24003 | MAT 23:16 | Alas for you, you blind guides! You say ‘if any swear by the Temple, their oath counts for nothing; but, if anyone swears by the gold of the Temple, their oath is binding them’! |
24005 | MAT 23:18 | You say, too, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, their oath counts for nothing, but, if anyone swears by the offering placed on it, their oath is binding on them’! |
24240 | MAT 27:42 | “He saved others, but he cannot save himself! He is the ‘king of Israel’! Why doesn’t he come down from the cross now, then we will believe in him. |
28054 | ROM 2:24 | For, as scripture says – ‘The Gentiles insult God’s name because of you’! |
29778 | 1TI 1:15 | How true the saying is, and worthy of the fullest acceptance, that ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’! And there is no greater sinner than I! |