67 | GEN 3:11 | God said, “How did you find out you were naked [RHQ]? It must be because you ate some of the fruit from the tree that I told you, ‘Do not eat its fruit.’” [RHQ] |
86 | GEN 4:6 | Yahweh said to Cain, “◄You should not be angry!/Why are you angry?► [RHQ] ◄You should not scowl like that!/Why do you scowl like that?► [RHQ] |
87 | GEN 4:7 | If you had done what was right (OR, if you do what is right) [RHQ], I would accept your offering. But if you do not do what is right, your desire to sin is ready to attack you like a wild animal that [PRS] crouches outside the doorway, ready to spring on its victim [MET]. Your desire to sin wants to control you, but you must ◄control/not obey► it.” |
89 | GEN 4:9 | Later, even though Yahweh knew what Cain had done, he said to Cain, “Do you know where Abel, your younger brother, is?” Cain replied, “No, I do not know. ◄My job is not to guard my younger brother!/Am I supposed to take care of my younger brother?►” [RHQ] |
90 | GEN 4:10 | Yahweh said, “You have done a terrible thing [RHQ]! So now it is as though your younger brother’s voice is crying to me from the ground, demanding that his death must be avenged. |
328 | GEN 13:9 | There is plenty of land for both of us. So we should separate. You can choose whatever part you want [RHQ]. If you want the area over there, I will stay here. If you want the area here, I will go over there.” |
395 | GEN 16:13 | Then Hagar realized that the angel was really Yahweh, so she said to herself, “◄It is difficult to believe that I have really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me!/Have I really seen the back of Yahweh, the one who sees me?►” [RHQ] So she called him ‘Yahweh, the one who sees me’. |
431 | GEN 18:6 | So Abraham quickly went into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, get some of our best flour and make some loaves of bread!” |
437 | GEN 18:12 | So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “My body is worn out, and my husband is old. So how can I have the pleasure of having a child?” [RHQ] |
439 | GEN 18:14 | I am Yahweh! ◄Is there anything too difficult for me?/There is nothing too difficult for me!► [RHQ] I will return about this time next year in the springtime, and Sarah will have an infant son.” |
442 | GEN 18:17 | Yahweh thought to himself, “It is not right for me to prevent Abraham from knowing what I plan to do [RHQ]. |
450 | GEN 18:25 | It would certainly not be right for you to do such a thing, to kill righteous people along with wicked ones, and treat righteous people and wicked people the same way. You could not do that, because you, who are the judge of everyone on the earth, will certainly do what is right regarding the people of Sodom!” [RHQ] |
505 | GEN 20:9 | Abimelech then summoned Abraham, and said to him, “You should not have done that to us [RHQ]! Did I do something wrong to you, with the result that you are causing me and the people in [MTY] my kingdom to be guilty of committing a great sin [RHQ]? You have done things to me that ◄should not be done/you should not have done►!” |
623 | GEN 24:31 | He said to the man, “You who have been blessed by Yahweh, come with me! ◄Why are standing out here?/You should not keep standing out here!► [RHQ] I have prepared a room for you in the house, and a place for the camels to stay.” |
691 | GEN 25:32 | Esau replied, “Well, I am about to die from being so hungry. If I die now, ◄my birthright will not benefit me./What good will my birthright be to me?►” [RHQ] |
703 | GEN 26:10 | Abimelech said, “◄You should not have done this to us!/Why did you do this?► [RHQ] One of our people might have ◄had sex with/slept with► [EUP] your wife, and you would have caused us to be guilty of a great sin!” |
764 | GEN 27:36 | Esau said, “It is right [RHQ] that his name is Jacob, which means ‘cheat,’ because he deceived me two times. The first time he took my rights from being his firstborn son, and this time he took my blessing!” Then he asked, “Do you not have any blessing left for me?” |
765 | GEN 27:37 | Isaac answered and said to Esau, “I have declared that your younger brother will rule over you, and declared that all his relatives will serve him. And I have said that God will give him plenty of grain and grapes for wine. So, my son, ◄what can I do for you?/There is nothing more that I can do for you!►” [RHQ] |
773 | GEN 27:45 | When he forgets what you did to him, I will send a message to you, to tell you to return from there. If Esau kills you, others will kill him, and then both my sons would die at the same time!” [RHQ] |
811 | GEN 29:15 | Laban said to him “◄You should not work for me for nothing just because you are a relative of mine!/Why should you work for me for nothing just because you are a relative of mine?► [RHQ] Tell me how much you want me to pay you.” |
821 | GEN 29:25 | The next morning, Jacob was shocked to see that it was Leah who was with him! So he went to Laban and told him very angrily, “◄What you have done to me is disgusting!/What is this that you have done to me?► [RHQ] I worked for you to get Rachel, did I not? So why did you deceive me?” |
833 | GEN 30:2 | Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, “◄I am not God!/Am I God?► [RHQ] He is the one who has prevented you from becoming pregnant!” |
846 | GEN 30:15 | But Leah said to her, “No! ◄It was bad that you stole my husband!/Is it not bad enough that you stole my husband?► [RHQ] Now ◄are you going to take my son’s mandrake plants?/You want to take my son’s mandrake plants also, so that you can become pregnant!►” [RHQ] So Rachel said, “All right, Jacob can sleep with you tonight, if you give me some of your son’s mandrake plants.” So Leah ◄agreed/gave her some►. |
888 | GEN 31:14 | Rachel and Leah replied, “Our father will not give us anything more when he dies [RHQ]. |
889 | GEN 31:15 | He treats us as though we were foreigners [RHQ]! Your working for him all these years was like a payment that you gave him as a price for us, but we will not inherit any of that money that he got as a price for us. He has spent it all! |
902 | GEN 31:28 | ◄You did not even let me kiss my grandchildren and my daughters goodbye before they left!/Why did you not allow me to kiss my grandchildren and daughters goodbye before they left?► [RHQ] What you have done was foolish! |
917 | GEN 31:43 | Laban replied, “These two women are my daughters, and their children are my grandchildren, and the animals are my animals. Everything you see here is mine [HYP]! But what can I do today to keep my daughters or the children they have given birth to [RHQ]? |
958 | GEN 32:30 | Jacob said, “Now, please tell me your name!” The man replied, “◄Why do you ask me what my name is?/You should not have to ask me what my name is!►” [RHQ] But he blessed Jacob there. |
976 | GEN 33:15 | Esau said, “Then allow me to leave with you some of the men who came with me, to protect you.” But Jacob replied, “◄Why do that?/There is no need to do that!► [RHQ] The only thing that I want is for you to act friendly toward me.” |
1004 | GEN 34:23 | But if we do that, just think! Their livestock and their possessions and their other animals will become ours [RHQ]! So we should agree to do what they suggest, and then they will live among us!” |
1012 | GEN 34:31 | But they replied, “◄Should we have allowed Shechem to treat our sister like a prostitute?/We could not just let Shechem treat our sister like a prostitute!►” [RHQ] |
1092 | GEN 37:8 | His brothers said to him, “Do you think that some day you will rule over us? Are you saying that some day you are going to be our king?” [RHQ] They hated him even more than before because of what he had told them about his dream. |
1094 | GEN 37:10 | He also told his father about it. His father rebuked him, saying “What are you suggesting by that dream [RHQ]? Do you think it means that your mother and I and your older brothers will some day bow down to the ground in front of you?” [RHQ] |
1097 | GEN 37:13 | Some time later, Jacob said to Joseph, “Your brothers are taking care of the sheep and goats near Shechem [RHQ]. I am going to send you there to see them.” Joseph replied, “Okay.” |
1110 | GEN 37:26 | Judah said to his older and younger brothers, “If we kill our younger brother and hide his body, ◄what will we gain?/we will not gain anything!► [RHQ] |
1114 | GEN 37:30 | He went back to his younger brothers and said, “The boy is not in the pit/cistern! What can I do now?” [RHQ] |
1159 | GEN 39:9 | No one in this household has more authority than I do. The only thing that he has not allowed me to have is you, because you are his wife! So ◄how could I do this wicked thing that you are asking me to do?/I certainly could not do this wicked thing!► [RHQ] I would be sinning against God if I did that!” |
1181 | GEN 40:8 | One of them answered, “We both had dreams last night, but there is no one who can tell us the meaning of the dreams.” Joseph said to them, “God is the only one who can [RHQ] tell the meaning of dreams. So tell me what you dreamed, and God will tell me the meaning.” |
1234 | GEN 41:38 | So the king said to them, “◄Can we find any other man like Joseph, a man to whom God has given his Spirit?/It is not likely that we will find another man like this man, one to whom God has given his Spirit!►” [RHQ] |
1254 | GEN 42:1 | When someone told Jacob that there was grain in Egypt that people could buy, he said to his sons, “◄Why do you just sit there looking at each other?/Do not just sit there looking at each other!► [RHQ] We need some grain!” |
1275 | GEN 42:22 | Reuben said to them, “I told you not to harm the boy [RHQ], but you did not pay attention to what I said! Now we are being ◄paid back/punished► for killing him [MTY]!” |
1298 | GEN 43:7 | One of them replied, “The man asked about us and about our family. He said, ‘Is your father still living? Do you have another brother?’ We had to answer his questions. ◄We could not know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’/How could we know that he would say, ‘The next time that you come down here, bring your brother with you!’►” [RHQ] |
1330 | GEN 44:5 | You have stolen the cup that my master drinks from [RHQ]! It is the cup that he uses to find out things that nobody knows! What you did was very wicked!’” |
1333 | GEN 44:8 | We even brought back to you from Canaan land the silver that we found inside the tops of our sacks! So ◄we certainly would not steal silver or gold from your master’s house!/Why would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?► [RHQ] |
1340 | GEN 44:15 | He said to them, “Why did you do this? Do you not know that a man like me can find out things that nobody knows?” [RHQ] |
1359 | GEN 44:34 | ◄I cannot return to my father if the boy is not with me!/How can I return to my father if the boy is not with me?► [RHQ] I do not want to see how miserable/sad my father would become!” |
1436 | GEN 47:15 | When the people of Egypt and Canaan had spent all their money for grain, they all kept coming to Joseph and saying, “Please give us some food! If you do not give us grain, we will die [RHQ]! We have used all our money to buy food, and we have no money left!” |
1440 | GEN 47:19 | ◄If you do not give us some food, we will die!/Do you want to watch us die?► [RHQ] If you do not give us seeds, our fields will become useless [IDM]. Buy us and our land in exchange for food. Then we will be the king’s slaves, and he will own the land. Give us seeds that we can plant and grow food, in order that we will not die, and in order that our land will not become like a desert.” |
1483 | GEN 49:9 | Judah is like a young lion [SIM] that has returned to its den satisfied after eating the animals that it has killed. He is like a lion that lies down and stretches out after eating; no one would dare to disturb it [RHQ]. |
1526 | GEN 50:19 | But Joseph replied to them, “Do not be afraid! God is the one who punishes people; ◄am I God?/I am not God!► [RHQ] |
1569 | EXO 2:14 | The man replied, “◄Who made you our ruler and judge?/No one made you our ruler and judge!► [RHQ] You have no right to interfere with us Are you going to kill me just like you killed that Egyptian man yesterday?” Then Moses/I was afraid, because he/I thought, “Since that man knows what I did, surely other people know, too.” |
1575 | EXO 2:20 | He said to his daughters, “Where is he? ◄Why did you leave him out there?/You should not leave him out there!► [RHQ] Invite him in, so he can have something to eat [MTY]!” |
1591 | EXO 3:11 | But Moses/I replied, “I am not a well-known person [RHQ]! ◄I cannot go to the king and ask him to permit me to bring the Israeli people out of Egypt!/How can I go to the king and ask him to allow me to bring the Israeli people out of Egypt?►” [RHQ] |
1613 | EXO 4:11 | Then Yahweh said to him/me, “You seem to forget who it is that makes people able to speak [RHQ]! Who is it that enables people to be unable to speak or unable to hear, or able to see or not to see? It is I, Yahweh [RHQ]! |
1637 | EXO 5:4 | But the king of Egypt said to them/us, “Moses and Aaron, ◄stop trying to keep the Israeli people from working/why are you preventing the Israeli people from working?► [RHQ] Tell those slaves to return to work!” |
1647 | EXO 5:14 | When they were not able to do that, the slave bosses had the Israeli supervisors beaten with sticks, and they asked them, “Why have all the men you are supervising not been able to make the same number of bricks today/now as they did before [RHQ]?” |
1655 | EXO 5:22 | Moses/I left them and prayed to Yahweh again, saying, “O Yahweh, why have you caused all these evil things to happen to your people [RHQ]? And why did you send me here [RHQ]? |
1668 | EXO 6:12 | But Moses/I said to Yahweh, “Listen to what I am saying. Even the Israeli people have not paid attention to what I told them. But I am a poor speaker. [MET, MTY] So ◄why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?/the king will certainly not pay attention to what I tell him!►” [RHQ] |
1686 | EXO 6:30 | But Moses/I said to Yahweh, “Listen to me. I am not a good speaker. [MET, MTY] So ◄the king will certainly not pay attention to what I say/why should the king pay attention to what I tell him?►!” [RHQ] |
1737 | EXO 8:22 | But Moses/I replied, “It would not be right for us to do that, because we will be offering sacrifices that are very offensive to the Egyptian people. If we offer sacrifices that the Egyptian people think are disgusting, they will kill us by throwing stones at us [RHQ]! |
1785 | EXO 10:7 | The king’s officials said to him, “◄How long is this man going to continue to bring disasters on us?/We must not let this man continue to cause trouble for us!► [RHQ] Let the Israeli men leave, in order that they may worship Yahweh, their god. ◄Do you not yet understand that this man has ruined Egypt?/You ought to realize by now that this man has ruined Egypt!►” [RHQ] |
1895 | EXO 14:5 | When someone told the king that the Israeli people had left during the night, he and his officials changed their minds and said, “◄What have we done?/What we have done was stupid!► [RHQ] The Israeli people will no longer be our slaves!” |
1901 | EXO 14:11 | Then they said to Moses/me, “Is it because there were no places in Egypt where we could be buried that you have brought us here to die in this desert [RHQ]? Look what you have done to us by bringing us out of Egypt [RHQ]! |
1902 | EXO 14:12 | That is what we told you when we were in Egypt! We said, ‘Leave us alone, and let us work for the Egyptians [RHQ]!’ It would have been better for us to be slaves for the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!” |
1932 | EXO 15:11 | Yahweh, among their gods, there is no god like you [RHQ]! You are glorious, completely different from all that you made. ◄There is no god like you!/What god is like you?► [RHQ] There is no one who can perform all kinds of miracles [DOU] like you do [RHQ]! |
1955 | EXO 16:7 | And tomorrow morning you will see how great Yahweh is, because he has heard what you have complained about. He is the one whom you have really complained to, because we are just his servants.” [RHQ] |
1956 | EXO 16:8 | Then Moses/I also said, “From now on, each evening Yahweh will give you meat to eat, and each morning he will give you something that will take the place of bread, because he has heard what you have complained about. Yahweh is the one to whom you have really complained, not us. We are just his servants.” [RHQ] |
1986 | EXO 17:2 | So the people complained to Moses/me again, saying, “Give us water to drink!” Moses/I replied to them, “Why are you ◄criticizing/arguing with► me [RHQ]? And why are you trying to determine whether Yahweh has the power to provide for you?” |
1987 | EXO 17:3 | But the people were very thirsty, and they continued to complain to Moses/me. They were saying things like “Why did you bring us out of Egypt?”, and “Did you bring us here to cause us and our children and livestock to die ◄from thirst/because we had no water to drink► [RHQ]?” |
1988 | EXO 17:4 | So Moses/I prayed earnestly to Yahweh. He/I said, “◄How shall I deal with these people?/I do not know how to deal with these people!► [RHQ] They are almost ready to kill me by throwing stones at me!” |
2014 | EXO 18:14 | When Jethro saw everything that Moses/I was doing for the people, he said, “◄Why are you doing all this for the people?/You should not be doing all this for the people!► [RHQ] Why are you doing this by yourself, and all the people are crowding around you, from morning until evening, asking you to make decisions for them [RHQ]?” |
2141 | EXO 22:26 | because he needs it to keep him warm during the night. ◄That is the only covering that poor people have when they sleep at night./What else will he cover himself with during the night?► [RHQ] If you do not act mercifully toward him by returning his cloak, when he cries out to me asking for my help, I will help him, because I always act mercifully. |
2450 | EXO 32:11 | But Moses/I pleaded with his/my God, Yahweh, and said, “Yahweh, ◄you should not be very angry with your people!/why are you so angry with your people [RHQ]?► These are the people whom you rescued from Egypt with very great power [MTY, DOU]! |
2451 | EXO 32:12 | Do not do anything that would allow the people of Egypt to say, ‘Their god led them out from our country, but he did that only because he wanted to kill them in the mountains and get rid of them completely [RHQ]!’ Stop being so angry! ◄Change your mind/Do not do what you have told me that you will do►! Do not do to your people this terrible thing that you have just said that you will do |
2490 | EXO 33:16 | The only way that other people will know that you are pleased with me and with your people is if you go with us [RHQ]! ◄If you go with us, that will show that we are different from all the other people on the earth./If you do not go with us, what will show that we are different from all the other people on the earth?►” [RHQ] |
2997 | LEV 10:19 | Aaron replied to Moses/me, “Today the people brought to Yahweh their offering to be forgiven for the sins they had committed, and the offering to be completely burned, and surely that pleased Yahweh, but think about the terrible thing that happened to my other two sons! Would [RHQ] Yahweh have been pleased if I had eaten some of the offering to cause the people to become acceptable to God?” |
3973 | NUM 9:7 | “It is true that we have touched a corpse. But why should that prevent us from celebrating the Passover Festival and offering sacrifices to Yahweh like everyone else [RHQ]?” |
4036 | NUM 11:11 | He/I went into the Sacred Tent and asked Yahweh, “Why have you caused me, your servant, to experience this trouble [RHQ]? Act mercifully to me! What wrong have I done, with the result that you have appointed me to take care of all of these people [RHQ]? |
4037 | NUM 11:12 | ◄I am not their father./Am I their father?► [RHQ] Why have you told me to take care of them like a woman carries around her baby and ◄nurses it/gives it her milk► [MET, RHQ]? How can I take them to the land that you promised to give to our ancestors [RHQ]? |
4045 | NUM 11:20 | You will eat meat every day for one month, and then you will loathe/despise it, and it will cause you to want to vomit. This will happen because you have rejected Yahweh who is here among you, and you have wailed in his presence, saying “e would have had better food to eat if we had not left Egypt [RHQ].”’” |
4046 | NUM 11:21 | But Moses/I replied to Yahweh, “There are 600,000 men plus women and children here with me, so ◄why do you say ‘I will give them plenty of meat every day for a month!’?/it does not seem right for you to say ‘I will give them plenty of meat every day for a month!’► [RHQ] |
4047 | NUM 11:22 | Even if we killed all the sheep and cattle, that would not [RHQ] be enough to provide meat for all of them Even if we caught all the fish in the sea and gave it to them, that would not be enough [RHQ]!” |
4054 | NUM 11:29 | But Moses/I replied, “◄Are you worried that they might injure my reputation/Do you think that I want to be the only one who prophesies► [RHQ]? I wish that all Yahweh’s people could ◄prophesy/speak messages from Yahweh►. I wish that Yahweh would give the power of his Spirit to all of them!” |
4061 | NUM 12:1 | Moses’/My older sister Miriam and his/my older brother Aaron were saying this: “Is Moses the only one to whom Yahweh has spoken messages to tell to us [RHQ]? Does Yahweh not speak messages to us two also?” They told people that they were saying that because Moses/I had married a woman who was a descendant of the Cush people-group, but they were really saying that because they ◄were jealous/did not want Moses/me to be the only leader of the Israeli people►. But Yahweh heard what they were saying. |
4095 | NUM 13:19 | Find out what kind of land they live in [RHQ]. Is it good or bad? Find out about the towns in which they live [RHQ]. Do they have walls around them or not? |
4096 | NUM 13:20 | Find out about the soil [RHQ]. Is it ◄fertile/good for growing crops► or not? Find out if there are trees there [RHQ]. Try to bring back some of the fruit that grows in that land.” He/I said that because it was the beginning of the time to harvest grapes. |
4120 | NUM 14:11 | Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “How long will these people reject me [RHQ]? I am tired of them not believing in what I can do, in spite of all the miracles I have performed among them [RHQ]! |
4136 | NUM 14:27 | “How long will the wicked people of this nation keep complaining about me [RHQ]? I have heard everything that they have grumbled/complained against me. |
4150 | NUM 14:41 | But Moses/I said, “Yahweh commanded you to return to the desert, so why are you now disobeying him [RHQ]? It will not ◄succeed/be possible►. |
4198 | NUM 16:3 | They came together to criticize Aaron and Moses/me. They said to them/us, “You two are using more authority than you should! Yahweh has set apart all of us Israeli people, and he is with/helping all of us. So why do you act as though you are more important than the rest of us people who belong to Yahweh [RHQ]?” |
4204 | NUM 16:9 | The God of us Israelis has chosen all of you to be close to him in order that you can work for him at his Sacred Tent and serve the people. ◄Is that unimportant/Does that mean nothing► to you [RHQ]? |
4206 | NUM 16:11 | It is really Yahweh against whom you and your fellow descendants of Levi are rebelling. Aaron is not the one about whom you are really complaining [RHQ].” |
4208 | NUM 16:13 | You brought us out of Egypt, which was a very fertile [IDM] land, in order to cause us to die here in this desert. That was bad. But now you are also trying to boss us [RHQ], and that is worse. |
4209 | NUM 16:14 | You have not given us a new land to live in, a land that has good fields and vineyards. You are only trying to [RHQ] trick these people. So we will not come to you.” |
4217 | NUM 16:22 | But Aaron and Moses/I prostrated themselves/ourselves on the ground. We pleaded with Yahweh, saying, “God, you are the one who caused all these people to live [MTY]. Only one of these men has sinned; so, ◄is it right for you to be angry with all the people?/it is not right for you to be angry with all the people!► [RHQ]” |
4241 | NUM 17:11 | Moses/I said to Aaron, “Quickly take another pan and put in it some burning/hot coals from the altar. Put incense in the pan, and carry it out among the people to atone for the sins of the people. Yahweh is very angry with them, and I know that a ◄severe plague/bad sickness► has already started among them.” |
4258 | NUM 17:28 | Everyone who comes close to Yahweh’s Sacred Tent dies. Are the rest of us going to die, also?” [RHQ] |
4316 | NUM 20:4 | ◄Did you bring us, who are Yahweh’s people, into this desert to die along with our livestock?/You brought us, who are Yahweh’s people, into this desert to die along with our livestock!► [RHQ] |
4317 | NUM 20:5 | Why did you bring us from Egypt to this miserable place [RHQ]? There is no grain, there are no figs, no grapes, and no pomegranates here. And there is no water for us to drink!” |
4346 | NUM 21:5 | and they began to grumble/complain against God and against Moses/me. They said, “Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in this desert [RHQ]? There is nothing to eat here, and nothing to drink. And we detest this lousy manna food!” |