Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   GENERAL_PUNCTUATION    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

205  GEN 8:21  And the Lord savoured the odour of sweetness, and said to him, I shall no more curse the earth for men, for the wit and thought of mans heart be ready, either prone, into evil from young waxing age; therefore I shall no more smite each living soul, as I did;
212  GEN 9:6  Whoever sheddeth out mans blood, his blood shall be shed; for man is made to the image of God.
409  GEN 17:11  and ye shall circumcise the flesh of your mans rod, that it be into a sign of bond of peace betwixt me and you.
436  GEN 18:11  Forsooth both were old, and of great age, and womans terms ceased to be made to Sarah.
484  GEN 19:26  And Lots wife looked aback, and she was turned into an image of salt.
528  GEN 21:14  And so Abraham rose early, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and put it on Hagars shoulder, and he betook to her the child, and let go her; and when she had gone, she went out of the way in the wilderness of Beersheba.
628  GEN 24:36  And Sarah, my lords wife, childed a son to my lord in his eld age, and Abraham, my lord, hath given all things that he had to that son.
632  GEN 24:40  He said, The Lord, in whose sight I go, shall send his angel with thee, and shall dress thy way; and thou shalt take a wife to my son of my kindred, and of my fathers house.
748  GEN 27:20  Again Isaac said to his son, My son, how mightest thou find this venison so soon? Which answered, It was Gods will, that this thing that I would, should come soon to me.
786  GEN 28:12  And he saw in [his] sleep a ladder standing on the earth, and the top thereof touching heaven; and he saw Gods angels ascending or going up and going down thereby,
806  GEN 29:10  And when Jacob saw her, and knew her to be the daughter of his mothers brother, and the sheep to be of Laban his uncle, he removed the stone with which the pit was closed; and when the flock was watered,
821  GEN 29:25  And when Jacob had entered [in] to her by custom, when the morrow-tide was made, he saw Leah, and he said to his wifes father, What is it that thou wouldest do? whether I served not thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me?
827  GEN 29:31  Forsooth the Lord saw that Jacob despised Leah, that is, loved her less than Rachel, and he opened Leahs womb, while her sister dwelled barren.
856  GEN 30:25  Soothly when Joseph was born, Jacob said to his wifes father, Deliver thou me, that I turn again to my country, and to my land.
871  GEN 30:40  And Jacob separated the flock, and put the rods in the [water] troughs, before the eyes of the rams. Soothly all the white and [the] black were Labans; soothly all the others were Jacobs; for the flocks were separated betwixt themselves.
873  GEN 30:42  Forsooth when the late mixing, or engendering, and the last conceivings were, Jacob put not those rods; and those that were late engendered, were made Labans, and those that were of the first time engendered, were Jacobs.
875  GEN 31:1  After that, Jacob heard the words of the sons of Laban, that said, Jacob hath taken away all things that were our fathers, and of his chattel Jacob is made rich, and noble.
954  GEN 32:26  And when the man saw that he might not overcome Jacob, he touched the sinew of Jacobs hip, and it dried anon.
961  GEN 32:33  For which cause the sons of Israel eat not unto this present day the sinew, like that that dried in the hip of Jacob; for the man touched the sinew of Jacobs hip, and it dried up.
966  GEN 33:5  And when Esaus eyes were raised up, he saw the women, and the little children of them, and said, What will these mean to themselves? and whether they pertain to thee? Jacob answered, They be the little children, which God hath given to me, thy servant.
1053  GEN 36:12  Forsooth Timna was the secondary wife of Eliphaz, Esaus son, which Timna childed to him Amalek. These were the sons of Adah, Esaus wife.
1054  GEN 36:13  Forsooth the sons of Reuel were Nahath, and Zerah, and Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esaus wife.
1055  GEN 36:14  And these were the sons of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, son of Zibeon, Esaus wife, which she childed to him; Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.
1058  GEN 36:17  Also these were the sons of Reuel, Esaus son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah; forsooth these dukes were of Reuel, in the land of Edom. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esaus wife.
1059  GEN 36:18  Forsooth these were the sons of Oholibamah, Esaus wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah; these were [the] dukes of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, Esaus wife.
1131  GEN 38:11  Wherefore Judah said to Tamar, his sons wife, Be thou a widow in the house of thy father, till Shelah my son waxed; for he dreaded lest also he should die as his brethren. And she went, and dwelled in the house of her father.
1132  GEN 38:12  Forsooth when many years were passed, the daughter of Shuah, Judahs wife, died; and when comfort was taken after mourning, Judah went up to the shearers of his sheep; he and Hirah of Adullam, that was[the] keeper of the flock, went up into Timnath.
1133  GEN 38:13  And it was told to Tamar, that her husbands father went up into Timnath, to shear sheep.
1144  GEN 38:24  Lo! soothly after three months they told to Judah, and said, Tamar, thy sons wife, hath done fornication, and her womb seemeth to wax great. Judah said, Bring her forth, that she be burnt.
1145  GEN 38:25  And when she was led to her pain, she sent to her husbands father, and said, I have conceived of the man, whose these things be; know thou whose is the ring, and the band of the arm, and the staff?
1155  GEN 39:5  And the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph, and multiplied all his chattel [or substance], as well in houses, as in fields;
1234  GEN 41:38  and he spake to them, Whether we be able to find such a man which is full of Gods spirit?
1327  GEN 44:2  forsooth put thou in the sacks mouth of the youngest my silver cup, and the price of the wheat which he gave; and it was done so.
1333  GEN 44:8  We brought again to thee from the land of Canaan the money that we found in the height [or the top] of our sacks, and how is it pursuing [or following] that we have stolen from thy lords house gold or silver?
1337  GEN 44:12  the which he sought through; and he began at the most till to the least, and he found the cup in Benjamins sack.
1351  GEN 44:26  to whom we said, We may not go; only if our least brother shall go down with us, we shall go forth together; else, if he is absent, we dare not see the lords face.
1367  GEN 45:8  I was sent hither not by your counsel, but by Gods will, which hath made me as the father of Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and prince in all the land of Egypt.
1375  GEN 45:16  And it was heard, and published by famous word in the kings hall, The brethren of Joseph be come. And Pharaoh joyed, and all his household;
1406  GEN 46:19  The sons of Rachel, Jacobs wife, were Joseph and Benjamin.
1413  GEN 46:26  And all the men that entered with Jacob into Egypt, and went out of his thigh, without his sons wives, were sixty and six.
1418  GEN 46:31  And Joseph spake to his brethren, and to all his fathers household, I shall go up, and tell to Pharaoh, and I shall say to him, My brethren, and the household of my father, that were in the land of Canaan, be come to me,
1435  GEN 47:14  of which lands Joseph gathered all the money for the selling of wheat, and brought it into the kings treasury.
1440  GEN 47:19  why therefore shall we die, while thou seest this? both we and our land shall be thine; buy thou us into the kings servage, and give thou us seeds to sow, lest while the tiller perisheth, the land be turned into wilderness.
1464  GEN 48:12  And when Joseph had taken them from his fathers lap, he worshipped or honoured low to the earth.
1466  GEN 48:14  Which held forth the right hand, and laid it on Ephraims head, the younger brother; soothly he laid his left hand on Manassehs head, that was the more through birth. Jacob changed his hands,
1469  GEN 48:17  Forsooth Joseph saw that his father had set [or put] his right hand on the head of Ephraim, and he took that heavily, and he enforced or endeavoured him to raise his fathers hand, and take it from the head of Ephraim, and to bear it over upon the head of Manasseh.
1508  GEN 50:1  Which thing Joseph saw, and he fell on his fathers face, and wept, and kissed him;
1526  GEN 50:19  To which he answered, Do not ye dread; whether we may against-stand Gods will?
1562  EXO 2:7  To whom the childs sister said, Wilt thou that I go, and call to thee an Hebrew woman, that may nourish the young child?
1563  EXO 2:8  She answered, Go thou. The damsel went, and called the childs mother.
1564  EXO 2:9  To whom Pharaohs daughter spake, and said, Take thou this child, and nourish it to me; and I shall give to thee thy meed. The woman took, and nourished the child,
1565  EXO 2:10  and she betook him, waxen, to Pharaohs daughter, whom she purchased into the place of a son; and she called his name Moses, and said, For I took him from the water.
1571  EXO 2:16  Forsooth seven daughters were to the priest of Midian, that came to draw water; and when the troughs were filled, they coveted to water their fathers flocks.
1576  EXO 2:21  Therefore Moses swore, that he would dwell with Jethro, and he took a wife, Zipporah, Jethros daughter.
1581  EXO 3:1  Forsooth Moses kept the sheep of Jethro, his wifes father, priest of Midian; and when he had driven the flock to the inner parts of the desert, he came to Horeb, the hill of God.
1604  EXO 4:2  Therefore the Lord said to him, What is that that thou holdest in thine hand? Moses answered, A rod, that is, a shepherds staff.
1620  EXO 4:18  Moses went, and turned again to Jethro, his wifes father, and said to him, I shall go, and turn again to my brethren into Egypt, that I see, whether they live yet. To whom Jethro said, Go thou in peace.
1627  EXO 4:25  Zipporah took anon a most sharp stone, and circumcised the rod of her son; and she touched Moses feet, and said, Thou art an husband of bloods to me.
1676  EXO 6:20  Forsooth Amram took a wife, Jochebed, the daughter of his fathers brother, and she childed to him Aaron, and Moses, and Marie; and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred and seven and thirty.
1764  EXO 9:21  soothly he that despised the Lords word, left his servants and his work beasts in the fields.
1772  EXO 9:29  Moses said, When I shall go out of the city, I shall hold forth mine hands to the Lord, and [the] lightnings and thunders shall cease, and hail shall not be, that thou know, that the earth is the Lords;
1780  EXO 10:2  and that thou tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy sons sons, how oft I all-brake the Egyptians, and did signs in them; and that ye know that I am the Lord.
1996  EXO 17:12  Soothly Moses hands were made heavy, therefore they took a stone, and put under him, on which stone he sat. Forsooth Aaron and Hur sustained his hands, on ever either side; and it was done, that his hands were not made weary, till to the going down of the sun.
2002  EXO 18:2  Jethro took Zipporah, Moses wife, whom Moses had sent again,
2082  EXO 21:4  But if the lord of a servant gave a wife to him, and she childed sons and daughters, the woman and her children shall be her lords; soothly the servant shall go out with his own clothes.
2099  EXO 21:21  Soothly if the servant liveth over this beating one day, or twain [or two], the smiter shall not be subject to the pain of death, for the servant is his masters chattel.
2100  EXO 21:22  If men chide, and a man smiteth a woman with child, and soothly he maketh the child dead-born, but the woman liveth over that smiting, he shall be subject to the harm, as much as the womans husband asketh, and as the judges deem.
2109  EXO 21:31  And if he smiteth with horn a mans son, and his daughter, his lord shall be subject to the same sentence.
2113  EXO 21:35  If one mans ox woundeth the ox of another man, and he is dead, they shall sell the quick ox, and they shall part [or divide] the price; soothly they shall part betwixt them the carcass of the dead ox.
2119  EXO 22:4  If a man harmeth a field, or a vinery [or vineyard], and suffereth his beast, that it waste other mens things, he shall restore for the value of [the] harm, the best things what-ever he hath in his field, either in his vinery [or vineyard].
2122  EXO 22:7  If the thief is hid, or unknown, the lord of the house that received that good shall be brought to the gods, that is, to judges, and he shall swear, that he held not forth his hand into his neighbours thing, to defraud;
2125  EXO 22:10  an oath shall be in the midst, that he held not forth his hand to the impairing of his neighbours thing; and the lord that owned that good shall receive his oath, and he to whom it was taken shall not be compelled to yield, or restore it.
2149  EXO 23:4  If thou meetest thine enemys ox, either his ass, straying, lead it again to him.
2203  EXO 25:7  onyx stones, and gems to adorn ephod, that is, a chasuble, and the rational, that is, an ouch hanging on the priests breast, in which was written doom and truth.
2214  EXO 25:18  Also thou shalt make on ever either side of Gods answering place, two cherubims [or cherubim] of gold, and beaten out with an hammer;
2215  EXO 25:19  one cherub be on one side of Gods answering place, and the tother in the tother side; cover they ever either side of the propitiatory,
2216  EXO 25:20  and hold they forth their wings, and cover they Gods answering place; and behold they themselves together, while their faces be turned in to the propitiatory,
2332  EXO 28:38  And Aaron shall bear the wicked-nesses of those things that the sons of Israel shall offer, and hallow in all their gifts to God, and in their free gifts to men; and the plate shall ever[more] be in Aarons forehead, that the Lord be pleased to them.
2334  EXO 28:40  Forsooth thou shalt make ready to Aarons sons linen coats, that is, linen clothes, and girdles, and mitres, into glory and fairness.
2347  EXO 29:10  also thou shalt present the calf before the tabernacle of witnessing; and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the calfs head;
2453  EXO 32:14  And the Lord was pleased with Moses words, that he did not the evil which he spake against his people.
2511  EXO 34:14  do not thou worship an alien God; a jealous lover is the Lords name, God is a fervent lover;
2526  EXO 34:29  And when Moses came down from the hill of Sinai, he held in his hands two tables of witnessing, and he wist not that his face was horned with wonderful shining beams, of the fellowship of Gods word.
2527  EXO 34:30  Forsooth Aaron and the sons of Israel saw Moses face horned, and they dreaded to nigh [or come] nigh,
2611  EXO 37:6  He made also a propitiatory, that is, Gods answering place, of purest gold, of two cubits and an half in length, and one cubit and an half in breadth.
2728  EXO 40:20  He put also the witnessing, that is, the tables of the law, in the ark, and he set the bars within, and Gods answering place above.
2766  LEV 2:3  Forsooth that that is left of the sacrifice shall be Aarons and his sons, the holy of holy things of offerings to the Lord.
2773  LEV 2:10  Soothly whatever thing is left, it shall be Aarons and his sons, the holy of holy things of the offerings to the Lord.
2793  LEV 3:14  And they shall take thereof, into the feeding, or nourishing, of the Lords fire, the fatness that covereth the womb, and that covereth all the entrails,
2795  LEV 3:16  And the priest shall burn those [or them] on the altar, into the feeding, or nourishing, of the fire, and of sweetest odour; all the fatness shall be the Lords,
2879  LEV 6:22  Each male of the priests kin shall eat of the flesh thereof; for it is holy of holy things.
2886  LEV 7:6  Each male of the priests kin shall eat these fleshes in the holy place, for it is holy of holy things.
2889  LEV 7:9  And each sacrifice of [tried]wheat flour, that is baked in an oven, and whatever is made ready in a griddle, either in a frying pan, it shall be that priests, of whom it is offered,
2894  LEV 7:14  of all one loaf shall be offered to the Lord for the first fruits, and it shall be the priests that shall pour the blood of the sacrifice,
2911  LEV 7:31  the which shall burn the inner fatness upon the altar; soothly the breast shall be Aarons and his sons;
2913  LEV 7:33  He that of Aarons sons offereth the blood, and the inner fatness, shall have also the right shoulder in his portion.
2924  LEV 8:6  And at once Moses offered, or presented to priests office, Aaron and his sons; and when he had washed them,
2927  LEV 8:9  And Moses covered Aarons head with a mitre, and upon the mitre, about the front, he put the golden plate, made sacred in the hallowing, as the Lord commanded to him.
2930  LEV 8:12  Which oil he shedded [or pouring] upon Aarons head, and anointed him, and hallowed.
2933  LEV 8:15  he offered it, and drew up [the] blood; [and] when the finger was dipped in the blood thereof, he touched the corners of the altar by compass; when the altar was cleansed and hallowed, Moses poured the blood that was left at the altars foot.
2982  LEV 10:4  Soothly when Moses had called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel, the brother of Aarons father, he said to them, Go ye, and take away your brethren from the sight of [the] saintuary, and bear ye them out of the tents.
2994  LEV 10:16  Among these things when Moses sought the goat buck that was offered for sin, he found it burnt, and he was wroth against Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sons, that were left alive. And he said,
3184  LEV 15:15  and the priest shall make, or offer, one of them for the mans sin, and the tother into burnt sacrifice; and the priest shall pray for him before the Lord, that he be cleansed from the flowing out of his seed.
3204  LEV 16:2  and commanded to him and said, Speak thou to Aaron, thy brother, that he enter not in all time into the saintuary, which is within the veil before the propitiatory, with which the ark is covered, that he die not; for I shall appear in a cloud on Gods answering place;
3215  LEV 16:13  that when sweet smelling spiceries [or spices] be put on the fire, the cloud and vapour of those [or them] cover Gods answering place, that is, the propitiatory, which is on the witnessing, that is, on the ark with the tables of law, and he die not.
3216  LEV 16:14  Also Aaron shall take of the calfs blood, and he shall sprinkle seven times with his finger against Gods answering place, eastward.
3217  LEV 16:15  And when Aaron hath slain the goat buck, offered for [the] sin of the people, he shall bring in the blood thereof within the veil, as it is commanded of the calfs blood, that he sprinkle it even against Gods answering place,
3223  LEV 16:21  and when his ever either hand is put upon the head thereof, acknowledge the priest all the wickednesses of the sons of Israel, and all their trespasses and sins, which sins the priest shall wish, or will, over to the goats head, and he shall send the goat out into desert by a man made ready thereto,.
3240  LEV 17:4  and offereth not an offering to the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of witnessing; as if he shedded mans blood, so he shall perish from the midst of his people.
3264  LEV 18:12  Thou shalt not open the filthhood of thy fathers sister, for she is the flesh of thy father.
3267  LEV 18:15  Thou shalt not show the filthhood of thy sons wife, for she is the wife of thy son, neither thou shalt discover her shame; and no man take his brothers wife.
3268  LEV 18:16  Thou shalt not show the filth-hood of thy brothers wife, for it is the filthhood of thy brother.
3272  LEV 18:20  Thou shalt not do lechery with thy neighbours wife, neither thou shalt be defouled with meddling [or mingling together] of seed.
3329  LEV 20:10  If a man doeth lechery with another mans wife, and doeth adultery with his neighbours wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress die they by death.
3330  LEV 20:11  If a man sleepeth with his step-dame, and showeth his fathers shame, both they die by death; their blood be on them.
3331  LEV 20:12  If any man sleepeth with his sons wife, ever either die, for they have wrought great sin; their blood be on them.
3336  LEV 20:17  He that taketh his sister, his fathers daughter, or his mothers daughter, and seeth her filth[hood], and she seeth the shame of her brother, they have wrought an unleaveful thing, both shall be slain in the sight of their people; for they showed together their filth[hood], and they shall bear together their wickedness.
3338  LEV 20:19  Thou shalt not discover the filth[hood] of thy mothers sister, and of thy fathers sister; he, that doeth this, shall make naked the shame of his flesh, and both they shall bear their wickedness.
3339  LEV 20:20  He that doeth fleshly knowing with the wife of his fathers brother, either of his mothers brother, and showeth the filthhood of his kin, both they shall bear their sin, [and] they shall die without free children.
3340  LEV 20:21  He that weddeth his brothers wife, doeth an unleaveful thing; he showed his brothers filth[hood], [and] he shall be without free children.
3382  LEV 22:12  If the priests daughter is wedded to any man of the people, she shall not eat of these things that be hallowed, and of the first fruits;
3383  LEV 22:13  soothly if she is a widow, either forsaken, and turneth again without free children to her fathers house, she shall be sustained by the meats of her father, as a damsel was wont; each alien hath not power to eat of those things.
3397  LEV 22:27  When an ox, sheep, and goat be brought forth of the mothers womb, in seven days those [or they] shall be under the teat of their mother; soothly in the eighth day, and from thenceforth, those [or they] may be offered to the Lord,
3423  LEV 23:20  And when the priest hath raised those [or them], with the loaves of the first fruits, before the Lord, those [or they] shall fall into the priests use.
3456  LEV 24:9  and they shall be Aarons and his sons, that they eat those [or them] in the holy place, for it is holy of holy things, of the sacrifices of the Lord, by everlasting law.
3519  LEV 25:49  both his fathers brother, and the son of his fathers brother, and his kins-man, and his ally. Else if also he shall be able, he shall again-buy himself,
3597  LEV 27:26  No man may hallow and avow the first engendered things that pertain to the Lord, whether it is ox, or sheep, they be the Lords part.
3601  LEV 27:30  All the tithes of [the] earth, whether of fruits of corn, whether of apples of trees, be the Lords part, and be hallowed to him;
3603  LEV 27:32  of all the tithes of sheep, and of oxen, and of goats, that pass under the shepherds rod, whatever thing cometh to the tenth part, it shall be hallowed to the Lord;
3696  NUM 3:3  these be the names of Aarons sons, priests, that were anointed, and whose hands were [ful] filled and hallowed, that they should be set in priesthood.
3708  NUM 3:15  Number thou the sons of Levi by their fathers houses, and by their meines, each male from one month and above.
3801  NUM 5:8  But if none there is that shall receive that, they shall give it to the Lord, and it shall be the priests part, besides the ram that is offered for cleansing, that it be a quemeful sacrifice.
3803  NUM 5:10  and whatever thing is offered of each man in the saintuary, which a man hallowed, and gave to the hands of the priest, it shall be the priests part.
3805  NUM 5:12  Speak thou to the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, If a mans wife hath erred, and hath despised her husband,
3844  NUM 6:20  And the priest shall raise in the sight of the Lord the things taken again of him. And those things hallowed shall be the priests part, as the breast which is commanded to be separated, and the hip. After these things the Nazarite may drink wine.
3940  NUM 7:89  And when Moses entered into the tabernacle of [the] bond of peace, to ask counsel of Gods answering place, he heard the voice of God speaking to him from the propitiatory, which was on the ark of witnessing, betwixt [the] two cherubims, from whence also God spake to Moses.
4003  NUM 10:14  moved first tents, by the Lords commandment, made in the hand of Moses.
4048  NUM 11:23  To whom the Lord answered, Whether the Lords hand is unmighty? right now thou shalt see, whether my word shall be fulfilled in work.
4072  NUM 12:12  that this woman be not made as dead, and as a dead-born thing that is cast out of the mothers womb; lo! now the half of her flesh is devoured, or over-covered, with leprosy.
4266  NUM 18:8  The Lord spake to Aaron, Lo! I have given to thee the keeping of my first fruits; I have given to thee, and to thy sons, all things that be hallowed of the sons of Israel, for [the] priests office everlasting lawful things.
4281  NUM 18:23  To the sons alone of Levi, serving me in the tabernacle, and bearing the peoples sins, it shall be a lawful thing everlasting in your generations.
4297  NUM 19:7  And then at the last, when the priests clothes and his body be washed, he shall enter into the tents, and he shall be defouled, or unclean, till to eventide.
4303  NUM 19:13  Each that toucheth the dead body by itself of mans soul, and is not sprinkled with this meddling [or mingling], defouleth the tabernacle of the Lord, and he shall perish from Israel; for he is not sprinkled with the water of cleansing, he shall be unclean, and his filth shall dwell upon him.
4363  NUM 21:22  I beseech thee, that it be leaveful to me to pass through thy land; we shall not bow into thy fields, and vineries [or vines]; we shall not drink waters of thy pits; we shall go in the kings way, till we pass by thy terms.
4365  NUM 21:24  of whom he was smitten in the sharpness of sword, and his land was wielded of Israel from Arnon unto Jabbok, and Ammons sons, or his host; for the coasts of Ammonites were holden with strong help, or power.
4367  NUM 21:26  The city of Heshbon was Sihons, king of Amorites, which Sihon fought against the king of Moab, and took all the land that was of his lordship, till to Arnon.
4451  NUM 24:4  the hearer of Gods words said, which beheld the revelation of Almighty God, which falleth down, and his eyes be opened so,
4463  NUM 24:16  the hearer of Gods words said, which knoweth the doctrine of the Highest, and seeth the revelation of Almighty God, which falleth down, and hath open eyes,
4556  NUM 26:65  for the Lord before-said, that all should die in the wilderness; and none of them dwelled alive, but Caleb, Jephunnehs son, and Joshua, the son of Nun.
4560  NUM 27:4  Why is his name taken away from his meine, for he hath no son? Give ye possession to us among our fathers kinsmen.
4563  NUM 27:7  The daughters of Zelophehad ask a just thing; give thou possession to them among their fathers kinsmen, and be they successors to him into heritage.
4660  NUM 30:11  When a wife in her husbands house bindeth herself by a vow, and an oath,
4666  NUM 30:17  These be the laws, which the Lord ordained to Moses, betwixt the husband and the wife, betwixt the father and the daughter, which is yet in the age of a young damsel, or that yet dwelleth in her fathers house unmarried.
4716  NUM 31:50  for which cause we offer, or bring, to thee free gifts of the Lord, all by ourselves, that that we might find of gold in the prey, girdles for the womens middles, and bies of the arms, and rings, and ornaments of the arm nigh the hand, and bies of the necks of women, that thou pray the Lord for us.
4892  NUM 36:11  And Mahlah, and Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, were wedded to the sons of their fathers brothers,
4931  DEU 1:37  Neither the Lords indignation against the people is to be marvelled, since the Lord was wroth also to me for you, and said, Neither thou shalt enter thither,
4988  DEU 3:11  For Og alone, king of Bashan, was left of the generation of giants; and his iron bed is showed, which is in Rabbath, of the sons of Ammon, and it hath nine cubits of length, and four cubits of breadth, at the measure of a cubit of a mans hand.
5015  DEU 4:9  Therefore keep thyself, and thy soul busily; forget thou not the words which thine eyes have seen, and fall they not down from thine heart, in all the days of thy life. Thou shalt teach those [or them]to thy sons, and thy sons sons.
5034  DEU 4:28  And there ye shall serve to gods, that be made by mens hands, to tree and to stone, that neither see, neither hear, neither eat, neither smell.
5076  DEU 5:21  Thou shalt not covet thy neigh-bours wife, nor his house, nor his field, nor his servant, nor his hand-maid, nor his ox, nor ass, and all things, that is, nothing of all the things, that be his.
5109  DEU 6:21  thou shalt say to him, We were Pharaohs servants in Egypt, and the Lord led us out of Egypt, in a strong hand;
5142  DEU 8:3  And he tormented thee with neediness, and he gave to thee meat, manna to eat, which thou knewest not, and thy fathers knew not, that he should show to thee, that a man liveth not in bread alone, but in each word that cometh out of the Lords mouth.
5169  DEU 9:10  And the Lord gave to me two tables of stone, ever either written with Gods finger, and containing all the words which he spake to you in the hill, from the midst of the fire, when the company of people was gathered together.
5306  DEU 14:14  and all thing of ravens kind,
5313  DEU 14:21  but whatever thing is dead by itself, eat ye not thereof. Give thou meat to the pilgrim that is within thy gates, that he eat, either sell thou meat to him, for thou art an holy people of thy Lord God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milk.
5397  DEU 18:11  neither any enchanter or tregetour, that is, he who deceiveth mens eyes so that a thing seem that which it is not; neither a man take counsel of them that have a fiend speaking within them, neither of false diviners, neither seek of dead men the truth.
5430  DEU 20:1  If thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and thou seest a multitude of knights, and of chariots, and a greater multitude of the adversarys host than thou hast, thou shalt not dread them; for thy Lord God is with thee, that led thee out of the land of Egypt.
5437  DEU 20:8  When these things be said, the leaders of the host shall add to other things, and they shall speak to the people, and say, Who is a fearful man, and of dreadful heart? go he, and turn again into his house, lest he make his brethrens hearts to dread, as he is aghast by dread.
5473  DEU 22:1  Thou shalt not see thy brothers ox, either sheep, erring or wandering, and shalt pass thereby, but thou shalt bring it again to thy brother.
5475  DEU 22:3  In like manner thou shalt do of thy brothers ass, and of his cloth, and of each thing of thy brother, that was lost; if thou findest it, be thou not negligent, as of an alien thing.
5477  DEU 22:5  A woman shall not be clothed in a mans clothes, neither a man shall use a womans clothes; for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
5478  DEU 22:6  If thou goest in the way, and findest a birds nest in a tree, either in the earth, and findest the mother sitting on the birds, either [the] eggs, thou shalt not hold the mother with the children,
5493  DEU 22:21  they shall cast her out of her fathers gates; and men of that city shall oppress her with stones, and she shall die, for she did [an] unleaveful thing in Israel, that she did lechery in her fathers house; and so thou shalt do away evil from the midst of thee.
5496  DEU 22:24  thou shalt lead ever either to the gate of that city, and they shall be killed with stones; the damsel shall be stoned, for she cried not, when she was in the city; the man shall be stoned, for he defouled his neighbours wife; and thus thou shalt do away evil from the midst of thee.
5502  DEU 23:1  A man shall not take his fathers wife, neither he shall show her privates.
5556  DEU 25:7  And if he will not take the wife of his brother, which is due to him by law, the woman shall go to the gate of the city; and she shall ask the greater men in birth, and she shall say to them, My husbands brother will not raise the seed of his brother in Israel, neither he will take me into marriage.
5558  DEU 25:9  the woman shall go to him before the elder men of Israel, and she shall take his shoe off from his foot, and she shall spit into his face, and she shall say to them, Thus it shall be done to the man, that buildeth not his brothers house;
5568  DEU 25:19  Therefore when thy Lord God hath given rest to thee, and hath made subject to thee all nations about, in the land that he promised to thee, thou shalt do away Amaleks name from under heaven; be thou ware lest thou forget this.
5607  DEU 27:20  Cursed is that sleepeth with his fathers wife, and showeth the privates of his bed; and all the people shall say, Amen!
5610  DEU 27:23  Cursed is he that sleepeth with his wifes mother; and all the people shall say, Amen!
5611  DEU 27:24  Cursed is he that slayeth privily his neighbour; and all the people shall say, Amen! Cursed is he that sleepeth with his neighbours wife; and all the people shall say, Amen!
5670  DEU 28:57  and on the filth of [the] skins, wherein the child is wrapped in the mothers womb, that go out of the midst of her hip bones, or loins, and on [the] free children that be born in the same hour. They shall eat those children privily, for the scarcity of all things in besieging and destroying, by which thine enemy shall oppress thee within thy gates.
5787  DEU 32:27  But I delayed, or tarried, for the wrath of enemies, lest peradventure their enemies should be proud, and say, Our high hand, and not the Lords, did all these things.
5825  DEU 33:13  Also he said to Joseph, His land is of the Lords blessing; of the apples of heaven, and of the dew, and of water lying beneath;
5976  JOS 6:25  Soothly Joshua made Rahab the whore to live, and her fathers house, and all things that she had; and they dwelled in the midst of Israel, unto this present day; for she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to espy Jericho.
6035  JOS 8:31  as Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded to the sons of Israel, and it is written in the book of Moses law, an altar of stones unpolished, that iron hath not touched. And he offered thereon burnt sacrifices to the Lord, and he offered also peaceable sacrifices;
6036  JOS 8:32  and he wrote on the stones the Deuteronomy of Moses law, not all the book, but the ten behests only, which he had declared before the sons of Israel.
6068  JOS 10:2  Adonizedek dreaded greatly; for Gibeon was a great city, and one of the kings cities, and greater than the city of Ai, and all the fighters thereof were most strong.
6468  JOS 23:6  Only be ye comforted, and be ye busy, that ye keep all things that be written in the book of Moses law, and bow ye not away from those things, neither to the right side, neither to the left side,
6504  JOS 24:26  And he wrote all these words in the book of Gods law. And he took a great stone, and putted it under an oak, that was in the saintuary of the Lord.
6527  JDG 1:16  Forsooth the sons of Kenite, the father of Moses wife, went up from the city of Palms with the sons of Judah, into the desert of his lot, which desert is at the south of Arad; and [they] dwelled with him.
6586  JDG 3:16  [the] which Ehud made to him a sword carving on ever either side, of the length of the palm of an hand; and he was girded therewith under the say, that is, a knights mantle, in the right hip.
6591  JDG 3:21  And Ehud held forth his left hand, and took his sword from his right hip; and he put it into the kings womb so strongly,
6594  JDG 3:24  Ehud went out by a porch. And the kings servants entered, not into the parlour, but into the porch, and they saw the doors of the parlour closed, and they said, In hap he purgeth the womb in the summer parlour.
6608  JDG 4:7  And I shall bring to thee, in the place of the strand [or stream] of Kishon, Sisera, the prince of Jabins host, and his chariots, and all the multitude; and I shall betake them in thine hand.
6612  JDG 4:11  Forsooth Heber of Kenites had parted some time from other Kenites his brethren, [the] sons of Hobab, the father of Moses wife; and he had set forth tabernacles till to the valley, which is called Zaanaim, and was beside Kedesh.
6636  JDG 5:11  Where the chariots were hurled down altogether, and the host of [the] enemies was strangled, there the Lords rightwiseness be told out, and his mercy among the strong men of Israel; then the Lords people came down to the gates, and got the princehood.
6651  JDG 5:26  She put the left hand to the nail, and her right hand to the smiths hammer; and she smote Sisera, and sought in his head a place of wound, and she pierced strongly his temple.
6673  JDG 6:17  And Gideon said, If I have found grace before thee, give to me a sign, that thou, that speakest to me, art sent of Gods part;
6681  JDG 6:25  the Lord said to him in that night, Take thou thy fathers bull, and another bull of seven years, and thou shalt destroy the altar of Baal, that is thy fathers, and cut thou down the wood, which is about the altar;