Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-eng-t4t   Word},    February 11, 2023 at 18:26    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

16560  PRO 3:35  Wise people will be honored {people will honor wise people}, but foolish people will be dishonored/disgraced.
17310  PRO 29:16  When wicked people rule, there are more crimes committed {people commit more crimes}, but some day those wicked people will ◄be defeated/no longer rule►, and righteous people will see that happen.
22007  DAN 7:5  The second beast resembled a bear. It was crouching, and it held between its teeth three ribs from another animal that it had killed and eaten. Someone said to it {It was told}, “Stand up and eat as much meat as you want!”
23253  MAT 2:15  They stayed there until King Herod died, and then they left Egypt. By doing that, it was {they} fulfilled what the prophet Hosea wrote, which had been said by the Lord {which the Lord had said}, I have told my son to come out of Egypt.
23254  MAT 2:16  While King Herod was still living, because he realized that he had been tricked by the men who studied the stars {the men who studied the stars had tricked him}, he became furious. Then, assuming that Jesus was still in Bethlehem or the surrounding regions, Herod sent soldiers there to kill all the boy babies two years old and younger. Herod calculated how old the baby was, according to what the men who studied the stars told him about when the star first appeared.
23256  MAT 2:18  Women in Ramah were weeping and wailing loudly. Women who were the descendants of Rachel, the ancestor of the women there [SYN], were grieving for what happened to their children. Even though people tried to comfort them, they would not be comforted {stop mourning}, because their children were dead.
23264  MAT 3:3  John was the person who fulfilled what was said by Isaiah the prophet {what Isaiah the prophet predicted when he said}, long ago: In a desolate area ◄people will hear someone/someone will be heard► shouting to the people who pass by, Prepare yourselves to receive the Lord when he comes! Make yourselves ready so that you will be prepared when he comes [MET, DOU], just like people improve and straighten out the road for an important official!
23268  MAT 3:7  After John noted that many men of the Pharisee religious group and of the Sadducee religious group were coming to him to be baptized {in order that he would baptize them}, he said to them, “You people are evil like poisonous snakes [MET]! I warn you that God will some day punish [MTY] everyone who sins. ◄And do not think that you can escape from his punishing you [MTY] if you do not turn from your sinful behavior!/Did someone tell you that you can escape from his punishing you [MTY] if you do not turn from your sinful behavior?► [RHQ]
23277  MAT 3:16  After he was baptized {John baptized Jesus}, Jesus immediately came up out of the water. Just then, it was as though the sky was opened {split apart}. Then Jesus saw God’s Spirit coming down upon him. He came in the form of a dove.
23282  MAT 4:4  But Jesus said to him, “No! I will not change stones into bread, because it is written in the Scriptures {in the Scriptures Moses wrote}, ‘Eating food [SYN] sustains people physically, but it does not sustain them spiritually [SYN]. Instead, paying attention to everything that God has spoken to them is what sustains people spiritually.’”
23302  MAT 4:24  When people who lived in other parts of Syria District heard [PRS] what he was doing, they brought to him people who suffered from illnesses, people who suffered from many kinds of diseases, people who suffered from severe pains, people who were controlled by demons {whom demons controlled}, people who were epileptics, and people who were paralyzed. And Jesus healed them all.
23334  MAT 5:31  “It is written {Moses wrote}, ‘If a man is divorcing his wife, he should write a document on which he states that he is divorcing her.’
23335  MAT 5:32  But now listen to what I say to you: A man may divorce his wife only if she has committed adultery, and not for any other reason. If a man divorces his wife for any other reason, and he has sex with another woman, he makes his wife become one against whom he has committed adultery, because in God’s estimation she still is his wife. Also, if a man marries a woman who is divorced {whose husband has divorced her}, God considers him guilty of committing adultery.”
23341  MAT 5:38  “You have heard your religious teachers say that it is written {Moses wrote}, ‘Retaliate like this: If someone damages one of your eyes, someone should damage one of that person’s eyes. If someone damages one of your teeth, someone should damage one of that person’s teeth.’
23364  MAT 6:13  Do not let us(exc) do wrong things when we(exc) are tempted {someone or something tempts us}, and rescue us (exc) when Satan the evil one tempts us to do evil things.”
23499  MAT 10:13  If the people who live in [MTY] that house are worthy of being blessed {God blessing them}, God will bless them. If the people who live in that house are not worthy of being blessed {of God blessing them}, God will bless you instead of blessing them.
23580  MAT 12:22  One day when Jesus was at home, some men brought to Jesus a man who, because of being controlled by a demon {a demon controlled him}, was blind and unable to speak. Jesus healed him by expelling the demon. As a result, the man began to talk and was able to see.
23889  MAT 20:28  You should imitate me. Even though I am the one who came from heaven, I did not come to be served {in order that people would serve me}. On the contrary, I came in order to serve others and to [IDM] allow myself to be killed {other people to kill me}, so that my dying would be like a payment to rescue many people from being punished for their sins.” [MTY]
23939  MAT 21:44  The important stone in the building represents me, the Messiah, and those who reject me are like people who fall on this stone. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken into pieces {This cornerstone will break into pieces anyone who falls on it}, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls.”
24111  MAT 25:34  Then I will say to those on my right, ‘You people who have been blessed by my Father {whom my Father has blessed}, come! From the time he created the world, he has been preparing to allow you to receive the blessings that he will give to all those who let him rule their lives. Now is the time for you to receive those blessings
24118  MAT 25:41  Then I will say to those on my left, ‘You people who have been cursed by God {whom God has cursed}, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for ◄the devil/Satan► and his angels!
24456  MRK 5:23  Then he pleaded with Jesus earnestly, “My twelve-year old daughter is sick and nearly dead! Please come to my house and place your hands on her in order that she will be healed {to heal her}, so that she will not die!”
24600  MRK 8:31  Then Jesus began to teach them, “Even though I am the one who came from heaven, it is necessary that I suffer very much. It is also necessary that I be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the men who teach the Jewish laws {that the elders, the chief priests, and the men who teach the Jewish laws reject me}, and that I be killed {they kill me}. But on the third day after I am killed I will become alive again.”
24638  MRK 9:31  anyone to interrupt him as he taught his disciples. He was telling them, “Some day my enemies [SYN] will seize [MTY] me, the one who came from heaven, and I will be handed over to other men. Those men will kill me. But on the third day after I am killed {after they kill me}, I will become alive again!”
24832  MRK 14:9  I will tell you this: Wherever the good message about me is preached {people preach the good message} throughout the world, what she has done will be told {people will tell others what she has done to me}, and as a result people will remember her.”
25043  LUK 2:1  About that time the Emperor Augustus commanded that ◄his officials must write down the names/a census be taken► of all the people who lived in countries controlled by the Roman government {that the Roman government controlled}, so that the government could collect taxes from them.
25101  LUK 3:7  Although large groups of people came to John to be baptized {in order that he would baptize them}, he knew that many of them were not sincere. So he kept saying to them, “You people are evil [MET] like poisonous snakes! I warn you that God will some day punish [MTY] everyone who sins. And ◄do not think that you can escape from his punishing [MTY] you if you do not turn from your sinful behavior!/did someone tell you that you can escape from his punishing [MTY] you if you do not turn from your sinful behavior?► [RHQ] (OR, Who told you that you could escape God’s punishment?)
25115  LUK 3:21  But before John was put in prison, when many people were being baptized {when he was baptizing many people}, after Jesus was baptized {he baptized Jesus} and Jesus was praying, the sky opened.
25134  LUK 4:2  For 40 days the Spirit led him around in the desolate area. During that time Jesus was being tempted by the devil {the devil was tempting him}, and Jesus did not eat anything. When that time ended, he was very hungry.
25255  LUK 6:40  A disciple should not expect to be better known than his teacher. But if a student is fully trained {if someone fully trains a student}, the student can become like his teacher [MET]. So you should be content to be like me.
25293  LUK 7:29  When they heard what Jesus said (OR, what John preached), all the people, including tax collectors, whom many people despised, agreed that God’s way was right. By being baptized by John {By letting John baptize them}, they had agreed that what God required people to do in order to be saved was right.
25603  LUK 13:16  This woman is more important than an animal; she is a Jew, descended from Abraham! But Satan has kept her [MET] crippled for 18 years, as though he had tied her up and not let her escape! So ◄it is certainly right that she be freed {that I free her}, even if this is a Sabbath day!/was it not right that she be freed {that I free her}, even if this is a Jewish rest day?► [RHQ]”
25740  LUK 17:20  One day Jesus was asked by some Pharisees [SYN] {some Pharisees [SYN] asked Jesus}, “When is God going to rule as king?” He replied, “God’s ruling [MET] is not something people will be able to see with their eyes.
25745  LUK 17:25  But before that happens, I must suffer in many ways (OR, very much). And I will be rejected by people {people will reject me}, even though they have observed me doing good for people.
25771  LUK 18:14  Then Jesus said, “I tell you (pl) that as the tax collector went home, the record of his sins was erased {God erased the record of his sins}, not that of the Pharisee. Remember this: Those who exalt themselves will be humbled {God will humble all those who exalt themselves}, but those who humble themselves will be exalted {he will exalt those who humble themselves}.”
25866  LUK 20:18  That stone represents me, the Messiah, and those who reject me are like people who fall on this stone. Everyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces {This stone will break to pieces everyone who falls on it}, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls.”
26207  JHN 3:18  Everyone who trusts in his Son, God says that they will not be punished {that he will not punish them}. But God has already said that everyone who does not trust in his Son will be punished {that he will punish everyone who does not trust in his Son}, because they have not trusted in what his only Son has done for them.
26420  JHN 7:23  You sometimes circumcise boys ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► so that the law of Moses is not disobeyed {you do not disobey the law of Moses}, so ◄it is ridiculous that you are angry with me, saying I worked ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► by healing a man!/why are you angry with me, saying I worked ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► by healing a man?► [RHQ] Healing someone is far more helpful than circumcising a baby boy!
26444  JHN 7:47  Then the Pharisees replied, “Have you been deceived {Has he deceived you}, too?
26596  JHN 11:4  They hoped that Jesus would come, but when Jesus heard the message, he said, “His being sick will not end in his dying. Instead, it will result in people realizing how great God is, and that I, God’s son, may be honored {that people may honor me, God’s son}, because of what I will do.”
26717  JHN 13:18  “I am not saying that God will bless all of you. I knew what all of you were like when I chose you. But I also chose the one who will betray me, in order that what is written in Scripture might be fulfilled {to fulfill what someone/the psalmist wrote in Scripture}, ‘The one who is acting like he is my friend by eating with me has become my enemy [IDM].’
26882  JHN 18:28  Then the Jewish leaders [SYN] led Jesus from the home of Caiaphas to the headquarters of Pilate, the Roman governor. It was before dawn. Pilate was a non-Jew, and they thought that if they entered his headquarters, they would become unacceptable to God {God would reject them}, and as a result they would not be able to eat the food during the Passover celebration. Because of that, they did not want to enter Pilate’s headquarters.
26922  JHN 19:28  Later, Jesus knew that everything that God sent him to do had now been completed {that he had now completed everything that God sent him to do}, but he knew that something else that was written in the Scriptures had to be fulfilled {that he had to fulfill something else that they had written in the Scriptures}. So he said, “I am thirsty!”
26925  JHN 19:31  That was the day that they prepared everything for their ◄Sabbath/day of rest►. The next day was a special day of rest, because it was the day of rest during the Passover celebration. The Jewish leaders [SYN] did not want the bodies of the three men to remain on the cross during their ◄Sabbath/day of rest► because leaving bodies hanging overnight would be contrary to their Jewish laws. So they went to Pilate and asked him to command that the legs of the three men on the crosses be broken {the soldiers to break the legs of the three men on the crosses}, so that they would die quickly. Then their bodies could be taken down and buried {someone could take down their bodies and bury them}.
26962  JHN 20:26  A week later we were in the house again. This time Thomas was with us. Although the doors had been locked {we had locked the doors}, Jesus again appeared miraculously and stood among us. He said, “May God give peace to you!”
27009  ACT 1:17  Although Judas had been chosen {Jesus had chosen Judas}, along with the rest of us (exc) to serve as an apostle, Judas was the person who led to Jesus the people who seized him.”
27022  ACT 2:4  Then all of the believers were ◄completely controlled/empowered► by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit ◄completely controlled/empowered► all of the believers}, and he enabled them to begin speaking other languages [MTY] that they had not learned.
27122  ACT 4:31  When the believers had finished praying, the place where they were meeting shook. All of them were ◄completely controlled/empowered► by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit ◄completely controlled/empowered► all of them}, with the result that they began to speak boldly the words that God told them to speak.
27258  ACT 8:13  Simon himself believed Philip’s message and, after he was baptized {after Philip baptized him}, he began to constantly accompany Philip. Simon was continually amazed because he often saw Philip doing many kinds of miraculous things.
27277  ACT 8:32  The part of the Scriptures that the official was reading was this: He will be silent when they lead him away to kill him like when a sheep is led away to be killed. As a young sheep is silent when its wool is being cut off {someone cuts off its wool}, similarly he will not protest [MTY] when people cause him to suffer.
27278  ACT 8:33  When he will be humiliated by being accused falsely {people will humiliate him by accusing him falsely}, the rulers ◄will not consider him innocent/will consider him guilty►. No one will possibly be able to tell about his descendants, because he will be killed {people will kill him} without him having any descendants on the earth.
27514  ACT 15:3  After Paul, Barnabas, and the others were given things for their trip by the congregation at Antioch {After the congregation at Antioch gave Paul, Barnabas, and the others things for their trip}, they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria provinces. When they stopped at different places in those provinces, they reported to the believers that many non-Jews in Antioch had become believers. As a result, all the believers in those places rejoiced greatly.
27531  ACT 15:20  Instead, we should write a letter to them requiring only four things: They should not eat meat/food that people have offered to idols, they should not have sex with someone to whom they are not married, they should not eat meat from animals that have been killed by being strangled {people have strangled}, and they should not eat the blood of animals.
27567  ACT 16:15  After Paul and Silas baptized Lydia and the others who lived in her house [MTY] {After Lydia and the others who lived in her house were baptized}, she invited us to go and stay in her home. She said, “You (pl) know that I now believe in the Lord Jesus, so please come and stay in my house.” She persuaded us to do that, so we(exc) stayed there.
27583  ACT 16:31  They answered, “Trust in what the Lord Jesus has done for you, and you will be saved {God will save you}, and the others who live in [MTY] your house will also be saved if they believe in Jesus.”
27617  ACT 17:25  He does not need to have anything made for him by people [MTY] {to have people [MTY] make [MTY] anything for him}, because everything that exists belongs to him. He is the one who causes ◄us (inc)/all people► to live and breathe, and he gives us all the things that we(inc) need.
27621  ACT 17:29  Therefore, because we are God’s children and can communicate like God does, we (inc) should not think that he is anything like an image that people have made of gold or silver or stone which cannot communicate. Those images are designed and skillfully made {People design and make those images}, but they are not alive.
27860  ACT 24:23  Then he told the officer who was guarding Paul to take Paul back to the prison and make sure that he was guarded all the time. But he said that Paul was not to be chained {that the officer was not to fasten chains on him}, and if his friends came to visit him, the officer should allow them to help Paul in any way that they wished.
27875  ACT 25:11  If I had done something bad for which I should be executed {concerning which the law said that they should execute me}, I would not plead with them that they not kill me. But none of these things about which they accuse me is true, so no one can legally surrender me to these Jews. So I formally request that the emperor [MTY] should judge me at Rome.”
27901  ACT 26:10  So that is what I did when I lived in Jerusalem. I put many of the believers in jail, as the chief priests there had authorized me to do. When the Jewish leaders wanted those Christians killed {someone to kill those Christians}, I voted for that.
28092  ROM 4:2  If it was because of Abraham’s doing good things that the record of his sins was erased {that God erased the record of his sins}, Abraham could then have been able to boast about that to people, but he would not have had any basis to boast to God about it.
28099  ROM 4:9  As for our being happy because God has erased the record of our sins, ◄it is not something that only we Jews can experience./is it [MTY] something that only we Jews can experience?► [RHQ] No, it is also something that non-Jews can experience [MTY]. What is written in the Scriptures, that it was because Abraham trusted in God that the record of his sins was erased {God erased the record of his sins}, also shows that this is true.
28140  ROM 6:4  So, when we were baptized {someone baptized us}, it was as though we were buried with Christ. We were baptized in order to indicate that we would not let our sinful desires make us do what they want us to do, just like people cannot make a corpse do what they want it to do [MET]. We were baptized to signify that we would continually conduct our lives in a new way, just like Christ was caused to live again in a new way by the great power of God his Father.
28163  ROM 7:4  Likewise, my fellow believers, just like people are free from having to obey any law after they die [MET], you and I have been freed {God has freed you and me} from having to obey all the Jewish rituals and laws [MET]. That is because it is as though we died with Christ when he was crucified. Now you and I belong to someone else [MET], like a woman who marries again after her husband dies belongs to another man. Specifically, you and I belong to Christ, who has come back to life {whom God has caused to live again after he died}, in order that we may live righteously [IDM] to honor God.
28208  ROM 8:24  Ever since we were saved {since God saved us}, we have continued to confidently expect that future glory. If we had what we waited for, we would not need to wait for it any longer, because those who have something, certainly do not continue to wait for it! [RHQ]
28218  ROM 8:34  It is Christ Jesus himself who pleads with God for us, so ◄no one can condemn us (OR, say that we are still guilty for our sin)./can anyone condemn us (OR, say that we are still guilty for our sin)?► [RHQ] Christ died for us, but he was also brought back to life {God also raised him from the dead}, and he is now at the place of honor ruling with God [MTY].
28250  ROM 9:27  Isaiah also exclaimed concerning the Israelites: Even though the Israelites are so many that no one can count them, like sand particles on the beach beside the ocean, only a small part of them will be saved {God will save only a small part of them},
28371  ROM 14:23  But some believers are not certain that God will approve of their eating a certain kind of food. So if they eat it, they think that God will punish them. And they truly will be punished {God truly will punish them}, because they have done things that they believe are not right. Those who do anything without being certain that God considers it to be right are sinning.
28386  ROM 15:15  However, I have written to you quite frankly in this letter about some things in order to remind you about those things. I have written this letter because I have been appointed by God {God has appointed me}, which I did not deserve,
28444  1CO 1:13  It is ridiculous that [RHQ] you are quarreling and dividing up into groups instead of being loyal to Christ alone. Christ certainly has not divided himself into parts and distributed those parts out to groups of people who oppose each other! [MET, RHQ] I, Paul, certainly did not die on the cross for you! [RHQ] When you were baptized {When someone baptized you}, you certainly did not promise that you were submitting to me! [RHQ]
28513  1CO 4:12  We work very hard to earn a living. When we are cursed by people {When people curse us}, we ask God to bless them. When we are persecuted {When people cause us to suffer}, we endure it.
28514  1CO 4:13  When we are slandered by people {When people slander us}, we reply kindly to them. Up to now, unbelievers consider us to be worthless [MET], as though we were just garbage.
28648  1CO 10:13  Remember that your desires to sin are the same desires that other people have. But when you are tempted to sin, you can trust God to help you. He will not permit you to be tempted {anything to tempt you} more than you are able to resist. Instead, when you are tempted {things tempt you}, he will also provide a way for you to endure it without sinning.
28691  1CO 11:23  The Lord taught me these things that I also taught you: During the night that Jesus was betrayed {Judas enabled the enemies of the Lord Jesus to seize him}, he took some bread.
28715  1CO 12:13  When we were baptized {When people baptized us}, the one Holy Spirit caused us to become one group of believers. It does not matter whether we are Jews or non-Jews. It does not matter whether we are slaves or not slaves. When we believed in Christ, the one Spirit came to live [MET] within all of us.
28800  1CO 15:14  And if Christ was not raised from the dead {if God did not cause Christ to become alive again}, then what we preached to you was useless, and your believing in Christ is useless.
28801  1CO 15:15  If it is true that no one will be raised from the dead {that God will not cause anyone to become alive again after he dies}, we (exc) have been guilty of lying to you about God, because we told you that God caused Christ to become alive again.
28806  1CO 15:20  But the truth is that Christ has been raised from the dead {that God has caused Christ to live again after he had died}, and ◄that guarantees/because of that, it is certain► [MET] that he will also cause those believers who have died [EUP] to become alive again.
28815  1CO 15:29  Now think about this: Some among you are being baptized (OR, are baptizing people) on behalf of those who died before someone baptized them (OR, who died before they became believers). If, as some people say, believers will not be raised from the dead {God will not cause believers to become alive again}, ◄what is the value in those people doing that?/there is no value in those people doing that!► [RHQ] If God will not cause any believers to become alive again, it is senseless to be baptized {baptize anyone} on behalf of someone who has died. [RHQ]
28818  1CO 15:32  If God will not cause us believers to become alive again after we die, ◄I will receive no benefit at all from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly in Ephesus city./what will I gain from having opposed those who attacked me so strongly in Ephesus city?► [RHQ] They were fighting me like wild beasts! If we believers will not be raised from the dead {If God will not cause us believers to live again}, we might as well say as people often say: “Tomorrow we are going to die, so we might as well enjoy now everything that we can. We might as well feast and get drunk!”
28838  1CO 15:52  It will happen suddenly, as fast as someone can blink his eye [MET], when we hear the sound of God’s trumpet for the last time. When we hear that trumpet, all the believers who have died will come back to life and will have bodies that are changed {that God has changed}, bodies that will never decay.
28936  2CO 4:9  We are frequently persecuted {People frequently cause us to suffer}, but God never abandons us. Sometimes we are badly wounded {people badly wound us}, but God does not allow us to be killed {them to kill us}.
28946  2CO 5:1  We know that these bodies we live in here in this world are like [MET] tents. They are like temporary living/dwelling places. So we should not be concerned about what happens to our bodies. We know that if we are killed {if someone kills us}, God will give us permanent living places. Those permanent living places [MET] will not be houses that people have made. They will be new bodies in which we will live forever in heaven.
28993  2CO 7:9  So now I am happy that I wrote it. I am not happy that you were distressed {that I distressed you}, but I am happy because, when you became distressed, you felt sorry for what you had done and you asked God to forgive you. What I mean is that you felt sorry in the way that God wanted you to feel sorry, so my making you feel sorry did not harm you at all.
29100  2CO 12:10  For that reason, whenever I am weak, or when people insult me, or when I have to endure hardships, or when I am persecuted {people cause me to suffer}, or when I am in situations that distress me, I am content because I am serving Christ. I can say that because at any time when I myself am weak, that is the very time when Christ powerfully helps me.
29182  GAL 3:13  Even though we humans have not continuously and completely obeyed God’s laws, Christ rescued us from God punishing us eternally. Christ rescued us by his being the one God condemned instead of God condemning us. What is written {someone/Moses wrote} in the Scriptures shows that this is true. It is written {He wrote}, “God has cursed anyone whom people have executed for his crimes and whose body they have hung on a tree.”
29184  GAL 3:15  My fellow believers, I will now illustrate by referring to human relationships. After an agreement is confirmed by two people {two people have signed an agreement}, no one can reject it or add to it.
29231  GAL 5:2  Consider very carefully what I, Paul, an apostle, now tell you: If, to fulfill Jewish ritual laws, you are permitting yourself to be circumcised {someone to circumcise you}, what Christ has done for you will not benefit you at all.
29247  GAL 5:18  But when you are led by God’s Spirit {when God’s Spirit directs you}, you can do what pleases God, now that you are no longer obligated to obey all the laws that God gave Moses.
29936  2TI 3:16  God ◄inspired/put into men’s minds► everything that is written in the Scriptures {they wrote in the holy writings}, and those writings are all useful to teach us what is true, to cause us to know when we are wrong and then ◄to correct us/to show us what we have done that is wrong►, and to train/teach us to do what is right.
29974  TIT 1:15  Believers should reject what they teach about food, because no food that we eat can make us unacceptable to God if we are pure in our ◄inner beings/hearts►. But if people are evil and they do not trust in Christ Jesus, there is no ritual that can make them acceptable to God. Such people’s way of thinking has been ruined {Such people have ruined their way of thinking}, and they do not even feel guilty when they do what is evil.
30065  HEB 3:3  Just like every house is made by someone {as someone makes every house}, Jesus made everything, and he is God/Divine. So God has considered that Jesus is worthy that people honor him more than they honor Moses, just like the one who builds a house deserves that people honor him more than they should honor the house he built.
30165  HEB 8:6  But now as it is, Christ ministers in a more excellent way than the Jewish priests do. Likewise, the new covenant that he established between God and people is better than the old one. When the new covenant was established {God established the new covenant}, he promised us better things than the laws that God gave Moses did.
30235  HEB 10:35  So, do not become discouraged when they cause you to suffer {you are persecuted}, because if you continue to trust in God, he will greatly reward you.
30247  HEB 11:8  It was because Abraham trusted God that when he was told to go {when God told him to go}, he obeyed God, he left his own country, and went to a place that God would give him. Abraham left his own country, even though he did not know where he would be going.
30306  HEB 12:27  The words “again, one more time” indicate that things on earth will be shaken {that he will shake things on earth}, meaning that he will set aside all that he has created, in order that the things in heaven that cannot be shaken {that nothing can shake} may remain forever.
30390  JAS 3:4  Think also about ships. Although a ship may be very large and although it can be moved by strong winds {strong winds can move it}, by turning a very small ◄rudder/steering paddle► people can direct the ship wherever they want it to go.
30470  1PE 2:4  You have come to the Lord Jesus. He is like an important stone [MET] put in the foundation of a building, but he is alive, not lifeless like a stone. He was rejected by many people {Many people rejected him}, but God chose him and considers him to be very precious.
30509  1PE 3:18  I say that because Christ died once for the sake of people who have sinned. He was a righteous person who died for unrighteous people. He died in order that ◄he might bring us to/we might begin an intimate relationship with► God. During the time that he had an ordinary body, he was killed {people killed him}, but God’s Spirit caused him to become alive again.
30586  2PE 2:19  The false teachers tell people that they are free to do whatever they want to do, even though they themselves are like slaves [MET] because their own self-directed nature forces them to do sinful things. Think about these well-known words: “Whenever a person is controlled by something {something controls a person}, it is as though that person has become a slave of what controls him.”