238 | GEN 10:3 | Forsooth the sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. |
242 | GEN 10:7 | Forsooth the sons of Cush were Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah. The sons of Raamah were Sheba, and Dedan. |
247 | GEN 10:12 | and Resen betwixt Nineveh and Calah; this is a great city. |
285 | GEN 11:18 | Also Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu; |
286 | GEN 11:19 | and Peleg lived after that he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters. |
287 | GEN 11:20 | And Reu lived two and thirty years, and begat Serug; |
288 | GEN 11:21 | and Reu lived after that he begat Serug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters. |
333 | GEN 13:14 | And the Lord said to Abram, after that Lot was parted from him, Raise [up] thine eyes forthright, and see from the place in which thou art now, to the north and south, to the east and west; |
342 | GEN 14:5 | Therefore Chedorlaomer came in the fourteenth year, and [the] kings that were with him, and they smited Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and Zuzims with them, and Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim, |
381 | GEN 15:20 | and Hittites, and Perizzites, and Rephaims, |
472 | GEN 19:14 | And Lot went out, and spake to the husbands to be of his daughters, that should take his daughters, and said, Rise ye, and go ye out of this place; for the Lord shall do away this city. And he was seen to them to speak as playing. |
473 | GEN 19:15 | And when the morrowtide was, the angels constrained Lot, and said, Rise thou, and take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which thou hast, lest also thou perish altogether in the sin of the city. |
532 | GEN 21:18 | Rise thou, and take the child, and hold his hand; for I shall make him into a great folk. |
571 | GEN 22:23 | of whom Rebecca was born; Milcah childed these eight to Nahor, the brother of Abraham. |
572 | GEN 22:24 | Forsooth his concubine, or secon-dary wife, Reumah by name, childed Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah. |
607 | GEN 24:15 | And he had not yet [full-]filled the words within himself, and lo! Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, son of Milcah, wife of Nahor, brother of Abraham, went out, having a water pot in her shoulder; |
621 | GEN 24:29 | Soothly Rebecca had a brother, Laban by name, which went out hastily to the man, where he was withoutforth. |
637 | GEN 24:45 | While I turned in thought these things with me, Rebecca appeared, coming with a pot which she bare in her shoulder; and she went down to the well, and drew water. And I said to her, Give thou a little to me to drink; |
643 | GEN 24:51 | Lo! Rebecca is before thee; take thou her, and go forth, and be she [the] wife of the son of thy lord, as the Lord spake. |
645 | GEN 24:53 | And when vessels of silver, and of gold, and clothes were brought forth, he gave those to Rebecca for a gift, and he gave gifts to her brethren, and mother. |
653 | GEN 24:61 | Therefore Rebecca and her damsels ascended [or went up] on the camels, and pursued [or followed] the man, which turned again hastily to his lord. |
656 | GEN 24:64 | And when Isaac was seen, Rebecca lighted down off the camel, |
679 | GEN 25:20 | and when Isaac was of forty years, he wedded a wife, Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, of Syria, of Mesopotamia, the sister of Laban. |
680 | GEN 25:21 | And Isaac besought the Lord for his wife, for she was barren; and the Lord heard him, and gave conceiving to Rebecca. |
687 | GEN 25:28 | Isaac loved Esau, for he ate of the hunting of Esau; and Rebecca loved Jacob. |
689 | GEN 25:30 | he said to Jacob, Give thou to me of this red seething, for I am full weary; for which cause his name was called Edom or Red. |
701 | GEN 26:8 | And when full many days were passed, and he dwelled there, Abimelech, king of Palestines, beheld by a window, and saw him playing with Rebecca, his wife. |
728 | GEN 26:35 | which both offended the soul of Isaac and of Rebecca. |
733 | GEN 27:5 | And when Rebecca had heard this thing, and he had gone forth into the field that he fulfill the behest of his father, |
770 | GEN 27:42 | These things were told to Rebecca, and she sent, and called her son Jacob, and said to him, Lo! Esau, thy brother, menaceth [or threateneth] to slay thee; |
774 | GEN 27:46 | And Rebecca said to Isaac, It annoyeth or vexeth me of my life for the daughters of Heth; if Jacob take a wife of the kindred of this land, I will not live. |
779 | GEN 28:5 | And when Isaac had let go Jacob, he went forth, and came into Mesopotamia of Syria, to Laban, the son of Bethuel of Syria, the brother of Rebecca, his mother. |
802 | GEN 29:6 | Jacob said, Is he whole? They said, He is in good state; and lo! Rachel, his daughter, cometh with his flock. |
805 | GEN 29:9 | Yet they spake, and lo! Rachel came with the sheep of her father. |
808 | GEN 29:12 | And Jacob showed to her that he was the brother of her father, and the son of Rebecca; and she hasted, and told to her father. |
812 | GEN 29:16 | Forsooth Laban had two daughters, the name of the elder was Leah, soothly the younger was called Rachel; |
813 | GEN 29:17 | but Leah was bleary-eyed, and Rachel was of fair face, and lovely in sight. |
814 | GEN 29:18 | And Jacob loved Rachel, and said, I shall serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. |
816 | GEN 29:20 | Therefore Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and the days seemed few to him for the greatness of his love. |
821 | GEN 29:25 | And when Jacob had entered [in] to her by custom, when the morrow-tide was made, he saw Leah, and he said to his wife’s father, What is it that thou wouldest do? whether I served not thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me? |
823 | GEN 29:27 | fulfill thou the week of days of this wedding, and I shall give to thee also this Rachel, for the work in which thou shalt serve me by other seven years. |
824 | GEN 29:28 | Jacob assented to the covenant, and when the week was passed, he wedded Rachel, |
827 | GEN 29:31 | Forsooth the Lord saw that Jacob despised Leah, that is, loved her less than Rachel, and he opened Leah’s womb, while her sister dwelled barren. |
828 | GEN 29:32 | And Leah childed a son conceived, and she called his name Reuben, and said, The Lord hath seen my meek-ness; now mine husband shall love me. |
832 | GEN 30:1 | Forsooth Rachel saw, that she was unfruitful, and she had envy to her sister, and said to her husband, Give thou free children to me, else I shall die. |
837 | GEN 30:6 | And Rachel said, The Lord hath deemed to me, and hath heard my prayer, and gave a son to me; and therefore she called his name Dan. |
839 | GEN 30:8 | for whom Rachel said, The Lord hath made me like my sister, and I [have] waxed strong; and she called him Naphtali. |
845 | GEN 30:14 | Forsooth Reuben went out into the field in the time of wheat harvest, and found mandrakes, which he brought to Leah, his mother. And Rachel said, Give thou to me a part of the mandrakes of thy son. |
846 | GEN 30:15 | Leah answered, Whether it seemeth little to thee, that thou hast ravished my husband from me, no but thou take also the mandrakes of my son? Rachel said, The husband sleep with thee in this night for the mandrakes of thy son. |
853 | GEN 30:22 | Also the Lord had mind on Rachel, and he heard her, and opened her womb. |
878 | GEN 31:4 | Jacob sent, and called Rachel and Leah into the field, where he kept [the] flocks, |
886 | GEN 31:12 | Which said, Raise [up] thine eyes, and see all [the] males that be diverse, [and] besprinkled, and spotty, going [up] on [the] females; for I have seen all things which Laban hath done to thee; |
888 | GEN 31:14 | And Rachel and Leah answered, Whether we have anything residue, or left, in the chattels, and heritage of our father? |
893 | GEN 31:19 | In that time Laban went to shear sheep, and Rachel stole the idols of her father. |
906 | GEN 31:32 | soothly that thou reprovest me of theft, at whomever thou findest thy gods, be he slain before our brethren; seek thou, whatever thing of thine thou findest at me, and take it away. Jacob said these things, and knew not that Rachel had stolen the idols. |
907 | GEN 31:33 | And so Laban entered into the tabernacles of Jacob, and of Leah, and of ever either menial, and he found not; and when Laban had entered into the tent of Rachel, |
962 | GEN 33:1 | Forsooth Jacob raised up his eyes, and saw Esau coming, and four hundred men with him; and he parted the sons of Leah, and of Rachel, and of both the servantesses. |
963 | GEN 33:2 | And he put ever either handmaid, and the free children of them, in the beginning; soothly he put Leah, and her sons, in the second place; forsooth he put Rachel and Joseph the last. |
968 | GEN 33:7 | Also Leah nighed with her free children; and when they had worshipped in like manner, Joseph and Rachel last worshipped. |
1013 | GEN 35:1 | In the meantime the Lord spake to Jacob, Rise thou, and go up to Bethel, and dwell there; and make thou an altar to the Lord, that appeared to thee when thou fleddest Esau, thy brother. |
1020 | GEN 35:8 | Deborah, the nurse of Rebecca, died in the same time, and she was buried at the root[s] of Bethel, under an oak, and the name of the place was called The Oak of Weeping. |
1028 | GEN 35:16 | Soothly Jacob went out from thence, and he came in the beginning of summer to the land that leadeth to Ephratah; in which land when Rachel travailed in child bearing, |
1031 | GEN 35:19 | Therefore Rachel died, and was buried in the way that leadeth to Ephratah, that is Bethlehem. |
1032 | GEN 35:20 | And Jacob builded a memorial upon the sepulchre of her; this is the memorial of the burial of Rachel unto this present day. |
1034 | GEN 35:22 | And while he dwelled in that country, Reuben went, and slept with Bilhah, the secondary wife of his father, which thing was not hid from him. Forsooth the sons of Jacob were twelve; |
1035 | GEN 35:23 | the sons of Leah were, the first begotten Reuben, and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Zebulun; |
1036 | GEN 35:24 | the sons of Rachel were Joseph, and Benjamin; |
1037 | GEN 35:25 | the sons of Bilhah, the handmaid of Rachel, were Dan, and Naphtali; |
1045 | GEN 36:4 | And Adah childed Eliphaz; Bashemath childed Reuel; |
1051 | GEN 36:10 | and these were the names of his sons; Eliphaz, the son of Adah, wife of Esau, also Reuel, the son of Bashemath, wife of Esau. |
1054 | GEN 36:13 | Forsooth the sons of Reuel were Nahath, and Zerah, and Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esau’s wife. |
1058 | GEN 36:17 | Also these were the sons of Reuel, Esau’s son; duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah; forsooth these dukes were of Reuel, in the land of Edom. These were the sons of Bashemath, Esau’s wife. |
1078 | GEN 36:37 | And when he was dead, Saul of the flood [of] Rehoboth reigned for him. |
1105 | GEN 37:21 | Soothly Reuben heard this, and enforced or endeavoured to deliver him from their hands, and said, Slay we not the life of him, |
1113 | GEN 37:29 | And Reuben turned again to the cistern, and found not the child; and he rent his clothes, |
1150 | GEN 38:30 | Afterward his brother went out, in whose hand was the red thread, whom she called Zarah, that is, Redness. |
1275 | GEN 42:22 | Of which one, Reuben, said, Whether I said not to you, Do not ye sin against the child, and ye heard not me? lo! his blood is sought. |
1290 | GEN 42:37 | To whom Reuben answered, Slay thou my two sons, if I shall not bring him again to thee; take thou him in mine hand, and I shall restore him to thee. |
1329 | GEN 44:4 | And now they had gone out of the city, and had gone forth a little; then Joseph said, when the dispenser of his house was called, Rise thou, pursue the men, and say thou when they be taken, Why have ye yielded evil for good? |
1395 | GEN 46:8 | Forsooth these be the names of the sons of Israel, that entered into Egypt; Jacob with his free children. The first begotten is Reuben; |
1396 | GEN 46:9 | the sons of Reuben; Hanoch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi. |
1406 | GEN 46:19 | The sons of Rachel, Jacob’s wife, were Joseph and Benjamin. |
1408 | GEN 46:21 | The sons of Benjamin were Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Ehi, and Rosh, and Muppim, and Huppim, and Ard. |
1409 | GEN 46:22 | These were the sons of Rachel, the which Jacob begat through her; all the persons were fourteen. |
1412 | GEN 46:25 | These were the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter. And Jacob begat these through Bilhah; all the souls were seven. |
1432 | GEN 47:11 | Forsooth Joseph gave to his father and [his] brethren a possession in Egypt, in Rameses, the best soil of [the] earth, as Pharaoh commanded; |
1457 | GEN 48:5 | Therefore thy two sons, that be born to thee in the land of Egypt, before that I came hither to thee, shall be mine; Ephraim and Manasseh, as Reuben and Simeon, shall be areckoned to me; |
1459 | GEN 48:7 | Forsooth when I came from Mesopotamia, Rachel was dead to me in the land of Canaan, in that way; and it was the beginning of summer; and before that I entered into Ephratah, and I buried her beside the way of Ephratah, which by another name is called Bethlehem. |
1477 | GEN 49:3 | Reuben, my first begotten son, thou art my strength, and the beginning of my sorrow; thou oughtest to be the former in gifts, the more in lordship; |
1505 | GEN 49:31 | There they buried him, and Sarah his wife; also Isaac was buried there, with Rebecca his wife; there also Leah lieth buried. |
1535 | EXO 1:2 | Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, |
1544 | EXO 1:11 | And so he made masters of works sovereigns to them, that they should torment them with charges. And they made [the] cities of tabernacles, either of treasures, as it is in Hebrew, to Pharaoh, Pithom, and Raamses. |
1670 | EXO 6:14 | These be the princes of the houses by their meines. The sons of Reuben, the first begotten of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; these be the kindreds of Reuben. |
1731 | EXO 8:16 | And the Lord said to Moses, Rise thou early, and stand before Pharaoh, for he shall go out to the waters; and thou shalt say to him, The Lord saith these things, Deliver thou my people, that it make sacrifice to me; |
1756 | EXO 9:13 | Also the Lord said to Moses, Rise thou early, and stand before Pharaoh, and thou shalt say to him, The Lord God of Hebrews saith these things, Deliver thou my people, that it make sacrifice to me; |
1797 | EXO 10:19 | the which made a full strong wind to blow from the west, and it took, and cast the locusts into the Red Sea; soothly there left not one, in all the coasts of Egypt. |
1848 | EXO 12:31 | And when Moses and Aaron were called in the night, Pharaoh said, Rise ye, and go ye out from my people, both ye and the sons of Israel; go ye, offer ye to the Lord, as ye say; |
1854 | EXO 12:37 | And the children of Israel went forth from Rameses into Succoth, almost six hundred thousand of footmen, without little children and women; |
1886 | EXO 13:18 | but God led the people about by the way of desert, which way is beside the Red Sea. And the sons of Israel were armed, and went up from the land of Egypt. |