608 | GEN 24:16 | a damsel full comely/full shapely, and fairest virgin, and unknown of man. Soothly she came down to the well, and filled the water pot, and turned again. |
1799 | EXO 10:21 | Forsooth the Lord said to Moses, Hold forth thine hand into heaven, and darkness/es be on the land of Egypt, so thick that they may be groped. |
2183 | EXO 24:5 | And he sent young men of the sons of Israel, and they offered burnt sacrifices, and peaceable sacrifices to the Lord, twelve calves/two calves. |
2365 | EXO 29:28 | and they shall turn into the part of Aaron, and of his sons, by everlasting right, of the sons of Israel; for they be the first things, and the beginning/s of the peaceable sacrifices of them, which they offer to the Lord. |
5448 | DEU 20:19 | When thou hast besieged a city by long time, and thou hast compassed it with strongholds that thou overcome it, thou shalt not cut down the trees, of which men may eat/of which fruit may be eaten, neither thou shalt waste the country about with axes; for it is a tree, and not a man, neither it may increase the number of fighters against thee. |
5519 | DEU 23:18 | None whore/No strumpet shall be of the daughters of Israel, neither a lecher of the sons of Israel. |
7943 | 1SA 27:10 | And Achish said to him, Into whom hurled ye today?/Against whom have ye hurled today? And David answered, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of Jerahmeel, and against the south of Kenites. |
8666 | 2SA 23:10 | he/Eleazar stood in battle, when his fellows went aback, and smote the Philistines, till that his hand failed, and was stark with or fixed to the sword. And the Lord made great health or victory in that day; and the people that fled turned again, to draw away the spoils of [the] slain men. |
8927 | 1KI 6:28 | And he covered the cherubims [or cherubim] with gold, and all the walls of the temple by compass/about; |
10025 | 2KI 17:38 | And do not ye forget the covenant, which he/the Lord smote with you, neither worship ye alien gods; |
10220 | 2KI 24:14 | And he translated or brought over all Jerusalem, and all the princes, and all the strong men of the host, ten thousand, into captivity, and each craftsman, and goldsmith; and nothing was left, except the poor people/s of the land. |
10230 | 2KI 25:4 | And the city was broken into, and all men warriors fled in the night by the way of the gate, that is betwixt the double wall, toward the garden of the king; soothly the Chaldees besieged the city in compass/about. Therefore Zedekiah fled by the way that leadeth to the field places of the wilderness; |
10987 | 1CH 22:18 | Ye see, that the Lord your God is with you, and he hath given to you rest by compass/about, and he hath betaken all [the] enemies in your hand, and the earth is subject before the Lord, and before his people. |
11824 | 2CH 29:28 | Forsooth when all the company worshipped/And when all the company worshipped the Lord, [the] singers and they that held trumps were in their office, till the burnt sacrifice was filled. |
11901 | 2CH 32:21 | And the Lord sent his angel, the which killed each strong man and warrior, and the prince of the host of the king of Assyrians; and he/Sen-nacherib turned again with shame to his land. And when he had entered into the house of his god, the sons, which went out of his womb, killed him there with sword. |
12494 | NEH 7:69 | Soothly some of the princes of the meines gave costs into the work of God; the Tirshatha gave into the treasure [or treasury], a thousand drachmas/drams of gold, fifty vials, or basins, five hundred and thirty coats of priests. |
12495 | NEH 7:70 | And of the princes of [the] meines, they gave into the treasure [or treasury] of the work, twenty thousand drachmas/ drams of gold, and two thousand and two hundred bezants of silver. |
12496 | NEH 7:71 | And that that the residue people gave, twenty thousand drachmas/drams of gold, and two thousand bezants of silver, and seven and sixty coats of priests. |
13518 | JOB 28:10 | He hewed down rivers in stones; and his eye saw all precious thing/s. |
14528 | PSA 38:17 | For I said, Hear me, Lest any time mine enemies have joy on me; and the while my feet be moved/and while my feet were moved, they spake great things on me. |
14692 | PSA 49:13 | A man/Man, when he was in honour, understood not; he is compar-isoned to unwise beasts, and is made like to those [or them]. |
14700 | PSA 49:21 | A man/Man, when he was in honour, understood not; he is com-parisoned to unwise beasts, and is made like to those [or them]. |
14992 | PSA 69:4 | I travailed crying, my cheeks were made hoarse; mine eyes failed, the while I hope/d into my God. |
15040 | PSA 71:9 | Cast thou not away me in the time of eld age /in the time of oldness; when my strength faileth, forsake thou not me. |
15049 | PSA 71:18 | And till into eld age /into oldness, and the last age; God, forsake thou not me. Till I tell thine arm, or power, to each generation that shall come. |
15914 | PSA 115:16 | Heaven of heaven is to the Lord/ Heaven of heavens to the Lord; but he gave the earth to the sons of men. |
19283 | JER 10:13 | At his voice he giveth the multitude of waters in heaven, and he raiseth [up] mists from the ends of earth; he maketh lightnings into rain, and leadeth out wind of his treasures/ of his treasuries. |
22627 | JON 2:11 | And the Lord said to the fish, and it casted out Jonah on/to the dry land. |
23523 | MAT 10:37 | He that loveth father or mother more than me, is not worthy to me/is not worthy of me. And he that loveth son or daughter more than me, is not worthy to me [or of me]. |
24564 | MRK 7:32 | And they bring to him a man deaf and dumb, and prayed him to lay his hand/s on him. |
25000 | LUK 1:38 | And Mary said, Lo! the handmaid/ the handmaiden of the Lord; be it done to me after thy word. And the angel departed from her. |
25010 | LUK 1:48 | For he hath beheld the meekness of his handmaid/his handmaiden. For lo! of this all generations shall say that I am blessed. |
25989 | LUK 22:56 | Whom when a damsel, [or a handmaid/a handmaiden], had seen sitting at the light, and had beheld him, she said, And this was with him. |
26923 | JHN 19:29 | And a vessel was set full of vinegar or eisell. And they laid in hyssop about the sponge full of vinegar, and put to his mouth./And they took a sponge full of eisell, putting it about with hyssop, and proffered it to his mouth. |
26924 | JHN 19:30 | Therefore when Jesus had taken the vinegar, he said, It is ended. And when his head was bowed down, he gave up the ghost./And when Jesus had tasted this eisell, he said, It is ended. And he bowed down the head, and sent out the spirit. |
28051 | ROM 2:21 | what then teachest thou another, and teachest not thyself? Thou that preachest that me/that men shall not steal, stealest? [or Thou that preachest to not steal, stealest?] |
28052 | ROM 2:22 | Thou that teachest that me/that men shall not do lechery, doest lechery? [or Thou that sayest to not do lechery, doest lechery?] Thou that loathest maumets [or idols], doest sacrilege? |
28591 | 1CO 7:36 | And if any man guesseth himself to be seen foul on his virgin, that she is full waxen [or is well old], and so it behooveth to be done, do she that that she will [or what he will]; she sinneth not, if she be wedded, [+or s/he sinneth not, if s/he be wedded]. |
28744 | 1CO 13:11 | When I was a little child, I spake as a little child, I understood as a little child, I thought as a little child; but when I was made a man, I avoided/I voided those things that were of a little child. |
28886 | 2CO 1:18 | But God is true, for our word that was at you, is and is not, is not therein, but is is in it, [or there is not in it yea and nay/there is not in it is and nay, but is, that is truth, is in it]. |
28887 | 2CO 1:19 | For why Jesus Christ, the Son of God, which is preached among you by us, by me, and Silvanus, and Timothy, there was not in him, is and is not, but is was in him [or there was not in him yea and nay, but is, or yea, was in him/but in him was is]. |
29240 | GAL 5:11 | And, brethren, if I preach yet circumcision, what suffer I yet persecution? then the stumbling of the cross is avoided/is voided. |
31252 | TOB 5:8 | To whom he answered, I know it, and I have gone often all the ways thereof, and I have dwelled with Gabael, your cousin/your brother, that dwelleth in Rages, a city of Media, which city is set in Ecbatana. |
31259 | TOB 5:15 | And the angel said to him, I shall lead him thither, and bring again him to thee/and I shall lead again him whole to thee. |
31264 | TOB 5:20 | And the angel said to him, I shall lead forth thy son whole [or sound], and I shall bring again to thee thy son whole [or sound] /and I shall lead him again whole [or sound] to thee. |
31266 | TOB 5:22 | Then when all things were ready, that should be borne in the way with them, Tobias made farewell to his father and his mother; and both went together/and they walked forth both together. |
31282 | TOB 6:15 | And therefore I dreaded, lest peradventure also these things befall to me; and since I am one alone to my father and mother, I put down with sorrow their eld age to hells/and since I am an only son to my father and mother, I dread to put down to hell their eld age with dreariness. |
31307 | TOB 8:4 | Then Tobias admonished the virgin [or the maiden], and said to her, Sarah, rise up, and pray we God today, and tomorrow, and the second morrow/ and after tomorrow; for in these three nights we be joined to God; and when the third night is passed, we shall be in our marriage [or in our wedlock]; |
31366 | TOB 12:3 | He led me forth, and brought me whole again/and he hath brought me again whole; and he received of Gabael the money that he owed to thee; and he made me to have a wife, and he drove away the fiend [or the devil] from her; he made joy to her father and mother; he delivered me from the devouring of a fish; and he made thee to see the light of heaven; and we be full-filled with all goods by him; what thing worthy to these things may we give to him? |
31389 | TOB 13:4 | for therefore he hath scattered you among heathen men, that know not God, that ye tell out his marvels, and make them to know, that none other God is almighty besides him/ that there is none other God Almighty except him. |
31400 | TOB 13:15 | for they shall call in thee the great name./and in thee, Jerusalem, they shall inwardly call the great name of the Lord. |
31514 | JDT 6:3 | when we have slain them all as one man/when we as one man have slain all the sons of Israel, then also thou shalt perish with them by the sword of men of Assyria, and all Israel shall perish diversely with thee in perdition; |
31718 | JDT 14:18 | And uncomparable cry was made by the middle of their tents./And cry that might not be comparisoned was made throughout their tents. |
32220 | WIS 9:17 | But who shall know thy wit, no but thou give wisdom/but if thou give wisdom, and send thine Holy Spirit from highest things? |
32267 | WIS 11:25 | But how might anything dwell, no but thou wouldest?/but if thou wouldest? either how should a thing be kept, that were not called of thee? |
32569 | SIR 4:30 | Do not thou be as a lion in thine house, turning upside-down thy menials, and oppressing them that be subject/s to thee. |
34142 | SUS 1:1 | Here beginneth an epistle of holy Susanna. In those days a man was in Babylon, and his name was Joakim./A man was in Babylon, and his name was Joakim. |
34333 | 1MA 2:22 | We shall not hear the words of king Antiochus, neither shall make sacrifice/s to idols, and break the commandments of our law, that we go by another way. |
35407 | 2MA 7:20 | Forsooth the marvellous mother of them/Forsooth the mother is wonderful above manner, and worthy the mind of good men, which beheld seven sons perishing under the time of one day, and suffered above manner with good will, for the hope that she had into God; |
35456 | 2MA 8:27 | Forsooth they gathered the arms/ the armours of them, and spoils, and did sabbath, and blessed the Lord, that delivered them in this day, dropping into them beginning of mercy. |
35460 | 2MA 8:31 | And when they had gathered the arms/the armours of them, diligently they putted together, or kept, all things in covenable places; forsooth they bare to Jerusalem the residue spoils. |
35627 | 2MA 13:12 | Therefore when all men did together that thing, and asked mercy of the Lord with weeping, in fasting/s by all three days, and kneeled [or cast down], Judas admonished them for to make them ready. |