2450 | EXO 32:11 | But Moses/I pleaded with his/my God, Yahweh, and said, “Yahweh, ◄you should not be very angry with your people!/why are you so angry with your people [RHQ]?► These are the people whom you rescued from Egypt with very great power [MTY, DOU]! |
24479 | MRK 6:3 | ◄We know that he is just an ordinary carpenter!/Isn’t he just an ordinary carpenter [RHQ]?► We know him and his family! We know Mary his mother! ◄We know his younger brothers James, Joses, Judas and Simon!/Are not his younger brothers James, Joses, Judas and Simon?► [RHQ] And ◄his younger sisters also live here in this town!/do not his younger sisters also live here in this town?► [RHQ]” So they despised him. |
24871 | MRK 14:48 | Jesus said to them, “◄It is ridiculous that you come here to seize me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit!/Have you come here to seize me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit [RHQ]?► Day after day I was with you in the Temple courtyard teaching the people Why did you not seize me then? But this is happening in order that what the prophets have written in the Scriptures about me may be fulfilled {may happen}.” |
25691 | LUK 16:2 | So he summoned his manager and said to him, ‘◄It is terrible what they are saying about you (sg)!/Is it true what they are saying about you (sg) [RHQ]?► Give me a written account of the funds you have been managing, because you can no longer be my household manager!’ |
25692 | LUK 16:3 | Then the manager thought to himself, ‘My master is going to fire me, so ◄I do not know what to do./what shall I do [RHQ]?► I am not strong enough to work by digging ditches, and I am ashamed to beg for money.’ |
30658 | 1JN 3:12 | We should not hate others as did Adam’s son, Cain, who belonged to Satan, the evil one. Because Cain hated his younger brother, he murdered him. ◄I will tell you about why he murdered his brother./Do you know why he murdered his brother [RHQ]?► It was because Cain habitually conducted his life in an evil way, and he hated his younger brother because his younger brother conducted his life righteously. |