Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   ?    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

57  GEN 3:1  But the serpent was feller or more sly than all living beasts of [the] earth, which the Lord God had made. The which serpent said to the woman, Why commanded God to you, that ye should not eat of each tree of paradise?
65  GEN 3:9  And the Lord God called Adam, and said to him, Where art thou?
67  GEN 3:11  To whom the Lord said, Who showed to thee that thou were naked, no but for thou hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded to thee that thou shouldest not eat?
69  GEN 3:13  And the Lord said to the woman, Why didest thou this thing? The which answered, The serpent deceived me, and I ate.
86  GEN 4:6  And the Lord said to him, Why art thou wroth, and why felled down thy face?
87  GEN 4:7  Whether not if thou shalt do well, thou shalt receive well; but if thou doest evil, thy sin shall be present anon in the gates? but the desire thereof, that is, of sin, shall be under thee, and thou shalt be lord thereof.
89  GEN 4:9  And the Lord said to Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? Which answered, I know not; whether I am the keeper of my brother?
90  GEN 4:10  And God said to Cain, What hast thou done? the voice of the blood of thy brother crieth to me from [the] earth.
317  GEN 12:18  And Pharaoh called Abram, and said to him, What is it that thou hast done to me? why showedest thou not to me that she was thy wife?
318  GEN 12:19  for what cause saidest thou, that she was thy sister, that I should take her into wife to me? Now therefore lo! thy wife; take thou her, and go.
363  GEN 15:2  And Abram said, Lord God, what shalt thou give to me? I shall go without free children, and this Damascus, son of Eliezer, the procurator of mine house, shall be mine heir.
369  GEN 15:8  And Abram said, Lord God, where-by shall I know that I shall wield it?
390  GEN 16:8  he said to her, From whence comest thou Hagar, the servantess of Sarai, and whither goest thou? Which answered, I flee from the face of Sarai, my lady.
415  GEN 17:17  Abraham felled down on his face, and laughed in his heart, and said, Guessest thou, whether a child shall be born to a man of an hundred years, and Sarah of ninety years shall bear a child?
434  GEN 18:9  they said to him, Where is Sarah thy wife? He answered, Lo! she is in the tabernacle.
437  GEN 18:12  And she laughed, saying privily, After that I waxed eld [or old], and my lord is eld [or old], shall I give diligence [or busyness] to lust?
438  GEN 18:13  Forsooth the Lord said to Abraham, Why laughed Sarah, thy wife, saying, Whether I an eld [or old] woman shall bear a child verily?
439  GEN 18:14  whether anything is hard to God? By the promise I shall turn again to thee in this same time, if I live; and Sarah shall have a son.
443  GEN 18:18  since he shall be into a great folk and most strong, and all nations of [the] earth shall be blessed in him?
448  GEN 18:23  and nighed, and said, Whether thou shalt lose a just man [or the rightwise] with the wicked?
449  GEN 18:24  if fifty just [or rightwise] men be in the city, shall they perish altogether, and shalt thou not spare that place for fifty just [or rightwise] men, if they be therein?
453  GEN 18:28  what if less than fifty just [or rightwise] men by five be, shalt thou do away all the city for five and forty? And the Lord said, I shall not do away, if I shall find five and forty there.
454  GEN 18:29  And again Abraham said to him, But if forty be there, what shalt thou do? The Lord said, I shall not smite for forty.
455  GEN 18:30  Abraham said, Lord, I beseech, take thou not into indignation, if I speak; what if thirty be found there? The Lord answered, I shall not do, if I shall find thirty there.
456  GEN 18:31  Abraham said, For I began once, I shall speak to my Lord; what if twenty be found there? The Lord said, I shall not slay for twenty.
457  GEN 18:32  Abraham said, Lord, I beseech, be thou not wroth, if I speak yet once more; what if ten be found there? The Lord said, I shall not do away for ten.
463  GEN 19:5  and they called Lot, and said to him, Where be the men that entered to thee tonight? bring them out hither, that we know them, that is, by lechery against kind.
467  GEN 19:9  And they said, Go thou from hence. And again they said, Thou enteredest [in] hither as a comeling; whether that thou shalt deem us? therefore we shall torment thee more than these. And they did violently to Lot full greatly. Then it was nigh that they would break the doors;
478  GEN 19:20  a little city is here beside, to which I may flee, and I shall be safe therein; whether it is not such a little city? and my soul shall live therein.
500  GEN 20:4  Forsooth Abimelech [had] touched not her; and he said, Lord, whether thou shalt slay a folk unknowing and just [or rightwise]?
501  GEN 20:5  Whether he said not to me, She is my sister, and she said, He is my brother? In the simpleness of mine heart, and in the cleanness of mine hands, I did this.
505  GEN 20:9  Soothly Abimelech called also Abraham, and said to him, What hast thou done to us? what sinned we against thee, that thou hast brought in on me and on my realm such a great sin? thou hast done to us which things thou oughtest not to do.
506  GEN 20:10  And again Abimelech asked, and said, What thing sawest thou, that thou wouldest do this?
521  GEN 21:7  And again she said, Who should hear, and believe to Abraham, that Sarah should give sucking to a son, whom she childed to him, when he is now an eld [or old] man?
531  GEN 21:17  Forsooth the Lord heard the voice of the child, and the angel of the Lord called Hagar from heaven, and said, What doest thou, Hagar? do not thou dread, for God hath heard the voice of the child, from the place wherein he is.
543  GEN 21:29  And Abimelech said to him, What will these seven ewe lambs mean to themselves, which thou madest stand asides half?
555  GEN 22:7  Isaac said to his father, My father! And he answered, What wilt thou, son? He said, Lo! fire and wood, where is the beast of burnt sacrifice?
587  GEN 23:15  My lord, hear thou me; the land which thou askest for is worth four hundred shekels of silver, that is the price betwixt me and thee; but how much is this? bury thou thy dead body.
597  GEN 24:5  The servant answered, If the woman will not come with me into this land, whether I owe to lead again thy son to the place, from which thou wentest out?
615  GEN 24:23  And he said to her, Whose daughter art thou? show thou to me, is [there] any place in the house of thy father to dwell in?
623  GEN 24:31  and said to him, Enter thou, the blessed of the Lord; why standest thou withoutforth? I have made ready the house, and a place to thy camels.
631  GEN 24:39  Forsooth I answered to my lord, What if the woman will not come with me?
639  GEN 24:47  And I asked her, and said, Whose daughter art thou? Which answered, I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, whom Milcah childed to him. And so I hanged earrings to adorn her face, and I put bands of the arm in her hands,
650  GEN 24:58  And when she was called, and came, they asked her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I shall go.
657  GEN 24:65  and said to the servant, Who is that man that cometh by the field into the meeting of us? And the servant said to her, It is my lord. And she took soon a mantle, and covered herself.
681  GEN 25:22  But the little children were hurtled together in her womb; and she said, If it was so to coming [or to come] to me, what need was it to conceive? And she went to ask counsel of the Lord,
691  GEN 25:32  Esau answered, Lo! I die, what shall the first begotten things profit to me?
702  GEN 26:9  And when Isaac was called, the king said, It is open, that she is thy wife; why saidest thou, that she was thy sister? Isaac answered, For I dreaded, lest I should die for her.
703  GEN 26:10  And Abimelech said, Why hast thou deceived us? Some man of the people might do lechery with thy wife, and thou haddest brought in grievous sin on us.
720  GEN 26:27  Isaac spake to them, What came ye to me, a man whom ye have hated, and putted away from you?
746  GEN 27:18  And when these were brought in, he said, My father! And he answered, I am here; who art thou, my son?
748  GEN 27:20  Again Isaac said to his son, My son, how mightest thou find this venison so soon? Which answered, It was God’s will, that this thing that I would, should come soon to me.
752  GEN 27:24  and said again, Art thou my son Esau? Jacob answered, I am.
760  GEN 27:32  And Isaac said, Who art thou? Which answered, I am Esau, thy first begotten son.
761  GEN 27:33  Isaac dreaded with a great aston-ishing; and he wondered more than it may be believed, and said, Who therefore is he which a while ago brought to me venison taken, and I ate of all things before that thou camest; and I blessed him? and he shall be blessed.
764  GEN 27:36  And Esau added, Justly his name is called Jacob, for lo! he [hath] supplanted me another time; before he took away my first begotten things, and now the second time, he [hath] ravished privily my blessing. And again he said to the father, Whether thou hast not reserved a blessing also to me?
765  GEN 27:37  Isaac answered, I have made him thy lord, and I have made subject all his brethren to his servage; I have stablished him in wheat, and wine, and oil; and so, my son, what shall I do to thee after these things?
766  GEN 27:38  To whom Esau said, Father, whether thou hast only one blessing? I beseech thee, that also thou bless me. And when Esau wept with great yelling,
773  GEN 27:45  and till he forget those things which thou hast done against him. Afterward I shall send, and I shall bring thee from thence hither. Why shall I be made sonless of ever either son in one day?
800  GEN 29:4  And Jacob said to the shepherds, Brethren, of whence be ye? Which answered, Of Haran.
801  GEN 29:5  And he asked them and said, Whether ye know Laban, the son of Nahor? They said, We know him.
802  GEN 29:6  Jacob said, Is he whole? They said, He is in good state; and lo! Rachel, his daughter, cometh with his flock.
811  GEN 29:15  Laban said to Jacob, Whether for thou art my brother, thou shalt serve me freely? say thou what meed thou shalt take.
821  GEN 29:25  And when Jacob had entered [in] to her by custom, when the morrow-tide was made, he saw Leah, and he said to his wife’s father, What is it that thou wouldest do? whether I served not thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me?
833  GEN 30:2  To whom Jacob was wroth, and answered, Whether I am for God, which have deprived thee from the fruit of thy womb?
846  GEN 30:15  Leah answered, Whether it seemeth little to thee, that thou hast ravished my husband from me, no but thou take also the mandrakes of my son? Rachel said, The husband sleep with thee in this night for the mandrakes of thy son.
862  GEN 30:31  And Laban said, What shall I give to thee? And Jacob said, I will or desire nothing, that is, of thy gift, but if thou doest that that I ask, again I shall feed and keep thy sheep.
888  GEN 31:14  And Rachel and Leah answered, Whether we have anything residue, or left, in the chattels, and heritage of our father?
889  GEN 31:15  Whether he areckoned not, or held, us as aliens, and sold us, and ate our price?
900  GEN 31:26  and he said to Jacob, Why hast thou done so, that the while I knew not, thou wouldest drive away my daughters as captives, either taken prisoners, by sword?
901  GEN 31:27  Why wouldest thou flee the while I knew not, neither wouldest show to me, that I should pursue [or follow] thee with joy, and songs, and tympans, and harps?
904  GEN 31:30  Suppose, if thou covetedest to go to thy kinsmen, and the house of thy father was in desire to thee, why hast thou stolen my gods?
911  GEN 31:37  and hast sought through all the appurtenance of mine house? What hast thou found of all the chattel of thine household? Put thou here before my brethren and thy brethren, and deem they betwixt me and thee.
912  GEN 31:38  Was I not with thee therefore twenty years? Thy sheep and goats were not barren, I ate not the rams of thy flock,
917  GEN 31:43  Laban answered to Jacob, The daughters, and the sons, and the flocks, and all things which thou seest, be mine; what may I do to my sons, and to the sons of my sons?
956  GEN 32:28  Therefore he said, What name is to thee? He answered, Jacob.
958  GEN 32:30  Jacob asked him, Say thou to me by what name thou art called? He answered, Why askest thou my name, which is wonderful? And he blessed Jacob in the same place.
966  GEN 33:5  And when Esau’s eyes were raised up, he saw the women, and the little children of them, and said, What will these mean to themselves? and whether they pertain to thee? Jacob answered, They be the little children, which God hath given to me, thy servant.
969  GEN 33:8  And Esau said, What be these companies, which I met? And Jacob answered, That I should find grace before my lord.
1012  GEN 34:31  Simeon and Levi answered, Whether they ought to mis-use our sister as a whore?
1092  GEN 37:8  His brethren answered, Whether thou shalt be our king, either we shall be made subject to thy lordship? Therefore this cause of dreams and words ministered the nourishing of envy, and of hatred.
1094  GEN 37:10  And when he had told this dream to his father, and his brethren, his father blamed him, and said, What will this dream mean to itself that thou hast seen? Whether I, and thy mother, and thy brethren, shall worship thee on earth?
1110  GEN 37:26  Therefore Judah said to his brethren, What shall it profit to us, if we shall slay our brother, and shall hide his blood?
1114  GEN 37:30  and he went to his brethren, and said, The child appeareth not, and whither shall I go?
1136  GEN 38:16  And Judah entered to her, and said, Suffer me that I lie with thee; for he knew not that she was the wife of his son. And when she answered, What shalt thou give to me, that thou lie with me?
1138  GEN 38:18  Judah said, What wilt thou that be given to thee for a wed? She answered, Thy ring, and thy band of the arm, and the staff which thou holdest in thine hand. Therefore the woman conceived at one lying-by,
1141  GEN 38:21  he asked men of that place, Where is the woman that sat in the way-lot? And when all men answered, A whore was not in this place;
1145  GEN 38:25  And when she was led to her pain, she sent to her husband’s father, and said, I have conceived of the man, whose these things be; know thou whose is the ring, and the band of the arm, and the staff?
1149  GEN 38:29  Soothly while he withdrew the hand, the tother went out, and the woman said, Why, was the skin in which the child lay in the womb parted for thee? And for this cause she called his name Perez.
1159  GEN 39:9  neither anything is, which is not in my power, either which he hath not betaken to me, except thee, which art his wife; how therefore may I do this evil, and do sin against my lord?
1180  GEN 40:7  he asked them, and said, Why is your cheer heavier today than it is wont to be?
1181  GEN 40:8  Which answered, We each saw a dream, and there is no man that expoundeth it to us. And Joseph said to them, Whether the expounding is not of God? Tell ye to me what ye have seen.
1234  GEN 41:38  and he spake to them, Whether we be able to find such a man which is full of God’s spirit?
1235  GEN 41:39  Therefore Pharaoh said to Joseph, For God hath showed to thee all things which thou hast spoken, whether I may find a wiser man than thou, and like to thee?
1254  GEN 42:1  Forsooth Jacob heard that foods were sold in Egypt, and he said to his sons, Why be ye negligent?
1260  GEN 42:7  and he had known them, he spake harder to them, as to aliens, and asked them, From whence came ye? Which answered, From the land of Canaan, that we buy necessaries to our lifelode.
1275  GEN 42:22  Of which one, Reuben, said, Whether I said not to you, Do not ye sin against the child, and ye heard not me? lo! his blood is sought.
1281  GEN 42:28  and he said to his brethren, My money is yielded to me, lo! it is had in the bag; and they were astonied, and troubled, and said together, What thing is this that God hath done to us?
1298  GEN 43:7  And they answered, The man asked us by order our generation, if our father lived, if we had another brother; and we answered pursuingly to him, by that that he asked; whether we might know that he would say, Bring ye your brother with you?
1318  GEN 43:27  And he greeted them again meekly; and he asked them, and said, Whether your father, the eld [or old] man, is safe, of whom ye said to me? liveth he yet?