23216 | MAT 1:3 | Iudas begat Phares and zaram of Thamar: Phares begat Hesrom: Hesrom begat Aram: |
23235 | MAT 1:22 | All this was done to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet saynge: |
23242 | MAT 2:4 | and he gathered all the chefe Prestes and Scribes of the people and axed of them where Christ shulde be borne. |
23243 | MAT 2:5 | And they sayde vnto hym: at Bethlee in Iury. For thus it is written by the Prophet. |
23253 | MAT 2:15 | and was there vnto the deeth of Herod to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet which sayeth out of Egypte haue I called my sonne. |
23255 | MAT 2:17 | Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the Prophet Ieremy sayinge: |
23261 | MAT 2:23 | and wet and dwelt in a cite called Nazareth to fulfill that which was spoken by the Prophetes: he shalbe called a Nazarite |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght. |
23268 | MAT 3:7 | When he sawe many of the Pharises and of the Saduces come to hys baptism he sayde vnto the: O generacion of vipers who hath taught you to fle from the vengeauce to come? |
23292 | MAT 4:14 | to fulfill that whiche was spoken by Esay the Prophet sayinge: |
23296 | MAT 4:18 | As Iesus walked by the see of Galile he sawe two brethren: Simon which was called Peter and Andrew his brother castynge a neet into the see for they were fisshers |
23315 | MAT 5:12 | Reioyce and be glad for greate is youre rewarde in heven. For so persecuted they the Prophetes which were before youre dayes. |
23320 | MAT 5:17 | Thinke not that I am come to destroye the lawe or the Prophets: no I am nott come to destroye them but to fulfyll them. |
23323 | MAT 5:20 | For I saye vnto you except youre rightewesnes excede the righetewesnes of the Scribes and Pharises ye cannot entre into the kyngdome of heven. |
23347 | MAT 5:44 | But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you |
23349 | MAT 5:46 | For yf ye love them which love you: what rewarde shall ye have? Doo not the Publicans euen so? |
23351 | MAT 5:48 | Do not the Publicans lyke wyse? ye shall therfore be perfecte even as youre father which is in heauen is perfecte. |
23397 | MAT 7:12 | Therfore whatsoever the wolde that men shulde do to you even so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophettes. |
23400 | MAT 7:15 | Beware of false Prophetes which come to you in shepes clothinge but inwardly they are ravenynge wolves. |
23428 | MAT 8:14 | And then Iesus went to Peters housse and sawe hys wyves mother lyinge sicke of a fevre |
23431 | MAT 8:17 | to fulfill that which was spoke by Esayas the Prophet sayinge. He toke on him oure infirmities and bare oure sickneses |
23459 | MAT 9:11 | When the Pharises sawe that they sayd to hys disciples: why eateth youre master with publicans and synners? |
23462 | MAT 9:14 | Then came the disciples of Ihon to hym sayinge: why do we and the Pharises fast ofte: but thy disciples fast not? |
23482 | MAT 9:34 | But the Pharises sayde: he casteth oute devyls by the power of the chefe devyll. |
23488 | MAT 10:2 | The names of the .xii. Apostles are these. The fyrst Simon called also Peter: and Andrew his brother. Iames the sonne of zebede and Ihon his brother. |
23489 | MAT 10:3 | Philip and Bartlemew. Thomas and Mathew the Publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe and Lebbeus otherwyse called Taddeus. |
23495 | MAT 10:9 | Posses not golde nor silver nor brassse yn youre gerdels |
23572 | MAT 12:14 | Then the Pharyses wet out and helde a consell agaynst hym how they myght destroye hym. |
23575 | MAT 12:17 | to fulfyll that which was spoden by Esay the Prophet which sayeth. |
23582 | MAT 12:24 | But when the Pharises hearde that they sayde: This felow dryveth the devyls no nother wyse oute but by the helpe of Belzebub the chefe of the devyls. |
23596 | MAT 12:38 | Then answered certeyne of the scribes and of the Pharises sayinge: Master we wolde fayne se a sygne of the. |
23597 | MAT 12:39 | He answered and sayde to the: The evyll and advoutrous generacion seketh a signe but ther shall no signe be geve to the saue the signe of the Prophete Ionas. |
23616 | MAT 13:8 | Parte fell in good ground and brought forth good frute: some an hundred fold some sixtie fold some thyrty folde. |
23622 | MAT 13:14 | And in them is fulfilled the Prophesie of Esayas which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde and with the eyes ye shall se and shall not perceave. |
23625 | MAT 13:17 | Verely I say vnto you that many Prophetes and perfaicte me have desired to se tho thinges which ye se and have not sene the: and to heare tho thinges which ye heare and have not herde the. |
23643 | MAT 13:35 | to fulfyll that which was spoke by the Prophet sayinge: I wyll open my mouth in similitudes and wyll speake forth thinges which have bene kepte secrete from the begynninge of the worlde. |
23665 | MAT 13:57 | And they were offended by him. The Iesus sayd to the a Prophet is not with out honoure save in hys awne countre and amonge his awne kynne. |
23669 | MAT 14:3 | For Herod had taken Ihon and bounde him and put him in preson for Herodias sake his brother Philips wyfe. |
23694 | MAT 14:28 | Peter answered him and sayde: master if thou be he bid me come vnto the on the water. |
23695 | MAT 14:29 | And he sayde come. And when Peter was come doune out of the shippe he walked on the water to go to Iesus. |
23714 | MAT 15:12 | Then came his disciples and sayde vnto him. Perceavest thou not how that the pharises are offended in hearinge thys sayinge? |
23717 | MAT 15:15 | Then answered Peter and sayd to him: declare vnto vs this parable. |
23747 | MAT 16:6 | Then Iesus sayd vnto them: Take hede and beware of the leve of the Pharises and of the Saduces. |
23752 | MAT 16:11 | Why perceave ye not then that I spake not vnto you of breed when I sayde beware of the leven of the Pharises and of the Saduces? |
23753 | MAT 16:12 | Then vnderstode they how that he bad not them beware of the leven of breed: but of the doctrine of the Pharises and of the Saduces. |
23754 | MAT 16:13 | When Iesus cam in to the costes of the cite which is called Cesarea Philippi he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye that I the sonne of man am? |
23757 | MAT 16:16 | Simon Peter answered and sayde: Thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God. |
23759 | MAT 16:18 | And I saye also vnto the that thou arte Peter: and apon this rocke I wyll bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not prevayle ageynst it. |
23763 | MAT 16:22 | But Peter toke him asyde and began to rebuke him sayinge: master faver thy sylfe this shall not come vnto the. |
23764 | MAT 16:23 | Then tourned he aboute and sayde vnto Peter: come after me Satan thou offendest me because thou sauourest not godly thinges but wordly thinges. |
23770 | MAT 17:1 | And after. vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother and brought them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye |
23773 | MAT 17:4 | Then answered Peter and sayde to Iesus: master here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt leet vs make here .iii. tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Helyas. |
23793 | MAT 17:24 | And when they were come to Capernaum they that were wont to gadre poll money came to Peter and sayde: Doth youre master paye tribute? |
23795 | MAT 17:26 | Peter sayde vnto him: of straungers. Then sayd Iesus vnto him agayne: Then are the chyldren fre. |
23817 | MAT 18:21 | Then came Peter to him and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother yf he synne agaynst me seven tymes? |
23858 | MAT 19:27 | Then answered Peter and sayde to him: Beholde we have forsaken all and folowed the what shall we have? |
23899 | MAT 21:4 | All this was done to fulfyll that which was spoken by the Prophet sayinge: |
23906 | MAT 21:11 | And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile. |
23921 | MAT 21:26 | But and if we shall saye of men then feare we the people. For all men helde Iohn as a Prophet. |
23940 | MAT 21:45 | And when the chefe prestes and Pharises hearde these similitudes they perceaved that he spake of the. |
23941 | MAT 21:46 | And they wet about to laye hondes on him but they feared the people because they tooke him as a Prophet. |
23956 | MAT 22:15 | Then went the Pharises and toke counsell how they might tagle him in his wordes. |
23975 | MAT 22:34 | When the Pharises had hearde how that he had put the Saduces to silence they drewe to gedder |
23981 | MAT 22:40 | In these two commaundemetes hange all the lawe and the Prophetes. |
23982 | MAT 22:41 | Whyll the Pharises were gaddered togeder Iesus axed the sayinge: |
23989 | MAT 23:2 | sayinge. The Scribes and the Pharises sit in Moses seate. |
24000 | MAT 23:13 | Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites for ye shutte vp the kyngdome of heven before men: ye youre selves goo not in nether suffre ye them that come to enter in. |
24001 | MAT 23:14 | Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of praying longe prayers: wherfore ye shall receave greater damnacion. |
24002 | MAT 23:15 | Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which compasse see and londe to bringe one in to youre belefe: and when he ys brought ye make him two folde more the chylde of hell then ye youre selves are. |
24010 | MAT 23:23 | Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which tythe mynt annyse and comen and leave the waygthtyer mattres of the lawe vndone: iudgement mercy and fayth. These ought ye to have done and not to have left the othre vndone. |
24013 | MAT 23:26 | Thou blinde Pharise clense fyrst the outsyde of the cup and platter that the ynneside of them maye be clene also. |
24014 | MAT 23:27 | Wo be to you Scribe and Pharises ypocrite for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwarde: but are with in full of deed bones and of all fylthynes. |
24016 | MAT 23:29 | Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye bylde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnisshe the sepulchres of the righteous |
24017 | MAT 23:30 | and saye: Yf we had bene in the dayes of oure fathers we wolde not have bene parteners with them in the bloud of the Prophetes. |
24037 | MAT 24:11 | And many falce Prophetes shall aryse and shall deceave many. |
24041 | MAT 24:15 | When ye therfore shall se the abhominacion that betokeneth desolacion spoken of by Daniell the Prophet stonde in the holy place: let him that redeth it vnderstonde it. |
24156 | MAT 26:33 | Peter answered and sayde vnto him: though all men shulde be offended by the yet wolde I never be offended. |
24158 | MAT 26:35 | Peter sayde vnto him: Yf I shulde dye with the yet wolde I not denye the Lyke wyse also sayde all the disciples. |
24160 | MAT 26:37 | And he toke with him Peter and the two sonnes of zebede and began to wexe sorowfull and to be in an agonye. |
24163 | MAT 26:40 | And he came vnto the disciples and founde them a slepe and sayde to Peter: what coulde ye not watche with me one houre: |
24179 | MAT 26:56 | All this was done that the scriptures of the Prophetes myght be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsoke him and fleed. |
24181 | MAT 26:58 | And Peter folowed him a farre of vnto the hye prestes place: and went in and sate with the servauntes to se the ende. |
24186 | MAT 26:63 | But Iesus helde his peace: And the chefe Preeste answered and sayd to him: I charge the in the name of the lyvinge God that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of God. |
24192 | MAT 26:69 | Peter sate with out in the palice. And a damsell came to him sayinge: Thou also waste with Iesus of Galilee: |
24196 | MAT 26:73 | And after a whyle came vnto him they that stode bye and sayde vnto Peter: suerly thou arte even one of the for thy speache bewreyeth the. |
24198 | MAT 26:75 | And Peter remembred the wordes of Iesu which sayde vnto him: before the cocke crowe thou shalt deny me thryse: and went out at the dores and wepte bitterly. |
24200 | MAT 27:2 | and brought him bounde and delivered him vnto Poncius Pilate the debite. |
24207 | MAT 27:9 | Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophet sayinge: and they toke .xxx. sylver plattes the prise of him that was valued whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel |
24211 | MAT 27:13 | Then sayd Pilate vnto him: hearest thou not how many thinges they laye ageynste the? |
24215 | MAT 27:17 | And when they were gadered together Pilate sayde vnto the: whether wyll ye that I geve losse vnto you Barrabas or Iesus which is called Christ? |
24220 | MAT 27:22 | Pilate sayde vnto them: what shall I do then with Iesus which is called Christ? They all sayde to him: let him be crucified. |
24222 | MAT 27:24 | When Pilate sawe that he prevayled nothinge but that moare busines was made he toke water and wasshed his hondes before the people sayinge: I am innocent of the bloud of this iuste person and that ye shall se. |
24256 | MAT 27:58 | He went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus. Then Pilate commaunded the body to be delivered. |
24260 | MAT 27:62 | The nexte daye that foloweth good frydaye the hye prestes and pharises got them selves to Pilate |
24263 | MAT 27:65 | Pilate sayde vnto them. Take watche men: Go and make it as sure as ye can. |
24286 | MRK 1:2 | as that is wrytten in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepared thy waye before the. |
24345 | MRK 2:16 | And when the Scribes and Pharises sawe him eate with publicans and synnere they sayde vnto his disciples: how is it that he eateth and drynketh with publicans and synners? |