2 | GEN 1:2 | Forsooth the earth was idle and void, and darknesses were on the face of depth; and the Spirit of the Lord was borne on the waters [or the Spirit of God was borne upon the waters]. |
4 | GEN 1:4 | And God saw the light, that it was good, and he parted the light from darknesses; |
5 | GEN 1:5 | and he called the light, day, and the darknesses, night. And the eventide and the morrowtide was made, one day. |
11 | GEN 1:11 | and said, The earth bring forth green herb, and making seed, and an apple tree making fruit by his kind, whose seed be in itself, on [the] earth; and it was done so. |
12 | GEN 1:12 | And the earth brought forth green herb and making seed by his kind, and a tree making fruit, and each having seed by his kind. And God saw that it was good. |
18 | GEN 1:18 | and that they should be before to the day and [to the] night, and should part light and darkness. And God saw that it was good. |
21 | GEN 1:21 | And God made of nought great whales, and each living soul and movable, which the waters have brought forth in their kinds; and God made of nought each volatile by his kind. And God saw that it was good; |
24 | GEN 1:24 | And God said, The earth bring forth a living soul in his kind, work beasts, and reptiles, either creeping beasts, and unreasonable beasts of [the] earth, by their kinds; and it was done so. |
25 | GEN 1:25 | And God made unreasonable beasts of the earth by their kinds, and work beasts, and each creeping beast of the earth in his kind. And God saw that it was good; |
26 | GEN 1:26 | and said, Make we man to our image and likeness, and be he sovereign to the fishes of the sea, and to the volatiles of heaven, and to [the] unreasonable beasts of [the] earth, and to each creature, and to each creeping beast or each reptile, which is moved in [the] earth. |
27 | GEN 1:27 | And God made of nought a man to his image and likeness; God made of nought a man, to the image of God; God made of nought them, male and female. |
28 | GEN 1:28 | And God blessed them, and said, Increase ye, and be ye multiplied, and fill ye the earth, and make ye it subject; and be ye lords to the fishes of the sea, and to [the] volatiles of heaven, and to all living beasts that be moved on [the] earth. |
29 | GEN 1:29 | And God said, Lo! I have given to you each herb bearing seed on [the] earth, and all trees that have in themselves the seed of their kind, that they be into meat to you; |
33 | GEN 2:2 | And God [ful] filled in the seventh day his work which he made; and he rested in the seventh day from all his work which he had made; |
34 | GEN 2:3 | and he blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; for in that day God ceased of all his work which he made of nought, that he should make. |
36 | GEN 2:5 | and each little tree of [the] earth before that it sprang out in [the] earth; and he made each herb of the field before that it burgeoned. For the Lord God had not rained on the earth, and no man there was that wrought [or might work] the earth; |
39 | GEN 2:8 | Forsooth the Lord God planted at the beginning paradise of liking or the garden of Eden, wherein he set man whom he had formed. |
40 | GEN 2:9 | And the Lord God brought forth of the earth each tree fair in sight, and sweet to eat; also he brought forth the tree of life in the midst of paradise, and the tree of knowing of good and of evil. |
41 | GEN 2:10 | And a river went out from the place of liking or Eden to moist paradise or the garden, which river is parted from thence into four heads. |
46 | GEN 2:15 | Therefore the Lord God took man, and set him in paradise of liking, that he should work and keep it. |
48 | GEN 2:17 | forsooth eat thou not of the tree of knowing of good and of evil; for in whatever day thou shalt eat thereof, thou shalt die by death. |
49 | GEN 2:18 | And the Lord God said, It is not good that a man be alone; make we to him an helper like to himself. |
51 | GEN 2:20 | And Adam called by their names all living things, and all volatiles [of heavens], and all unreasonable beasts of [the] earth. Forsooth to Adam was not found an helper like him. |
52 | GEN 2:21 | Therefore the Lord God sent sleep into Adam, and when he slept, God took one of his ribs, and filled flesh for it. |
53 | GEN 2:22 | And the Lord God builded the rib which he had taken from Adam into a woman, and brought her to Adam. |
54 | GEN 2:23 | And Adam said, This is now a bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; this shall be called virago, for she is taken of man. |
55 | GEN 2:24 | Wherefore a man shall forsake [his] father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be twain [or two] in one flesh. |
56 | GEN 2:25 | Forsooth ever either was naked, that is, Adam and his wife, and they were not ashamed. |
61 | GEN 3:5 | for why God knoweth that in what-ever day ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil. |
62 | GEN 3:6 | Therefore the woman saw that the tree was good, and sweet to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightable in beholding; and she took of the fruit thereof, and ate, and gave to her husband, and he ate. |
63 | GEN 3:7 | And the eyes of both were opened; and when they knew that they were naked, they sewed [together] the leaves of a fig tree, and made breeches to themselves. |
66 | GEN 3:10 | And Adam said, I heard thy voice in paradise, and I dreaded, for I was naked, and I hid me. |
67 | GEN 3:11 | To whom the Lord said, Who showed to thee that thou were naked, no but for thou hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded to thee that thou shouldest not eat? |
71 | GEN 3:15 | I shall set [or put] enmities betwixt thee and the woman, and betwixt thy seed and her seed; she shall break thine head, and thou shalt set ambushes to her heel. |
73 | GEN 3:17 | Soothly God said to Adam, For thou heardest the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded to thee that thou shouldest not eat, the earth shall be cursed in thy work, that is, for thy sin; in travails thou shalt eat thereof in all the days of thy life; |
75 | GEN 3:19 | in [the] sweat of thy cheer, [or face], thou shalt eat thy bread, till thou turn again into the earth of which thou art taken; for thou art dust, and thou shalt turn again into dust. |
77 | GEN 3:21 | And the Lord God made coats of skins to Adam and Eve his wife, and clothed them; |
78 | GEN 3:22 | and said, Lo! Adam is made as one of us, and knoweth good and evil; now therefore see ye, lest peradventure he put [out] his hand, and take [also] of the tree of life, and eat, and live without end. |
79 | GEN 3:23 | And the Lord God sent him out of paradise of liking or the garden of Eden, that he should work the earth, of which he was taken. |
80 | GEN 3:24 | And God casted out Adam, and setted before paradise of liking cherubim, that is, gave it unto the keeping of angels, and a sword of flame turning about to keep charge of the way of the tree of life. |
81 | GEN 4:1 | Forsooth Adam knew Eve his wife, which conceived, and childed Cain, and said, I have gotten a man by God. |
82 | GEN 4:2 | And again she childed his brother Abel. Forsooth Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain was an earth-tiller. |
84 | GEN 4:4 | and Abel offered of the first engendered of his flock, and of the fatness of those [or them]. And the Lord beheld to Abel and to the gifts of him; |
88 | GEN 4:8 | And Cain said to Abel, his brother, Go we out. And when they were in the field, Cain rose against his brother Abel, and killed him. |
89 | GEN 4:9 | And the Lord said to Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? Which answered, I know not; whether I am the keeper of my brother? |
92 | GEN 4:12 | When thou shalt work the earth, it shall not give his fruits to thee; thou shalt be unstable of dwelling, and fleeing about on [the] earth, in all the days of thy life. |
93 | GEN 4:13 | And Cain said to the Lord, My wickedness is more than that I deserve forgiveness; |
97 | GEN 4:17 | Forsooth Cain knew his wife, which conceived, and childed Enoch; and Cain builded a city, and called the name thereof of the name of his son, Enoch. |
99 | GEN 4:19 | that took two wives, the name to the one wife was Adah, and the name to the other was Zillah. |
102 | GEN 4:22 | And Zillah begat Tubalcain, that was an hammer-beater, and [a] smith on all works of brass and of iron; forsooth the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. |
103 | GEN 4:23 | And Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zillah, Ye wives of Lamech, hear my voice, and hearken to my words; for I have slain a man by my wounding, and a young waxing man by my violent beating; |
105 | GEN 4:25 | Also yet Adam knew his wife, and she childed a son, and called his name Seth, and said, God hath put [or set] to me another seed for Abel, whom Cain killed. |
107 | GEN 5:1 | This is the book of the generations of Adam, in the day wherein God made man of nought. God made man to the image and likeness of God; |
109 | GEN 5:3 | Forsooth Adam lived an hundred years and thirty, and begat a son to his image and likeness, and called his name Seth. |
130 | GEN 5:24 | And Enoch went with God, and appeared not afterward, for God took him away. |
135 | GEN 5:29 | and [he] called his name Noah, and said, This man shall comfort us of the works and travails of our hands, in the land which the Lord cursed. |
140 | GEN 6:2 | the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and took wives to them of all which they had chosen. |
149 | GEN 6:11 | Forsooth the earth was corrupt before God, and was filled with wickedness. |
151 | GEN 6:13 | he said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; the earth is filled with wickedness of the face of them, and I shall destroy them with the earth. |
152 | GEN 6:14 | Make thou to thee a ship of wood hewn and planed; thou shalt make dwelling places in the ship, and thou shalt anoint it with pitch within and withoutforth. |
153 | GEN 6:15 | And so thou shalt make it. The length of the ship shall be of three hundred cubits, the breadth shall be of fifty cubits, and the highness thereof shall be of thirty cubits. |
154 | GEN 6:16 | Thou shalt make a window in the ship, and thou shalt end the highness thereof in a cubit; soothly thou shalt set the door of the ship in the side beneath; thou shalt make solars or upper rooms, and places of three chambers in the ship. |
157 | GEN 6:19 | And of all living beasts of all flesh, thou shalt bring into the ship twain [or two] and twain, of male kind and female, that they live with thee; |
158 | GEN 6:20 | of birds by their kind, and of work beasts in their kind, and of each creeping beast of [the] earth, by their kind; twain [or two] and twain of all shall enter with thee, that they may live. |
159 | GEN 6:21 | Therefore thou shalt take with thee of all meats that may be eaten, and thou shalt bear together at thee, and those shall be as well to thee as to the beasts into meat. |
162 | GEN 7:2 | Of all clean living beasts, thou shalt take by seven and by seven, male and female; forsooth of unclean living beasts, thou shalt take by twain and by twain [or two and two], male and female; |
163 | GEN 7:3 | and also of [the] volatiles [or fowls] of heaven, thou shalt take, by seven and by seven, male and female, that their seed be saved on the face of all earth. |
171 | GEN 7:11 | In the six hundredth year of the life of Noah, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, all the wells of the great sea were broken, and the windows of heaven were opened, |
174 | GEN 7:14 | They entered, and each beast by his kind, and all work beasts in their kind, and each beast which is moved on [the] earth in his kind, and each volatile by his kind; all birds and all volatiles [or fowls], |
185 | GEN 8:1 | Forsooth the Lord had mind of Noah, and of all living beasts, and of all work beasts, that were with him in the ship; and [he] brought a wind on the earth. And [the] waters were decreased, or assuaged, |
193 | GEN 8:9 | and when the culver found not where her foot should rest, she turned again to him into the ship, for the waters were on all [the] earth; and Noah held forth his hand, and brought the culver taken into the ship. |
199 | GEN 8:15 | Soothly the Lord spake to Noah; and said, |
203 | GEN 8:19 | but also all living beasts, and work beasts, and birds, and reptiles that creep on [the] earth, by their kind, went out of the ship. |