Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engaoi   :    February 11, 2023 at 18:28    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

25056  LUK 2:14  and saying: “Let us praise God who lives in heaven. He is pleased with people who obey him. So may they go in peace.”
25098  LUK 3:4  Long ago there was a man called Isaiah who was a prophet. He said, “Someone is calling out in the desert, and these are his words: ‘Get the road ready for the Lord. Make a straight path for him to walk on.
25149  LUK 4:17  A servant gave Jesus the paper scroll with Isaiah's words written in it. Isaiah was a prophet who lived long ago. Jesus unrolled the paper and looked for the place he wanted. When he found it, he read these words to the people:
25229  LUK 6:14  These were their names: Simon, the one Jesus called Peter, and his younger brother Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,
25474  LUK 10:42  But this one good thing you need: you should listen to me. Your sister has been sitting listening, and that is good. It is what she wants and she has chosen well, so I won't make her go. Let her stay sitting here listening to me.”
25476  LUK 11:2  Then Jesus said to his disciples, “When you pray, say these words: ‘Father, help us to speak about your name in the right way, because your name is holy. Rule over us all.
25698  LUK 16:9  “So I am telling you this: help other people. Give them food and things and money. Later when you die you won't need any of those things, and God will take you to his home in heaven.”
25865  LUK 20:17  Jesus looked at them and said, “Long ago these words were written in God's book: ‘Some men wanted to build a house, and they collected a lot of stones. They put one stone to the side because they didn't want it. But later on they took the same stone that they hadn't wanted at first and found that it was the most important stone of all.’” Then Jesus said to them, “Think carefully about those words,
25876  LUK 20:28  They said, “Teacher, long ago Moses wrote this law for us: ‘If a man dies and leaves a wife but no children, that man's brother must marry the widow, so that they can have children who will be like the dead man's children.’
25890  LUK 20:42  We know these words that David wrote. He said, ‘The Lord God said to my Lord: Sit here on my right. Stay near me
25970  LUK 22:37  “Long ago these words were written: ‘He died just like wicked men die.’ I am telling you now, this is about me. I will die just like wicked men. And so it will really happen as these words say.’
26106  LUK 24:46  and he said, “This is what is written: ‘The Messiah must suffer and die and come alive again on the third day.’
29814  1TI 3:16  God's word is very good. Truly that word is important that was hidden before, the one that tells us about Jesus Christ: He came into the world, he became a person like us. God's Spirit has shown us that Jesus has done what God wanted him to do. God's angels have seen him. Some of God's people have told others about him all over the world. And some of the people in the world believe now that Jesus is God's Son. But God has taken Jesus back again to heaven.