Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engnna   Word!”    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

3  GEN 1:3  God said, “Become light!” After that it became light at his word.
6  GEN 1:6  Then he said, “Sky become, in order to separate the water and the clouds!”
9  GEN 1:9  Then he said, “Water go down, become in one place, dry ground appear, become visible!” That happened. The water went down, it left the ground visible.
11  GEN 1:11  After that he said, “Different kinds of trees appear and different kinds of green plants, with separate foods!” That happened.
24  GEN 1:24  Then he said, “Different kinds of animals become on the ground, to live in the countryside, to go about on the ground, plains-dwelling animals and hills-dwellers, big ones and small ones!” That happened.
318  GEN 12:19  Why did you say, 'She is a younger sister to me'? Because of your word I took her for a wife. She is your wife. Take her! You two go for good!”
463  GEN 19:5  They called out to Lot, “Where are those two men who came to your house? Bring them to us!” Those Sodom men were truly sex-mad, they wanted those two.
472  GEN 19:14  Lot went to his two sons-in-law, the ones his daughters were promised to, he said to them, “Soon God will burn this town completely. Run quickly from here lest you die!” They ignored him, they were thinking it was like a game, that he was only tricking them.
473  GEN 19:15  When it became first light the angels said to Lot, “Take your wife and two daughters, all of you run outside this town lest you die!”
475  GEN 19:17  After that those two said to them, “Run, run! Do not look behind! Do not settle down partway on the plain. Run straight on to the hills lest you die!”
480  GEN 19:22  I will wait a little while for you. As soon as you arrive there I will burn the remaining country. Therefore run!” When the sun had just risen Lot and his two daughters arrived at that town. The name of that small town is Zoar.
559  GEN 22:11  From the sky God called to him, “Abraham! Abraham!” “Yes?”
691  GEN 25:32  Esau replied, “Without the food I might die. After that I will not get the belongings, I will not be older brother for you. That is just true. Give me some of that food!”
729  GEN 27:1  When Isaac became old he became blind. One day he called for his oldest one, Esau, “Oldest one, come here!” “Yes, what?”
740  GEN 27:12  Father might touch me. After touching me he might realise I am the youngest one, he might realise I lied. I might make trouble for myself!”
762  GEN 27:34  As soon as Esau heard that word he became upset. Truly he cried loudly there. He begged his father, “Give your good word to me also!”
766  GEN 27:38  Esau said to his father, “Give me a small good word! Tell me one good word!” He cried loudly.
790  GEN 28:16  After that Jacob woke up from sleep. He was afraid. “Wow! God is here, I did not know, I was just sleeping. This camp makes me afraid. Wow! Truly this is God's camp, the gate that leads to his camp in the sky is right here!”
904  GEN 31:30  You want to see your father. That's alright. Why did you steal my Dreamtime-Being-like things? That is very bad indeed!”
955  GEN 32:27  After that he said to Jacob, “It is becoming first light. Don't hold me. Leave me!” Jacob said to him, “You tell me whatever good you will do for me. If you don't I will keep holding you.”
14381  PSA 32:7  I am safe when I am with you, You will keep me well when trouble might hurt me. You take my part. Therefore I sing loudly, “Ngarrka has saved me!”
24309  MRK 1:25  Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, “Be quiet! Leave the man! Go elsewhere!”
24368  MRK 3:11  Some people were bringing other people to Jesus, they were crazy. Evil spirits were controlling them. As soon as they saw Jesus the evil spirits were throwing the people on the ground in front of Jesus. They were calling out with fear, “Jesus! You are God's child!” He was telling the spirits sternly, “Be quiet!” He was preventing them from naming him, “God's Child”.
24431  MRK 4:39  Jesus got up from sleep, he said told them, “Wind abate! Water go down!” At his word the wind abated right then, the water went down in the same way, it became calm.
24441  MRK 5:8  Jesus said to the spirit, “Leave the man! Go away!”
24474  MRK 5:41  He held her hand, he said to her, Child, stand up!”
24488  MRK 6:12  Yes, that is all. Go by twos.” After that they went. As they were going they were telling people, “You have been ignoring God. Leave doing wrong and believe in God!”
24566  MRK 7:34  Then Jesus looked up, he took a very big breath. Then he said to the man, “Ears open!”
24575  MRK 8:6  They also had a few small fish. Jesus said to them, “Tell them to sit on the ground.” After that he picked up the dampers, the fish also, he said to God, “You are the one who gave us this food. Thank you! You have helped us! You are good!” Then he broke the dampers into pieces, he gave them to his men, he gave them the fish also, the said to them, “Give this food and meat to them.” That's what they did.
24622  MRK 9:15  When the crowd looked they saw Jesus close, they were pleased, they ran to meet him. “We are happy! You have come!”
24630  MRK 9:23  Jesus replied, “Yes, I know how to heal him. Why did you say that word to me, 'Perhaps you will make him well.'? You must believe in God. Then you can ask God for anything. For that particular thing he knows how to do it. It is not a puzzle for God.” Right then the man called out loudly, “I believe in God. Teach me to believe properly!”
24705  MRK 10:48  Some people were rebuking him, they were saying to him, “Be quiet!” No. He was truly calling loudly, “Jesus. Please be sorry for me.”
24718  MRK 11:9  Jesus was riding the donkey, some people were going on foot behind and ahead close to him. They were calling out, “God is very good! In accordance with his word from long ago he sent this man to us. This man will be a good king for us, like that boss from long ago, King David. He will look after us well forever. God is very good!” In that sort of way they were talking loudly.
24741  MRK 11:32  We might say a different word to him. We might say, “It was just a person who told him'. No. We cannot say that!” In that way they were secretly talking to each other. They were very afraid of people. All the people were thinking truly God sent John to them to teach them God's word.
24845  MRK 14:22  While they were eating Jesus picked up the damper, he said to God, “You are the one who gave us this damper. Thank you! You have helped us!” Then when he had broken it he gave them pieces, he said to them, “Take it, eat this food. This damper will remind you about my body. Soon others will truly kill my body. From now on whenever you eat damper remember my body, they killed me.”
24846  MRK 14:23  After that he picked up wine in a cup, he said to God, “You are the one who gave us this wine. Thank you! You have helped us!” He gave it to them, one by one they drank.
24867  MRK 14:44  Judas had earlier told the arresters this word: “I will hug one person. Grab him, take him carefully!”
24891  MRK 14:68  Peter lied, “I don't know him. I don't understand your word!” At that time as Peter was going to the doorway, to the gate, a rooster called out there.
24894  MRK 14:71  Then Peter told them, “I am speaking truly. God knows me. If I speak a lie God might hit me. This man you tell me about, truly I do not know him!”
25666  LUK 15:9  When she finds (the coin), she will call to the other people, “Come here! That money that I lost, truly I have found it! Now I am very happy. Let's all be happy!”
29242  GAL 5:13  I will talk to you, you Christians. Some will say to you, “Truly you will listen to Moses' words, long ago he put it down for the Jews. You must do according to his word. If you don't, you don't belong to Jesus Christ.” They will talk like that to you. Their word is a lie. Jesus came from God to rescue us. You believed in him. That (emphatic) is how you became his people. You didn't become Jesus' people by the hearing of Moses' word. Look after yourselves for fear of deception! Don't say to yourselves, “We belong to Jesus Christ, he forgave us. We won't pay attention to Moses word. Now we can boldly do whatever we want to do!” Do not talk like that! From talking like that, you might become really greedy for food, for grog, for women, for men, for other things of that sort, you might hit each other, you might steal, you might do other bad things. Do not give yourselves to do bad things. You should really never do like that! You belong to Christ. Because of that from now on truly you should not do anything bad, you will always do in accordance with Christ's word, you will really love him, from doing that you will really look after each other.
29252  GAL 5:23  he makes them gentle with people, they will restrain their own self-centred spirits. What do you think? What person will say, “To do things like that is bad. Do not do things like that!” There is no way that that person will talk like that!
29253  GAL 5:24  Those ones that belong to Christ Jesus will continually say to themselves, “My self-centred spirit wants to do bad things. No way! I will leave bad things. I won't be a self-centred person. I will only pay attention to God's Spirit!”
29632  1TH 1:5  We came to you, we told you, “God sent Jesus to help you/take your part.” You believed not just as a result of our word. No! God’s Good Spirit came to you, he told you, “That is a true word!” You believed that word. Because of that we know about you that God chose you to become his people. At that (time) when we were with you, you know about us, we did whatever we did so you will do in that same way like us.
29702  1TH 5:14  We want you to do this sort of thing: Some among you are habitually not workers, tell them they must work. Some among you are fearful. Say to them, “Trust God! He will take care of you. Don't be afraid!” Some among you are habitually slack, tell them, “In a true way follow the Boss Jesus!” Behave gently with everyone.