Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engnna   Word-Word,    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

24  GEN 1:24  Then he said, “Different kinds of animals become on the ground, to live in the countryside, to go about on the ground, plains-dwelling animals and hills-dwellers, big ones and small ones!” That happened.
80  GEN 3:24  After that God put an angel [English word phonemicised] east of that water-hole, and a big cutting thing, like a big knife. The point of that big cutting thing was going in every direction, and it was flashing. God told that angel, “You are to stop the man/people from entering close to that tree, to that tree that keeps alive.”
156  GEN 6:18  You will enter it with your wife and your children and their wives. Gather animals and birds, cause them to enter the big boat. Collect them, animals, married-pair by married-pair, you will get different kinds pair by pair to make them enter the big boat. You will keep them alive from the flood.
377  GEN 15:16  They will stay in that country for 400 years, after that they will come back here. Not now I will give them this country. It is for later. Right now those people what's-their-name, Amu's mob, they are here. This is their country. Later they will become evil-doers, very bad. Right after that I will hit them, truly this country I will give to your people.” Like that God spoke to him.
463  GEN 19:5  They called out to Lot, “Where are those two men who came to your house? Bring them to us!” Those Sodom men were truly sex-mad, they wanted those two.
614  GEN 24:22  The camels drank till satisfied. After that the old man gave the young girl a gold nose-thing, he put on her arms two gold arm-things also.
654  GEN 24:62  At that time Isaac was in the south of Canaan country, in the area of the water-hole, what's-its-name, Lahai-Roi.
670  GEN 25:11  After that God took care of Isaac. Isaac made his camp at the water-hole, what's that place, Lahoi-Roi. [25:12-20 omitted.]
1014  GEN 35:2  Then Jacob spoke to his wives (pl) and his workers. He said to them, “Leave your what's-their-names, those carved things like Dreamtime-Beings, from another country. Then wash yourselves, put on other clothes.
24912  MRK 15:17  They got a red blanket, a really good one, they put it on him. From a tree they got thorny parts, they made a what's-it, like a head-ring, they put it on Jesus' head.
28347  ROM 13:13  Let us live the proper way, so that all can see clearly that we are without fault. Don't do anything shameful, don't get drunk, don't over-eat, don't sleep with others' spouses, don't have sex with others, don't fight, don't be jealous with others.
29248  GAL 5:19  Many people will not pay attention to God's spirit. Truly they are ignorers. You know what people are like, as soon as we are born all our spirits are continually self-centred, we always want to do bad things, we do bad things all the time. Because of that some want to have illegal sex with others, some men have sex with men, some women have sex with women, some don't restrain themselves in the right way.
29924  2TI 3:4  Remember that I have told you, people will be in a truly bad way. People will be selfish, greedy for money, show-offs, boastful, slanderers, ignorers of their parents, won't give back in return, will not be afraid of God; won't feel sorry, they will be violent, they will tell lies about other people, they won't listen when someone tells them to stop, they will be fighters, they will be dislikers of good, deceitfully they will secretly do bad things to people, boldly they will do bad things without thinking what might happen as a result, they will think they are big; they will only please themselves, they won't love God, they will be like Christians but liars, they won't know about the Good Spirit that he makes Christians of good character and makes them avoid evil. Never join with people like those bad ones.
29966  TIT 1:7  A Christian leader...truly he must not be an arrogant person, not quick-tempered, not a drunkard, not a fighter, not greedy for money.