Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engourb   Number),    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

24125  MAT 26:2  “You know that the Pesac ·Passover· is two days away (Nissan 12), and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be nailed to the execution-stake.”
24140  MAT 26:17  Now on the first of Matzah ·Unleavened bread· (Nissan 14), the disciples came to Yeshua [Salvation], saying to him, “Where do you want us to prepare your Seder ·Order / Passover meal·?”
24199  MAT 27:1  Now early in the morning (Nissan 14), all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Yeshua [Salvation] to put him to death:
24260  MAT 27:62  Now on the next day, which was the day after the Preparation Day (Nissan 15), the chief priests and the Pharisees [Separated] were gathered together to Pilate [Armed with javelin],
24265  MAT 28:1  Now after the second Sabbath (Nissan 17), it was the first day of the week, (the day of First Fruits #1), and it was starting to dawn, Mary of Magdala [Rebellion of City tower] and the other Mary [Rebellion] came to see the tomb.
24824  MRK 14:1  It was now two days before the festival of the Pesac ·Passover· (Nissan 12), also called the festival of Matzah ·Unleavened bread·, and the chief priests and the Torah-Teachers sought how they might seize him by deception, and kill him.
24835  MRK 14:12  On the first day of Matzah ·Unleavened bread· (Nissan 14), when they sacrificed the Pesac ·Passover· lamb, his disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare your Seder ·Order / Passover meal·?”
24937  MRK 15:42  When evening had now come, because it was the Preparation Day (Nissan 14), that is, the day before the festival Sabbath ·To cease·,
25940  LUK 22:7  The day of Matzah ·Unleavened bread· came (Nissan 14), on which the Pesac ·Passover· lamb must be sacrificed.
26058  LUK 23:54  It was the Preparation Day (Nissan 14), and the festival Sabbath ·To cease· was drawing near.
26650  JHN 12:1  Then six days before the Pesac ·Passover· (Nissan 8), Yeshua [Salvation] came to Bethany [House of affliction], where Lazarus [Help of God] was, who had been dead, whom he raised from the dead.
26700  JHN 13:1  Now before the festival of the Pesac ·Passover· (Nissan 14), Yeshua [Salvation], knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to haAbba ·the Father·, having agapao ·total devoted love· for his own who were in the world, he showed agapao ·total devotion love· to them unto the end.
26908  JHN 19:14  Now it was the Preparation Day for Pesac ·Passover· (Nissan 14), at about three o'clock in the afternoon. He said to the Jews [Praisers], “Behold, your King!”
26925  JHN 19:31  Therefore the Jews [Praisers], because it was the Preparation Day (Nissan 14), so that the bodies would not remain on the execution-stake on the festival Sabbath ·To cease· (for that Sabbath ·To cease· was a special one), asked of Pilate [Armed with javelin] that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
26955  JHN 20:19  Therefore when evening came that day, the (end of the) first day of the week, (the start of Nissan 18), and when the doors were locked where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews [Praisers], Yeshua [Salvation] came and stood in the middle, and said to them, “ Shalom aleikhem! ·Complete peace my family·!”