Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engoebcw   –    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

12713  EST 1:7  Drink was brought in vessels of gold which were all different and the king’s wine was provided with royal liberality.
12721  EST 1:15  ‘Queen Vashti’, the king said, ‘has failed to obey my royal command the command of King Ahasuerus conveyed through the eunuchs! What does the law say should be done to her?’
12726  EST 1:20  When the king’s decree which he makes is heard throughout his kingdom great as it is the wives of all classes will give honour to their husbands.’
12758  EST 3:7  In the first month (the month of Nisan) in the twelfth year of the reign of King Ahasuerus, Haman had “pur” (which means “lot”) cast before him to determine the best day and best month for his actions. The lot fell on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month the month of Adar.
12765  EST 3:14  A copy of the edict was to be published as a decree in every province publicly displayed so that everyone might be ready for that day.
12789  EST 5:6  While they were drinking wine, the king said to Esther, ‘Whatever your petition is, it will be granted. Your request, it will be done even if it takes half of my kingdom.’
12834  EST 8:13  A copy of the edict was to be published as a decree in every province publicly displayed so that the Jews might be ready for that day and avenge themselves.
12856  EST 9:18  (But the Jews in Susa gathered on both the thirteenth and fourteenth day and rested on the fifteenth day of the same month and made it a day of feasting and rejoicing.)
14028  PSA 8:7  made them lord of the works of your hands, put all things under their feet
14118  PSA 17:3  When you test my heart when you visit at night, and assay me like silver you can find no evil. I am determined that my mouth should not lie.
14129  PSA 17:14  by your hand, O Lord, from those whose portion of life is but of this world. But let your treasured ones have food in plenty may their children be full and their children satisfied.
14148  PSA 18:18  and saved me from those who hated me fierce foes, too mighty for me.
14192  PSA 19:11  More precious are they than gold than fine gold in plenty, and sweeter they are than honey, that drops from the comb.
14195  PSA 19:14  Keep your servant from wilful sins from falling under their sway: then blameless and clear will I be from great offence.
14211  PSA 21:5  He asked you for life, you gave it many long days, forever and ever.
14218  PSA 21:12  When they scheme against you and hatch evil plots they will fail.
14258  PSA 23:6  Surely goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life. In the house of the Lord I will live through the length of the days.
14265  PSA 24:7  Lift high your heads, you gates Higher, you ancient doors; welcome the glorious king.
14267  PSA 24:9  Lift high your heads, you gates Higher, you ancient doors; welcome the glorious king.
14306  PSA 27:4  One thing have I asked of the Lord, and that do I long for To live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the grace of the Lord and inquire in his temple.
14363  PSA 31:14  I hear the whispers of many terror on every side scheming together against me, plotting to take my life.
14522  PSA 38:11  My heart is throbbing, my strength has failed me. The light of my eyes even it is gone from me.
14554  PSA 40:6  With us you have wrought in rich measure, O Lord our God, your marvels and purposes for us none may compare with you were I to declare or to tell them, past counting are they.
14560  PSA 40:12  So do not restrain, Lord, your pity from us. Your love and your faithfulness ever may they be our shield.
14561  PSA 40:13  For evils that cannot be numbered have compassed me round. My transgressions have followed me up I can bear it no more. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart has forsaken me.
14652  PSA 46:10  He stills wars to the ends of the earth breaking the bow, snapping the spear, burning the chariots in the fire.
14824  PSA 58:3  In the land you practise iniquity all of you; violence do you dispense with your hands.
14854  PSA 60:3  O God, you have spurned and broken us, routing us in your wrath restore us!
14861  PSA 60:10  Moab the pot that I wash in, Edom I cast my shoe over it, I shout o’er Philistia in triumph.’
14940  PSA 66:16  Come and hear my story all who fear God of what he has done for me.
15009  PSA 69:21  Insult has broken my heart, past cure are my shame and confusion. For pity I looked there was none! And for comforters, but I found none.
15060  PSA 72:5  May he live as long as the sun, while the moon shines for ages and ages.
15123  PSA 74:20  Look to the sleek ones how full they are: the dark places of earth are the dwellings of violence.
15622  PSA 103:6  The Lord executes justice and right for all who are wronged.
16240  PSA 133:3  like the dew upon Hermon which falls on the mountains of Zion. For there has the Lord ordained blessing life that is endless.
22169  HOS 1:6  When she conceived again and bore a daughter, the Lord said to Hosea: ‘Call her Lo-Ruhamah “No-Compassion” for I will no longer have compassion on Israel, certainly not spare them.
22172  HOS 1:9  ‘Call him Lo-Ammi “Not-My-People” for you, Israel, are not my people, and I indeed am not your God.’
22182  HOS 2:10  She herself did not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the sweet wine, and the oil, who lavished on her silver and gold that they used in worshipping Baal!
22187  HOS 2:15  In this way I will punish her for the days of the Baals, in which she made offerings to them, and decked herself with earrings and jewels, and went after her lovers, but forgot me, declares the Lord.
22195  HOS 2:23  On that day I will answer declares the Lord, I will answer the empty skies, and they will answer the dry earth.
22255  HOS 7:8  Ephraim he lets himself be mixed among the peoples, Ephraim he has become a cake unturned.
22288  HOS 9:11  Ephraim like a bird his glory flies away. There will be no more birth, no more motherhood, no more conception.
22290  HOS 9:13  Ephraim planted like Tyre in a meadow, But Ephraim too must lead forth their children to slaughter.
22291  HOS 9:14  Give them, Lord what will you give? Give them a miscarrying womb and shrivelled up breasts!
22320  HOS 11:11  They will come trembling like the birds from Egypt, like doves from the land of Assyria. And I will bring them back to their houses, declares the Lord.
22337  HOS 13:2  And now they go on sinning. They make for themselves molten gods idols of silver, skilfully made, wholly the work of smiths. Yet to such they sacrifice! And they who sacrifice kiss calf idols!
22359  HOS 14:9  Ephraim what have I to do with idols! It is I the Lord who respond to him and look after him. I am like an evergreen cypress, from me is your fruit found.
22436  AMO 1:3  The Lord says: For Damascus’ three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron.
22439  AMO 1:6  The Lord says: For Gaza’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They carried away captive a whole nation, sold them as slaves to Edom.
22442  AMO 1:9  The Lord says: For Tyre’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They carried away captive a whole people into exile in Edom, and did not remember the brotherly covenant.
22444  AMO 1:11  The Lord says: For Edom’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They pursued their relatives with the sword, stilled their pity, cherished their anger continually, retained their fury forever.
22446  AMO 1:13  The Lord says: For Ammonites’ three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They have ripped open pregnant women in Gilead, in their lust for land.
22449  AMO 2:1  The Lord says: For Moab’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They have burned to lime the bones of the king of Edom,
22452  AMO 2:4  The Lord says: For Judah’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They have rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept his statutes. Instead their false gods their ancestors followed, have led them astray.
22454  AMO 2:6  The Lord says: For Israel’s three crimes no, four! I will not rescind my judgment. They sell the righteous for money, the needy for a pair of shoes.
22476  AMO 3:12  The Lord says: Just as a shepherd rescues from the jaws of a lion two shinbones or a piece of an ear, so the Israelites living in Sameria will be rescued with the corner of a couch, and the damask of a divan!
22529  AMO 6:10  When the uncle and another member of the family of a dead man come to carry the body out of the house for burial, they will call to someone in a corner of the house, “Any more there?” and he will answer, “No”, and then he will add, “Be quiet!” for the name of the Lord must not be mentioned.
22564  AMO 8:14  Those who take oaths by the shameful idol of Samaria, who swear, “As surely as your God lives, O Dan!” and, “By the sacred way to Beer-sheba!” they will fall and never rise again.
22658  MIC 1:10  Don’t tell this in Gath! Don’t even cry but sit in the dust at Beth-leaphrah.
22742  MIC 7:9  The anger of the Lord I will bear, for against him have I sinned until he champions my cause and gives judgment for me. He will bring me into to the light, I will see his justice.
22878  ZEP 2:4  For Gaza will be forsaken; Ashkelon a desolation; Ashdod by noon will they rout her and Ekron be torn up!
23079  ZEC 9:11  And you, too because of your blood covenant, I have set free your prisoners from the waterless pit.
23110  ZEC 11:13  And the Lord said to me, Cast it into the treasury the precious wage that at which I was valued by them! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them into the house of the Lord, into the treasury.
23142  ZEC 14:5  You will escape through my valley the valley between the hills will extend as far as Azel, and you will flee as you fled from before the earthquake, in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. But the Lord your God will come, and all the holy ones with him.
23144  ZEC 14:7  but it will be constant day it is known to the Lord with neither day nor night. Even at evening time there will be light.
23151  ZEC 14:14  Even Judah will fight at Jerusalem, and the wealth of the surrounding nations will be gathered up gold and silver and piles of clothing.
23198  MAL 3:9  You your entire nation are all cursed, because you rob me.
23225  MAT 1:12  After the Exile to Babylon Jechoniah was the father of Salathiel, Salathiel of Zerubbabel,
23235  MAT 1:22  All this happened in fulfilment of these words of the Lord through the prophet, where he says
23236  MAT 1:23  “The virgin will conceive and will give birth to a son, and they will give him the name Immanuel” a word which means “God is with us.”
23243  MAT 2:5  ‘At Bethlehem in Judea,’ was their answer, ‘for it is said in the prophet
23244  MAT 2:6  “And you, Bethlehem in Judah’s land, are in no way least among the chief cities of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”’
23253  MAT 2:15  and there he stayed until Herod’s death. This was in fulfilment of these words of the Lord in the prophet, where he says “Out of Egypt I called my Son.”
23255  MAT 2:17  Then were fulfilled these words spoken in the prophet Jeremiah, where he says
23261  MAT 2:23  There he settled in the town of Nazareth, in fulfilment of these words in the prophets “He will be called a Nazarene.”
23264  MAT 3:3  John was the one who was spoken of in the prophet Isaiah, where he says “The voice of one crying aloud in the wilderness: ‘Make ready the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’”
23282  MAT 4:4  But Jesus answered, ‘Scripture says “It is not on bread alone that a person is to live, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’
23284  MAT 4:6  ‘If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down, for scripture says “He will give his angels commands about you, and on their hands they will lift you up, so you do not even strike your foot against a stone.”’
23288  MAT 4:10  Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go away, Satan! For scripture says “You must worship the Lord your God, and worship him only.”’
23292  MAT 4:14  in fulfilment of these words in the prophet Isaiah
23293  MAT 4:15  “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, the land of the Road by the sea, and beyond the Jordan, with Galilee of the Gentiles
23295  MAT 4:17  At that time Jesus began to proclaim ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
23296  MAT 4:18  As Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.
23302  MAT 4:24  and his fame spread all through Syria. They brought to him all who were ill with any form of disease, or who were suffering pain any who were either possessed by demons, or were lunatic, or paralysed; and he cured them.
23324  MAT 5:21  ‘You have heard that to our ancestors it was said “You must not commit murder,” and “Whoever commits murder will be brought to trial.”
23330  MAT 5:27  ‘You have heard that it was said “You must not commit adultery.”
23334  MAT 5:31  ‘It was also said “Let anyone who divorces his wife serve her with a notice of separation.”
23336  MAT 5:33  Again, you have heard that our ancestors were told “Do not break your oaths, keep your vows to the Lord.”
23341  MAT 5:38  ‘You have heard that it was said “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
23346  MAT 5:43  You have heard that it was said “You must love your neighbour and hate your enemy.”
23351  MAT 5:48  You, then, must become perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
23360  MAT 6:9  You, therefore, should pray like this “Our Father, who is in heaven, may your name be held holy,
23361  MAT 6:10  your kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as in heaven.
23376  MAT 6:25  ‘This is why I say to you, Do not be anxious about your life what you can get to eat or drink, or about your body what you can get to wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
23377  MAT 6:26  Look at the wild birds they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them! Aren’t you more precious than they?
23400  MAT 7:15  ‘Beware of false teachers people who come to you in the guise of sheep, but at heart they are ravenous wolves.
23431  MAT 8:17  in fulfilment of these words in the prophet Isaiah “He took our infirmities on himself, and bore the burden of our diseases.”
23442  MAT 8:28  On getting to the other side the region of the Gadarenes Jesus met two men who were possessed by demons, coming out of the tombs. They were so violent that no one was able to pass that way.
23453  MAT 9:5  Which, I ask, is the easier? to say “Your sins are forgiven”? Or to say “Get up, and walk”?
23454  MAT 9:6  But to show you that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins’ then he said to the paralysed man ‘Get up, take up your bed, and return to your home.’