23222 | MAT 1:9 | Osias begat Ioatham: Ioatham begat Achas: Achas begat Ezechias: |
23223 | MAT 1:10 | Ezechias begat Manasses: Manasses begat Amon: Amon begat Iosias: |
23226 | MAT 1:13 | zorobabel begat Abiud: Abiud begat Eliachim: Eliachim begat Azor: |
23227 | MAT 1:14 | Azor begat Sadoc: Sadoc begat Achin: Achin begat Eliud: |
23228 | MAT 1:15 | Eliud begat Eleasar: Eleasar begat Matthan: Matthan begat Iacob: |
23236 | MAT 1:23 | Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs. |
23251 | MAT 2:13 | When they were departed: beholde the angell of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte and abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod will seke the chylde to destroye hym. |
23252 | MAT 2:14 | The he arose and toke the chylde and his mother by night and departed into Egypte |
23253 | MAT 2:15 | and was there vnto the deeth of Herod to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet which sayeth out of Egypte haue I called my sonne. |
23257 | MAT 2:19 | When Herode was deed: beholde an angell of the Lorde appered in a dreame to Ioseph in Egypte |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght. |
23271 | MAT 3:10 | Euen nowe is the axe put vnto the rote of the trees: soo that every tree which bringeth not forthe goode frute is hewe doune and cast into the fyre. |
23292 | MAT 4:14 | to fulfill that whiche was spoken by Esay the Prophet sayinge: |
23398 | MAT 7:13 | Enter in at the strayte gate: for wyde is the gate and broade is the waye that leadeth to destruccion: and many ther be which goo yn therat. |
23402 | MAT 7:17 | Euen soo every good tree bryngeth forthe good frute. But a corrupte tree bryngethe forthe evyll frute. |
23404 | MAT 7:19 | Every tree that bryngethe not forthe good frute shalbe hewe doune and cast into the fyre. |
23431 | MAT 8:17 | to fulfill that which was spoke by Esayas the Prophet sayinge. He toke on him oure infirmities and bare oure sickneses |
23575 | MAT 12:17 | to fulfyll that which was spoden by Esay the Prophet which sayeth. |
23583 | MAT 12:25 | But Iesus knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the. Every kingdome devided with in it sylfe shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agest it sylfe contynue. |
23587 | MAT 12:29 | Ether how can a man enter into a stroge mannes housse and violently take awaye his goodes: excepte he fyrst binde the stroge man and the spoyle his housse? |
23591 | MAT 12:33 | Ether make the tree good and his frute good also: or els make the tree evyll and his frute evyll also. For the tree is knowe by his frute. |
23603 | MAT 12:45 | Then he goeth his waye and taketh vnto him seven other spretes worsse then himsilfe and so entre they in and dwell there. And the ende of that man is worsse then the beginning. Even so shall it be with this evell nacion. |
23622 | MAT 13:14 | And in them is fulfilled the Prophesie of Esayas which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde and with the eyes ye shall se and shall not perceave. |
23709 | MAT 15:7 | Ypocrites well prophesyed of you Esay sayinge: |
23762 | MAT 16:21 | From that tyme forth Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples how that he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer many thinges of the Elders and of the hye prestes and of the scribes and must be killed and ryse agayne the thirde daye. |
23810 | MAT 18:14 | Even so it is not the wyll of youre father in heven that one of these lytelons shulde perishe. |
24176 | MAT 26:53 | Ether thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father and he shall geve me moo then .xii. legions of angelles? |
24180 | MAT 26:57 | And they toke Iesus and leed him to Cayphas the hye preeste where the Scribes and the Elders where assembled. |
24244 | MAT 27:46 | And about the nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani. That is to saye my God my God why hast thou forsaken me? |
24538 | MRK 7:6 | He answered and sayde vnto them: well prophesied Esaias of you ypocrites as it is writte: This people honoreth me with their lyppes but their hert is farre from me: |
24654 | MRK 9:47 | Even so yf thyne eye offende the plucke him oute. It is better for the to goo into the kyngdom of god with one eye then havynge two eyes to be caste into hell fyre: |
24656 | MRK 9:49 | Every man therfore shalbe salted with fyre: And every sacrifise shalbe seasoned with salt. |
24929 | MRK 15:34 | And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi Eloi lamaasbathani which is yf it be interpreted: my God my God why hast thou forsaken me? |
24967 | LUK 1:5 | There was in the dayes of Herode kynge of Iurie a certayne prest named zacharias of the course of Abia. And his wyfe was of the doughters of Aaron: And her name was Elizabeth. |
24969 | LUK 1:7 | And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barre and booth were well stricken in age. |
24975 | LUK 1:13 | And the angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary for thy prayer is hearde: And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare the a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn |
24986 | LUK 1:24 | And after thoose dayes his wyfe Elizabeth conceaved and hyd her sylfe .v. monethes sayinge: |
24998 | LUK 1:36 | And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceaved a sonne in her age. And this is hyr sixte moneth though she be called barren: |
25002 | LUK 1:40 | and entred into the housse of zachary and saluted Elizabeth. |
25003 | LUK 1:41 | And it fortuned as Elizabeth hearde the salutacion of Mary the babe spronge in her belly. And Elizabeth was filled with the holy goost |
25017 | LUK 1:55 | Even as he promised to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for ever. |
25019 | LUK 1:57 | Elizabethes tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered and she brought forth a sonne. |
25032 | LUK 1:70 | Even as he promised by the mouth of his holy prophetes which were sens the worlde began |
25043 | LUK 2:1 | And it chaunced in thoose dayes: that ther went oute a commaundment from Auguste the Emperour that all the woorlde shuld be taxed. |
25095 | LUK 3:1 | In the fiftenthe yeare of the raygne of Tiberius the Emperoure Pontius Pylate beinge leftenaut of Iurie and Herode beinge Tetrach of Galile and his brother Philip Tetrach in Iturea and in the region of Traconites and Lysanias the Tetrach of Abyline |
25098 | LUK 3:4 | at it is written in the boke of the sayinges of Esaias the Prophet which sayeth: The voyce of a cryar in wyldernes prepare the waye of the Lorde make hys pathes strayght. |
25099 | LUK 3:5 | Every valley shalbe fylled and every moutayne and hyll shalbe brought lowe. And crocked thinges shalbe made streight: and the rough wayes shalbe made smoth: |
25119 | LUK 3:25 | which was the sonne of Matatthias: which was the sonne of Amos: which was the sonne of Nahum: which was the sonne of Esli: which was the sonne of Nagge: |
25127 | LUK 3:33 | which was the sonne of Aminadab: which was the sonne of Aram: which was the sonne of Esrom: which was the sonne of Phares: which was the sonne of Iuda: |
25131 | LUK 3:37 | which was the sonne of Mathusala: which was the sonne of Enoch: which was the sonne of Iareth: which was the sonne of Malalehel. which was the sonne of Cainan: which was the sonne of Enos: |
25149 | LUK 4:17 | And ther was delyvered vnto him the boke of the Prophete Esaias. And when he had opened the boke he founde the place where it was written. |
25255 | LUK 6:40 | The disciple is not above his master. Every man shalbe perfecte even as his master is. |
25257 | LUK 6:42 | Ether how cannest thou saye to thy brother: Brother let me pull out the moote that is in thyne eye: when thou perceavest not the beame that is in thyne awne eye? Ypocrite cast out the beame out of thyne awne eye fyrst and then shalt thou se perfectly to pull out the moote out of thy brothers eye. |
25366 | LUK 8:52 | Every body weept and sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed but slepeth. |
25453 | LUK 10:21 | That same tyme reioysed Iesus in the sprete and sayde: I confesse vnto the father Lorde of heaven and erth that thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent and hast opened them to the babes. Even so father for soo pleased it the. |
25491 | LUK 11:17 | But he knewe their thoughtes and sayde vnto them: Every kingdome devided with in it silfe shalbe desolate: and one housse shall fall vpon another. |
25665 | LUK 15:8 | Ether what woman havynge .x. grotes yf she loose one doth not lyght a candell and swepe the housse and seke diligently tyll she fynde it? |
25850 | LUK 20:2 | and spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thinges? Ether who is he that gave ye this auctorite? |
26042 | LUK 23:38 | And his superscripcion was written over him in greke in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes. |
26073 | LUK 24:13 | And beholde two of them went that same daye to a toune which was from Ierusalem about thre scoore for longes called Emaus: |
26136 | JHN 1:23 | He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes make strayght the waye of the Lorde as sayde the Prophete Esaias. |
26212 | JHN 3:23 | And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim because ther was moche water there and they came and were baptised. |
26281 | JHN 5:2 | And ther is at Ierusalem by the slaughterhousse a pole called in the Ebrue tonge Bethseda havinge five porches |
26371 | JHN 6:45 | It is written in the Prophetes, that they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. |
26646 | JHN 11:54 | Iesus therfore walked no more opely amonge the Iewes: but wet his waye thence vnto a countre nye to a wildernes into a cite called Ephraim and there hauted with his disciples. |
26687 | JHN 12:38 | that the sayinge of Esayas the Prophet myght be fulfilled that he spake. Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinge? And to whom ys the arme of the Lorde opened? |
26688 | JHN 12:39 | Therfore coulde they not beleve because that Esaias sayth agayne: |
26690 | JHN 12:41 | Soche thinges sayde Esaias when he sawe his glory and spake of him. |
26770 | JHN 15:2 | Every braunche that beareth not frute in me he will take awaye. And every braunche that beareth frute will he pourge that it maye bringe moare frute. |
27027 | ACT 2:9 | Parthians Medes and Elamytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iury and of Capadocia of Ponthus and Asia |
27028 | ACT 2:10 | Phrigia Pamphilia and of Egypte and of the parties of Libia which is besyde Syrene and straungers of Rome Iewes and convertes |
27090 | ACT 3:25 | Ye are the chyldren of the Prophetes and of the covenaunt which God hath made vnto oure fathers sayinge to Abraham: Even in thy seede shall all the kinredes of the erth be blessed. |
27171 | ACT 6:1 | In those dayes as the nombre of the disciples grewe ther arose a grudge amonge the Grekes agaynst the Ebrues because their wyddowes were despysed in the dayly mynystracion. |
27194 | ACT 7:9 | And the patriarkes havinge indignacion solde Ioseph into Egipte. And God was with him |
27195 | ACT 7:10 | and delivered him out of all his adversities. And gave him faveour and wisdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him governer over Egipte and over all his housholde. |
27196 | ACT 7:11 | Then came ther a derth over all the londe of Egipt and Canaan and great affliccion that our fathers founde no sustenauce. |
27197 | ACT 7:12 | But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egipte he sent oure fathers fyrst |
27200 | ACT 7:15 | And Iacob descended into Egipte and dyed bothe he and oure fathers |
27201 | ACT 7:16 | and were translated into Sichem and were put in the sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor at Sichem. |
27202 | ACT 7:17 | When the tyme of the promes drue nye (which God had sworme to Abraham) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte |
27207 | ACT 7:22 | And Moses was learned in all maner wisdome of the Egipcians and was mighty in dedes and in wordes. |
27209 | ACT 7:24 | And when he sawe one of them suffre wronge he defended him and avenged his quarrell that had the harme done to him and smote the Egypcian. |
27213 | ACT 7:28 | What wilt thou kyll me as thou dyddest the Egyptian yester daye? |
27219 | ACT 7:34 | I have perfectly sene the affliccion of my people which is in Egypte and I have hearde their gronynge and am come doune to delyver them. And now come and I will sende the into Egypte. |
27221 | ACT 7:36 | And the same brought them out shewynge wonders and signes in Egypte and in the reed see and in the wyldernes .xl. yeares. |
27224 | ACT 7:39 | to who oure fathers wolde not obeye but cast it from them and in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte |
27225 | ACT 7:40 | sayinge vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to goo before vs. For this Moses that brought vs out of the londe of Egypte we wote not what is become of him. |
27272 | ACT 8:27 | And he arose and wet on. And beholde a man of Ethiopia which was a chaberlayne and of grete auctorite with Candace quene of the Ethiopias and had the rule of all her treasure came to Ierusalem for to praye. |
27273 | ACT 8:28 | And as he returned home agayne sittynge in his charet he rede Esay the prophet. |
27275 | ACT 8:30 | And Philip ranne to him and hearde him rede the prophet Esayas and sayde: Vnderstondest thou what thou redest? |
27318 | ACT 9:33 | and there he foude a certayne man namyd Eneas whych had kepte hys bed viii. yere sicke of the palsie. |
27319 | ACT 9:34 | Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make the whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly. |
27404 | ACT 11:28 | And ther stode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the sprete that ther shuld be great derth throughoute all the worlde which came to passe in the Emproure Claudius dayes. |
27439 | ACT 13:8 | But Elemas the sorcerar (for so was his name by interpretacion) with stode them and sought to turne awaye the ruler from the fayth. |
27448 | ACT 13:17 | The God of this people chose oure fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as straugers in the londe of Egypt and with a mighty arme brought them oute of it |
27610 | ACT 17:18 | Certayne philosophers of the Epicures and of the stoyckes disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he semeth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion. |
27628 | ACT 18:2 | and founde a certayne Iewe named Aquila borne in Ponthus latly come from Italie with his wyfe Priscilla (because that the Emperour Claudius had commaunded all Iewes to departe from Rome) and he drewe vnto them. |