23217 | MAT 1:4 | Aram begat Aminadab: Aminadab begat Naasson: Naasson begat Salmon: |
23260 | MAT 2:22 | But when he hearde that Archelaus did raygne in Iury in the roume of his father Herode he was afrayde to goo thither. Not withstondynge after he was warned of god in a dreame he turned a syde into the parties of Galile |
23261 | MAT 2:23 | and wet and dwelt in a cite called Nazareth to fulfill that which was spoken by the Prophetes: he shalbe called a Nazarite |
23291 | MAT 4:13 | and left Nazareth and went and dwelte in Capernaum which is a cite apon the see in the coostes of zabulon and Neptalim |
23293 | MAT 4:15 | The londe of zabulon and Neptalim the waye of the see beyonde Iordan Galile of the Gentyls |
23375 | MAT 6:24 | No man an serve two masters. For ether he shall hate the one and love the other: or els he shall lene to the one and despise the other: ye can not serve God and mammon. |
23406 | MAT 7:21 | Not all they that saye vnto me Master Master shall enter in to the kyngdome of heven: but he that dothe my fathers will which ys in heven. |
23464 | MAT 9:16 | Noo man peceth and olde garment with a pece of newe cloothe. For then taketh he awaye the pece agayne from the garmet and the rent ys made greater. |
23465 | MAT 9:17 | Nether do men put newe wyne into olde vessels for then the vessels breake and the wyne runneth oute and the vessels perysshe. But they powre newe wyne into newe vessels and so are both saved togeder. |
23539 | MAT 11:11 | Verely I saye vnto you amonge the chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven ys gretter then he. |
23547 | MAT 11:19 | The sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge and they saye beholde a glutton and drynker of wyne and a frend vnto publicans and synners. Never the later wysdome ys iustified of hir children. |
23550 | MAT 11:22 | Neverthelesse I say to you: it shall be esier for Tyre and Sidon at the day of iudgement then for you. |
23552 | MAT 11:24 | Neverthelesse I saye vnto you: it shalbe easiar for the londe of zodom in the daye of iudgement then for the. |
23583 | MAT 12:25 | But Iesus knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the. Every kingdome devided with in it sylfe shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agest it sylfe contynue. |
23599 | MAT 12:41 | The men of Ninivie shall rise at the daye of iugdement with this nacion and condemne them: for they amended at the preachinge of Ionas. And beholde a greater then Ionas is here. |
23675 | MAT 14:9 | And the kynge sorowed. Neverthelesse for his othes sake and for their sakis which sate also at the table he commaunded that to be geven hir: |
23751 | MAT 16:10 | Nether the .vii. loves when there were .iiiii.M. and how many baskettes toke ye vp? |
23796 | MAT 17:27 | Neverthelesse lest we shuld offende the: goo to the see and cast in thyne angle and take the fysshe that fyrst cometh vp: and when thou hast opened his mouthe thou shalt fynde a pece of twentie pence: that take and paye for me and the. |
23803 | MAT 18:7 | Wo be vnto the world because of offences. How be it it cannot be avoided but that offences shalbe geven. Neverthelesse woo be to the man by who the offence cometh. |
23906 | MAT 21:11 | And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile. |
23969 | MAT 22:28 | Now in the resurreccion whose wyfe shall she be of the seven? For all had her. |
24044 | MAT 24:18 | Nether let him which is in the felde returne backe to fetche his clothes. |
24063 | MAT 24:37 | As the tyme of Noe was so lyke wyse shall the cominge of the sonne of man be. |
24064 | MAT 24:38 | For as in the dayes before the floud: they dyd eate and drynke mary and were maried even vnto the daye that Noe entred into the shyppe |
24086 | MAT 25:9 | but the wyse answered sayinge. Not so lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but goo rather to them that sell and by for youre selves. |
24187 | MAT 26:64 | Iesus sayd to him: thou haste sayd. Neverthelesse I saye vnto you hereafter shall ye se the sonne of man syttinge on the right honde of power and come in the clowddes of the skye. |
24194 | MAT 26:71 | When he was goone out into the poorche another wenche sawe him and sayde vnto them that were there: This felowe was also with Iesus of Nazareth. |
24293 | MRK 1:9 | And that came to passe in those dayes that Iesus cam from Nazareth a cyte of Galile: and was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. |
24308 | MRK 1:24 | sayinge: let be: what have we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte euen that holy of god. |
24384 | MRK 3:27 | No man can entre into a stronge mans housse and take awaye hys gooddes excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man and then spoyle hys housse. |
24437 | MRK 5:4 | because that when he was often bounde with fetters and cheynes he plucked the chaynes asundre and brake the fetters in peaces. Nether coulde eny man tame him. |
24484 | MRK 6:8 | And commaunded the that they shuld take nothinge vnto their Iorney save a rodde only: Nether scrippe nether breed nether mony in their pourses: |
24704 | MRK 10:47 | And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth he began to crye and to saye: Iesus the sonne of David have mercy on me. |
24859 | MRK 14:36 | And he sayd: Abba father all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will but that thou wilt be done. |
24890 | MRK 14:67 | and when she saw Petre warmynge him sylfe she loked on him and sayd: wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth? |
24948 | MRK 16:6 | And he sayd vnto the be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified. He is rysen he is not here. Beholde the place where they put him. |
24950 | MRK 16:8 | And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled and were amased. Nether sayd they eny thinge to eny man for they were afrayed. |
24988 | LUK 1:26 | And in the .vi. moneth the angell Gabriel was sent from god vnto a cite of Galile named Nazareth |
25046 | LUK 2:4 | And Ioseph also ascended from Galile oute of a cite called Nazareth into Iurie: vnto the cite of David which is called Bethleem because he was of the housse and linage of David |
25071 | LUK 2:29 | Lorde Now lettest thou thy seruaut departe in peace accordinge to thy promes. |
25081 | LUK 2:39 | And assone as they had performed all thinges accordinge to the lawe of the Lorde they returned into Galile to their awne cite Nazareth. |
25093 | LUK 2:51 | And he went with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to the. But his mother kept all these thinges in her hert. |
25103 | LUK 3:9 | Now also ys the axe leyd vnto the rote of the trees: so that every tree which bringeth not forth good frute shalbe hewe doune and caste in to the fyre. |
25119 | LUK 3:25 | which was the sonne of Matatthias: which was the sonne of Amos: which was the sonne of Nahum: which was the sonne of Esli: which was the sonne of Nagge: |
25121 | LUK 3:27 | which was the sonne of Iohanna: which was the sonne of Rhesya: which was the sonne of zorobabel: which was the sonne of Salathiel: which was the sonne of Neri: |
25125 | LUK 3:31 | which was the sonne of Melea: which was the sonne of Menam: which was the sonne of Mathathan: which was the sonne of Nathan: which was the sonne of David: |
25126 | LUK 3:32 | which was the sonne of Iesse: which was the sonne of Obed: which was the sonne of Boos: which was the sonne of Salmon: which was the sonne of Naason: |
25128 | LUK 3:34 | which was the sonne of Iacob: which was the sonne of Ysaac: which was the sonne of Abraham: which was the sonne of Tharra: which was the sonne of Nachor: |
25130 | LUK 3:36 | which was the sonne of Cainan: which was the sonne of Arphaxat: which was the sonne of Sem: which was the sonne of Noe: which was the sonne of Lameth: |
25148 | LUK 4:16 | And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed and as hys custome was went in to the synagoge on the Saboth dayes and stode vp for to rede. |
25156 | LUK 4:24 | And he sayde verely I saye vnto you: No Prophet is accepted in his awne countre. |
25159 | LUK 4:27 | And many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete: and yet none of them was healed savinge Naaman of Siria. |
25166 | LUK 4:34 | sayinge: let me alone what hast thou to do with vs thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte even the holy of God. |
25181 | LUK 5:5 | And Simon answered and sayde to him: Master we have labored all nyght and have taken nothinge. Neverthelater at thy worde I will loose forthe the net. |
25212 | LUK 5:36 | Then he spake vnto them in a similitude: No man putteth a pece of a newe garment in to an olde vesture: for yf he do: then breaketh he the newe and the pece that was taken out of the newe agreeth not with the olde. |
25259 | LUK 6:44 | For every tree is knowen by his frute. Nether of thornes gader men fygges nor of busshes gader they grapes. |
25275 | LUK 7:11 | And it fortuned after that that he went into a cite called Naim and many of his disciples went with him and moche people. |
25292 | LUK 7:28 | For I saye vnto you: a greater prophete then Iohn amonge wemes chyldre is ther none. Neverthelesse one that is lesse in the kyngdo of god is greater the he. |
25330 | LUK 8:16 | No man lyghteth a candell and covereth it vnder a vessell nether putteth it vnder the table: but setteth it on a candelsticke that they that enter in maye se the lyght. |
25331 | LUK 8:17 | No thinge is in secret that shall not come abroode: Nether eny thinge hyd that shall not be knowen and come to lyght. |
25432 | LUK 9:62 | Iesus sayde vnto him: No man that putteth his honde to the plowe and loketh backe is apte to the kyngdome of God. |
25443 | LUK 10:11 | even the very dust which cleaveth on vs of your citie we wipe of agaynst you: Not withstondinge marke this that the kyngdome of God was come nie vpon you. |
25446 | LUK 10:14 | Neverthelesse it shalbe easier for Tyre and Sidon at the iudgement then for you. |
25452 | LUK 10:20 | Neverthelesse in this reioyse not that the spretes are vnder youre power: but reioyse be cause youre names are wrytten in heaven. |
25504 | LUK 11:30 | For as Ionas was a signe to the Ninivites so shall the sonne of man be to this nacion. |
25506 | LUK 11:32 | The men of Ninive shall ryse at the iudgement with this generacion and shall condempne them: for they repented at the preachinge of Ionas. And beholde a greater then Ionas is here. |
25507 | LUK 11:33 | Noo man lighteth a candell, and putteth it in a previe place nether vnder a busshell: But on a candelsticke that they that come in maye se the light. |
25513 | LUK 11:39 | And the Lorde sayde to him: Now do the Pharises make clene the out side of the cup and of the platter: but youre inwarde parties are full of raveninge and wickednes. |
25515 | LUK 11:41 | Neverthelesse geve almose of that ye have and beholde all is clene to you. |
25578 | LUK 12:50 | Not with stondinge I must be baptised with a baptyme: and how am I payned till it be ended? |
25620 | LUK 13:33 | Neverthelesse I must walke todaye and tomorowe and the daye folowinge: For it cannot be that a Prophet perishe eny other where save at Ierusalem. |
25702 | LUK 16:13 | No servaunt can serve .ii. masters for other he shall hate ye one and love ye other or els he shall lene to the one and despyse the other. Ye can not serve God and mammon. |
25710 | LUK 16:21 | desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche manes borde. Neverthelesse the dogges came and licked his soores. |
25714 | LUK 16:25 | But Abraham sayd vnto him Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted and thou art punysshed. |
25721 | LUK 17:1 | Then sayde he to the disciples it can not be avoyded but that offences will come. Neverthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. |
25741 | LUK 17:21 | Nether shall men saye: Loo here loo there. For beholde the kyngdome of God is with in you. |
25746 | LUK 17:26 | As it happened in the tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. |
25747 | LUK 17:27 | They ate they dranke they maryed wyves and were maryed even vnto the same daye that Noe went into the arke: and the floud cam and destroyed the all. |
25765 | LUK 18:8 | I tell you he will avenge them and that quickly. Neverthelesse when the sonne of man cometh suppose ye that he shall fynde faithe on the erthe. |
25776 | LUK 18:19 | Iesus sayd vnto him: Why callest thou me good? No man is good save God only. |
25794 | LUK 18:37 | And they sayde vnto him that Iesus of Nazareth passed by. |
25863 | LUK 20:15 | And they cast him out of the vyneyarde and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them? |
25881 | LUK 20:33 | Now at the resurreccio whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe. |
25905 | LUK 21:10 | Then sayd he vnto the: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion and kingdom agaynst kyngdome |
25975 | LUK 22:42 | sayinge: Father yf thou wilt withdrawe this cup from me. Neverthelesse not my will but thyne be be fulfilled. |
26019 | LUK 23:15 | No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him: and lo no thinge worthy of deeth is done to him. |
26044 | LUK 23:40 | The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Net herfearest thou god because thou arte in the same damnacion? |
26079 | LUK 24:19 | To whom he sayd: what thinges? And they sayd vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet myghtie in dede and worde before god and all the people. |
26131 | JHN 1:18 | No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begotte sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him. |
26158 | JHN 1:45 | And Philip founde Nathanael and sayde vnto him. We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe and the prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. |
26159 | JHN 1:46 | And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se. |
26160 | JHN 1:47 | Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him and sayde of him. Beholde a ryght Israelite in who is no gyle. |
26161 | JHN 1:48 | Nathanael sayd vnto him: where knewest thou me? Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Before that Philip called the when thou wast vnder the fygge tree I sawe the. |
26162 | JHN 1:49 | Nathanael answered and sayde vnto him: Rabbi thou arte the sonne of God thou arte the kynge of Israel. |