23687 | MAT 14:21 | And they that ate werein nobre about .v.M. men besyde wemen and chyldren. |
23740 | MAT 15:38 | And yet they that ate were .iiii.M. men besyde wemen and chyldren. |
23750 | MAT 16:9 | Do ye not yet perceave nether remember those .v. loves when there were .v.M. men and how many baskettes toke ye vp? |
23751 | MAT 16:10 | Nether the .vii. loves when there were .iiiii.M. and how many baskettes toke ye vp? |
24446 | MRK 5:13 | And anone Iesus gave them leave. And the vnclene spretes wet out and entred into the swyne. And the heerd starteled and ran hedling into the see. They were about .ii.M. swyne and they were drouned in the see. |
24588 | MRK 8:19 | When I brake v. loves amonge .v.M. How many baskettes full of broke meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him twelve. |
27191 | ACT 7:6 | God verely spake on this wyse that his seade shulde be a dweller in a straunge londe and that they shulde kepe them in bondage and entreate them evyll .iiii.C. yeares. |
27451 | ACT 13:20 | And after warde he gave vnto them iudges aboute the space of .iiii.C. and .l. yeres vnto the tyme of Samuel the Prophet. |
30943 | REV 11:3 | And I will geve power vnto my two wytnesses and they shall prophesy .M.iic. and .lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth. |