Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engoebus   q    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

7164  RUT 2:13  Then she said, “I trust I may please you, my lord, for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your servant, although I am not really equal to one of your own servants.”
7181  RUT 3:7  When Boaz had finished eating and drinking and was in a happy mood, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain. Then Ruth came quietly and uncovered his feet and lay down.
7192  RUT 3:18  “Wait quietly, my daughter.” Naomi said, “Until you know how the affair will turn out, for the man will not rest unless he settles it all today.”
12711  EST 1:5  When these days were ended, the king held a banquet for all the people who were present in the royal palace at Susa, high and low alike. It was a seven days’ feast in the enclosed garden of the royal palace.
12723  EST 1:17  The refusal of the queen will be reported to all the women with the result that it will make them despise their husbands. They will say, ‘King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to be brought in before him, but she did not come!’
12724  EST 1:18  This very day the ladies of Persia and Media who have heard of the refusal of the queen will tell it to all the king’s officials, and there will be contempt and strife!
12725  EST 1:19  If it seems best to the king, let him send out a royal edict. Let it be written among the laws of Persia and Media, never to be repealed, that Vashti may never again come before King Ahasuerus. Let the king give her place as queen to another who is more worthy than she.
12731  EST 2:3  and let the king appoint commissioners to all the provinces of his kingdom to gather them all to Susa the royal residence. Let them be brought into the women’s quarters under the custody of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who has charge of the women. Then give them what is needed to make them beautiful,
12732  EST 2:4  and let the girl who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” The proposal pleased the king so he put it into action.
12737  EST 2:9  The girl pleased him and gained his favor, so that he quickly gave her the cosmetics she needed to enhance her beauty and her allowance of food and the seven maids selected from the king’s household. He also transferred her and her maids to the best place in the harem.
12741  EST 2:13  each girl went in to the king. She was allowed to take with her whatever she wished from the women’s quarters,
12745  EST 2:17  And the king loved her more than all the other women, and she became his favorite and won his affection. He placed the royal diadem on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.
12772  EST 4:6  So Hathach went out to Mordecai, to the city square in front of the king’s gate.
12780  EST 4:14  If you persist in remaining silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another quarter, but you and your family will perish. Who knows? Maybe you have been raised to the throne for a time like this!”
12785  EST 5:2  When he saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she won his favor, and he held out to her the golden sceptre that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the top of the sceptre.
12786  EST 5:3  Then the king said to her, “What is it, Queen Esther? Whatever your request is, it will be granted, even if it is the half of the kingdom.”
12787  EST 5:4  “If it seems best to the king,” Esther said, “let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I have prepared for him.”
12788  EST 5:5  Then the king ordered, “Bring Haman quickly, so that Esther’s wish may be gratified.” So the king and Haman went to the banquet that Esther had prepared.
12789  EST 5:6  While they were drinking wine, the king said to Esther, “Whatever your petition is, it will be granted. Your request, it will be done – even if it takes half of my kingdom.”
12791  EST 5:8  “If I have won the king’s favor and if it seems best to the king to grant my petition and to accede to my request, my petition and my request are that the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them. Tomorrow I will answer the king’s question as he wishes.”
12795  EST 5:12  “What is more,” Haman said,Queen Esther brought no one in with the king to the banquet which she had prepared except me, and tomorrow also I am invited by her along with the king.
12797  EST 5:14  Then Zeresh his wife and all his friends said to him, “Let a gallows seventy-five feet high be erected, and in the morning speak to the king and let Mordecai be hanged on it. Then go merrily with the king to the banquet.” The advice pleased Haman, and so he had the gallows erected.
12806  EST 6:9  Then let the garment and the horse be placed in charge of one of the king’s noble officials. Let him clothe the man whom the king wishes to honor and let him lead that man on the horse through the city square, proclaiming before him, ‘This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor.’”
12808  EST 6:11  So Haman took the garment and the horse and clothed Mordecai, and made him ride through the city square and proclaimed before him, “This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor.”
12811  EST 6:14  While they were still talking with him, the king’s attendants came and quickly took Haman to the banquet that Esther had prepared.
12813  EST 7:2  As they were drinking wine on that second day, the king again said to Esther, “Whatever your petition is, Queen Esther, it will be granted to you. Whatever you request it will be done, even if it takes half of the kingdom.”
12814  EST 7:3  Then Queen Esther answered, “Your Majesty, if I have won your favor, and if it seems best to Your Majesty, let my life be given me as my petition, and my people as my request,
12817  EST 7:6  “A foe, an enemy: this wicked Haman.” Esther answered. Haman shrank in terror before the king and the queen.
12819  EST 7:8  As the king returned from the palace garden to the banquet hall, Haman had flung himself on Esther’s couch. The king cried, “Is he going to rape my queen while I am present in my own house?” As the king spoke these words, the attendants covered Haman’s face
12850  EST 9:12  and the king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have slain five hundred people in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman. What then have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces! Now what is your petition? It will be granted to you. What is your request? It will be done.”
13944  PSA 1:1  Happy are those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, not halting in ways frequented by sinners, nor taking a seat in a gathering of scoffers.
14040  PSA 9:9  ruling the world with justice, and judging the nations with equity.
14138  PSA 18:8  Then the earth shook and quaked, mountains trembled to their foundations, and quaked because of his wrath.
14202  PSA 20:6  We will shout then for joy at your victory, and rejoice in the name of our God. May the Lord grant your every request.
14209  PSA 21:3  You have granted to him his heart’s desire, you have not withheld his lips’ request. Selah
14282  PSA 25:14  The Lord gives guidance to those who fear him, and with his covenant he makes them acquainted.
14306  PSA 27:4  One thing have I asked of the Lord, and that do I long for – To live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the grace of the Lord and inquire in his temple.
14320  PSA 28:4  Give them as they have done, as their wicked deeds deserve. As their hands have wrought, so give to them: requite to them their deserts.
14361  PSA 31:12  The scorn of all my foes, the butt of my neighbors am I, a terror to my acquaintance. At the sight of me in the street people turn quickly away.
14442  PSA 35:12  Evil for good they requite me, leaving me inwardly comfortless.
14450  PSA 35:20  For it is not peace that they speak of those who are quiet in the land; but treacherous charges they plot.
14631  PSA 45:7  Your throne shall endure for ever and ever your royal sceptre a sceptre of equity.
14634  PSA 45:10  King’s daughters stand ready with jewels for you, at your right hand the queen in gold of Ophir.
14785  PSA 55:14  but it was you, my equal, my dear and familiar friend.
14823  PSA 58:2  Do you speak what is right, you gods? With equity judge you your people?
14824  PSA 58:3  In the land you practise iniquity – all of you; violence do you dispense with your hands.
14887  PSA 62:13  and to you, too, O Lord, belongs kindness; for you requite each person according to what they have done.
14949  PSA 67:5  Let the nations ring out their joy; for you govern the peoples with equity, and guide the nations on earth. Selah
15016  PSA 69:28  Charge them with sin upon sin, may they not be acquitted by you.
15157  PSA 77:7  I commune with my heart in the night, I muse with inquiring spirit.
15169  PSA 77:19  Loud was the roll of your thunder, lightnings lit up the world. Earth quaked and trembled.
15296  PSA 82:3  Do right by the weak and the orphan, acquit the innocent poor.
15423  PSA 89:33  “I will punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with scourges.
15541  PSA 96:10  Say to the nations, “The Lord is king.” The world stands firm to be shaken no more. He will judge the peoples with equity.
15548  PSA 97:4  his lightnings illumine the world: the earth quakes at the sight.
15565  PSA 98:9  before the Lord for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice and the nations with equity.
15566  PSA 99:1  The Lord is king; let the nations tremble: he is throned upon cherubs; let earth quake.
15569  PSA 99:4  You are a king who loves justice, equity you have established: justice and right you have wrought for Jacob.
15626  PSA 103:10  Not after our sins has he dealt with us, nor requited us after our wickedness.
15649  PSA 104:11  The wild beasts all drink from them, and the wild asses quench their thirst.
15713  PSA 105:40  He sent quails at their entreaty, and heavenly bread in abundance.
15796  PSA 107:30  They were glad, because it was quiet; they were led to the haven they longed for.
15827  PSA 109:4  My love they requite with hostility, while for them I lift up my prayer.
16043  PSA 119:77  Visit me with your quickening pity, for your law is my delight.
16194  PSA 127:5  Happy the man who has filled his quiver full of them. He will not be ashamed when he speaks with enemies in the gate.
16216  PSA 130:8  And he redeems Israel from all his iniquities.
22204  HOS 4:2  but cursing, lying, and murder, stealing, committing adultery, and deeds of violence, and acts of bloodshed quickly follow each other.
22236  HOS 5:15  I will return to my place, until in remorse they seek my presence. When they are in distress they will quickly seek me,
22284  HOS 9:7  The days of punishment are come, the days of recompense are at hand, as soon the Israelites will know! “The prophet is a fool, the inspired man is raving mad!” It is because of the greatness of your iniquity and the greatness of your hatred.
22286  HOS 9:9  they commit crimes as in the days of Gibeah, God will remember their iniquity. He will punish their sin.
22307  HOS 10:13  But you have plowed wickedness, iniquity have you reaped. You have eaten the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your own path, in the multitude of your warriors,
22323  HOS 12:3  The Lord has a charge to bring against Israel, to punish Jacob for his acts, according to his deeds will he requite him,
22332  HOS 12:12  In Gilead is iniquity, they will come to nothing. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls, so their altars will be as stone heaps, among the furrows of the field.
22347  HOS 13:12  Ephrahn’s iniquity is gathered up, his sin is laid by in store.
22352  HOS 14:2  Return, Israel, to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled in your iniquity.
22353  HOS 14:3  Take words of repentance with you, and return to the Lord your God. Say to him: Wholly pardon our iniquity, accept that which is good, instead of sacrificing bulls, we offer our praise.
22390  JOL 2:10  Earth trembles before them, the sky quakes, the sun and moon become dark, and the stars withdraw their shining;
22428  JOL 4:16  Whenever the Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem, earth and sky quake; but the Lord is a refuge to his people, and a fortress to the people of Israel.
22434  AMO 1:1  The message of Amos, one of the sheep breeders of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the reign of King Uzziah of Judah, and in the reign of Jeroboam the son of King Joash of Israel, two years before the earthquake.
22498  AMO 5:6  Seek the Lord and live, or he will cast fire on the house of Joseph, and it will devour and there will be no one to quench it for Bethel.
22505  AMO 5:13  It would be wise to keep quiet in such an evil time.
22508  AMO 5:16  Therefore the Lord, the God of hosts, says: In all the public squares there will be wailing, in every street the sound of mourning. They will summon the farmers to mourning, and professional mourners to wailing.
22529  AMO 6:10  When the uncle and another member of the family of a dead man come to carry the body out of the house for burial, they will call to someone in a corner of the house, ‘Any more there?’ and he will answer, ‘No’, and then he will add, ‘Be quiet!’ – for the name of the Lord must not be mentioned.
22558  AMO 8:8  Because of this won’t the land quake, and all its inhabitants mourn? Won’t the whole of it rise like the Nile, churn and subside like the Nile in Egypt?
22655  MIC 1:7  “All her images will be shattered, and all her statues will be burned with fire, and all her idols I will lay in ruins. For they were acquired by prostitution, and to prostitution they will return.”
22663  MIC 1:15  I will hand you to a conqueror, people of Mareshah, the leaders of Israel will hide in Adullam Cave!
22672  MIC 2:8  But you, you stand up as a foe against those who are peaceful; you strip the robe from those who pass by quietly, averse to conflict.
22751  MIC 7:18  Who is a God like you, forgiving iniquity and passing by the rebellion of the remnant of your people? He does not retain his anger forever, but is one who delights in mercy.
22752  MIC 7:19  He will tread under foot our iniquity; you will cast into the depths of the sea all our iniquities.
22772  NAM 2:5  Chariots rush across the fields, storm through the squares; they flame like torches, they dart like lightening.
22775  NAM 2:8  The queen is stripped, she is carried off. Her maids moan like doves, beating upon their breasts.
22803  HAB 1:3  Why do you make me look upon wickedness and behold trouble? Destruction and violence are before my eyes, and fighting and quarrelling.
22806  HAB 1:6  For I am about to raise up the Chaldeans, a nation grim and quick of action who sweep over the whole breadth of the earth to seize dwellings not their own.