Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engtnt   .Word.    February 11, 2023 at 18:31    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

23468  MAT 9:20  And beholde a woman which was diseased with an yssue of bloude .xii. yeres came behynde hym and toched the hem of hys vesture.
23487  MAT 10:1  And he called his .xii. disciples vnto hym and gave them power over vnclene sprites to cast them oute and to heale all maner of sicknesses and all maner of deseases.
23488  MAT 10:2  The names of the .xii. Apostles are these. The fyrst Simon called also Peter: and Andrew his brother. Iames the sonne of zebede and Ihon his brother.
23491  MAT 10:5  These .xii. sent Iesus and commaunded them sayinge: Go not in to the wayes that leade to the gentyls and in to the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not.
23529  MAT 11:1  And it came to passe when Iesus had made an ende of commaundinge his .xii. disciples that he departed thence to teache and to preache in their cities.
23641  MAT 13:33  Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto leve which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iii. peckes of meele tyll all be levended.
23683  MAT 14:17  Then sayde they vnto him: we have here but .v. loves and two fysshes.
23685  MAT 14:19  And he commaunded the people to syt downe on the grasse: and toke the .v. loves and the .ii. fysshes and loked vp to heven and blessed and brake and gave the loves to his disciples and the disciples gave them to the people.
23734  MAT 15:32  Then Iesus called his disciples to him and sayde: I have compassion on the people because they have cotynued with me now .iii. dayes and have nought to eate: and I wyll not let them departe fastinge leste they perisshe in the waye.
23739  MAT 15:37  And they dyd all eate and were suffised. And they toke vp of the broke meate that was lefte .vii. basketes full.
23750  MAT 16:9  Do ye not yet perceave nether remember those .v. loves when there were .v.M. men and how many baskettes toke ye vp?
23751  MAT 16:10  Nether the .vii. loves when there were .iiiii.M. and how many baskettes toke ye vp?
23773  MAT 17:4  Then answered Peter and sayde to Iesus: master here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt leet vs make here .iii. tabernacles one for the and one for Moses and one for Helyas.
23859  MAT 19:28  Iesus sayde vnto them: verely I saye to you: when the sonne of man shall syt in the seate of his maieste ye which folowe me in the seconde generacion shall syt also vpon .xii. seates and iudge the .xii. tribes of Israel.
23878  MAT 20:17  And Iesus ascended to Ierusalem and toke the .xii. disciples a parte in the waye and sayde to the.
24078  MAT 25:1  Then the kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome:
24092  MAT 25:15  And vnto one he gave .v. talentes to another .ii. and to another one: to every man after his abilite and streyght waye departed.
24094  MAT 25:17  Lykwyse he that receaved .ii. gayned other .ii.
24099  MAT 25:22  Also he that receaved .ii. talentes came and sayde: master thou deliveredest vnto me .ii. talentes: beholde I have wone .ii. other talentes with them.
24105  MAT 25:28  Take therfore the talent from him and geve it vnto him which hath .x. talentes
24143  MAT 26:20  When the even was come he sate doune with the .xii.
24176  MAT 26:53  Ether thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father and he shall geve me moo then .xii. legions of angelles?
24184  MAT 26:61  This felowe sayde: I can distroye the temple of God and bylde it agayne in .iii. dayes.
24201  MAT 27:3  Then when Iudas which betrayed him sawe that he was condempned he repented him sylfe and brought ageyne the .xxx. plattes of sylver to the chefe prestes and elders
24207  MAT 27:9  Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophet sayinge: and they toke .xxx. sylver plattes the prise of him that was valued whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel
24280  MAT 28:16  Then the .xi. disciples went awaye into Galile in to a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them.
24371  MRK 3:14  And he ordeyned the .xii. that they shuld be with him and that he myght sende the to preache:
24402  MRK 4:10  And when he was alone they that were aboute him with the .xii. axed him of the similitude.
24458  MRK 5:25  And ther was a certen woman which was diseased of an yssue of bloude .xii. yeres
24514  MRK 6:38  He sayde vnto them: how many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched they sayde: v. and .ii. fysshes.
24517  MRK 6:41  And he toke the .v. loves and the ii. fysshes and loked vp to heven and blessed and brake the loves and gave them to his disciples to put before the: and the .ii. fysshes he devyded amonge them all.
24563  MRK 7:31  And he departed agayne from the coostes of Tyre and Sidon and came vnto the see of Galile thorowe the middes of the coostos of the .x. cities.
24571  MRK 8:2  I have compassion on this people because they have nowe bene with me .iii. dayes and have nothinge to eate:
24575  MRK 8:6  And he commaunded the people to syt doune on the grounde. And he toke the .vii. loves gave thankes brake and gave to his disciples to set before them. And they dyd set the before the people.
24577  MRK 8:8  And they ate and were suffysed: And they toke vp yf the broken meate that was lefte .vii. baskettes full.
24589  MRK 8:20  When I brake .vii. amonge .iiii. M. How many basketes of the levinges of broken meate toke ye vp? they sayde .vii.
24609  MRK 9:2  And after .vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter Iames and Iohn and leede them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye alone and he was transfigured before them.
24612  MRK 9:5  And Peter answered and sayde to Iesu: Master here is good beinge for vs let vs make .iii. tabernacles one for the one for Moses and one for Helyas.
24689  MRK 10:32  And they were in the waye goinge vp to Ierusalem. And Iesus wet before them: and they were amased and as they folowed were affrayde. And Iesus toke the .xii. agayne and begane to tell the what thinges shuld happen vnto him.
24698  MRK 10:41  And when the .x. hearde that they began to disdayne at Iames and Iohn.
24840  MRK 14:17  And at even he came with the .xii.
24843  MRK 14:20  He answered and sayde vnto them: It ys one of the .xii. and the same deppeth with me in the platter.
24986  LUK 1:24  And after thoose dayes his wyfe Elizabeth conceaved and hyd her sylfe .v. monethes sayinge:
24988  LUK 1:26  And in the .vi. moneth the angell Gabriel was sent from god vnto a cite of Galile named Nazareth
25018  LUK 1:56  And mary aboode with hyr aboute a .iii. monethes and retourned agayne to hyr awne housse.
25079  LUK 2:37  And she had bene a wedowe aboute .iiii. scoore and .iiii. yere which went never oute of the temple but served God with fastinge and prayer nyght and daye.
25084  LUK 2:42  And when he was .xii. yere olde they went vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the feeste.
25088  LUK 2:46  And it fortuned after .iii. dayes that they founde him in the temple sittinge in the middes of the doctours both hearynge them and posinge them.
25134  LUK 4:2  and was .xl. dayes tempted of the devyll. And in thoose dayes ate he no thinge. And when they were ended he afterward hongred.
25283  LUK 7:19  And Iohn called vnto him .ii. of his disciples and sent the to Iesus sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another?
25371  LUK 9:1  Then called he the .xii. to gether and gave them power and auctorite over all devyls and that they myght heale diseases.
25398  LUK 9:28  And it folowed about an .viii. dayes after thoose sayinges that he toke Peter Iames and Iohn and went vp into a moutayne to praye.
25591  LUK 13:4  Or those .xviii. apon which the toure in Syloe fell and slewe the thinke ye that they were synners above all men that dwell in Ierusalem?
25598  LUK 13:11  And beholde ther was a woman which had a sprete of infirmite .xviii. yeares: and was bowed to gether and coulde not lifte vp hersilfe at all.
25603  LUK 13:16  And ought not this doughter of Abraham whom Sathan hath bounde loo .xviii. yeares be lowsed from this bonde on the saboth daye?
25665  LUK 15:8  Ether what woman havynge .x. grotes yf she loose one doth not lyght a candell and swepe the housse and seke diligently tyll she fynde it?
25702  LUK 16:13  No servaunt can serve .ii. masters for other he shall hate ye one and love ye other or els he shall lene to the one and despyse the other. Ye can not serve God and mammon.
25724  LUK 17:4  And though he sinne agest the .vii. tymes in a daye and seve tymes in a daye tourne agayne to the sayinge: it repenteth me forgeve him
26284  JHN 5:5  And a certayne man was theare which had bene diseased .xxxviii. yeares.
26345  JHN 6:19  And when they had rowe aboute a .xxv. or a xxx. furlonges they sawe Iesus walke on the see and drawe nye vnto the shyp and they were afrayed.
26962  JHN 20:26  And after .viii. dayes agayne his disciples were with in and Thomas with them. Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddes and sayde: peace be with you.
26978  JHN 21:11  Simon Peter stepped forthe and drewe the net to londe full of greate fysshes an hondred and .liii. And for all ther were so many yet was not the net broken.
27135  ACT 5:7  And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of .iii. houres after that his wyfe came in ignoraunt of that which was done.
27215  ACT 7:30  And when .xl. yeares were expired ther appered to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
27221  ACT 7:36  And the same brought them out shewynge wonders and signes in Egypte and in the reed see and in the wyldernes .xl. yeares.
27294  ACT 9:9  And he was .iii. dayes with out syght and nether ate nor dranke.
27337  ACT 10:9  On the morowe as they wet on their iorney and drewe nye vnto the cite Peter went vp into the toppe of the housse to praye aboute the .vi. houre.
27339  ACT 10:11  and sawe heven opened and a certayne vessell come doune vnto him as it had bene a greate shete knyt at the .iiii. corners and was let doune to the erth
27340  ACT 10:12  where in wer all maner of .iiii. foted beastes of the erth and vermen and wormes and foules of the ayer.
27358  ACT 10:30  And Cornelius sayde: This daye now .iiii. dayes I fasted and at the nynthe houre I prayde in my housse: and beholde a man stode before me in bright clothynge and sayde:
27410  ACT 12:4  And when he had caught him he put him in preson and delyvered him to .iiii. quaternions of soudiers to be kepte entendynge after ester to brynge him forth to the people.
27449  ACT 13:18  and aboute the tyme of .xl. yeares suffred he their maners in the wyldernes.
27450  ACT 13:19  And he destroyed .vii. nacions in the londe of Canaan and devided their londe to them by lot.
27451  ACT 13:20  And after warde he gave vnto them iudges aboute the space of .iiii.C. and .l. yeres vnto the tyme of Samuel the Prophet.
27452  ACT 13:21  And after that they desyred a kinge and God gave vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis a man of the tribe of Beniamin by the space of .xl. yeres.
27661  ACT 19:7  and all the men were aboute .xii.
27697  ACT 20:3  and there abode .iii. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia.
27725  ACT 20:31  Therfore awake and remember that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you both nyght and daye with teares.
27736  ACT 21:4  And when we had founde brethren we taryed there .vii. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe the sprete that he shuld not goo vp to Ierusalem.
27755  ACT 21:23  Do therfore this that we saye to the. We have .iiii. men which have a vowe on them.
27770  ACT 21:38  Arte not thou that Egypcian which before these dayes made an vproure and ledde out into the wildernes .iiii. thousande men that were mortherers?
27815  ACT 23:13  They were aboute .xl. which had made this conspiracion.
27823  ACT 23:21  But folowe not their mindes: for ther lyein wayte for him of the moo then .xl. men which have boude the selves with a vowe that they will nether eate ner drinke till they have killed him. And now are they redy and loke for thy promes.
27838  ACT 24:1  After .v. dayes Ananias the hye preste descended with elders and with a certayne Oratour named Tartullus and enformed the ruelar of Paul.
27848  ACT 24:11  because that thou mayst knowe that there are yet .xii. dayes sence I went vp to Ierusalem for to praye
27898  ACT 26:7  vnto which promes oure .xii. tribes instantly servynge God daye and nyght hope to come. For which hopes sake kynge Agrippa am I accused of the Iewes.
27951  ACT 27:28  and sounded and founde it .xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further they sounded agayne and founde .xv. feddoms.
27952  ACT 27:29  Then fearinge lest they shuld have fallen on some Rocke they cast .iiii. ancres out of the sterne and wysshed for the daye.
27979  ACT 28:12  And when we came to Cyracusa we taryed there .iii. dayes.
28643  1CO 10:8  Nether let vs comit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion and were destroyed in one daye .xxiii. thousande.
29081  2CO 11:24  Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one.
29092  2CO 12:2  I knowe a man in Christ above .xiiij. yeares agone (whether he weare in the body I cannot tell or whether he were oute of the body I cannot tell god knoweth) which was take vp into the thyrd heven.
29142  GAL 1:18  Then after thre yeare I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter and abode with him .xv. dayes
29149  GAL 2:1  Then .xiiii. yeares after that I wet vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas and toke with me Titus also.
30079  HEB 3:17  But with who was he despleased .xl. yeares? Was he not displeased with them that synned: whose carkases were overthorwen in the desert?
30334  JAS 1:1  Iames the seruaut of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ sendeth gretinge to thee .xii. trybes which are scattered here and there.
30769  REV 1:4  Ihon to the .vii. congregacions in Asia. Grace be with you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the .vii. spretes which are present before his trone
30795  REV 2:10  Feare none of thoo thynges which thou shalt soffre. Beholde the devyll shall caste of you into preson to tempte you and ye shall have tribulacion .x. dayes. Be faythfull vnto the deeth and I will geve the a croune of lyfe.
30840  REV 4:4  And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates. And upon the seates .xxiiii. elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment and had on their heddes crounes of gold.
30853  REV 5:6  And I behelde and loo in the myddes of the seate and of the .iiii. bestes and in the myddes of the elders stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled which had vii. hornes and vii. eyes which are the spretes of God sent into all the worlde.