Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engWycliffe   K    February 11, 2023 at 18:28    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

1841  EXO 12:24  Kepe thou this word; it schal be a lawful thing to thee and to thi sones til in to with outen ende.
2158  EXO 23:13  Kepe ye alle thingis, whiche Y seide to you; and ye schulen not swere bi the name of alien goddis, nether it schal be herd of youre mouth.
2435  EXO 31:14  Kepe ye my sabat, for it is hooli to you; he that defoulith it, schal die bi deeth, the soule of hym, that doith werk in the sabat, schal perische fro the myddis of his puple.
2508  EXO 34:11  Kepe thou alle thingis, whiche Y comaundide to thee to dai; I my silf schal caste out bifor thi face Amorrey, and Cananey, and Ethei, and Ferezei, and Euey, and Jebusei.
3000  LEV 11:2  Seie ye to the sones of Israel, Kepe ye alle thingis whiche Y wroot to you, that Y be youre God. These ben the beestis, whiche ye schulen ete, of alle lyuynge beestis of erthe;
3257  LEV 18:5  Kepe ye my lawis and domes, whiche a man `schal do, and schal lyue in tho; Y am youre Lord God.
3278  LEV 18:26  Kepe ye my lawful thingis and domes, that ye do not of alle these abhomynaciouns, as wel a man borun in the lond as a comelyng which is a pilgrym at you.
3282  LEV 18:30  Kepe ye myn heestis; nyle ye do tho thingis, whiche thei that weren bifor you diden, and be ye not defoulid in tho; Y am youre Lord God.
3285  LEV 19:3  Ech man drede his fadir and his modir. Kepe ye my sabatis; Y am youre Lord God.
3301  LEV 19:19  Kepe ye my lawis. Thou schalt not make thi beestis to gendre with the lyuynge beestis of another kynde. Thou schalt not sowe the feeld with dyuerse sede. Thou schalt not be clothid in a cloth, which is wouun of twei thingis.
3312  LEV 19:30  Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye my seyntuarie; Y `am the Lord.
3319  LEV 19:37  Kepe ye alle myn heestis, and alle domes, and do ye tho; Y am the Lord.
3327  LEV 20:8  Kepe ye myn heestis, and do ye tho, for Y am the Lord that halewe you.
3341  LEV 20:22  Kepe ye my lawis and my domes, and do ye tho, lest the lond, in to which ye schulen entre and dwelle, caste out viliche also you.
3401  LEV 22:31  Kepe ye myn heestis, and do ye tho; Y am the Lord.
3527  LEV 26:2  Kepe ye my sabatis, and drede ye at my seyntuarie; Y am the Lord.
5046  DEU 4:40  Kepe thou hise heestis, and comaundementis, whiche Y comaunde to thee, that it be wel to thee, and to thi sones after thee, and that thou dwelle mych tyme on the lond, which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee.
5067  DEU 5:12  Kepe thou the `day of sabat that thou halewe it, as thi Lord God comaundide to thee.
5105  DEU 6:17  Kepe thou the comaundementis of thi Lord God, and the witnessyngis, and cerymonyes, whiche he comaundide to thee;
5212  DEU 11:2  Knowe ye to day tho thingis whiche youre sones knowen not, `whiche sones sien not the doctryn of youre Lord God, hise grete dedis, and strong hond, and `arm holdun forth,
5270  DEU 12:28  Kepe thou and here alle thingis whiche Y comaunde to thee, that it be wel to thee, and to thi sones after thee, with outen ende, whanne thou hast do that, that is good and plesaunt in the siyt of thi Lord God.
5345  DEU 16:1  Kepe thou the monethe of newe fruytis, and of the bigynnyng of somer, that thou make pask to thi Lord God; for in this monethe thi Lord God ledde thee out of Egipt in the nyyt.
5535  DEU 24:8  Kepe thou diligentli, lest thou renne in to the sijknesse of lepre, but thou schalt do what euer thingis the preestis of the kyn of Leuy techen thee, bi that that Y comaundide to hem, and `fille thou diligentli.
5588  DEU 27:1  Forsothe Moyses comaundide, and the eldre men, to the puple of Israel, and seiden, Kepe ye ech `comaundement which Y comaunde to you to dai.
23794  MAT 17:25  And he seide, Yhis. And whanne he was comen in to the hous, Jhesus cam bifor hym, and seide, Symount, what semeth to thee? Kyngis of erthe, of whom taken thei tribute? of her sones, ether of aliens?
24405  MRK 4:13  And he seide to hem, Knowe not ye this parable? and hou ye schulen knowe alle parablis?
24921  MRK 15:26  And the titil of his cause was writun, Kyng of Jewis.
25101  LUK 3:7  Therfor he seid to the puple, which wente out to be baptisid of hym, Kyndlyngis of eddris, who schewide to you to fle fro the wraththe to comynge?
25958  LUK 22:25  But he seide to hem, Kyngis of hethen men ben lordis of hem, and thei that han power on hem ben clepid good doeris, but ye not so;
26034  LUK 23:30  Thanne thei schulen bigynne to seie to mounteyns, Falle ye doun on vs, and to smale hillis, Keuere ye vs.
26918  JHN 19:24  Therfor thei seiden togidere, Kitte we not it, but caste we lot, whos it is; that the scripture be fulfillid, seiynge, Thei partiden my clothis to hem, and on my cloth thei casten lot. And the kniytis diden these thingis.