Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engourb   (    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

13  GEN 1:13  There was evening and there was morning, a third yom ·period of time, day·. (A:2)
23  GEN 1:23  There was evening and there was morning, a fifth 'yom ·period of time, day·. (A:3)
34  GEN 2:3  God blessed the seventh day, and made it set apart holy, because he rested in it from all his work of barah' ·creation from nothingness· which he had done. (A:4, S:2)
50  GEN 2:19  Out of the ground Adonai God formed every animal of the field, and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. Whatever the man called every living creature became its name. (S:3)
77  GEN 3:21  Adonai God made coats of animal skins for Adam [Human, Red earth] and for his wife, and clothed them. (A:5, S:4)
98  GEN 4:18  To Enoch was born Irad. Irad became the father of Mehujael. Mehujael became the father of Methushael. Methushael became the father of Lamech. (S:5)
130  GEN 5:24  Enoch walked with God, and he was not found, for God took him. (7)
142  GEN 6:4  The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the Beni-Elohim ·Sons of Elohim God· came in to men’s daughters and had children with them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
176  GEN 7:16  Those who went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God enjoined him; then Adonai shut him in. (3)
198  GEN 8:14  In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry. (4)
213  GEN 9:7  Be fruitful and multiply. Increase abundantly in the earth, and multiply in it.” (5)
223  GEN 9:17  God said to Noah [Rest], “This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” (6)
249  GEN 10:14  Pathrusim, Casluhim (which the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] descended from), and Caphtorim.
250  GEN 10:15  Canaan [Humbled] became the father of Sidon (his firstborn), Heth [Trembling fear],
295  GEN 11:28  Haran [Mountaineer] died before his father Terah in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
312  GEN 12:13  Please say that you are my sister, that it may be well with me for your sake, and that my soul may live because of you.” (2)
323  GEN 13:4  to the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first. There Avram [Exalted father] called on Adonai ’s name. (3)
339  GEN 14:2  they made war with Bera, king of Sodom [Burning], and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah [Rebellious people, Tyrants], Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (also called Zoar [Small]).
340  GEN 14:3  All these joined together in the valley of Siddim (also called the Salt Sea).
344  GEN 14:7  They returned, and came to En Mishpat (also called Kadesh), and struck all the country of the Amalekites [Descendants of Man who licks up], and also the Amorites [Descendants of Talkers], that lived in Hazazon Tamar [Palm tree].
345  GEN 14:8  The king of Sodom [Burning], and the king of Gomorrah [Rebellious people, Tyrants], and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (also called Zoar [Small]) went out; and they set the battle in array against them in the valley of Siddim;
354  GEN 14:17  The king of Sodom [Burning] went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, at the valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley).
357  GEN 14:20  and blessed be El 'Elyon [God Most High], who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Avram [Exalted father] gave him a tenth of all. (5)
367  GEN 15:6  He believed in Adonai , who credited it to him for righteousness. (6)
404  GEN 17:6  I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you. Kings will come out of you. (7)
421  GEN 17:23  Abraham [Father of a multitude] took Ishmael [Pays attention God] his son, all who were born in his house, and all who were bought with his money; every male among the men of Abraham [Father of a multitude]’s house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the same day, as God had said to him. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
439  GEN 18:14  Is anything too hard for Adonai ? At the set time I will return to you, when the season comes round, and Sarah [Princess] will have a son.” (2)
478  GEN 19:20  See now, this city is near to flee to, and it is a little town. Oh let me escape there, is not it a little one?, and there I will be safe.” (4)
518  GEN 21:4  Abraham [Father of a multitude] circumcised his son, Isaac [Laughter], when he was eight days old, as God had enjoined him. (5)
535  GEN 21:21  He lived in the wilderness of Paran. His mother took a wife for him out of the land of Egypt [Abode of slavery]. (6)
546  GEN 21:32  So they made a covenant at Be'er-Sheva [Well of Seven, Well of an Oath]. Abimelech [My father king] rose up with Phicol, the captain of his army, and they returned into the land of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)].
548  GEN 21:34  Abraham [Father of a multitude] lived as a foreigner in the land of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] many days.
567  GEN 22:19  So Abraham [Father of a multitude] returned to his young men, and they rose up and went together to Be'er-Sheva [Well of Seven, Well of an Oath]. Abraham [Father of a multitude] lived at Be'er-Sheva [Well of Seven, Well of an Oath]. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
574  GEN 23:2  Sarah [Princess] died in Kiriath Arba (also called Hebron), in the land of Canaan [Humbled]. Abraham [Father of a multitude] came to mourn for Sarah [Princess], and to weep for her.
588  GEN 23:16  Abraham [Father of a multitude] sh'ma ·heard obeyed· to Ephron [Fawn-like]. Abraham [Father of a multitude] weighed to Ephron [Fawn-like] the silver which he had named in the audience of the children of Heth [Trembling fear], four hundred shekels [10 lb; 4.54 kg] of silver, according to the current merchants’ standard [where one shekel is 0.4 oz; 11.34 g]. (2)
591  GEN 23:19  After this, Abraham [Father of a multitude] buried Sarah [Princess] his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah [Double] before Mamre [Bitter, Fatness] (that is, Hebron), in the land of Canaan [Humbled].
601  GEN 24:9  The servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his master, and swore to him concerning this matter. (3)
618  GEN 24:26  The man bowed his head, and worshiped Adonai . (4)
644  GEN 24:52  When Abraham [Father of a multitude]’s servant sh'ma ·heard obeyed· their words, he bowed himself down to the earth to Adonai . (5)
670  GEN 25:11  After the death of Abraham [Father of a multitude], God blessed Isaac [Laughter], his son. Isaac [Laughter] lived by Beer Lahai Roi [Well of the one who lives and sees]. (7)
674  GEN 25:15  Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
694  GEN 26:1  There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude]. Isaac [Laughter] went to Abimelech [My father king] king of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)], to Gerar.
698  GEN 26:5  because Abraham [Father of a multitude] sh'ma ·heard obeyed· my voice, and heeded what I told him to do— he followed my mitzvot ·instructions·, my regulations, and my torot ·teachings·.” (2)
701  GEN 26:8  When he had been there a long time, Abimelech [My father king] king of the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] looked out at a window, and saw, and, behold, Isaac [Laughter] was caressing Rebekah [Securely bound], his wife.
705  GEN 26:12  Isaac [Laughter] sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year one hundred times what he planted. Adonai blessed him. (3)
707  GEN 26:14  He had possessions of flocks, possessions of herds, and a great household. The Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] envied him.
708  GEN 26:15  Now all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his father, the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] had stopped, and filled with earth.
711  GEN 26:18  Isaac [Laughter] dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham [Father of a multitude] his father. For the Philistines [To roll in dust (As an insult)] had stopped them after the death of Abraham [Father of a multitude]. He called their names after the names by which his father had called them.
715  GEN 26:22  He left that place, and dug another well. They didn’t argue over that one. He called it Rehoboth. He said, “For now Adonai has made room for us, and we will be fruitful in the land.” (4)
722  GEN 26:29  that you will do us no harm, as we have not touched you, and as we have done to you nothing but good, and have sent you away in peace.’ You are now the blessed of Adonai .” (5)
755  GEN 27:27  He came near, and kissed him. He smelled the smell of his clothing, and blessed him, and said, “Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which Adonai has blessed. (6)
778  GEN 28:4  and give you the blessing of Abraham [Father of a multitude], to you, and to your offspring with you, that you may inherit the land where you travel, which God gave to Abraham [Father of a multitude].” (7)
780  GEN 28:6  Now Esau [Hairy] saw that Isaac [Laughter] had blessed Jacob [Supplanter] and sent him away to Paddan Aram [Elevated], to take him a wife from there,and as he blessed him, Issac [Laughter] enjoined these words to Esau [Hairy], saying, “You shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan [Humbled],” (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
813  GEN 29:17  Leah [Weary]’s eyes were weak, but Rachel [Ewe sheep] was beautiful in form and attractive. (3)
844  GEN 30:13  Leah [Weary] said, “Happy am I, for the daughters will call me happy.” She named him Asher [Happy]. (4)
858  GEN 30:27  Laban [White] said to him, “If now I have found chen ·grace· in your eyes, stay here, for I have divined that Adonai has blessed me for your sake.” (5)
890  GEN 31:16  For all the riches which God has taken away from our father, that is ours and our children’s. Now then, whatever God has said to you, do.” (6)
916  GEN 31:42  Unless the God of my father, the God of Abraham [Father of a multitude], and the fear of Isaac [Laughter], had been with me, surely now you would have sent me away empty. God has seen my affliction and the labor of my hands, and rebuked you last night.” (7)
928  GEN 31:54  Jacob [Supplanter] offered a sacrifice in the mountain, and called his relatives to eat bread. They ate bread, and stayed all night in the mountain. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
941  GEN 32:13  You said, ‘I will surely do you good, and make your offspring as the sand of the sea, which can’t be counted because there are so many.’” (2)
958  GEN 32:30  Jacob [Supplanter] asked him, “Please tell me your name.” He said, “Why is it that you ask what my name is?” and he blessed him there. (3)
966  GEN 33:5  He lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, “Who are these with you?” He said, “The children whom God has graciously given your servant.” (4)
1018  GEN 35:6  So Jacob [Supplanter] came to Luz (that is, Beth-el [House of God]), which is in the land of Canaan [Humbled], he and all the people who were with him.
1023  GEN 35:11  God said to him, “I am El Shaddai [God Almighty]. Be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations will be from you, and kings will come out of your body. (A:6)
1025  GEN 35:13  God went up from him in the place where he spoke with him. (S:6)
1030  GEN 35:18  As her soul was departing (for she died), she named him Benoni, but his father named him Benjamin [Son of right hand, Son of south].
1031  GEN 35:19  Rachel [Ewe sheep] died, and was buried on the way to Ephrath (also called Bethlehem [House of Bread]).
1035  GEN 35:23  The sons of Leah [Weary]: Reuben [See, a son!] (Jacob [Supplanter]’s firstborn), Simeon [Hearing], Levi [United with], Judah [Praised], Issachar [Hire, Reward], and Zebulun [Living together].
1037  GEN 35:25  The sons of Bilhah [Bashful] (Rachel [Ewe sheep]’s servant): Dan [He judged] and Naphtali [My wrestling].
1038  GEN 35:26  The sons of Zilpah [Frailty] (Leah [Weary]’s servant): Gad [Good fortune] and Asher [Happy]. These are the sons of Jacob [Supplanter], who were born to him in Paddan Aram [Elevated].
1039  GEN 35:27  Jacob [Supplanter] came to Isaac [Laughter] his father, to Mamre [Bitter, Fatness], to Kiriath Arba (which is Hebron), where Abraham [Father of a multitude] and Isaac [Laughter] lived as foreigners.
1042  GEN 36:1  Now this is the history of the generations of Esau [Hairy] (that is, Edom [Red]).
1060  GEN 36:19  These are the sons of Esau [Hairy] (that is, Edom [Red]), and these are their chiefs. (7)
1080  GEN 36:39  Baal Hanan the son of Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his place. The name of his city was Pau. His wife’s name was Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab. (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
1095  GEN 37:11  His brothers envied him, but his father kept this saying in mind. (2)
1106  GEN 37:22  Reuben [See, a son!] said to them, “Shed no blood. Throw him into this pit that is in the wilderness, but lay no hand on him”— that he might deliver him out of their hand, to restore him to his father. (3)
1156  GEN 39:6  He left all that he had in Joseph [May he add]’s hand. He didn’t concern himself with anything, except for the food which he ate. Joseph [May he add] was well-built and handsome. (6)
1192  GEN 40:19  Within three more days, Pharaoh will lift up your head from off you, and will hang you on a tree; and the birds will eat your flesh from off you.” (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
1210  GEN 41:14  Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph [May he add], and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon. He shaved himself, changed his clothing, and came in to Pharaoh. (A:2)
1212  GEN 41:16  Joseph [May he add] answered Pharaoh, saying, “It is not in me. God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” (S:2)
1234  GEN 41:38  Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?” (3)
1248  GEN 41:52  The name of the second, he called Ephraim [Fruit]: “For God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.” (4)
1271  GEN 42:18  Joseph [May he add] said to them the third day, “Do this, and live, for I fear God. (5)
1306  GEN 43:15  The men took that present, and they took double money in their hand, and Benjamin [Son of right hand, Son of south]; and got up, went down to Egypt [Abode of slavery], and stood before Joseph [May he add]. (6)
1320  GEN 43:29  He lifted up his eyes, and saw Benjamin [Son of right hand, Son of south], his brother, his mother’s son, and said, “Is this your youngest brother, of whom you spoke to me?” He said, “God be gracious to you, my son.” (7)
1338  GEN 44:13  Then they tore their clothes, and each man loaded his donkey, and returned to the city. (A: Maftir ·Conclusion·)
1339  GEN 44:14  Judah [Praised] and his brothers came to Joseph [May he add]’s house, and he was still there. They fell on the ground before him. (S: Maftir ·Conclusion·)
1355  GEN 44:30  Now therefore when I come to your servant my father, and the boy is not with us; since his life is bound up in the boy’s life; (2)
1366  GEN 45:7  God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to save you alive by a great deliverance. (3)
1377  GEN 45:18  Take your father and your households, and come to me, and I will give you the good of the land of Egypt [Abode of slavery], and you will eat the fat of the land.’ (4)
1386  GEN 45:27  They told him all the words of Joseph [May he add], which he had said to them. When he saw the wagons which Joseph [May he add] had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob [Supplanter], their father, revived. (5)
1414  GEN 46:27  The sons of Joseph [May he add], who were born to him in Egypt [Abode of slavery], were two souls. All the souls of the house of Jacob [Supplanter], who came into Egypt [Abode of slavery], were seventy. (6)
1431  GEN 47:10  Jacob [Supplanter] blessed Pharaoh, and went out from the presence of Pharaoh. (7)
1445  GEN 47:24  It will happen at the harvests, that you shall give a fifth to Pharaoh, and four parts will be your own, for seed of the field, for your food, for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.” (Maftir ·Conclusion·)
1459  GEN 48:7  As for me, when I came from Paddan, Rachel [Ewe sheep] died by me in the land of Canaan [Humbled] on the way, when there was still some distance to come to Ephrath, and I buried her there on the way to Ephrath (also called Bethlehem [House of Bread]).”
1461  GEN 48:9  Joseph [May he add] said to his father, “They are my sons, whom God has given me here.” He said, “Please bring them to me, and I will bless them.” (2)
1468  GEN 48:16  the angel who has redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads, and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham [Father of a multitude] and Isaac [Laughter]. Let them grow into a multitude upon the earth.” (3)
1492  GEN 49:18  I have waited for your yishu'ah ·salvation·, Adonai . (5)
1498  GEN 49:24  But his bow remained strong. The arms of his hands were made strong, by the hands of the 'Avir Ya'akov [Mighty One of Supplanter], (from there is the Ro'i [Shepherd Provider], the 'Even Isra'el [Stone of God prevails]),
1500  GEN 49:26  The blessings of your father have prevailed above the blessings of your ancestors, above the boundaries of the ancient hills. They will be on the head of Joseph [May he add], on the crown of the head of him who is separated from his brothers. (6)