23214 | MAT 1:1 | This is the boke of the generacion of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid the sonne also of Abraham. |
23224 | MAT 1:11 | Iosias begat Iechonias and his brethren aboute the tyme they were caryed awaye to Babylon. |
23229 | MAT 1:16 | Iacob begat Ioseph the husbande of Mary of which was boren that Iesus that is called Christ. |
23230 | MAT 1:17 | All the generacions from Abraham to David are fowretene generacions. And from David vnto the captivite of Babylon are fowretene generacions. And from the captivite of Babylon vnto Christ are also fowrtene generacions. |
23231 | MAT 1:18 | The byrthe of Iesus Christ was on thys wyse. When hys mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph before they came to dwell to gedder she was foude with chylde by the holy goost. |
23232 | MAT 1:19 | The Ioseph her husbande beinge a perfect man and loth to make an ensample of her was mynded to put her awaye secretely. |
23233 | MAT 1:20 | Whill he thus thought behold the angell of the Lorde appered vnto him in a dreame saynge: Ioseph the sonne of David feare not to take vnto ye Mary thy wyfe. For that which is conceaved in her is of the holy goost. |
23234 | MAT 1:21 | She shall brynge forthe a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus. For he shall save his peple from their synnes. |
23236 | MAT 1:23 | Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs. |
23238 | MAT 1:25 | and knewe her not tyll she had brought forth hir fyrst sonne and called hys name Iesus. |
23239 | MAT 2:1 | When Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iury in the tyme of Herode the kynge. Beholde there came wyse me from the eest to Ierusalem saynge: |
23240 | MAT 2:2 | Where is he that is borne kynge of the Iues? We have sene his starre in the eest and are come to worship him. |
23242 | MAT 2:4 | and he gathered all the chefe Prestes and Scribes of the people and axed of them where Christ shulde be borne. |
23243 | MAT 2:5 | And they sayde vnto hym: at Bethlee in Iury. For thus it is written by the Prophet. |
23244 | MAT 2:6 | And thou Bethleem in the londe of Iury art not the leest concernynge the princes of Iuda. For out of the shall come the captayne that shall govern my people Israhel. |
23246 | MAT 2:8 | and sent the to Bethleem saynge: Goo and searche dyligetly for the chylde. And when ye have founde hym bringe me worde that I maye come and worshippe hym also. |
23247 | MAT 2:9 | When they had heard the kynge they departed: and lo the starre which they sawe in the eeste went before them tyll it came and stode over the place where the chylde was. |
23249 | MAT 2:11 | and went into the house and found the chylde with Mary hys mother and kneled doune and worshipped hym and opened their treasures and offred vnto hym gyftes gold frackynsence and myrre. |
23250 | MAT 2:12 | And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod they retourned into their awne countre another waye. |
23251 | MAT 2:13 | When they were departed: beholde the angell of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte and abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod will seke the chylde to destroye hym. |
23253 | MAT 2:15 | and was there vnto the deeth of Herod to fulfill that which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet which sayeth out of Egypte haue I called my sonne. |
23254 | MAT 2:16 | Then Herod perceavynge that he was moocked of the wyse men was excedynge wroth and sent forth and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem and in all the costes there of as many as were two yere olde and vnder accordynge to the tyme which he had diligetly searched oute of the wyse men. |
23256 | MAT 2:18 | On the hilles was a voyce herde mornynge wepynge and greate lamentacion: Rachel wepynge for her chyldren and wolde not be conforted because they were not. |
23258 | MAT 2:20 | sayinge: arise and take the chylde and his mother and go into the londe of Israel. For they are deed which sought the chyldes life. |
23259 | MAT 2:21 | Then he arose vp and toke the chylde and his mother and cam into the londe of Israhel. |
23260 | MAT 2:22 | But when he hearde that Archelaus did raygne in Iury in the roume of his father Herode he was afrayde to goo thither. Not withstondynge after he was warned of god in a dreame he turned a syde into the parties of Galile |
23263 | MAT 3:2 | saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde. |
23264 | MAT 3:3 | This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght. |
23265 | MAT 3:4 | This Ihon had hys garmet of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony. |
23269 | MAT 3:8 | Brynge forth therfore the frutes belongynge to repentaunce. |
23270 | MAT 3:9 | And se that the ons thynke not to saye in your selues we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldern vnto Abraham. |
23271 | MAT 3:10 | Euen nowe is the axe put vnto the rote of the trees: soo that every tree which bringeth not forthe goode frute is hewe doune and cast into the fyre. |
23272 | MAT 3:11 | I baptise you in water in toke of repentaunce: but he that cometh after me is myghtier then I whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with the holy gost and with fyre: |
23273 | MAT 3:12 | which hath also his fan in his hond and will pourge his floure and gadre the wheet into his garner and will burne the chaffe with vnquecheable fyre. |
23274 | MAT 3:13 | Then cam Iesus from Galile to Iordan vnto Ihon to be baptised of hym. |
23276 | MAT 3:15 | Iesus answered and sayd to hym: Let it be so now. For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all rightwesnes. Then he suffred hym. |
23277 | MAT 3:16 | And Iesus assone as he was baptised came strayght out of the water. And lo heue was open over hym: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende lyke a doue and lyght vpon hym. |
23278 | MAT 3:17 | And lo there came a voyce from heven sayng: Thys ys that my beloved sonne in whom is my delyte. |
23279 | MAT 4:1 | Then was Iesus ledd awaye of the spirite into wildernes to be tempted of the devyll. |
23280 | MAT 4:2 | And when he had fasted fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes he was afterward an hungred. |
23281 | MAT 4:3 | Then came to hym the tempter and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breed. |
23282 | MAT 4:4 | He answered and sayde: that is wrytten man shall not lyve by brede onlye but by every worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God. |
23284 | MAT 4:6 | and sayd vnto hym: yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy sylfe doune. For it is wrytte he shall geve his angels charge over the and with their handes they shall holde that vp that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone. |
23285 | MAT 4:7 | And Iesus sayde to hym it ys wrytten also: Thou shalt not tempte thy Lorde God. |
23287 | MAT 4:9 | And sayde to hym: all these will I geue the if thou wilt faull doune and worship me. |
23288 | MAT 4:10 | Then sayde Iesus vnto hym. Avoyd Satan. For it is writte thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God and hym only shalt thou serve. |
23289 | MAT 4:11 | Then the dyvell left hym and beholde the angels came and ministred vnto hym. |
23294 | MAT 4:16 | the people which sat in darknes sawe greate lyght and to them which sate in the region and shadowe of deeth lyght is begone to shyne. |
23295 | MAT 4:17 | From that tyme Iesus begane to preache and to saye: repet for ye kigdome of heven is at honed. |
23297 | MAT 4:19 | and he sayde vnto them folowe me and I will make you fisshers of men. |
23298 | MAT 4:20 | And they strayght waye lefte their nettes and folowed hym. |
23299 | MAT 4:21 | And he went forthe from thence and sawe other twoo brethren Iames the sonne of zebede and Ihon his brother in the shippe with zebede their father mendynge their nettes and called them. |
23300 | MAT 4:22 | And they with out taryinge lefte the shyp and their father and folowed hym. |
23301 | MAT 4:23 | And Iesus went aboute all Galile teachyng in their synagoges and preachynge the gospell of the kyngdome and healed all maner of sicknes and all maner dyseases amonge the people. |
23302 | MAT 4:24 | And his fame spreed abroode through oute all Siria. And they brought vnto hym all sicke people that were taken with divers diseases and gripinges and them that were possessed with devils and those which were lunatyke and those that had the palsie: and he healed them. |
23303 | MAT 4:25 | And ther folowed hym a greate nombre of people from Galile and from the ten cyties and from Ierusalem and from Iury and from the regions that lye beyonde Iordan. |
23306 | MAT 5:3 | Blessed are the povre in sprete: for theirs is the kyngdome of heven. |
23307 | MAT 5:4 | Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted. |
23308 | MAT 5:5 | Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth. |
23309 | MAT 5:6 | Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled. |
23310 | MAT 5:7 | Blessed are the mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy. |
23311 | MAT 5:8 | Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God. |
23312 | MAT 5:9 | Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God. |
23313 | MAT 5:10 | Blessed are they which suffre persecucion for rightwesnes sake: for theirs ys the kyngdome of heuen. |
23314 | MAT 5:11 | Blessed are ye when men reuyle you and persecute you and shall falsly say all manner of yvell saynges agaynst you for my sake. |
23315 | MAT 5:12 | Reioyce and be glad for greate is youre rewarde in heven. For so persecuted they the Prophetes which were before youre dayes. |
23316 | MAT 5:13 | ye are the salt of the erthe: but and yf the salt have lost hir saltnes what can be salted ther with? It is thence forthe good for nothynge but to be cast oute and to be troade vnder fote of men. |
23317 | MAT 5:14 | ye are the light of the worlde. A cite that is set on an hill cannot be hid |
23318 | MAT 5:15 | nether do men lyght a cadell and put it vnder a busshell but on a candelstick and it lighteth all that are in the house. |
23319 | MAT 5:16 | Let youre light so shyne before men that they maye se youre good workes and glorify youre father which is in heven. |
23320 | MAT 5:17 | Thinke not that I am come to destroye the lawe or the Prophets: no I am nott come to destroye them but to fulfyll them. |
23321 | MAT 5:18 | For truely I saye vnto you till heven and erth perisshe one iott or one tytle of the lawe shall not scape tyll all be fulfilled. |
23322 | MAT 5:19 | Whosoever breaketh one of these lest commaundmentes and teacheth men so he shalbe called the leest in the kyngdome of heven. But whosoever obserueth and teacheth the same shal be called greate in the kyngdome of heven. |
23323 | MAT 5:20 | For I saye vnto you except youre rightewesnes excede the righetewesnes of the Scribes and Pharises ye cannot entre into the kyngdome of heven. |
23324 | MAT 5:21 | ye have herde howe it was sayd vnto the of the olde tyme: Thou shalt not kyll. For whoso ever kylleth shall be in daunger of iudgement. |
23325 | MAT 5:22 | But I say vnto you, whosoever is angre with hys brother, shalbe in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha shalbe in dauger of a consell. But whosoeuer sayeth thou fole shalbe in dauger of hell fyre. |
23327 | MAT 5:24 | leue there thyne offrynge before the altre and go thy waye first and be reconcyled to thy brother and then come and offre thy gyfte. |
23328 | MAT 5:25 | Agre with thyne adversary quicklye, whyles thou arte in the waye with hym lest that adversary deliver ye to the iudge and the iudge, delivre ye to the minister, and the thou be cast into preson. |
23329 | MAT 5:26 | I say vnto ye verely: thou shalt not come out thece till thou have payed the utmost farthige. |
23330 | MAT 5:27 | ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to the of olde tyme: Thou shalt not committ advoutrie. |
23331 | MAT 5:28 | But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe committed advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert. |
23332 | MAT 5:29 | Wherfore yf thy right eye offende ye plucke hym out, and caste him from the. Better it is for the that one of thy membres perisshe then that thy hole bodye shuld be cast into hell. |
23333 | MAT 5:30 | Also if thy right honde offend the cut hym of and caste hym from the. Better that ys that one of thy membres perisshe then that all thy body shulde be caste in to hell. |
23334 | MAT 5:31 | It ys sayd, whosoever put awaye his wyfe let hym geve her a testymonyall also of the devorcement. |
23335 | MAT 5:32 | But I say vnto you: whosoever put awaye his wyfe, (except it be for fornicacion), causeth her to breake matrymony. And whosoever maryeth her that is devorsed breaketh wedlocke. |
23336 | MAT 5:33 | Agayne ye haue hearde how it was sayd to the of olde tyme thou shalt not forsuere thy selfe but shalt performe thyne othe to God. |
23340 | MAT 5:37 | But your communicacion shalbe ye ye: nay nay. For whatsoeuer is more then that cometh of yvell. |
23341 | MAT 5:38 | ye have hearde how it ys sayd an eye for an eye: a tothe for a tothe. |
23342 | MAT 5:39 | But I saye to you that ye resist not wronge. But whosoever geve the a blowe on thy right cheke tourne to him the other. |
23343 | MAT 5:40 | And yf eny man will sue the at the lawe and take awaye thy coote let hym have thy cloocke also. |
23344 | MAT 5:41 | And whosoever wyll compell the to goo a myle goo wyth him twayne. |
23345 | MAT 5:42 | Geve to him that axeth and from him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye. |
23346 | MAT 5:43 | ye have hearde how it is sayde: thou shalt love thyne neghbour and hate thine enimy. |
23347 | MAT 5:44 | But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you |
23348 | MAT 5:45 | that ye maye be the chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on the yvell and on the good and sendeth his reyn on the iuste and vniuste. |
23351 | MAT 5:48 | Do not the Publicans lyke wyse? ye shall therfore be perfecte even as youre father which is in heauen is perfecte. |
23352 | MAT 6:1 | Take hede to youre almes. That ye geve it not in the syght of men to the intent that the wolde be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heven. |
23353 | MAT 6:2 | When soever therfore thou gevest thine almes thou shalt not make a tropet to be blowe before the as the ypocrites do in the synagogis and in the stretis for to be preysed of men. Verely I say vnto you they have their rewarde. |
23355 | MAT 6:4 | that thine almes may be secret: and thy father which seith in secret shall rewarde ye openly. |
23356 | MAT 6:5 | And when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the ypocrytes are. For they love to stond and praye in the synagoges and in the corners of the stretes because they wolde be sene of men. Verely I saye vnto you they haue their rewarde. |