Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-eng-t4t   ‘Word’,    February 11, 2023 at 18:26    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

5  GEN 1:5  He gave to the light the name ‘day’, and he gave to the darkness the name ‘night’. After that, there was an evening which was followed by a morning. He called that whole period of time ‘the first day’.
10  GEN 1:10  God gave to the ground the name ‘earth’, and he gave to the water that came together the name ‘oceans’. God was pleased with the earth and the oceans.
76  GEN 3:20  The man, whose name was Adam, named his wife Eve, which means ‘living’, because she became the ancestor of all living people.
81  GEN 4:1  Adam ◄had sex/slept► with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son whom she named Cain, which sounds like the word that means ‘produce’, because, she said, “By Yahweh’s help I have produced a son.” Some time later she gave birth to another son, and she named him Abel.
96  GEN 4:16  So Cain left Yahweh and went to live in the land called Nod, which means ‘wandering’, which was east of Eden.
97  GEN 4:17  Some time later, Cain ◄had sex/slept► with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, whom she named Enoch. Then Cain started to build a city, and he named the city ‘Enoch’, the same name that his son had.
105  GEN 4:25  Adam continued to ◄have sex/sleep► with [EUP] his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to another son, whom she named Seth, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘given’, because, she said, “God has given me another child to take the place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”
135  GEN 5:29  whom he named Noah, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘relief’, because he said, “He will bring us relief from all the hard work we have been doing to produce food from the ground that Yahweh cursed.”
260  GEN 10:25  Eber became the father of two sons. One of them was named Peleg, which means ‘division’, because during the time he lived, people on [MTY] the earth became divided and scattered everywhere. Peleg’s younger brother was Joktan.
276  GEN 11:9  The city was called Babel which means ‘confusion’, because there Yahweh caused the people to become confused because the people [MTY] spoke different languages that the others could not understand, not just one language. From there Yahweh caused them to disperse all over the earth.
480  GEN 19:22  But hurry! Run there, because I cannot destroy anything until you arrive there.” People later called the name of the town Zoar which means ‘small’, because Lot said it was small.
713  GEN 26:20  But other men who lived in Gerar Valley who took care of their animals argued/quarreled with the men who took care of Isaac’s animals, and said, “The water in this well is ours!” So Isaac named the well Esek, which means ‘dispute’, because they disputed about who owned it.
923  GEN 31:49  They also named the place Mizpah, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘watchtower’, because Laban said, “We will ask Yahweh to watch you and me while we are separated from each other, so that we do not try to harm each other.
1247  GEN 41:51  Joseph named the first one Manasseh, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘forget’, because, he said, “God has caused me to forget all my troubles and all my father’s family.”
1577  EXO 2:22  Later she gave birth to a son, and Moses/I named him Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘foreigner’, because he/I said, “I am living as a foreigner in this land.”
1991  EXO 17:7  Moses/I gave that place two names in the Hebrew language: Massah, which means ‘testing’, and Meribah, which means ‘complaining’. He/I gave it the name Massah because the Israeli people were testing Yahweh, saying “Is Yahweh really among us and able to help us, or not?”, and he/I gave it the name Meribah because they were continually complaining.
2003  EXO 18:3  bringing Zipporah and their/our two sons. One son was named Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘foreigner’, because he/I had said, “I have been a foreigner living in another land.”
4028  NUM 11:3  So they called that place Taberah, which means ‘burning’, because the fire from Yahweh had burned among them.
4325  NUM 20:13  Later this place was called Meribah, which means ‘arguing’, because there the Israeli people argued with Yahweh, and there he showed his power to them by giving them water.
5945  JOS 5:9  Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “Because your forefathers were slaves in Egypt, the Egyptians felt a revulsion toward you. But today I have removed the revulsion the Egyptians have had toward you.” Because of that, the people called the place ‘Gilgal’, which sounds like the Hebrew word ‘removed’, and it still has that name.
6877  JDG 12:6  they would say to him, “Say the word ‘Shibboleth’.” The men of Ephraim could not pronounce that word correctly. So if the person from the tribe of Ephraim said ‘Sibboleth’, they would know that he was lying and that he was really from the tribe of Ephraim, and they would kill him there at the ford. So the men of Gilead killed 42,000 people from the tribe of Ephraim at that time.
7149  RUT 1:20  Naomi said to them, “Don’t call me Naomi, which means ‘pleasant’. Instead, call me Mara, which means ‘bitter’, because God Almighty has made my life very unpleasant.
7366  1SA 7:12  After that happened, Samuel took a large stone and set it up between Mizpah and Jeshanah towns. He named the stone ‘Ebenezer’, which means ‘stone of help’, because he said “Yahweh has helped us until the present time.”
7889  1SA 25:25  Please do not pay attention to [IDM] what this worthless man Nabal has said. His name means ‘fool’, and he surely is a foolish man. But I, who am willing to be your servant, did not see the messengers whom you sent to him.
10562  1CH 7:23  Then he and his wife had sex [EUP] again, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Ephraim named him Beriah which resembles the word ‘trouble’, because of the trouble that his family had experienced.
17881  ISA 8:4  because before he is old enough to say ‘papa’ or ‘mama’, the King of Assyria will come with his army and quickly take away all the valuable things in Damascus and in Samaria.”
19027  JER 1:12  Yahweh said, “That is correct. And because the word for ‘almond’ resembles the word for ‘watching’, it means that I am watching what will happen, and I will make certain that what I have said to you about destroying nations will happen.”
19090  JER 3:19  You people of Israel, I wanted to accept you to be my children. I wanted to give you this delightful land. It is a land more desirable/pleasant than the land of any other nation! I wanted you to call me ‘father’, and I wanted you to never turn away from me.
23406  MAT 7:21  “Even though many people habitually call me ‘Lord’, pretending that they have my authority, some of them will not go to heaven where God rules, because they do not do what he desires. Only those people who do what my Father, who is in heaven, desires will go there.
23995  MAT 23:8  But you who are my disciples should not allow people to address you honorably as ‘Rabbi’, which means ‘teacher’. I am the only one who is really your teacher, which means that you are all equal, like brothers and sisters, and none of you should act superior to another, as the Pharisees do.
23996  MAT 23:9  Do not honor anyone on earth by addressing him as ‘Father’, because God, your Father in heaven, is the only spiritual father of all of you.
23997  MAT 23:10  Do not allow people to call you ‘Instructors’, because I, the Messiah, am the one instructor who teaches all of you.
24245  MAT 27:47  When some of the people standing there heard the word ‘Eli’, misunderstanding it, they said, “He is calling for the prophet Elijah!”
24930  MRK 15:35  When some of the people who were standing there heard the word ‘Eloi’, misunderstanding it, they said, “Listen! He is calling for the prophet Elijah!”
30016  PHM 1:11  Although his name, as you know, means ‘useful’, formerly he was useless to you. But now he is useful both to you and to me!
30133  HEB 7:2  Then Abraham gave to him one tenth of all the spoils he took after winning the battle. Melchizedek’s name means firstly ‘king who rules righteously’, and since Salem means ‘peace’, he was the ‘king who rules peacefully’.
30458  1PE 1:17  God is the one who ◄impartially/without favoritism► judges what each person does. Since you call him ‘Father’, live ◄reverently/with great respect for him► during the time that you are living here on earth. While you are living here, you are like exiles/foreigners [MET] because you are away from heaven, which is your true home.