Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-eng-t4t   Word;’    February 11, 2023 at 18:26    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

13269  JOB 17:5  Our ancestors often said, ‘It often happens that when someone betrays his friends in order to get some of their property, it is that person’s children who will be punished for it;’ so I desire/hope that will be true of these friends of mine who are lying about me.
13378  JOB 21:19  You say, ‘When people have committed sins, God waits and punishes their children because of those sins;’ but I say that God should punish those who sin, not their children, in order that the sinners will know that it is because of their own sins that they are being punished.
18244  ISA 28:10  He continually tells us, ‘Do this, do that;’ first he tells us one rule, then another rule, he tells us only one line at a time.”