23312 | MAT 5:9 | Blessed be peaceable men, for they shall be called God’s children. [+Blessed be the peaceable, for they shall be called the sons of God.] |
24106 | MAT 25:29 | For to every man that hath me shall give, and he shall increase [+or For to every man having it shall be given, and he shall have plenty, or increase]; but from him that hath not, also that that he seemeth to have, shall be taken away from him. |
24954 | MRK 16:12 | But after these things when twain of them wandered, he was showed in another likeness to them going into a town. [+Forsooth after these things, he was showed in another likeness, or figure, to twain of them walking and going into a town.] |
26037 | LUK 23:33 | And when they came into a place, that is called of Calvary, [+or after that they came to a place, which is called Calvary], there they crucified him, and the thieves, one on the right half, and the other on the left half. |
26058 | LUK 23:54 | And the day was the evening of the holiday, [+or of the holy day, or the making ready of pask], and the sabbath began to shine. |
26401 | JHN 7:4 | for no man doeth anything in huddles, and himself seeketh to be open, [+or forsooth no man doeth anything in hid place, or privy, and he seeketh to be in open]. If thou doest these things, show thyself to the world. |
26880 | JHN 18:26 | One of the bishop’s servants, cousin of him, whose ear Peter cut off, said, Saw I thee not in the yard with him? [+or Whether I saw thee not in the garden with him?] |
27024 | ACT 2:6 | And when this voice was made, the multitude came together, and were astonied, [or was confounded], in thought, for each man heard them speaking in his own language [+or in his own tongue]. |
28263 | ROM 10:7 | or who shall go down into hell? that is, to again-call Christ from death. [+or who shall go down into deep-ness, or into depth? that is, to again-call Christ from the dead.] |
28591 | 1CO 7:36 | And if any man guesseth himself to be seen foul on his virgin, that she is full waxen [or is well old], and so it behooveth to be done, do she that that she will [or what he will]; she sinneth not, if she be wedded, [+or s/he sinneth not, if s/he be wedded]. |
30231 | HEB 10:31 | It is fearedful to fall into the hands of God living. [+It is fearful to fall into the hands of living God.] |