some water from the well for your camels, too,” I will know that she is the woman whom you chose to be a wife for your servant, Isaac, and I will know that you have been kind to my master.’”
609  GEN 24:17  Abraham’s servant immediately ran to meet her, and said,Please give me a little water from your jar.”
635  GEN 24:43  Listen to me. I am standing beside a well. A young woman may come to draw water. I will say to her,Please, give me a little water to drink from your jar.”
637  GEN 24:45  Before I finished praying, amazingly, Rebekah approached with her water jar on her shoulder. She went down to the well and got some water. I said to her,Please give me a drink!’
676  GEN 25:17  Ishmael lived until he was 137 years old. Then he died, [EUP] joining his ancestors who had previously died.
679  GEN 25:20  and when Isaac was 40 years old, he married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel. Bethuel was one of the descendants of Aram from Paddan-Aram. Rebekah was the sister of Laban, who belonged to the Aram people-group.
694  GEN 26:1  Some time later there was a severe ◄famine/scarcity of food► there. That was different from the famine that occurred when Abraham was alive. So Isaac went southeast to Gerar town, to talk to Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group. What happened was this: Isaac considered going to Egypt,
701  GEN 26:8  When Isaac had been there a long time, one day Abimelech, the king of the Philistine people-group, looked down from a window in his palace and was surprised to see Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah.
703  GEN 26:10  Abimelech said, “◄You should not have done this to us!/Why did you do this?► [RHQ] One of our people might have ◄had sex with/slept with► [EUP] your wife, and you would have caused us to be guilty of a great sin!”
707  GEN 26:14  He had large herds of sheep and goats and cattle, and many slaves. Because of that, the Philistine people envied him.
711  GEN 26:18  There were several wells in that area that had been dug when Isaac’s father Abraham was living, but Philistine people had filled them up with dirt after Abraham died. Now Isaac and his servants removed the dirt, and Isaac gave the wells the same names that his father had given to them.
719  GEN 26:26  While they were digging the well, King Abimelech came to Isaac from Gerar, along with Ahuzzath, his advisor, and Phicol, the commander of his army.
722  GEN 26:29  stating that you will not harm us, in the same way that we did not molest [EUP] you.’ We always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now Yahweh is blessing you.”
776  GEN 28:2  Instead, go right away to Paddan-Aram in northwest Mesopotamia, to the house of your mother’s father Bethuel. Ask one of the daughters of your mother’s brother Laban to marry you.
779  GEN 28:5  So Isaac sent Jacob to Paddan-Aram, to live with Rebekah’s brother Laban, the son of Bethuel, who belonged to the Aram people-group.
780  GEN 28:6  Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and then sent him to Paddan-Aram. He also found out that when he blessed Isaac, he told him, “Do not marry a woman of the Canaan people-group,”
781  GEN 28:7  and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother, and had gone to Paddan-Aram.
793  GEN 28:19  He named that place Bethel, which means ‘house of God’. Previously its name was Luz.
817  GEN 29:21  After the seven years were ended, Jacob said to Laban, “Let me marry Rachel now, because the time we agreed upon for me to work for you is ended, and I want to marry her. [EUP]”
819  GEN 29:23  But that evening, instead of taking Rachel to Jacob, Laban took his older daughter, Leah, to him. But because it was already dark, he could not see that it was Leah and not Rachel, and he had sex [EUP] with her.
826  GEN 29:30  Jacob had sex [EUP] with Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. And Jacob worked for Laban for another seven years.
834  GEN 30:3  Then she said, “Look, here is my female slave, Bilhah. ◄Sleep with/Have sex with► [EUP] her, so that she may become pregnant and give birth to children for me. In that way it will be as though ◄I have children/her children are mine►.”
835  GEN 30:4  So she gave him her slave, Bilhah, to be another wife for him, and Jacob had sex [EUP] with her.
845  GEN 30:14  When it was time to harvest wheat, Reuben went out into the fields and saw some ◄mandrakes/plants that women eat to help them to become pregnant►. He brought some of them to his mother Leah. But Rachel saw them and said to Leah,Please give me some of those plants that your son brought to you!”
875  GEN 31:1  Someone told Jacob that Laban’s sons were complaining and saying, “Jacob has become very rich by taking everything [HYP] that belonged to our father.”
881  GEN 31:7  but many times [HYP] he has cheated me by decreasing my wages. But God has not allowed him to harm me.
892  GEN 31:18  He made all his livestock go ahead of him. Besides the livestock, he took along all the other things that he had acquired while living in Paddan-Aram. And they prepared to return to his father Isaac, in the Canaan region.
898  GEN 31:24  Then God appeared to Laban in a dream at night, and said to him, “When you catch up to Jacob, be sure that you do not say anything at all [HYP] to him in an angry manner!”
909  GEN 31:35  Rachel said to her father, “Do not be angry with me, sir, but I cannot get up in your presence to show respect for you, because I am having my monthly menstrual period. [EUP]” So when Laban searched some more, he did not find the wooden idols.
911  GEN 31:37  Now you have searched through all my possessions, and what did you find from all these possessions that belongs to you? Put it here in front of my relatives and your relatives, so that they can decide who is right, you or me!
914  GEN 31:40  I suffered from the heat during the day and from the cold at night. I was often not even able to sleep [PRS]!
915  GEN 31:41  I lived in your household for 20 years. I worked for you for 14 years to buy your two daughters, and for six more years to buy some of your sheep and goats. During that time, you changed and reduced my wages many times [HYP].
917  GEN 31:43  Laban replied, “These two women are my daughters, and their children are my grandchildren, and the animals are my animals. Everything you see here is mine [HYP]! But what can I do today to keep my daughters or the children they have given birth to [RHQ]?
949  GEN 32:21  And be sure to say ‘Jacob, who wants to serve you, is coming behind us.’” Jacob told them to say that because he was thinking,Perhaps these gifts that I am sending ahead of me will cause him to ◄act peacefully toward/stop being angry with► me. Then later, when I see him, perhaps he will be kind to me.”
950  GEN 32:22  So the men taking the gifts [PRS] went ahead, but Jacob himself stayed in the camp that night.
959  GEN 32:31  So Jacob named the place Peniel, which means ‘God’s face’, saying “I looked directly at God, but I did not die because of doing that.”
960  GEN 32:32  The sun was rising as Jacob left Peniel, and he was limping because of what had happened to his hip.
972  GEN 33:11  Please accept these gifts that I have brought to you, because God has acted kindly toward me, and I still have plenty of animals!” Jacob kept on urging him to accept the animals, and finally he accepted them.
979  GEN 33:18  Some time later, Jacob and his family left Paddan-Aram in Mesopotamia, and they traveled safely to the Canaan region. There they set up their tents in a field near Shechem city.
983  GEN 34:2  Shechem, one of the sons of Hamor, the ruler of that area who was descended from the Hiv people-group, saw her. He wanted her. So he grabbed her and forced her to have sex [EUP] with him.
985  GEN 34:4  So Shechem said to his father Hamor,Please get this girl for me. I want her to become my wife!”
989  GEN 34:8  But Hamor said to them, “My son Shechem really likes this girl. Please allow him to marry her.
1011  GEN 34:30  Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have caused a lot of trouble for me! Now the Canaan people-group and the Perizzi people-group and everyone else who lives in this land will ◄hate me/say my name stinks►! I do not have many men to fight for us, so if they all gather together and come to me and attack us, they will destroy us and all our household!”
1017  GEN 35:5  As they prepared to leave there, God caused the people who lived in the cities around them to be extremely afraid of Jacob’s family [PRS], so that they did not pursue and attack them.
1021  GEN 35:9  After Jacob and his family returned from Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia, while they were still at Bethel, God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him.
1023  GEN 35:11  Then God said to him, “I am God Almighty. Produce many children. Your descendants will become many nations, and some of your descendants will be kings.
1034  GEN 35:22  While they were living in that area, Jacob’s son Reuben had sex [EUP] with Bilhah, one of his father’s ◄concubines/female slaves whom he had taken as a secondary wife►. Someone told Jacob about it, and it made him very angry. ◄I will now give you/Here is► a list of Jacob’s twelve sons.
1038  GEN 35:26  The sons of Leah’s female slave Zilpah were Gad and Asher. All those sons of Jacob, except Benjamin, were born while he was living in Paddan-Aram/Mesopotamia.
1080  GEN 36:39  When Achbor’s son Baal-Hanan died, Hadad became king. The city where he lived was named Pau. His wife’s name was Mehetabel. She was the daughter of Matred, who was the daughter of Me-Zahab.
1081  GEN 36:40  ◄Here is/I will now give you► a list of all the people-groups that were descendants of Esau: Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel, and Iram. They all lived in the Edom region. The land where each people-group lived got the same name as the name of the people-group.
1120  GEN 37:36  In the meantime, the men/traders from Midian took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, who was one of the king’s officials. He was the captain of the soldiers who protected the king.
1122  GEN 38:2  There he ◄met/became acquainted with► a woman who was the daughter of a man from Canaan named Shua. He married her. He had sex [EUP] with her,
1128  GEN 38:8  Then Judah said to Onan, “Your older brother died without having any sons. So marry his widow and have sex [EUP] with her. That is what our customs require that you should do.”