Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engaoi   Word!”    February 11, 2023 at 18:28    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

318  GEN 12:19  Because you said, ‘This woman is my sister,’ I took her for my wife. That was very wrong to trick me. Now take your wife and go! Get right away from me!”
357  GEN 14:20  You have looked after him and helped him today and so he has chased all those soldiers away. And now we praise you!” Then Abram gave Melchizedek one tenth of all the good things he had taken from Chedorlaomer and the other kings, and brought back with him.
387  GEN 16:5  Sarai said to her husband, “Because she is carrying your child, she has become proud. I myself told you to take her. She has become proud because she is carrying a child. She keeps on speaking unkindly to me. She has been doing it all the time,” Sarai said. “Which one of us is right, you or me? Let Yahweh decide!”
395  GEN 16:13  “Oh!” thought Hagar. “That wasn't an angel. I have seen Yahweh himself. I have seen him with my own eyes and I am still alive!” So she called Yahweh “The God Who Sees Me.”
415  GEN 17:17  Then Abraham bowed down and put his face to the ground to praise God. But he laughed because he thought, “How can I have children when I am already 100 years old? And how can Sarah have a child when she is 90 years old? She is a very old woman already!”
463  GEN 19:5  They called out to Lot and asked, “Where are the men who came to stay with you? Bring them out here to us. We want to sleep with them!” But the men of Sodom wanted to do wrong with them.
467  GEN 19:9  But the men said to him, “Get out of our way! You are a stranger, you can't tell us what to do! Get out of our way, or we will do worse to you!” Then they grabbed Lot and pushed him towards the house. They moved near to break the door.
549  GEN 22:1  Some time later God tested Abraham to see if he would really obey him. So he called out to him, “Abraham!” The old man said, “Here I am!”
693  GEN 25:34  Then Jacob gave him some damper and some of the soup he had cooked. Esau ate the damper and drank the soup and he got up and left, saying, “What does it matter? Let him be the firstborn!”
703  GEN 26:10  “Why have you done this? You have tricked us, haven't you!” Abimelech said. “Any of my men might have slept with your wife, and that would be your sin, not ours.”
772  GEN 27:44  and stay there with him for a while. Later your brother will forget what you have done and he will calm down. Then I will send someone to bring you back. If you don't go away, maybe both of you will die on the one day. And then both my sons will be gone!”
790  GEN 28:16  Jacob woke up and said to himself, “Yahweh is here in this place and I didn't know!”
791  GEN 28:17  Then he was afraid and said, “This is a very frightening place! It must be the house of God! It must be the gate that opens into heaven!”
821  GEN 29:25  Jacob didn't know that he had slept with Leah until the next morning. He went to Laban and said, “Why have you done this to me? I worked hard to get Rachel, and you have tricked me!”
1092  GEN 37:8  The brothers said to him, “So you think you will rule over us, do you!” Then they hated him still more because of that dream and because they knew that their brother went and told his father the wrong things they did.
1117  GEN 37:33  Jacob looked at it and he recognized Joseph's coat. “Yes, it is his! A wild animal has killed him,” the old man said. “It has torn him to pieces!”
1149  GEN 38:29  But the baby pulled his arm back and the other one was born first. The woman said to him, “You have got out by yourself!” So he was named Perez, because Perez means “he got out by himself.”
1281  GEN 42:28  He called to his brothers and said, “Here is my money in my bag. They have returned it to me!” This gave them a shock and they were very frightened and asked each other, “What has God done to us?”
1289  GEN 42:36  Jacob said, “Look what you have done! I will lose all my children. Joseph is gone and Simeon is gone too. And now you want to take Benjamin away from me. You are making me suffer so much!”
22646  JON 4:9  But God said to him, “Why are you angry about that plant? You shouldn't be angry about that!” Jonah answered, “Yes, I will be angry about it. I am very angry and I wish I could die!”
25166  LUK 4:34  “Hey! Leave me alone! Why have you come to us, Jesus of Nazareth? You have come here to kill us, haven't you! I know who you are. You are the one God has sent here!”
25167  LUK 4:35  “Be quiet!” said Jesus. “Come out of the man at once!” And the spirit threw the man down among the people without hurting him and came out of him.
25171  LUK 4:39  Jesus went over to where she was lying and stood near her and spoke some strong words. “Leave her at once!” he said to the sickness. And she became cool straight away and she got up and cooked food for them.
25173  LUK 4:41  Many of the people had evil spirits, but the spirits came out of them and left them, screaming, “You are the Son of God!” And Jesus spoke strong words to the evil spirits and made them be quiet, because they knew that he was the Messiah, the one God had sent into the world.
25188  LUK 5:12  One day Jesus was in a town where there was a man who was covered with bad sores. He was very sick. When he saw Jesus he threw himself down on the ground because he really wanted Jesus to heal him. He said to Jesus, “Please! Please! Good Lord, if you want to, you know you can make my skin clean!”
25200  LUK 5:24  But as for me, the one who was born in this place, God has told me that I can forgive your sins. So I will show you today that God's word to me is true.” Then Jesus spoke to the crippled man and said, “Get up! Pick up your bed and go home!”
25202  LUK 5:26  Everyone was very surprised and afraid and they praised God. Then they said to each other, “We have seen wonderful things with our own eyes today!”
25206  LUK 5:30  But some Pharisees and teachers of Moses' law knew that Jesus had gone to Levi's house. And they complained and said to Jesus' disciples, “Why are you eating together in that man's house? You eat with people who collect tax money. You eat with sinners!”
25278  LUK 7:14  Then he went over to the dead man and put his hand on the box. The men who were carrying the body stood still. Then Jesus spoke to the dead man. “Get up!” he said.
25338  LUK 8:24  The disciples went to Jesus and woke him up. They said, “Master! Master! We are going to drown! Get up!” Jesus got up and he spoke strong words to the wind and to the water. “Be still!” he said. Then the wind died down and the water became calm too.
25339  LUK 8:25  Jesus said to his disciples, “Why can't you trust me?” But they were amazed and frightened. “Who is this man?” they said to each other. “He speaks to the wind and the waves and they obey him!”
25341  LUK 8:27  Jesus jumped from the boat on to the shore and a man came towards him. He belonged to Gerasa but he had many evil spirits in him. They had been in him for a very long time and had grabbed hold of him many times. His people had tied his hands and feet with chains but he kept breaking them. The spirits used to drive him away into the desert and he used to go around without any clothes on. He wouldn't stay at home and he kept away from houses and people. He used to sleep in the caves where they put dead bodies. When the man came close to him, Jesus spoke to the evil spirits and said, “Come out!” But the man screamed and bowed down in front of Jesus. He shouted, “Jesus, Son of God, what are you going to do to me? Don't punish me! Leave me alone!”
25345  LUK 8:31  The evil spirits said, “Please, don't send us away, don't shut us up in a bad place!”
25368  LUK 8:54  But Jesus went inside and took her hand and called out to her, “Get up!”
25412  LUK 9:42  The man took his son to Jesus. But while they were coming the evil spirit threw the boy to the ground and threw his body around. Then Jesus spoke to the spirit. “Come out of the child!” he said, and as he spoke the boy got better. Jesus said to his father, “Your son is better now.”
25444  LUK 10:12  “I tell you,” Jesus said, “God will blame those people on the last day. At that time he will decide whether people are good or bad. He will blame the wicked people of Sodom, and they will suffer very much, but he will blame the people who reject your word today much more, and they will suffer much more!”
25447  LUK 10:15  “And you people of Capernaum, you think God will take you to heaven, don't you! But he won't! He will send you to hell for refusing him today!”
25501  LUK 11:27  After Jesus had said that, a woman who was in the crowd called out to him and said, “The woman who gave birth to you and nursed you must be very happy!”
25502  LUK 11:28  Jesus said, “That is right, but people who hear God's word and obey him are much happier!”
25506  LUK 11:32  “On the last day the people of Nineveh will also stand up to blame you all, because they changed their minds when they heard Jonah's words. Those people changed their minds, stopped doing wrong and obeyed God. Jonah spoke powerful words, but these words you are hearing today are even more powerful. But you won't listen!”
25616  LUK 13:29  But other people will go in from the east and the west. They will come from all different places and go into God's kingdom. And those people will sit down and eat together, but not you!”
25621  LUK 13:34  “Oh, you people of Jerusalem! When God sent his prophets to you, you stoned them. You threw stones at their bodies until they died. And you are still doing the same today. “Oh dear!” said Jesus. “I wanted to gather you all to me, just as a mother hen gathers her chickens so that they will be safe under her wings. But you wouldn't let me.
25639  LUK 14:17  Then when the food was ready, the master sent one of his servants to his friends to get them to come to his house. So the servant went and said to all the people, “The food is cooked now, so please come!”
25641  LUK 14:19  Then the servant went to another man and said to him, “The food is cooked now, so please come!” But he said to him, “Give your master this message. I have bought ten bullocks to work for me. I want to go straight away and look at them to see if they are good ones. So I can't come to your master today.”
25642  LUK 14:20  Then the servant went to another man and said to him, “The food is cooked now, so please come!” But he answered, “I have just got married, so I can't come to your master today.” The servant went around asking all the people to come and eat with his master. But they wouldn't come.
25713  LUK 16:24  So he called out to Abraham. “Father!” he said. “Have pity on me and send Lazarus to me, so that he can put his finger in some water and cool my tongue. Please! I am in great pain in this fire!”
25733  LUK 17:13  They called out, “Jesus! Master! Have pity on us!”
25734  LUK 17:14  Jesus looked at them and called out, “Go to the synagogue so that the priests can see you! Let them see your skin!” Then the ten men started going to the synagogue. And while they walked along the road their skin became clean.
25735  LUK 17:15  One of the men saw that he was better and came straight back to Jesus. He was a Samaritan. He praised God in a loud voice, saying, “The Lord God is good!” He bowed down with his face to the ground at Jesus' feet and said, “Thank you for making my skin clean.”
25794  LUK 18:37  They said, “Jesus of Nazareth is here! And he is coming along the road!”
25795  LUK 18:38  The blind man called out to Jesus. “Jesus! Son of David, have pity on me!”
25796  LUK 18:39  The people who were walking in front got cross with him. “Be quiet!” they said. But he shouted more loudly, “Son of David! Have pity on me!”
25807  LUK 19:7  But some of the people saw Jesus going to Zacchaeus' house and they began to grumble. “Zacchaeus is a bad man but Jesus has gone to his house!” they said.
25825  LUK 19:25  But they said, “But he already has ten coins!”
25838  LUK 19:38  “Let us praise the king the Lord God has sent to rule over us! God gives us peace! Let us praise God because he is good!”
25839  LUK 19:39  Some Pharisees were also in the crowd going to Jerusalem. They said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell these disciples of yours to be quiet!”
25846  LUK 19:46  Jesus said to them, “Long ago these words were written in God's book. God said, ‘My temple is a place for you to pray to me.’ But you have spoiled it. Now it is a place for thieves!”
25862  LUK 20:14  But when the men saw the son coming they said to each other, “This is the master's son. When his father dies, he will be the owner. Let us kill him straight away and then this place and all these grapes will be ours!”
25864  LUK 20:16  He will go home and kill those wicked men. Then he will give his grape vines to some other men, so that they can look after his grapes for him when he goes away.” When they heard Jesus say this, they all said, “Surely he won't do that!”
25895  LUK 20:47  They even steal houses from the widows. And then they pray long prayers where people can see them. So think about the last day, because at that time God will blame wicked people, and he will blame the teachers of Moses' law even more!”
25955  LUK 22:22  I, the one who was born in this world, will die, as God decided in the beginning. But it will be terrible for the person who gives me to the leaders so that they can kill me!”
25956  LUK 22:23  Then the men asked each other, “Which one of us would do that!”
25966  LUK 22:33  But Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, I am ready to go where you go. If they shut you up in jail, they can shut me up too. If they kill you, then they can kill me too. I won't reject you, I won't leave you!”
25971  LUK 22:38  They said, “Look, Lord! Here are two swords for you!” Jesus answered, “That is enough!”
25981  LUK 22:48  Jesus said to Judas, “You kissed me so that the soldiers could take me, didn't you! You kissed me, the one who was born in this world!”
25984  LUK 22:51  But Jesus said, “That is enough! Leave him alone!” And he touched the man's ear and healed it.
25989  LUK 22:56  One of the servant girls noticed Peter sitting by the fire and she looked straight at him and said, “This man was with Jesus too!”
25990  LUK 22:57  But Peter denied it and said, “I don't know the man!”
25991  LUK 22:58  After a little while a man noticed Peter and said, “You are one of his friends too!” But Peter answered, “No, I am not!”
25992  LUK 22:59  Later on another man said, “I am sure you were with Jesus, because you are both Galileans!”
25993  LUK 22:60  But Peter said, “I don't know anything about it!” And while he was still speaking, a rooster called out.
25997  LUK 22:64  Then they tied up his eyes with cloth and said, “You are a prophet, so guess! Tell us who hit you!”
26014  LUK 23:10  The chief priests and the teachers of Moses' law were standing there and they said, “He is a bad man. He is very wicked!” And they kept on blaming Jesus with strong words.
26025  LUK 23:21  But they shouted back, “Kill him on a cross! Kill him!”
26027  LUK 23:23  But they kept on and on saying the same things about Jesus. They kept on shouting until at last Pilate agreed, because they kept asking him and shouting at him. So Pilate said, “This man will die!”
26039  LUK 23:35  The people stood there watching Jesus. The Jewish leaders laughed at him. They said, “He saved other people, so let him come down to the ground by himself. He came from God, didn't he? And God chose him to be his Messiah, didn't he? Then let him come down and not die!”
26041  LUK 23:37  and said, “You are the king of the Jewish people, are you! Then come down from there straight away so you won't die!”
26043  LUK 23:39  One of the men hanging on the cross near Jesus teased him and said, “You are God's Messiah, are you! Get down to the ground and save us too!”
26051  LUK 23:47  When the officer in charge of the soldiers saw what happened, he praised God, saying, “I know this was a good man!”
26078  LUK 24:18  One of them named Cleopas said to Jesus, “Have you been staying in Jerusalem and you don't know what has happened? You must be the only one who doesn't know the news!”
26094  LUK 24:34  and they said, “The Lord really has come alive again! He has appeared to Simon!”
29413  EPH 6:9  You bosses who have bought people to work for you, you must be honest and straight with them too. Don't say to them, “I will beat you if you don't work well!” You bosses and your servants are all the same to God. He is the Lord of you all, bosses and workers too. He doesn't say, “Maybe this man is a boss, maybe he is a servant.” He says, “Maybe this man is good, maybe he is not.”
30382  JAS 2:22  Then God said, “Don't kill him!” Abraham really believed in God and obeyed him. And when he obeyed God he was showing him that he really believed in him.