14334 | PSA 29:9 | Adonai ’s voice makes the deer calve, and strips the forests bare. In his temple everything says, “Kavod ·Weighty glory·!” |
17842 | ISA 6:3 | One called to another, and said, “More holy than the holiest holiness is Adonai Tzva'ot [Yahweh Commander of heaven’s armies]! The whole earth is full of his kavod ·weighty glory·!” |
23699 | MAT 14:33 | Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, “You are truly the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·!” |
24273 | MAT 28:9 | As they went to tell his disciples, behold, Yeshua [Salvation] met them, saying, “Shalom ·Complete peace·!” They came and took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. |
24368 | MRK 3:11 | The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, “You are the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·!” |
24474 | MRK 5:41 | Taking the child by the hand, he said to her, “Talita kumi! ·Little girl, I tell you, get up·!” |
24548 | MRK 7:16 | If anyone has ears to hear, let him sh'ma ·hear obey·!” |
24566 | MRK 7:34 | Looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to him, “ Hippatach! ·Be opened·!” |
24868 | MRK 14:45 | When he had come, immediately he came to him, and said, “Rabbi, Rabbi! ·Teacher, Teacher·!” and kissed him. |
24934 | MRK 15:39 | When the centurion, who stood by opposite him, saw that he cried out like this and breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·!” |
25173 | LUK 4:41 | Demons also came out of many, crying out, and saying, “You are the Messiah [Anointed one], the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·!” Rebuking them, he didn’t allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Messiah [Anointed one]. |
25322 | LUK 8:8 | Other fell into the good ground, and grew, and produced one hundred times as much fruit.” As he said these things, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him sh'ma ·hear obey·!” |
26955 | JHN 20:19 | Therefore when evening came that day, the (end of the) first day of the week, (the start of Nissan 18), and when the doors were locked where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews [Praisers], Yeshua [Salvation] came and stood in the middle, and said to them, “ Shalom aleikhem! ·Complete peace my family·!” |
26962 | JHN 20:26 | After eight days (Nissan 26) again his disciples were inside, and Thomas [Seeker of truth] was with them. Yeshua [Salvation] came, the doors being locked, and stood in the middle, and said, “Shalom aleikhem! ·Complete peace my family·!” |