3 | GEN 1:3 | Then God spoke. “Let there be light,” he said. And then the light came out. |
5 | GEN 1:5 | He called the light “Day” and the darkness “Night.” Then night came. That was the first night. Then a new day dawned and it was morning. |
6 | GEN 1:6 | Then God spoke again. “Let the water separate, half above and half below.” |
8 | GEN 1:8 | God called the wide space “Sky.” Then night came. That was the second night. Then a new day dawned and it was morning. |
9 | GEN 1:9 | And God spoke again. “Let the water come together in one place,” he said, “so that the earth can appear.” Then the water came together in one place and the earth appeared. |
10 | GEN 1:10 | God called the earth “Dry land.” And the water that came together he called “Sea.” And God looked and saw that the dry land and the sea were both good. |
11 | GEN 1:11 | Then God spoke again. “Let different kinds of trees and other plants grow on the land. The plants will give seeds and the different kinds of trees will give fruit.” |
14 | GEN 1:14 | Then God spoke again. “Let lights come out in the sky. Let them light up the world, so that the day is separate from the night, and so that all the days are separate. Day and night will follow one after the other. And let them light up the world, so that the dry season will be separate from the wet season. The dry season and the wet season will also follow one after the other.” |
20 | GEN 1:20 | Then God spoke again. “Let many different kinds of fish fill the sea, and let birds fly in the sky.” |
22 | GEN 1:22 | Then God blessed the sea creatures and the birds. He said to the fish, “Increase and fill the sea,” and to the birds, “Increase!” |
24 | GEN 1:24 | Then God spoke again. “Let there be different kinds of animals and snakes, big ones and little ones, on the earth.” |
26 | GEN 1:26 | Then God spoke again. “Now we will make people and they will be like us. And they will rule over the fish and the birds and the animals and the snakes.” |
30 | GEN 1:30 | And I have given plants to the animals and to the birds for their food.” |
34 | GEN 2:3 | Then he said, “This seventh day I am resting. So this day is different. It will be separate from the other days, because I have rested from my work today. This is my holy day.” |
48 | GEN 2:17 | except one. This tree gives knowledge about what is good and what is bad and you mustn't eat its fruit. If you do eat it you will die the same day.” |
49 | GEN 2:18 | Then Yahweh God said, “It is not good for this man to live alone. So I will make a helper to be with him.” |
54 | GEN 2:23 | The man said, “Ah! Here is someone like me! My bone is in her, and also my flesh. Yahweh God has made this person from a man today, so her name is ‘Woman.’” |
57 | GEN 3:1 | When Yahweh God made all the animals, there was one snake that was very good at tricking people. It was better than all the other animals. The snake went to the woman and spoke to her. “God said to you, ‘Don't eat the fruit of any of these trees.’ Did he really say that?” |
58 | GEN 3:2 | “No,” said the woman. “We can eat fruit from these trees, |
59 | GEN 3:3 | but we can't eat the fruit from just one tree in the middle. God told us, ‘Don't eat the fruit of that tree and don't touch it.’ If we touch it we will die.” |
61 | GEN 3:5 | God said that to you because he knows that if you eat that fruit you will be like God, and you will know what is good and what is bad.” |
62 | GEN 3:6 | Then the woman looked at the tree and saw that it was beautiful. She thought, “It would be good if I could eat this fruit. And it would be good to be wise.” And so she took some and ate it and gave some to her husband. Then he ate some too. |
65 | GEN 3:9 | But Yahweh God called out to the man, “Where are you?” |
66 | GEN 3:10 | The man answered, “I heard your voice, and I was afraid and I hid because I was naked.” |
67 | GEN 3:11 | God said to him, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?” |
68 | GEN 3:12 | The man said, “This woman you gave me, she gave me the fruit and I ate it.” |
69 | GEN 3:13 | Then Yahweh God said to the woman, “Why did you do that?” She answered, “The snake tricked me and I ate it.” |
71 | GEN 3:15 | “You and this woman will hate each other. I will put hatred between you. Her children and yours will always hate each other. Her children will crush your head and you will bite their heels.” |
72 | GEN 3:16 | Then Yahweh God spoke some very strong words to the woman too. He said, “When you are pregnant, you will be in pain. I will make your suffering worse and you will be in pain when you give birth to a child. Even though you will suffer, you will still want your husband, but your husband will rule over you.” |
75 | GEN 3:19 | You will have to work hard until the sweat pours out of your body. You will work hard so that the earth will provide your food. You won't stop until you die and go back to the ground, and they bury you there. I made you out of the soil and you will become soil again.” |
76 | GEN 3:20 | And the man was called Adam and he named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all people. The name Eve means “living.” |
78 | GEN 3:22 | Then Yahweh God thought, “Now this man is like us. He knows what is good and what is bad, so he must not eat the fruit from the tree of life and live forever.” |
79 | GEN 3:23 | So Yahweh God sent the man and the woman out of Eden. He said to Adam, “I took some soil and I made you. So from today you will have to work in the soil.” |
81 | GEN 4:1 | Adam and his wife Eve lived together. They slept together and after a while Eve knew that she was pregnant. Later she gave birth to a son and said, “Yahweh has helped me, and so now I have given birth to a son.” And she named him Cain, because Cain means “I have got.” |
87 | GEN 4:7 | If you do the right thing, then you will be smiling. But if you don't do the right thing, it is as though an evil spirit is waiting for you and it is ready to tie you up. It wants to rule over you, but you must rule over it.” |
88 | GEN 4:8 | Then Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let's go out into the bush.” And they went into the bush together, and Cain killed his brother there. He hit him and he died. |
89 | GEN 4:9 | Yahweh said to Cain, “Where is your brother?” He answered, “Don't ask me, I don't know. Why should I look after my brother?” |
92 | GEN 4:12 | If you try to grow plants, they won't provide food, because the earth is spoilt. You will have to wander around without a homeland.” |
93 | GEN 4:13 | Then Cain said, “That is terrible, driving me away from this place and from yourself. Because of your words I will have to suffer greatly. After today I will be wandering around homeless, and anyone who finds me will kill me.” |
95 | GEN 4:15 | But Yahweh said, “No. If anyone kills you I will make sure that people pay back and kill seven others.” And Yahweh put a mark on Cain so that people wouldn't kill him. Then he warned the people about Cain. |
96 | GEN 4:16 | And Cain left Yahweh and went away. He lived in another country called “Wandering,” which is east of Eden. |
100 | GEN 4:20 | Adah gave birth to a baby boy and she called him Jabal because Jabal means “to lead.” Then when Jabal grew up he was the ancestor of people who look after sheep and cattle. And he and his family were the first to live in tents. |
101 | GEN 4:21 | His younger brother was called Jubal because Jubal means “musical instrument.” He was the ancestor of people who play musical instruments. |
104 | GEN 4:24 | If anyone had killed Cain, seven people would have died. But if anyone kills me, then seventy-seven people will die.” |
105 | GEN 4:25 | Adam and his wife Eve had another son. After he was born, Eve said, “God has given me another baby boy. My first son died, because Cain killed him. But this one will take his place.” So she named him Seth because Seth means “he has given.” |
107 | GEN 5:1 | When God created people, he made them like himself. He created them male and female. Then he blessed them and said, “You will be called ‘people’.” These are the names of Adam's descendants. |
135 | GEN 5:29 | He said, “Yahweh cursed the ground and it was spoilt. But when this child grows up he will comfort us and make our hard work easier.” So he named him Noah because Noah means “he will comfort.” |
141 | GEN 6:3 | Then there were very big, tall people living there. They were the children and the grandchildren of the sons of God and their wives. They were very strong, so everyone used to talk about them. And Yahweh said, “I don't want people to live forever. They should grow old and die, because they are only people. So from now on they will live for 120 years and that is all.” |
145 | GEN 6:7 | I will kill them. I made these people, but they will have to die, and also the animals and the birds. I wish I hadn't made them.” |
159 | GEN 6:21 | You must take food, all different kinds of food for yourselves and for the animals and birds.” |
164 | GEN 7:4 | “In seven days I will send rain. The rain will keep on falling for forty days and forty nights. It will keep on and on. It will destroy everything I have made in the world, the birds, the animals and the people.” |
201 | GEN 8:17 | Let out all the birds and animals. Take them with you, so that they can increase and live all over the earth.” |
206 | GEN 8:22 | “This is the way it will be. People will grow food again in this world and gather it. The hot season and the cold season will follow one another until the world is finished. And night and day will always follow each other too.” |
213 | GEN 9:7 | “You must have many children so that your descendants will live all over the world.” |
222 | GEN 9:16 | “So when you see the rainbow and when I see it too, I will think about my covenant. The rainbow will be a sign that it won't change, it will always be there for you today and afterwards for all people and fish, animals and birds who live in this world.” |
233 | GEN 9:27 | God will give Japheth many children and they will increase. And his descendants will live with Shem's people. Japheth will also rule over Canaan.” The name Japheth means “they will become many.” |
244 | GEN 10:9 | Yahweh helped him and so he was a very good hunter. That is why people say to each other today, “May Yahweh help you too, so that you can be a good hunter like Nimrod was long ago.” |
260 | GEN 10:25 | Eber had two sons. One of them was called Peleg, and while he was alive all the people spread out and separated. So they called him Peleg, because Peleg means “they were separated.” And his brother was Joktan. |
270 | GEN 11:3 | Then those people talked about building houses. They said, “Let us make some houses out of mud.” So they wet some mud with water and made bricks and put them in the hot sun until they became hard. And they got some sticky tar. They put the bricks down one by one, and put some tar in between them so that the houses would be strong. And so they made their mud houses. |
271 | GEN 11:4 | Then they said, “Come on, let us make a lot of houses. And let us make one very tall one. It won't be like these others, it will be really tall. Let us make it so tall it will reach the sky. We want to show each other that we are strong, and also show our grandchildren that their grandfathers were good at work and very clever. Let us do this now so that we won't live all over the country, but all together in one place.” |
273 | GEN 11:6 | “They are all one people,” he said, “and they speak one language. First they have made this tower, and soon they will be doing other things. They will go on doing more and more things, whatever they want to do. |
274 | GEN 11:7 | “Let us go down and mix up their language so that they won't understand each other.” |
276 | GEN 11:9 | They called the city Babylon because Yahweh mixed up their language there and Babylon means “he mixed up the language.” And so Yahweh sent the people all over the world and they didn't know each other any more. |
302 | GEN 12:3 | Some people will bless you, and so I will bless them. But if anyone curses you, I will curse them. I will bless all the nations just as I am blessing you today.’” |
306 | GEN 12:7 | Yahweh came and appeared to Abram at the tree and said, “This is the country I will give to your descendants.” Then Abram took some big stones and stood them up and made an altar so that he could pray to Yahweh, and then he worshipped him there. |
312 | GEN 12:13 | So tell them, ‘I am Abram's sister,’ and then they will let me live and they will be kind to me.” |
318 | GEN 12:19 | Because you said, ‘This woman is my sister,’ I took her for my wife. That was very wrong to trick me. Now take your wife and go! Get right away from me!” |
328 | GEN 13:9 | So let us go different ways. You say the place you want, so you can go there, and I will go to a different place so that we can live away from each other.” |
336 | GEN 13:17 | Now, go and look over the whole land, because I will give it all to you,” Yahweh said to Abram. |
357 | GEN 14:20 | You have looked after him and helped him today and so he has chased all those soldiers away. And now we praise you!” Then Abram gave Melchizedek one tenth of all the good things he had taken from Chedorlaomer and the other kings, and brought back with him. |
358 | GEN 14:21 | The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Keep all these things for yourself, but give me back all my people.” |
361 | GEN 14:24 | I will not take anything for myself. But my men have already eaten food, so that is ours, and no more. But let these men, Aner, Eshcol and Mamre take their share.” |
362 | GEN 15:1 | After some time, while he was inside his tent, Abram had a vision of Yahweh and he heard him speaking to him. Yahweh said to him, “Don't be afraid. I will stand between you and trouble so that you will be safe, and I will give you good things.” |
364 | GEN 15:3 | You haven't given me any children, so Eliezer will take my things when I die.” |
365 | GEN 15:4 | Then Abram heard Yahweh speaking to him again. He said, “Look! Eliezer won't take your things when you die. Truly you will have a son, and he will be the one who will have your things.” |
366 | GEN 15:5 | Then Yahweh took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up to the sky and try and count the stars. Your descendants will increase until they are as many as those stars.” |
368 | GEN 15:7 | Then Yahweh said to Abram, “I am Yahweh, the one who brought you out of Ur in Babylonia. I have brought you here to give you this land for yourself.” |
369 | GEN 15:8 | But Abram said, “Lord Yahweh, how will I know this land belongs to me?” |
370 | GEN 15:9 | Yahweh said to him, “Bring me a bullock, a goat and a male sheep, a ram. Get ones that are three years old. And also bring a dove and a pigeon.” |
374 | GEN 15:13 | Then Yahweh said to him, “You will live until you become an old man and you will just die without any trouble, and then they will bury you. When you die, your descendants will go to a different land and they will live there as strangers. Cruel people who belong to that country will take your descendants and make them work hard for them there. Your descendants will go on living in that place for 400 years, because I won't yet drive out the Amorite people belonging to this country. These Amorite people are wicked but they will become more wicked later and then I will punish them and drive them out. Then I will become angry with those cruel people in that different country, and your descendants will leave there and they will come back here. When they come out of that country they will bring many things, many animals and a lot of money with them. They will be very, very rich.” |
382 | GEN 15:21 | Some places belong to the Amorite people, some to the Canaanite people, some to the Girgashite people, and some to the Jebusite people. Truly I will give all these places of theirs to your descendants.” |
384 | GEN 16:2 | So Sarai said to her husband, “Yahweh hasn't given me any children yet. So take this girl and sleep with her. Then if she has any children they will be mine.” Abram agreed. |
386 | GEN 16:4 | and they knew each other. After a while Hagar knew that she was pregnant and she became proud towards Sarai. And she said to Sarai, “Now I am good because I am carrying Abram's child.” |
387 | GEN 16:5 | Sarai said to her husband, “Because she is carrying your child, she has become proud. I myself told you to take her. She has become proud because she is carrying a child. She keeps on speaking unkindly to me. She has been doing it all the time,” Sarai said. “Which one of us is right, you or me? Let Yahweh decide!” |
388 | GEN 16:6 | Abram said, “She is yours, and she is working for you. You are the one who controls her, so you may do anything you want with her.” Then Sarai was cruel to Hagar and kept on teasing her. She beat her with a stick, because of the way she had been speaking to her. And so Hagar ran away. |
390 | GEN 16:8 | He said to Hagar, “You are the girl who has been working for Sarai, aren't you? What are you doing here? Where have you come from and where are you going?” Hagar answered, “I am running away from Sarai.” |
391 | GEN 16:9 | “Go back to Sarai and work for her, because you belong to her,” Yahweh said to Hagar. |
393 | GEN 16:11 | You will have a baby boy and you will call him Ishmael, because I have heard you crying.” The name Ishmael means “God hears.” |
394 | GEN 16:12 | The angel also said to her, “Your son will be like a man from the bush. He will cause trouble for everyone and everyone will cause trouble for him. He will live by himself, away from all his family.” |
395 | GEN 16:13 | “Oh!” thought Hagar. “That wasn't an angel. I have seen Yahweh himself. I have seen him with my own eyes and I am still alive!” So she called Yahweh “The God Who Sees Me.” |
396 | GEN 16:14 | Because she said that, today people call that waterhole, “The Owner of the Waterhole Is Alive and He Sees Me.” The waterhole is between Kadesh and Bered. |
400 | GEN 17:2 | Let us make a covenant together. I am making this covenant with you so that it will last forever. I will give you many descendants.” |
403 | GEN 17:5 | From today your name will not be Abram but now you will be called Abraham. I am giving you this new name because you will be the ancestor of many nations.” God said that because Abram means “great father,” but Abraham means “father of many people.” |
406 | GEN 17:8 | You are living as a stranger here today. But I will give this land to you and your descendants. Even though it belongs to other people today, it will be yours later. The whole land of Canaan will belong to your descendants forever. And I will be their God forever.” |
412 | GEN 17:14 | Then the men who haven't been circumcised won't be my people, because they haven't kept my covenant that I have made.” |
414 | GEN 17:16 | I will bless her. And I will give you a son, and this son of yours will be Sarah's son. I will bless Sarah and she will be the mother of nations. Some of her descendants will become kings and rule in their countries.” |
415 | GEN 17:17 | Then Abraham bowed down and put his face to the ground to praise God. But he laughed because he thought, “How can I have children when I am already 100 years old? And how can Sarah have a child when she is 90 years old? She is a very old woman already!” |
416 | GEN 17:18 | He asked God, “Why can't Ishmael have my things when I die?” |
417 | GEN 17:19 | But God said, “No! Your wife Sarah will give birth to a baby boy for you and you will call him Isaac.” God said that because Isaac means “he laughs.” Then he said, “The covenant that I have made with you will be for him too, and it will never change. It will last forever, for him and for his descendants forever. |
419 | GEN 17:21 | “As for Isaac, Sarah will give birth to him next year. Then I will keep my covenant, the one that you and I have made, with Isaac in his turn.” |