3276 | LEV 18:24 | “‘Don’t defile yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations which I am casting out before you were defiled. |
3286 | LEV 19:4 | “‘Don’t turn to idols, nor make molten deities for yourselves. I am Adonai your God. |
3301 | LEV 19:19 | “‘You shall keep my regulations. “‘You shall not cross-breed different kinds of animals. “‘You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed; “‘Don’t wear a garment made of two kinds of material. |
3311 | LEV 19:29 | “‘Don’t profane your daughter, to make her a prostitute; lest the land fall to prostitution, and the land become full of wickedness. |
3313 | LEV 19:31 | “‘Don’t turn to those who are spirit-mediums, nor to the sorcerers. Don’t seek them out, to be defiled by them. I am Adonai your God. |