Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engtnt   G    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

23236  MAT 1:23  Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs.
23246  MAT 2:8  and sent the to Bethleem saynge: Goo and searche dyligetly for the chylde. And when ye have founde hym bringe me worde that I maye come and worshippe hym also.
23250  MAT 2:12  And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod they retourned into their awne countre another waye.
23260  MAT 2:22  But when he hearde that Archelaus did raygne in Iury in the roume of his father Herode he was afrayde to goo thither. Not withstondynge after he was warned of god in a dreame he turned a syde into the parties of Galile
23270  MAT 3:9  And se that the ons thynke not to saye in your selues we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldern vnto Abraham.
23274  MAT 3:13  Then cam Iesus from Galile to Iordan vnto Ihon to be baptised of hym.
23277  MAT 3:16  And Iesus assone as he was baptised came strayght out of the water. And lo heue was open over hym: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende lyke a doue and lyght vpon hym.
23281  MAT 4:3  Then came to hym the tempter and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breed.
23282  MAT 4:4  He answered and sayde: that is wrytten man shall not lyve by brede onlye but by every worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God.
23284  MAT 4:6  and sayd vnto hym: yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy sylfe doune. For it is wrytte he shall geve his angels charge over the and with their handes they shall holde that vp that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone.
23285  MAT 4:7  And Iesus sayde to hym it ys wrytten also: Thou shalt not tempte thy Lorde God.
23288  MAT 4:10  Then sayde Iesus vnto hym. Avoyd Satan. For it is writte thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God and hym only shalt thou serve.
23290  MAT 4:12  When Iesus had hearde that Ihon was taken he departed into Galile
23293  MAT 4:15  The londe of zabulon and Neptalim the waye of the see beyonde Iordan Galile of the Gentyls
23296  MAT 4:18  As Iesus walked by the see of Galile he sawe two brethren: Simon which was called Peter and Andrew his brother castynge a neet into the see for they were fisshers
23301  MAT 4:23  And Iesus went aboute all Galile teachyng in their synagoges and preachynge the gospell of the kyngdome and healed all maner of sicknes and all maner dyseases amonge the people.
23303  MAT 4:25  And ther folowed hym a greate nombre of people from Galile and from the ten cyties and from Ierusalem and from Iury and from the regions that lye beyonde Iordan.
23311  MAT 5:8  Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God.
23312  MAT 5:9  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God.
23336  MAT 5:33  Agayne ye haue hearde how it was sayd to the of olde tyme thou shalt not forsuere thy selfe but shalt performe thyne othe to God.
23337  MAT 5:34  But I saye vnto you swere not at all nether by heue for it ys Goddes seate:
23345  MAT 5:42  Geve to him that axeth and from him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye.
23362  MAT 6:11  Geve vs this daye oure dayly breede.
23375  MAT 6:24  No man an serve two masters. For ether he shall hate the one and love the other: or els he shall lene to the one and despise the other: ye can not serve God and mammon.
23381  MAT 6:30  Wherfore yf God so clothe the grasse which ys to daye in the felde and to morowe shalbe caste in to the fournace: shall he not moche more do the same vnto you o ye of lytle fayth?
23391  MAT 7:6  Geve not that which is holy to dogges nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne lest they treade them vnder their fete and the other tourne agayne and all to rent you.
23442  MAT 8:28  And when he was come to the other syde in to the countre of the Gergesites ther met him two possessed of devylles which came out of the graves and were out of measure fearce so that no man myght go by that waye.
23443  MAT 8:29  And behold they cryed out sayinge: O Iesu the sonne of God what have we to do with the? Art thou come hyther to torment vs before the tyme be come?
23461  MAT 9:13  Goo and learne what that meaneth: I have pleasure in mercy and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the rightewes but the synners to repentaunce.
23472  MAT 9:24  he sayde vnto them: Get you hence for the mayde is not deed but slepeth. And they laughed hym to scorne.
23491  MAT 10:5  These .xii. sent Iesus and commaunded them sayinge: Go not in to the wayes that leade to the gentyls and in to the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not.
23493  MAT 10:7  Go and preach sayinge: that the kyngdome of heven is at hande.
23501  MAT 10:15  Truly I say vnto you: it shalbe easier for the londe of zodoma and Gomorra in the daye of iudgement then for that cite.
23532  MAT 11:4  Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye have hearde and sene.
23562  MAT 12:4  How he entred into the housse of God and ate the halowed loves which were not lawfull for him to eate nether for the which were with him but only for the prestes.
23586  MAT 12:28  But if I cast out the devyls by the sprite of God: then is the kyngdome of god come on you?
23628  MAT 13:20  But he that was sowne in the stony grounde is he which heareth the worde of God and anone with ioye receaveth it
23630  MAT 13:22  He that was sowne amonge thornes is he that heareth the worde of God: but the care of this worlde and the dissaytfulnes of ryches choke the worde and so is he made vnfrutfull.
23682  MAT 14:16  But Iesus sayde vnto them. They have no neade to go awaye. Geve ye them to eate.
23699  MAT 14:33  Then they that were in the shippe came and worshipped him sayinge: of a truth thou arte the sonne of God.
23700  MAT 14:34  And when they were come over they went in to the londe of Genazareth.
23705  MAT 15:3  He answered and sayde vnto them: why do ye also transgresse the commaundment of God thorowe youre tradicions?
23706  MAT 15:4  For God commaunded sayinge: honoure thy father and mother and he that cursseth father or mother shall suffer deeth.
23707  MAT 15:5  But ye saye every man shall saye to his father or mother: That which thou desyrest of me to helpe the with: is geven God:
23708  MAT 15:6  and so shall he not honoure his father or his mother. And thus haue ye made that the commaundment of God is with out effecte through youre tradicions.
23731  MAT 15:29  Then Iesus went awaye from thence and came nye vnto the see of Galile and went vp in to a mountayne and sat doune there.
23733  MAT 15:31  in so moche that the people wondred to se the dome speake the maymed whole the halt to go and the blynde to se. And they glorified the God of Israel.
23757  MAT 16:16  Simon Peter answered and sayde: Thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God.
23791  MAT 17:22  As they passed the tyme in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the hondes of men
23811  MAT 18:15  Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him and the alone. Yf he heare the thou hast wone thy brother:
23832  MAT 19:1  And it came to passe when Iesus had fynisshed those sayinges he gat him from Galile and came into the coostes of Iewry beyonde Iordan
23837  MAT 19:6  Wherfore now are they not twayne but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
23848  MAT 19:17  He sayde vnto him: why callest thou me good? there is none good but one and that is God. But yf thou wylt entre in to lyfe kepe the commaundementes.
23855  MAT 19:24  And moreover I saye vnto you: it is easier for a camell to go through the eye of a nedle then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God.
23857  MAT 19:26  Iesus behelde the and sayde vnto them: with men this is vnpossible but with God all thinges are possible.
23882  MAT 20:21  And he sayd vnto her: what wilt thou have? She sayde vnto him: Gravnte that these my two sonnes may sit the one on thy right hond and the other on the lifte hond in thy kyngdome.
23897  MAT 21:2  saiynge to the. Go in to the toune that lyeth over agaynste you and anone ye shall fynde an asse bounde and her colte with her: lose them and bringe them vnto me.
23906  MAT 21:11  And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile.
23907  MAT 21:12  And Iesus went in to the temple of God and cast out all them that soulde and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the mony chaugers and the seates of them that solde doves
23926  MAT 21:31  Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into the kyngdome of God before you.
23938  MAT 21:43  Therfore saye I vnto you the kyngdome of God shalbe take from you and shalbe geve to the getyls which shall brynge forth the frutes of it.
23950  MAT 22:9  Go ye therfore out into the hyewayes and as many as ye finde byd them to the mariage.
23962  MAT 22:21  They sayde vnto him: Cesars. Then sayde he vnto them. Geve therfore to Cesar that which is Cesars: and geve vnto god that which is goddes.
23970  MAT 22:29  Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: ye are deceaved and vnderstonde not the scriptures nor yet the power of God.
23971  MAT 22:30  For in the resurreccion they nether mary nor are maryed: but are as the angels of God in heven.
23972  MAT 22:31  As touchynge the resurreccion of the deed: have ye not redde what is sayde vnto you of God which sayeth:
23973  MAT 22:32  I am Abrahams God and Ysaacks God and the God of Iacob? God is not the God of the deed: but of the lyvinge.
23978  MAT 22:37  Iesus sayde vnto him: love the Lorde thy God with all thine herte with all thy soule and with all thy mynde.
24009  MAT 23:22  And he that sweareth by heven swereth by the seate of God and by hym that sytteth theron.
24109  MAT 25:32  and before him shalbe Gaddred all nacions. And he shall seperate the one from a nother as a shepherde deuideth the shepe from the gootes.
24141  MAT 26:18  And he sayd: Go into the cite vnto soche a man and saye to him: the master sayeth my tyme is at hande I will kepe myne ester at thy housse with my disciples.
24155  MAT 26:32  But after I am rysen ageyne I will goo before you into Galile.
24159  MAT 26:36  Then went Iesus with them into a place which is called Gethsemane and sayde vnto the disciples syt ye here whyll I go and praye yonder.
24184  MAT 26:61  This felowe sayde: I can distroye the temple of God and bylde it agayne in .iii. dayes.
24186  MAT 26:63  But Iesus helde his peace: And the chefe Preeste answered and sayd to him: I charge the in the name of the lyvinge God that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of God.
24192  MAT 26:69  Peter sate with out in the palice. And a damsell came to him sayinge: Thou also waste with Iesus of Galilee:
24231  MAT 27:33  And when they cam vnto the place called Golgotha (that is to saye a place of deed mens sculles)
24238  MAT 27:40  and sayinge: Thou that destroyest the temple of God and byldest it in thre dayes save thy sylfe. If thou be the sonne of God come doune from the crosse.
24241  MAT 27:43  He trusted in God let him deliver him now yf he will have him: for he sayde I am the sonne of God.
24244  MAT 27:46  And about the nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani. That is to saye my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
24252  MAT 27:54  When the Centurion and they that were with him watchinge Iesus sawe the erth quake and those thinges which hapened they feared greatly sayinge. Of a surete this was the sonne of God.
24253  MAT 27:55  And many wemen were there beholdinge him a farre of which folowed Iesus from Galile ministringe vnto him.
24263  MAT 27:65  Pilate sayde vnto them. Take watche men: Go and make it as sure as ye can.
24271  MAT 28:7  and goo quickly and tell his disciples that he is rysen from deeth. And beholde he will go before you into Galile there ye shall se him. Lo I have tolde you.
24274  MAT 28:10  Then sayde Iesus vnto them: be not afrayde. Go and tell my brethren that they goo in to Galile and there shall they se me.
24280  MAT 28:16  Then the .xi. disciples went awaye into Galile in to a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them.
24283  MAT 28:19  Go therfore and teache all nacions baptysinge them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy goost:
24285  MRK 1:1  The beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God
24293  MRK 1:9  And that came to passe in those dayes that Iesus cam from Nazareth a cyte of Galile: and was baptised of Iohn in Iordan.
24298  MRK 1:14  After Iohn was taken Iesus came in to Galile preachinge the gospell of the kyngdome of God
24299  MRK 1:15  and sayinge: the tyme is come and the kyngdome of God is at honde repent and beleve the gospell.
24300  MRK 1:16  As he walked by the see of Galile he sawe Simon and Andrew his brother castinge nettes into the see for they were fysshers.
24312  MRK 1:28  And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile.
24323  MRK 1:39  And he preached in their synagoges throughout all Galile and cast the devyls out.
24336  MRK 2:7  how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes but God only?
24341  MRK 2:12  And by and by he arose toke vp the beed and went forth before them all: in so moche that they were all amased and glorified God sayinge: we never sawe it on this fassion.