Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engourb   Word!’    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

1267  GEN 42:14  Joseph [May he add] said to them, “It is like I told you, saying, ‘You are spies!’
1649  EXO 5:16  No straw is given to your servants, and they tell us, ‘Make brick!’ and behold, your servants are beaten; but the fault is in your own people.”
1695  EXO 7:9  “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘Perform a miracle!’ then you shall tell Aaron [Light-bringer], ‘Take your rod, and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it become a serpent.’”
3098  LEV 13:45  “The leper in whom the plague is shall wear torn clothes, and the hair of his head shall hang loose. He shall cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’
4440  NUM 23:23  Surely there is no enchantment with Jacob [Supplanter]; Neither is there any divination with Israel [God prevails]. Now it shall be said of Jacob [Supplanter] and of Israel [God prevails], ‘What has God done!’
17889  ISA 8:12  “Don’t say, ‘A conspiracy!’ concerning all about which this people say, ‘A conspiracy!’ neither fear their threats, nor be terrorized.
18572  ISA 42:22  But this is a robbed and plundered people. All of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prisons. They have become captives, and no one delivers; and a plunder, and no one says, ‘Restore them!’
18581  ISA 43:6  I will tell the north, ‘Give them up!’ and tell the south, ‘Don’t hold them back! Bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth—
18715  ISA 49:9  saying to those who are bound, ‘Come out!’; to those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves!’ “They shall feed along the paths, and their pasture shall be on all treeless heights.
23493  MAT 10:7  As you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven (God) is at hand!’
23547  MAT 11:19  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.”
23822  MAT 18:26  The servant therefore fell down and knelt before him, saying, ‘Lord, have patience with me, and I will repay you all!’
23824  MAT 18:28  “But that servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, who owed him one hundred denarii (100 days wages), and he grabbed him, and took him by the throat, saying, ‘Pay me what you owe!’
23825  MAT 18:29  “So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will repay you!’
23873  MAT 20:12  saying, ‘These last have spent one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat!’
24083  MAT 25:6  But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Behold! The bridegroom is coming! Come out to meet him!’
24792  MRK 13:6  For many will come in my name, saying, ‘Ena Na [I AM (the Living God)], I am he!’ and will lead many astray.
24807  MRK 13:21  Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah [Anointed one]!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ don’t believe it.
25298  LUK 7:34  The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man, and a drunkard; a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
25612  LUK 13:25  When once the master of the house has risen up, and has shut the door, and you begin to stand outside, and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ then he will answer and tell you, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’
25663  LUK 15:6  When he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’
25741  LUK 17:21  neither will they say, ‘Look, here!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ for behold, God’s Kingdom is within you.”
25743  LUK 17:23  They will tell you, ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’ Don’t go away, nor follow after them,
25760  LUK 18:3  A widow was in that city, and she often came to him, saying, ‘Defend me from my adversary!’
25770  LUK 18:13  But the tax collector, standing far away, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his chest, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’
25825  LUK 19:25  “They said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas!’
26034  LUK 23:30  Then they will begin to tell the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and tell the hills, ‘Cover us.’