20 | GEN 1:20 | Then he said, “Many different kinds of water dwellers become in the water-holes and in the sea. Birds become to go above. [Birds: lit. 'winged things' — includes insects] |
87 | GEN 4:7 | If you did right you would have been happy. You were doing badly. You should straighten yourself up to do good. If you do that you will make me happy. If you don't you will keep doing evil.” [Missed concept of need to resist temptation.] |
152 | GEN 6:14 | You make a really big boat for fear of the flood. The flood will carry it on top. Make it very big and long and wide. You will make it from wood. |
294 | GEN 11:27 | A long time after that big flood a man appeared, his name was Abram. He was an inhabitant of that country Chaldea. He lived in the town named Ur. His father's name was Terah, his younger brothers were Nahor and Haran. (That Haran had children, a son named Lot, and two daughters named Milcah and Iscah.) While Terah was still alive Haran died in his country, in that town Ur. |
296 | GEN 11:29 | Nahor and Haran's daughter Milcah got married. Abram and Sarai got married, those two. |
305 | GEN 12:6 | They were going. Partway still in Canaan they rested near a big tree, they made a camp site at what's-its-name, near that tree named Moreh. That tree was near the town Shechem. (At that time Canaan's mob were still living in that country too.) |
327 | GEN 13:8 | Abram said to Lot, “We two are relatives. We two should stay without anger. My men and yours should stay without anger. |
337 | GEN 13:18 | After that Abram left that camp, he went to another camp, he was staying at the trees in Mamre, near the town Hebron. Again he heaped up stones, he worshipped God. |
350 | GEN 14:13 | At that time Abram was near Mamre's tree/s. Mamre and his two younger brothers, Eschol and Aner, were friends of Abram. One man ran from the fight, he came to Abram, he said to him, “Those fighters from the east took your brother's son, they took Lot with them.” |
351 | GEN 14:14 | Abram when he heard that word gathered his fighting men. Those 318 went with Abram. They followed those (people) from the east. Mamre and Eschol and Aner also went. From behind they were following the easterners, they went a long way northwards, all the way to that country, to Dan. |
355 | GEN 14:18 | Another man, named Melchizedek, also came to him there, he brought bread and wine for Abram. That Melchizedek was boss for that town Salem. From earlier he was also a ceremonial leader for God, for that Boss who is above. |
356 | GEN 14:19 | This ceremonial leader Melchizedek said to Abram, “You know God. He is boss above. He is the one who made the sky and the ground and the sea and everything also. I am asking God that he will do good to you. Let us all praise God, the Boss above. He rescued you, for you he hit the fighters from the east completely.” After that Abram from the belongings he brought back gave (some) to him. From 10 cattle he gave one, from 10 sheep he gave one, from everything in that way he gave animals and belongings to Melchizedek. |
361 | GEN 14:24 | You might say like that. To avoid that I will not keep your belongings. Just food I will keep for my young men. These others I also took with me, Aner and Eschol and Mamre. Give belongings to those men.” |
364 | GEN 15:3 | You have not given me a child. My worker will get all my possessions.” |
384 | GEN 16:2 | At that time Sarai said to Abram, “Husband, I am childless. God has withheld children from me. Take my working woman, take her for a wife, you two sleep together. Maybe she will have a child for me.” He replied, “Yes.” |
395 | GEN 16:13 | After that Hagar thought, “Truly it was God I saw, I am really alive, he did not kill me.” She named God, 'The One Who Habitually Sees Me'. |
396 | GEN 16:14 | Because of that she named that well, “The Living One Sees Me”. |
403 | GEN 17:5 | Therefore now I am giving you another name. From now your name will be Abraham. That name says, 'Father For Many'. |
426 | GEN 18:1 | Fairly soon after that God again appeared to Abraham. Abraham was staying near the big trees at Mamre. The sun was above. In the heat he was staying in his tent, at the doorway. |
495 | GEN 19:37 | The oldest one gave birth to a child, a boy, she named him Moab. They called the ones who came after him Moab's mob. |
550 | GEN 22:2 | He said to him, “Your own child, that Isaac, truly you love him. Take him, you two go to a far-off place, to the country Moriah. In the hills I will show you one hill/rock. Right there kill you own child, put his body on the fire, burn it to ashes. Do like that for me.” |
551 | GEN 22:3 | At daybreak Abraham got up from sleep. He got firewood, he put it on a donkey. After that Abraham and two workers and Isaac went to that country, to Moriah they were going. |
576 | GEN 23:4 | “You know me. I came from far away. This is not my country. I am like a stranger/foreigner. My wife has died. Please give me land, there I will put the dead one.” |
581 | GEN 23:9 | You might ask him to give me a cave in what's-that-place, in Machpelah. That cave is on his land. I will give whatever money he wants for that. I will give the money here, you all will see. After that that cave will become mine.” |
589 | GEN 23:17 | Therefore that cave in Machpelah became Abraham's, that land near the cave and all the trees on that land also. Those important bosses were watching. They all knew, Abraham got that land with money. |
591 | GEN 23:19 | After that Abraham put his dead wife in that cave, in the cave at Machpelah, east of Mamre, in the country Canaan. |
602 | GEN 24:10 | After that that worker gathered possessions and gold and various things from Abraham's (belongings). If he should get a young girl, he would give (them) to that girl and her father and mother. After that he got 10 of Abraham's camels, he went towards that country, towards Mesopotamia. He was going camp by camp right to that town, to what's-that-place, Abraham's younger brother, Nahor, used to live there. |
607 | GEN 24:15 | Just as he was talking to God, Rebekah came, she was carrying a water container on her shoulder. That young girl had a beautiful face. She had not slept with a man. She did not have a promised one. (Her father's name was Bethuel. Bethuel's mother's name was Milcah, his father's name was Nahor. That Nahor was Abraham's younger brother.) Rebekah came down to the well, she filled the water container, she climbed back up. |
616 | GEN 24:24 | She replied, “My father is Bethuel. He is Nahor's son, his mother is Milcah. |
628 | GEN 24:36 | Yes, when he was old his wife, Sarah, gave birth to a boy child for him. My master gave all his money and animals and belongings to that very son. |
639 | GEN 24:47 | After that I asked her, 'Who is your father?' She said to me, 'My father is Bethuel. He is Nahor's son, his mother is Milcah.' After that I put the nose-thing on the young woman, I put two arm-things on her arms. |
668 | GEN 25:9 | His two sons Isaac and Ishmael put their father in a cave at Machpelah. Earlier that same cave used to belong to another. Abraham got it with money, a lot of money he gave Ephron for that cave and land. When his wife Sarah died Abraham put her in that cave. In that same cave now his two sons also put him. |
739 | GEN 27:11 | Jacob said to her, “Listen to me. My older brother is hairy, I am smooth, without hair. |
755 | GEN 27:27 | He came to him, he hugged him. Isaac smelled Esau's clothes. He said to Jacob, “My son, you smell like grass, you smell like grassy country, very pleasant. God has been looking after that country. |
756 | GEN 27:28 | God will send rain for your country. Many foods will come up in all directions from the vegetation on your country. He will give you a lot of food and water to drink. |
764 | GEN 27:36 | Esau said to him, “My younger brother is a deceiver of people. Jacob is a good name for him. Twice my younger brother has deceived me. He tricked me into saying he is like an older brother for me. He tricked you about God's word, you gave it to him, you did not give it to me. Will you give me also your good word. In that way God will do good to me also.” |
774 | GEN 27:46 | After that Rebekah said to her husband, “I do not like those two wives of Esau's. Maybe Jacob will choose a wife from this country, from Hiti's mob. If he does that I will not want to stay alive, I will die.” |
776 | GEN 28:2 | Go from here a long way to another country, to what's-the-place, to Mesopotamia. Go to the camp of what's-his-name, of Bethuel, your mother's father. Get for yourself a wife from right there, from your uncle Laban's family. |
779 | GEN 28:5 | After talking like that Isaac sent Jacob far away. After that Jacob was going towards Mesopotamia, he was searching for his uncle Laban, in what's-that-place, in the country Aram. That Laban was the son of Bethuel. He was the older brother of Rebekah, the mother of Esau and Jacob. [28:6-9 has been omitted.] |
808 | GEN 29:12 | He said to her, “Your father is older brother for my mother. My mother is Rebekah.” Rachel ran to tell that word to her father. |
839 | GEN 30:8 | Rachel said, “My sister and I have been struggling with each other because of children, I truly got this child, my sister did not prevent me.” So she named that child Naphtali. |
914 | GEN 31:40 | Day after day I worked for you in the heat, many nights I truly stayed in the cold. Many times I stayed without sleep while I was caring for your animals. |
923 | GEN 31:49 | After we separate you will go to your country, I will return to mine. After that God will watch us two.” That is why they also named that place Mizpah. That name says, 'Watching-place'. |
931 | GEN 32:3 | When Jacob saw them he said to himself, “This is God's camp.” He named that country Mahanaim. |
956 | GEN 32:28 | That stranger asked him, “Who are you?” “My name is Jacob.” |
974 | GEN 33:13 | Jacob said to him, “My children are only weak, they should go not fast. My animals, the sheep and goats and cattle, have their little ones, I musttake care of them. After going a long way in one day they might die. |
1039 | GEN 35:27 | After that Jacob returned to his father's camp at what's-its-name, at Mamre. (Another name for that town is Hebron.) Earlier Jacob's grandfather and father, Abraham and Isaac, made their camps there. |
1612 | EXO 4:10 | Moses said to him, “I can't go to them, I am a poor speaker. Previously I did not speak well, and still I speak slowly and hesitantly.” |
1615 | EXO 4:13 | Moses answered, “Not me, please send another.” |
1616 | EXO 4:14 | With this word God became angry with him. He said to Moses, “Your own older brother, Aaron, have you thought about him? I know about him, he is a good speaker. Truly, he is coming now to meet you. When he sees you he will be glad. |
1620 | EXO 4:18 | Then Moses returned to his father-in-law, to Jethro. He said to him, “Please let me go back to Egypt to see my relatives. Perhaps they are still alive.” Jethro said to him, “Yes, you will go well.” |
1621 | EXO 4:19 | While Moses was still in Midian, God said to him, “Long ago those in Egypt wanted to kill you. Now they are all dead. Now you will go back to Egypt.” |
1622 | EXO 4:20 | Because of that Moses got his wife and his 2 sons, he put them on a donkey. After that he was going towards Egypt. He was carrying that (previously mentioned) walking stick, God had told him to take that one. |
23231 | MAT 1:18 | This story I will tell, Jesus Christ became a person (OR man). His mother Mary they gave (as) a promised one to Joseph. Joseph was waiting to take her to his camp. After that she became pregant. God's Spirit put the child in her womb. After that they were telling a word to Joseph, “Mary is pregnant.” |
23232 | MAT 1:19 | Joseph thought, “Mary has been sleeping with a man. I will not take her as my wife.” Joseph was a good type. He did not want to make Mary ashamed in front of people. He thought he wanted to send her away without a growling. |
23233 | MAT 1:20 | He was thinking hard. After that he had a dream. In the dream he saw an angel, God sent it to him. The angel said to him, “Joseph! you are from David's mob! Listen! Don't be upset about the woman Mary. God's Spirit gave her the child. Therefore you can (OR will OR should) take her as your wife. |
23237 | MAT 1:24 | Joseph got up from sleep, he did what the angel said (lit 'at the angel's word'). He took Mary to his camp. They made those two husband and wife. |
23239 | MAT 2:1 | At that time King Herod was boss for the people in that country, in Judea. Those people used to call themselves Jews. At that time Mary gave birth to Jesus in the town Bethlehem, in the country Judea. When Jesus was born some foreign (OR strangers) men came from another country, from the east, to look for him. These men were knowledgeable about the stars. Truly they saw a new star in the sky. That particular (star) made them understand that an important boss had appeared for the Jews. They arrived in Jerusalem. They were asking them, |
23249 | MAT 2:11 | They entered the house. Then they saw the child, his mother Mary was holding him. They knelt down to the child. They gave him gold and two (kinds of ?) gum also, those two smelled very good. |
23398 | MAT 7:13 | The gate to God's country is very narrow. Go through that one. The other gate is wide, and that one is to the big fire, and the road to that place is without problems. Many people go on that road. The gate that leads to God's country is narrow, and the road to that place is difficult. Only a few people find it. |
24328 | MRK 1:44 | Do not tell them I made you well. Go straight to the ceremonial leader. He will look at your body all over, your skin is smooth. You know that law about your sickness. A long time ago God told Moses to write it in a book. In accordance with his word take a live sheep to the ceremonial leader. That leader will cook it till it is dry, right to ashes. Because of that when other people see that they will know about you, you are smooth, without sickness. After that you can again enter the camp.” In that way Jesus talked to him. Then he sent him to the ceremonial leader. |
24331 | MRK 2:2 | Many people came to his house to listen to him. He was teaching them about God. Very many people were inside that house, many others were standing around outside, they were listening to him. |
24342 | MRK 2:13 | Again Jesus was going along the edge of the big water, the waterhole Galilee. Many people gathered with him. He was teaching them about God. |
24344 | MRK 2:15 | After that Jesus went to Levi's house to eat food. Some other tax collectors also, and others who were disregarders of the law of the Jews came to eat food there. Many who disregarded the laws of the Jews were following Jesus. Some of them were tax collectors (lit.'money removers'). They used to work from the Roman government, they would take money from people in accordance with the Government's word. They were thieves. They would take a lot of money from them, they would give some to the Government boss, the rest they would keep for themselves. Day after day many like them who were also disregarders of the law of the Jews were following Jesus. |
24364 | MRK 3:7 | After that Jesus and his men went to the big water, the waterhole Galilee. Many people followed him. They were coming from that big town, Jerusalem, and from the countries of Judea and Idumea and from the other side of the Jordan river. They heard, “Jesus healed those who were sick.” After that many were coming. |
24442 | MRK 5:9 | Jesus asked the man, “What is your name?” He said to him, “My name is 'Many'. We are many spirits.” |
24454 | MRK 5:21 | Then Jesus returned westwards to the other side of the waterhole. Many people gathered with Jesus at the edge of the waterhole. |
24456 | MRK 5:23 | He begged him, “My young daughter is very sick, she might die. Come to my camp, touch her with your hand. After that she will not die, she will truly stay alive.” |
24464 | MRK 5:31 | His men said to him, Why did you say that? Many people have been squashing you. Why did you ask, 'Who touched me.'?” |
24470 | MRK 5:37 | Many people were following Jairus and Jesus. Jesus told them, “Stay here.” Then Jesus picked just three of his men, Peter and James and James's younger brother, John. They went, Jesus and Jairus also, to the camp of Jairus. |
24509 | MRK 6:33 | Many were watching them, they knew about them, and they knew where Jesus was going. They went quickly around the end of the waterhole to the far side on foot, they were ready waiting for him. |
24520 | MRK 6:44 | Many people ate. Five thousand men ate that food. |
24593 | MRK 8:24 | The man looked around a bit, he said to him, “I see people blurrily. I think they look like trees. My eyes deceive me. They are not trees. They have been walking around.” |
24611 | MRK 9:4 | After that those three saw two wise old leaders, they were God's two speakers from long ago, the name of one was Elijah, the other was Moses. Those two and Jesus were conversing. |
24612 | MRK 9:5 | Peter butting in spoke to Jesus, “Teacher, we are right here. That is good. We will make bough shelters for all of you, one for you, another for Moses, another for Elijah. |
24616 | MRK 9:9 | As they were descending (from the hill) Jesus told them sternly, “You have seen me, I was in the brightness, you saw Moses and Elijah, God spoke to you from the cloud. Do not tell the others. Later after I die I will get up alive. After that you can tell them.” |
24629 | MRK 9:22 | Many times the spirit has thrown him in the fire or in the water, it has been trying to kill him. Have pity on us. Perhaps you will make him well.” |
24633 | MRK 9:26 | The spirit called out, it was making the child thrash around, it was very bad. Then it left, it went away permanently. That child was like a corpse. Many were saying, “He is truly dead.” |
24642 | MRK 9:35 | After sitting down Jesus called them to him. He said to them, “Maybe you want to be boss, make yourself small, do good to everyone.” |
24644 | MRK 9:37 | “Maybe you will do good to someone like this child to please me. That good thing you did for the child, that same good thing you also did to me. God sent me. Because of that when you do good to me you will make me happy, you will make God happy also.” |
24670 | MRK 10:13 | Mothers and fathers were taking their children to Jesus, they were asking him, “Teacher, ask God to do good to our children.” Jesus' men rebuked the mothers and fathers. |
24680 | MRK 10:23 | Jesus said to his men, “My men, listen to this word. Those with many possessions will try with difficulty to become God's people. Perhaps a few will become his.” |
24681 | MRK 10:24 | His men were shocked at his word. Again Jesus said to them, “My men, truly they can hardly become God's. |
24682 | MRK 10:25 | You know the hole in the end of a needle. That is small. How about it? Will a camel enter that hole. Certainly not. It will not begin to try. That is truly a puzzle. In that sort of way those with many big possessions will hardly try to become God's. For them it is truly a puzzle. Maybe only a few with large possessions will become God's. |
24689 | MRK 10:32 | They were going to Jerusalem. Jesus was going ahead. His men were puzzled and upset. Many were also following behind, they were afraid. Again Jesus took his men away alone, he talked to them about how others would treat him in Jerusalem. |
24708 | MRK 10:51 | Jesus asked him, “What shall I do for you?” “Teacher, Make my eyes good.” |
24712 | MRK 11:3 | Maybe someone will ask you, 'Why are you doing that?'. Say to him, 'The boss wants him.' Then he will send the donkey here.” In that way Jesus spoke to them. |
24717 | MRK 11:8 | Many people put their blankets spread out in front of him. Some people cut leaves close to the road, they put the leaves also on the road. They wanted to make Jesus a big boss, that boss they call King. That is why they did that. |
24722 | MRK 11:13 | Far off he saw a tree, it was a fruit tree, with many leaves. When those trees have leaves people will get fruit. [Omit previous sentence - it contradicts Mark's statement that it was wrong time for figs.] Jesus went to that tree, he was looking for fruit. When he came close there was nothing, no fruit, only leaves. That tree deceived him. |
24724 | MRK 11:15 | They came into Jerusalem, they went to God's Temple. Many people were inside the Temple. In there some had sheep, others had doves. Some were buying those animals to kill and to give to God. They could not give their own money for those sheep and doves. Only another kind of money, Temple money only, only that they could give. Some people were taking their money from them, in response they were giving them Temple money. By cheating they were taking a lot of money from them, they were giving them a small amount of Temple money. After Jesus entered he threw their tables upside down, he also threw down the chairs of those who worked with doves. He chased outside the givers of money and the takers of money. |
24732 | MRK 11:23 | This word I am telling you is true. Maybe you will tell that big hill to move, 'Throw yourself into the sea!' If you believe and do not doubt, at your word it will happen in that very way for you. |
24825 | MRK 14:2 | They were saying to each other, “How shall we do it?” Let's not grab him in the middle of the remembering ceremony. Many people say God sent Jesus to be king for us, to be our boss forever. In this way people are talking. Let's take care of ourselves because of them, let's do it secretly so we won't be seen. They might make it bad for us.” Like that those lawmen were talking to each other. |
24847 | MRK 14:24 | He said to them, “This wine will remind you of my body. My blood will run in my death for many people. Truly God sent me to give a straight word to people. When I die I will truly leave for them this straight word from God. Whenever you drink this wine you will remember my blood, I am dying for many people. |
24857 | MRK 14:34 | Then he said to them, “My heart (lit 'stomach') is completely broken. I might die from being sorrowful. You stay here, stay awake, keep me company.” |
24866 | MRK 14:43 | While Jesus was talking to them, Judas came close. He was one of Jesus' men. Many people came with him, with weapons, knives and clubs. The Jewish lawment sent them. |