205 | GEN 8:21 | And the Lord savoured the odour of sweetness, and said to him, I shall no more curse the earth for men, for the wit and thought of man’s heart be ready, either prone, into evil from young waxing age; therefore I shall no more smite each living soul, as I did; |
212 | GEN 9:6 | Whoever sheddeth out man’s blood, his blood shall be shed; for man is made to the image of God. |
409 | GEN 17:11 | and ye shall circumcise the flesh of your man’s rod, that it be into a sign of bond of peace betwixt me and you. |
436 | GEN 18:11 | Forsooth both were old, and of great age, and woman’s terms ceased to be made to Sarah. |
484 | GEN 19:26 | And Lot’s wife looked aback, and she was turned into an image of salt. |
528 | GEN 21:14 | And so Abraham rose early, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and put it on Hagar’s shoulder, and he betook to her the child, and let go her; and when she had gone, she went out of the way in the wilderness of Beersheba. |
628 | GEN 24:36 | And Sarah, my lord’s wife, childed a son to my lord in his eld age, and Abraham, my lord, hath given all things that he had to that son. |
632 | GEN 24:40 | He said, The Lord, in whose sight I go, shall send his angel with thee, and shall dress thy way; and thou shalt take a wife to my son of my kindred, and of my father’s house. |
748 | GEN 27:20 | Again Isaac said to his son, My son, how mightest thou find this venison so soon? Which answered, It was God’s will, that this thing that I would, should come soon to me. |
786 | GEN 28:12 | And he saw in [his] sleep a ladder standing on the earth, and the top thereof touching heaven; and he saw God’s angels ascending or going up and going down thereby, |
806 | GEN 29:10 | And when Jacob saw her, and knew her to be the daughter of his mother’s brother, and the sheep to be of Laban his uncle, he removed the stone with which the pit was closed; and when the flock was watered, |
821 | GEN 29:25 | And when Jacob had entered [in] to her by custom, when the morrow-tide was made, he saw Leah, and he said to his wife’s father, What is it that thou wouldest do? whether I served not thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me? |
827 | GEN 29:31 | Forsooth the Lord saw that Jacob despised Leah, that is, loved her less than Rachel, and he opened Leah’s womb, while her sister dwelled barren. |
856 | GEN 30:25 | Soothly when Joseph was born, Jacob said to his wife’s father, Deliver thou me, that I turn again to my country, and to my land. |
871 | GEN 30:40 | And Jacob separated the flock, and put the rods in the [water] troughs, before the eyes of the rams. Soothly all the white and [the] black were Laban’s; soothly all the others were Jacob’s; for the flocks were separated betwixt themselves. |
873 | GEN 30:42 | Forsooth when the late mixing, or engendering, and the last conceivings were, Jacob put not those rods; and those that were late engendered, were made Laban’s, and those that were of the first time engendered, were Jacob’s. |
875 | GEN 31:1 | After that, Jacob heard the words of the sons of Laban, that said, Jacob hath taken away all things that were our father’s, and of his chattel Jacob is made rich, and noble. |
954 | GEN 32:26 | And when the man saw that he might not overcome Jacob, he touched the sinew of Jacob’s hip, and it dried anon. |
961 | GEN 32:33 | For which cause the sons of Israel eat not unto this present day the sinew, like that that dried in the hip of Jacob; for the man touched the sinew of Jacob’s hip, and it dried up. |
966 | GEN 33:5 | And when Esau’s eyes were raised up, he saw the women, and the little children of them, and said, What will these mean to themselves? and whether they pertain to thee? Jacob answered, They be the little children, which God hath given to me, thy servant. |
1053 | GEN 36:12 | Forsooth Timna was the secondary wife of Eliphaz, Esau’s son, which Timna childed to him Amalek. These were the sons of Adah, Esau’s wife. |
1054 | GEN 36:13 | Forsooth the sons of Reuel were Nahath, and Zerah, and Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esau’s wife. |
1055 | GEN 36:14 | And these were the sons of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, son of Zibeon, Esau’s wife, which she childed to him; Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. |
1058 | GEN 36:17 | Also these were the sons of Reuel, Esau’s son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah; forsooth these dukes were of Reuel, in the land of Edom. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esau’s wife. |
1059 | GEN 36:18 | Forsooth these were the sons of Oholibamah, Esau’s wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, duke Korah; these were [the] dukes of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, Esau’s wife. |
1131 | GEN 38:11 | Wherefore Judah said to Tamar, his son’s wife, Be thou a widow in the house of thy father, till Shelah my son waxed; for he dreaded lest also he should die as his brethren. And she went, and dwelled in the house of her father. |
1132 | GEN 38:12 | Forsooth when many years were passed, the daughter of Shuah, Judah’s wife, died; and when comfort was taken after mourning, Judah went up to the shearers of his sheep; he and Hirah of Adullam, that was[the] keeper of the flock, went up into Timnath. |
1133 | GEN 38:13 | And it was told to Tamar, that her husband’s father went up into Timnath, to shear sheep. |
1144 | GEN 38:24 | Lo! soothly after three months they told to Judah, and said, Tamar, thy son’s wife, hath done fornication, and her womb seemeth to wax great. Judah said, Bring her forth, that she be burnt. |
1145 | GEN 38:25 | And when she was led to her pain, she sent to her husband’s father, and said, I have conceived of the man, whose these things be; know thou whose is the ring, and the band of the arm, and the staff? |
1155 | GEN 39:5 | And the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph, and multiplied all his chattel [or substance], as well in houses, as in fields; |
1234 | GEN 41:38 | and he spake to them, Whether we be able to find such a man which is full of God’s spirit? |
1327 | GEN 44:2 | forsooth put thou in the sack’s mouth of the youngest my silver cup, and the price of the wheat which he gave; and it was done so. |
1333 | GEN 44:8 | We brought again to thee from the land of Canaan the money that we found in the height [or the top] of our sacks, and how is it pursuing [or following] that we have stolen from thy lord’s house gold or silver? |
1337 | GEN 44:12 | the which he sought through; and he began at the most till to the least, and he found the cup in Benjamin’s sack. |
1351 | GEN 44:26 | to whom we said, We may not go; only if our least brother shall go down with us, we shall go forth together; else, if he is absent, we dare not see the lord’s face. |
1367 | GEN 45:8 | I was sent hither not by your counsel, but by God’s will, which hath made me as the father of Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and prince in all the land of Egypt. |
1375 | GEN 45:16 | And it was heard, and published by famous word in the king’s hall, The brethren of Joseph be come. And Pharaoh joyed, and all his household; |
1406 | GEN 46:19 | The sons of Rachel, Jacob’s wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. |
1413 | GEN 46:26 | And all the men that entered with Jacob into Egypt, and went out of his thigh, without his sons’ wives, were sixty and six. |
1418 | GEN 46:31 | And Joseph spake to his brethren, and to all his father’s household, I shall go up, and tell to Pharaoh, and I shall say to him, My brethren, and the household of my father, that were in the land of Canaan, be come to me, |
1435 | GEN 47:14 | of which lands Joseph gathered all the money for the selling of wheat, and brought it into the king’s treasury. |
1440 | GEN 47:19 | why therefore shall we die, while thou seest this? both we and our land shall be thine; buy thou us into the king’s servage, and give thou us seeds to sow, lest while the tiller perisheth, the land be turned into wilderness. |
1464 | GEN 48:12 | And when Joseph had taken them from his father’s lap, he worshipped or honoured low to the earth. |
1466 | GEN 48:14 | Which held forth the right hand, and laid it on Ephraim’s head, the younger brother; soothly he laid his left hand on Manasseh’s head, that was the more through birth. Jacob changed his hands, |
1469 | GEN 48:17 | Forsooth Joseph saw that his father had set [or put] his right hand on the head of Ephraim, and he took that heavily, and he enforced or endeavoured him to raise his father’s hand, and take it from the head of Ephraim, and to bear it over upon the head of Manasseh. |
1508 | GEN 50:1 | Which thing Joseph saw, and he fell on his father’s face, and wept, and kissed him; |
1526 | GEN 50:19 | To which he answered, Do not ye dread; whether we may against-stand God’s will? |
1562 | EXO 2:7 | To whom the child’s sister said, Wilt thou that I go, and call to thee an Hebrew woman, that may nourish the young child? |
1563 | EXO 2:8 | She answered, Go thou. The damsel went, and called the child’s mother. |
1564 | EXO 2:9 | To whom Pharaoh’s daughter spake, and said, Take thou this child, and nourish it to me; and I shall give to thee thy meed. The woman took, and nourished the child, |
1565 | EXO 2:10 | and she betook him, waxen, to Pharaoh’s daughter, whom she purchased into the place of a son; and she called his name Moses, and said, For I took him from the water. |
1571 | EXO 2:16 | Forsooth seven daughters were to the priest of Midian, that came to draw water; and when the troughs were filled, they coveted to water their father’s flocks. |
1576 | EXO 2:21 | Therefore Moses swore, that he would dwell with Jethro, and he took a wife, Zipporah, Jethro’s daughter. |
1581 | EXO 3:1 | Forsooth Moses kept the sheep of Jethro, his wife’s father, priest of Midian; and when he had driven the flock to the inner parts of the desert, he came to Horeb, the hill of God. |
1604 | EXO 4:2 | Therefore the Lord said to him, What is that that thou holdest in thine hand? Moses answered, A rod, that is, a shepherd’s staff. |
1620 | EXO 4:18 | Moses went, and turned again to Jethro, his wife’s father, and said to him, I shall go, and turn again to my brethren into Egypt, that I see, whether they live yet. To whom Jethro said, Go thou in peace. |
1627 | EXO 4:25 | Zipporah took anon a most sharp stone, and circumcised the rod of her son; and she touched Moses’ feet, and said, Thou art an husband of bloods to me. |
1676 | EXO 6:20 | Forsooth Amram took a wife, Jochebed, the daughter of his father’s brother, and she childed to him Aaron, and Moses, and Marie; and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred and seven and thirty. |
1764 | EXO 9:21 | soothly he that despised the Lord’s word, left his servants and his work beasts in the fields. |
1772 | EXO 9:29 | Moses said, When I shall go out of the city, I shall hold forth mine hands to the Lord, and [the] lightnings and thunders shall cease, and hail shall not be, that thou know, that the earth is the Lord’s; |
1780 | EXO 10:2 | and that thou tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son’s sons, how oft I all-brake the Egyptians, and did signs in them; and that ye know that I am the Lord. |
1996 | EXO 17:12 | Soothly Moses’ hands were made heavy, therefore they took a stone, and put under him, on which stone he sat. Forsooth Aaron and Hur sustained his hands, on ever either side; and it was done, that his hands were not made weary, till to the going down of the sun. |
2002 | EXO 18:2 | Jethro took Zipporah, Moses’ wife, whom Moses had sent again, |
2082 | EXO 21:4 | But if the lord of a servant gave a wife to him, and she childed sons and daughters, the woman and her children shall be her lord’s; soothly the servant shall go out with his own clothes. |
2099 | EXO 21:21 | Soothly if the servant liveth over this beating one day, or twain [or two], the smiter shall not be subject to the pain of death, for the servant is his master’s chattel. |
2100 | EXO 21:22 | If men chide, and a man smiteth a woman with child, and soothly he maketh the child dead-born, but the woman liveth over that smiting, he shall be subject to the harm, as much as the woman’s husband asketh, and as the judges deem. |
2109 | EXO 21:31 | And if he smiteth with horn a man’s son, and his daughter, his lord shall be subject to the same sentence. |
2113 | EXO 21:35 | If one man’s ox woundeth the ox of another man, and he is dead, they shall sell the quick ox, and they shall part [or divide] the price; soothly they shall part betwixt them the carcass of the dead ox. |
2119 | EXO 22:4 | If a man harmeth a field, or a vinery [or vineyard], and suffereth his beast, that it waste other men’s things, he shall restore for the value of [the] harm, the best things what-ever he hath in his field, either in his vinery [or vineyard]. |
2122 | EXO 22:7 | If the thief is hid, or unknown, the lord of the house that received that good shall be brought to the gods, that is, to judges, and he shall swear, that he held not forth his hand into his neighbour’s thing, to defraud; |
2125 | EXO 22:10 | an oath shall be in the midst, that he held not forth his hand to the impairing of his neighbour’s thing; and the lord that owned that good shall receive his oath, and he to whom it was taken shall not be compelled to yield, or restore it. |
2149 | EXO 23:4 | If thou meetest thine enemy’s ox, either his ass, straying, lead it again to him. |
2203 | EXO 25:7 | onyx stones, and gems to adorn ephod, that is, a chasuble, and the rational, that is, an ouch hanging on the priest’s breast, in which was written doom and truth. |
2214 | EXO 25:18 | Also thou shalt make on ever either side of God’s answering place, two cherubims [or cherubim] of gold, and beaten out with an hammer; |
2215 | EXO 25:19 | one cherub be on one side of God’s answering place, and the tother in the tother side; cover they ever either side of the propitiatory, |
2216 | EXO 25:20 | and hold they forth their wings, and cover they God’s answering place; and behold they themselves together, while their faces be turned in to the propitiatory, |
2332 | EXO 28:38 | And Aaron shall bear the wicked-nesses of those things that the sons of Israel shall offer, and hallow in all their gifts to God, and in their free gifts to men; and the plate shall ever[more] be in Aaron’s forehead, that the Lord be pleased to them. |
2334 | EXO 28:40 | Forsooth thou shalt make ready to Aaron’s sons linen coats, that is, linen clothes, and girdles, and mitres, into glory and fairness. |
2347 | EXO 29:10 | also thou shalt present the calf before the tabernacle of witnessing; and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands upon the calf’s head; |
2453 | EXO 32:14 | And the Lord was pleased with Moses’ words, that he did not the evil which he spake against his people. |
2511 | EXO 34:14 | do not thou worship an alien God; a jealous lover is the Lord’s name, God is a fervent lover; |
2526 | EXO 34:29 | And when Moses came down from the hill of Sinai, he held in his hands two tables of witnessing, and he wist not that his face was horned with wonderful shining beams, of the fellowship of God’s word. |
2527 | EXO 34:30 | Forsooth Aaron and the sons of Israel saw Moses’ face horned, and they dreaded to nigh [or come] nigh, |
2611 | EXO 37:6 | He made also a propitiatory, that is, God’s answering place, of purest gold, of two cubits and an half in length, and one cubit and an half in breadth. |
2728 | EXO 40:20 | He put also the witnessing, that is, the tables of the law, in the ark, and he set the bars within, and God’s answering place above. |
2766 | LEV 2:3 | Forsooth that that is left of the sacrifice shall be Aaron’s and his sons’, the holy of holy things of offerings to the Lord. |
2773 | LEV 2:10 | Soothly whatever thing is left, it shall be Aaron’s and his sons, the holy of holy things of the offerings to the Lord. |
2793 | LEV 3:14 | And they shall take thereof, into the feeding, or nourishing, of the Lord’s fire, the fatness that covereth the womb, and that covereth all the entrails, |
2795 | LEV 3:16 | And the priest shall burn those [or them] on the altar, into the feeding, or nourishing, of the fire, and of sweetest odour; all the fatness shall be the Lord’s, |
2879 | LEV 6:22 | Each male of the priests’ kin shall eat of the flesh thereof; for it is holy of holy things. |
2886 | LEV 7:6 | Each male of the priests’ kin shall eat these fleshes in the holy place, for it is holy of holy things. |
2889 | LEV 7:9 | And each sacrifice of [tried]wheat flour, that is baked in an oven, and whatever is made ready in a griddle, either in a frying pan, it shall be that priest’s, of whom it is offered, |
2894 | LEV 7:14 | of all one loaf shall be offered to the Lord for the first fruits, and it shall be the priest’s that shall pour the blood of the sacrifice, |
2911 | LEV 7:31 | the which shall burn the inner fatness upon the altar; soothly the breast shall be Aaron’s and his sons’; |
2913 | LEV 7:33 | He that of Aaron’s sons offereth the blood, and the inner fatness, shall have also the right shoulder in his portion. |
2924 | LEV 8:6 | And at once Moses offered, or presented to priest’s office, Aaron and his sons; and when he had washed them, |
2927 | LEV 8:9 | And Moses covered Aaron’s head with a mitre, and upon the mitre, about the front, he put the golden plate, made sacred in the hallowing, as the Lord commanded to him. |
2930 | LEV 8:12 | Which oil he shedded [or pouring] upon Aaron’s head, and anointed him, and hallowed. |
2933 | LEV 8:15 | he offered it, and drew up [the] blood; [and] when the finger was dipped in the blood thereof, he touched the corners of the altar by compass; when the altar was cleansed and hallowed, Moses poured the blood that was left at the altar’s foot. |