Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engULB   N    February 11, 2023 at 18:28    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

36  GEN 2:5  No bush of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for Yahweh God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground.
57  GEN 3:1  Now the serpent was more shrewd than any other beast of the field which Yahweh God had made. He said to the woman, “Has God really said, 'You must not eat from any tree of the garden'?”
78  GEN 3:22  Yahweh God said,Now the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. So now he must not be allowed to reach out with his hand, take from the tree of life, eat it, and live forever.”
82  GEN 4:2  Then she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel became a shepherd, but Cain cultivated the soil.
91  GEN 4:11  Now cursed are you from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
96  GEN 4:16  So Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh and lived in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
102  GEN 4:22  As for Zillah, she bore Tubal-Cain, the forger of tools of bronze and iron. The sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
135  GEN 5:29  He called his name Noah, saying, “This one will give us rest from our work and from the painful labor of our hands, which we must do because of the ground that Yahweh has cursed.”
136  GEN 5:30  Lamech lived 595 years after he became the father of Noah. He became the father of more sons and daughters.
138  GEN 5:32  After Noah had lived five hundred years, he became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
146  GEN 6:8  But Noah found favor in the eyes of Yahweh.
147  GEN 6:9  These were the events concerning Noah. Noah was a righteous man, and blameless among the people of his time. Noah walked with God.
148  GEN 6:10  Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
151  GEN 6:13  God said to Noah, “I can see that it is time to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Indeed, I will destroy them with the earth.
160  GEN 6:22  So Noah did this. According to all that God commanded him, so he did.
161  GEN 7:1  Yahweh said to Noah, “Come, you and all your household, into the ark, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.
165  GEN 7:5  Noah did all that Yahweh commanded him.
166  GEN 7:6  Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came upon the earth.
167  GEN 7:7  Noah, his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives went into the ark together because of the waters of the flood.
169  GEN 7:9  two by two, male and female, came to Noah and went into the ark, just as God had commanded Noah.
171  GEN 7:11  In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day, all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the windows of heaven were opened.
173  GEN 7:13  On that very same day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, entered into the ark.
175  GEN 7:15  Two of all flesh in which was the breath of life came to Noah and entered into the ark.
183  GEN 7:23  So every living thing that was on the surface of the earth was wiped out, from mankind to the larger animals, to creeping things, and to birds of the sky. They were all destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those with him in the ark were left.
185  GEN 8:1  God considered Noah, all the wild animals, and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters started going down.
190  GEN 8:6  It came about after forty days that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made.
195  GEN 8:11  The dove returned to him in the evening. Look! In her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had gone down from the earth.
197  GEN 8:13  It came about in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, that the waters were dried up from off the earth. Noah removed the covering of the ark, looked out, and saw that, behold, the surface of the ground was dry.
199  GEN 8:15  God said to Noah,
202  GEN 8:18  So Noah went out with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives with him.
204  GEN 8:20  Noah built an altar to Yahweh. He took some of the clean animals and some of the clean birds, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.
205  GEN 8:21  Yahweh smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, “I will not again curse the ground because of mankind, even though the intentions of their hearts is evil from childhood. Nor will I again destroy everything living, as I have done.
207  GEN 9:1  Then God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.
214  GEN 9:8  Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying,
217  GEN 9:11  I hereby confirm my covenant with you, that never again will all flesh be destroyed by the waters of a flood. Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
223  GEN 9:17  Then God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have confirmed between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
224  GEN 9:18  The sons of Noah that came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham was the father of Canaan.
225  GEN 9:19  These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.
226  GEN 9:20  Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a vineyard.
230  GEN 9:24  When Noah awoke from his wine, he learned what his youngest son had done to him.
234  GEN 9:28  After the flood, Noah lived three hundred fifty years.
235  GEN 9:29  All the days of Noah were nine hundred fifty years, and then he died.
236  GEN 10:1  These were the descendants of the sons of Noah, that is, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood.
243  GEN 10:8  Cush became the father of Nimrod, who was the first conqueror on the earth.
244  GEN 10:9  He was a mighty hunter before Yahweh. That is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before Yahweh.”
246  GEN 10:11  Out of that land he went to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah,
247  GEN 10:12  and Resen, which was between Nineveh and Calah. It was a large city.
248  GEN 10:13  Mizraim became the father of the Ludites, the Anamites, the Lehabites, the Naphtuhites,
267  GEN 10:32  These were the clans of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogies, by their nations. From these the nations separated and went over the earth after the flood.
268  GEN 11:1  Now the whole earth used one language and had the same words.
289  GEN 11:22  When Serug had lived thirty years, he became the father of Nahor.
290  GEN 11:23  Serug lived two hundred years after he became the father of Nahor. He also became the father of other sons and daughters.
291  GEN 11:24  When Nahor had live twenty-nine years, he became the father of Terah.
292  GEN 11:25  Nahor lived 119 years after he became the father of Terah. He also became the father of other sons and daughters.
293  GEN 11:26  After Terah had lived seventy years, he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
294  GEN 11:27  Now these were the descendants of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran, and Haran became the father of Lot.
296  GEN 11:29  Abram and Nahor took wives. The name of Abram's wife was Sarai and the name of Nahor's wife was Milkah, a daughter of Haran, who was the father of Milkah and Iskah.
297  GEN 11:30  Now Sarai was barren; she had no child.
300  GEN 12:1  Now Yahweh said to Abram, “Go from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's household, to the land that I will show you.
308  GEN 12:9  Then Abram continued journeying, going toward the Negev.
318  GEN 12:19  Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I took her to be my wife? Now therefore, here is your wife. Take her, and go your way.”
320  GEN 13:1  So Abram went up from Egypt and went into the Negev, he, his wife, and all that he had. Lot also went with them.
321  GEN 13:2  Now Abram was very rich in animals, in silver, and in gold.
322  GEN 13:3  He continued on his journey from the Negev to Bethel, to the place where his tent had been before, between Bethel and Ai.
324  GEN 13:5  Now Lot, who was traveling with Abram, also had flocks, herds, and tents.
332  GEN 13:13  Now the men of Sodom were very wicked sinners against Yahweh.
347  GEN 14:10  Now the Valley of Siddim was full of tar pits, and as the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, they fell in there. Those who were left fled to the mountains.
351  GEN 14:14  Now when Abram heard that enemies had captured his relative, he led out his 318 trained men who had been born in his house, and he pursued them as far as Dan.
383  GEN 16:1  Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had not borne any children for him, but she had a female servant, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.
403  GEN 17:5  No longer will your name be Abram, but your name will be Abraham—for I appoint you to be the father of a multitude of nations.
417  GEN 17:19  God said,No, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you must name him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant with his descendants after him.
436  GEN 18:11  Now Abraham and Sarah were old, very advanced in age, and Sarah had passed the age when women could bear children.
440  GEN 18:15  Then Sarah denied it and said, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. He replied,No, you did laugh.”
460  GEN 19:2  He said, “Please my masters, I urge you to turn aside into your servant's house, stay for the night, and wash your feet. Then you can rise up early and go on your way.” They replied,No, we will spend the night in the town square.”
467  GEN 19:9  They said, “Stand back!” They also said, “This one came here to live as a foreigner, and now he has become our judge! Now we will deal worse with you than with them.” They pressed hard against the man, against Lot, and came near to break down the door.
476  GEN 19:18  Lot said to them,No, please, my masters!
497  GEN 20:1  Abraham journeyed from there toward the land of the Negev, and lived between Kadesh and Shur. He was a foreigner living in Gerar.
500  GEN 20:4  Now Abimelech had not come near her and he said, “Lord, would you kill even a righteous nation?
537  GEN 21:23  Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me, nor with my offspring, nor with my descendants. Show to me and to the land in which you have been staying the same covenant faithfulness that I have shown to you.”
568  GEN 22:20  It came about after these things that Abraham was told, “Milkah has borne children, as well, to your brother Nahor.”
571  GEN 22:23  Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. These were the eight children that Milkah bore to Nahor, Abraham's brother.
578  GEN 23:6  “Listen to us, my master. You are a prince of God among us. Bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs. None of us will refuse you his tomb, so that you may bury your dead.”
582  GEN 23:10  Now Ephron was sitting among the sons of Heth, and Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the hearing of the sons of Heth, of all those who had come into the gate of his city, saying,
583  GEN 23:11  No, my master, hear me. I give you the field, and the cave that is in it. I give it to you in the presence of the sons of my people. I give it to you to bury your dead.”
593  GEN 24:1  Now Abraham was very old and Yahweh had blessed Abraham in all things.
602  GEN 24:10  The servant took ten of his master's camels and departed. He also took with him all kinds of gifts from his master. He departed and went to the region of Aram Naharaim, to the city of Nahor.
607  GEN 24:15  It came about that even before he had finished speaking, behold, Rebekah came out with her water pitcher on her shoulder. Rebekah was born to Bethuel son of Milkah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother.
608  GEN 24:16  The young woman was very beautiful and a virgin. No man had slept with her. She went down to the spring and filled her pitcher, and came up.
616  GEN 24:24  She said to him, “I am the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, whom she bore to Nahor.”
621  GEN 24:29  Now Rebekah had a brother, and his name was Laban. Laban ran to the man who was out at the road by the spring.
639  GEN 24:47  I asked her and said, 'Whose daughter are you?' She said, 'The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milkah bore to him.' Then I put the ring in her nose and the bracelets on her arms.
641  GEN 24:49  Now therefore, if you are prepared to show covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness to my master, tell me. But if not, tell me, so that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.”
654  GEN 24:62  Now Isaac was living in the Negev, and had just returned from Beer Lahai Roi.
671  GEN 25:12  Now these were the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's servant, bore to Abraham.
672  GEN 25:13  These were the names of Ishmael's sons, according to their birth order: Nebaioth—the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
674  GEN 25:15  Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
687  GEN 25:28  Now Isaac loved Esau because he ate the animals that he had hunted, but Rebekah loved Jacob.