Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engnna   0    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

164  GEN 7:4  I will send rain. It will really pour down, day after day. For 40 days truly. The big flood will kill those outside the boat.”
172  GEN 7:12  Rain fell for 40 days. It was falling hard, it really poured, it kept on falling.
224  GEN 9:18  Those children of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth had children. From them all of us came. [NOTE: Chapter 10 has been omitted at this stage, because it would merely confuse and distract struggling readers.]
234  GEN 9:28  After the big flood Noah lived a long time, 350 years.
235  GEN 9:29  He became 950 years old. After that he died.
276  GEN 11:9  The name of that camp was Babel. That word Babel says, 'They were forgetting the same language for each other.' They were puzzling about each other's talk. [11:10-26 omitted. 11:27-32 are in next file (tho' title of that indicates only “12-24”).]
299  GEN 11:32  While he was there Terah died in Haran. He was really old, he had many years, 205.
356  GEN 14:19  This ceremonial leader Melchizedek said to Abram, “You know God. He is boss above. He is the one who made the sky and the ground and the sea and everything also. I am asking God that he will do good to you. Let us all praise God, the Boss above. He rescued you, for you he hit the fighters from the east completely.” After that Abram from the belongings he brought back gave (some) to him. From 10 cattle he gave one, from 10 sheep he gave one, from everything in that way he gave animals and belongings to Melchizedek.
374  GEN 15:13  Later your grandchildren will go to another country. Not to their country, they will go to the country of foreigners. They will be right there for a long time, for 400 years. The inhabitants of that country will make them work hard, for no money, just for food. Truly they will keep your people for a long time in a very bad way.
377  GEN 15:16  They will stay in that country for 400 years, after that they will come back here. Not now I will give them this country. It is for later. Right now those people what's-their-name, Amu's mob, they are here. This is their country. Later they will become evil-doers, very bad. Right after that I will hit them, truly this country I will give to your people.” Like that God spoke to him.
383  GEN 16:1  Abram was staying in that country, in Canaan, 10 years. He was still childless. That wife of his, Sarai, had not had a child. Sarai was keeping another woman from another country, from Egypt, a working woman for Sarai, her name was Hagar.
415  GEN 17:17  Abraham knelt down, his forehead down on the ground. He laughed to himself, he said to himself, “I am very old, I have 100 years. How will I now become a father for my child? Sarah is old also, she has 90 years. How now will she give birth to a child?”
449  GEN 18:24  Perhaps 50 inhabitants of Sodom are good. Will you kill all the inhabitants of Sodom?
451  GEN 18:26  God replied, “For 50 who habitually do good I will not hit that town. I will just leave them all.”
454  GEN 18:29  Again Abraham said to him, “Perhaps there are 40 good ones there.” “For 40 good ones I will not hit that town.”
455  GEN 18:30  After that Abraham said to him, “Again I will ask you, please don't look at me with anger, perhaps there are only 30 good ones there.” “For 30 good ones I will not hit that town.”
456  GEN 18:31  Again Abraham was bold. “Perhaps there are only 20 good ones there.” “For 20 good ones I will not hit that town.”
457  GEN 18:32  After that Abraham said to him, “I will ask only once again. Please don't be angry with me. Perhaps there are 10 good ones there.” God replied, “Truly for 10 I will not hit that town.”
519  GEN 21:5  At that time he was very old, he had 100 years.
567  GEN 22:19  After that Abraham and Isaac returned to the two workers. After that they went to Beersheba. Abraham was staying there. [22:20-24 omitted.]
586  GEN 23:14  That Ephron said to him, “Old man, please listen to me. I might ask you to give me 400 (pieces of) money, but no. I will give the land to you, just take it for no money. You should put your dead one in the cave.”
588  GEN 23:16  “No, I will truly give you the money.” Right then Abraham gave Ephron 400 (pieces of) money, in accordance with Ephron's word.
602  GEN 24:10  After that that worker gathered possessions and gold and various things from Abraham's (belongings). If he should get a young girl, he would give (them) to that girl and her father and mother. After that he got 10 of Abraham's camels, he went towards that country, towards Mesopotamia. He was going camp by camp right to that town, to what's-that-place, Abraham's younger brother, Nahor, used to live there.
647  GEN 24:55  Rebekah's brother and mother replied, “Please wait a while! That young woman should stay here a little while, maybe for 10 days she will stay. After that we two will send you all away, the young woman also.”
670  GEN 25:11  After that God took care of Isaac. Isaac made his camp at the water-hole, what's that place, Lahoi-Roi. [25:12-20 omitted.]
685  GEN 25:26  After that the younger one appeared. He was holding his older brother's heel. Therefore they named him Jacob. At that time Isaac was old, having 60 years.
727  GEN 26:34  Esau was 40 years old, he got two wives. Those two women were local inhabitants, from Hiti's mob.
796  GEN 28:22  I will talk to you at this rock I stood up. If you give me 10 possessions, I will give you one in return.” Like that he talked to God.
912  GEN 31:38  I stayed with you 20 whole years. I was taking care of your animals. In that time your sheep and goats stayed safe. They had many offspring. I did not eat your rams.
915  GEN 31:41  I stayed with you 20 years. I worked for you 14 years for those two women, your two daughters. After that I worked for you for 6 years to get animals for myself. In those 20 years you deceived me many times.
935  GEN 32:7  The men went to Esau in accordance with Jacob's word. After returning they said to Jacob, “We went to your older brother, we told him your word. He is coming, he will meet you. He is coming with 400 men.”
943  GEN 32:15  He chose 200 female and 20 male goats, 200 female and 20 male sheep, 30 female camels and their young, 40 female and 10 male cattle, 20 female and 10 male donkeys. He separated those into different mobs to give to his older brother.
962  GEN 33:1  After that Jacob looked, Esau was coming to him with 400 men. He put his children with their own mothers.
1040  GEN 35:28  Isaac was very old, having 180 years. After that he died. His two sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
24297  MRK 1:13  He was there 40 days and nights. While he was there truly the big evil spirit was trying in vain to persuade him to ignore God's word. Nothing. Jesus was without evil all the time. Wild and biting animals were there. God sent angels from above to take care of him.
24444  MRK 5:11  On that rise there were pigs, many of them, 2,000, they were eating green grass.
24453  MRK 5:20  In response to his word that man after he returned was going around in that country, in the east, in the 10 towns. He went to all people. He was telling them, “God made it very good for me. Jesus sent the spirits from me. He healed me.” They all were pleased, they were wondering about Jesus.
24516  MRK 6:40  They sat down at his word, here 50 were in a group, over there 100 were in a group. All the others were like that, they were in groups everywhere.
24528  MRK 6:52  They did not understand. Earlier they saw him give food to 5,000 men from a little fish and damper. They didn't keep it in their minds. They were still thinking to themselves, “He is just a person like us.”
24563  MRK 7:31  After that Jesus again went northwards to Sidon. He went eastwwards, southwards to the 10 Towns, after that he return to the waterhole Galilee.
24577  MRK 8:8  At that time very many people ate, 4,000 men ate till they were full. Then Jesus told them, “Yes, off you go to your own countries.” After that Jesus' men picked up the leftovers, they filled 7 big carrying dishes with leftovers.
25661  LUK 15:4  “Listen to this! Maybe one of you may have 100 sheep way out in the bush. Then perhaps one sheep may wander off and get lost. What will you do? You will leave the other 99 sheep in the bush. Then you will search carefully for the one sheep that ran away.
25665  LUK 15:8  Then Jesus told them this other story. “Maybe a woman might have 10 coins. Then perhaps she will lose one. What will she do? She will light the lamp, she will sweep the house, she will search carefully in every direction.