156 | GEN 6:18 | And I shall set my covenant of peace with thee; and thou shalt enter into the ship, [thou], and thy sons, and thy wife, and the wives of thy sons shall enter with thee. |
1476 | GEN 49:2 | be ye gathered [together], and hear, ye sons of Jacob, hear ye Israel your father. |
1558 | EXO 2:3 | And when she might not cover [him], then she took a basket of sedge, and balmed it with tar and pitch, and put the young child within, and put him forth in a place of spires of the brink of the flood, |
1578 | EXO 2:23 | Forsooth after much time the king of Egypt died, and the sons of Israel inwardly wailed for [the] works, and they cried [out], and the cry of them for their works went up to God. |
2185 | EXO 24:7 | And he took the book of the bond of peace, and read [it], while the people heard; the which said, We shall do all things that the Lord spake, and we shall be obedient. |
2448 | EXO 32:9 | And again the Lord said to Moses, I see [well], that this people is of hard noll; |
2456 | EXO 32:17 | Forsooth Joshua heard the noise of the people crying [out], and he said to Moses, Yelling of fighting is heard in the tents. |
3697 | NUM 3:4 | Nadab and Abihu [died], when they offered alien fire in the sight of the Lord, in the desert of Sinai, and were dead without free children; and Eleazar and Ithamar were set in priesthood before Aaron their father. |
4302 | NUM 19:12 | shall be sprinkled of this water in the third [day], and in the seventh day; and so he shall be cleansed. If he is not sprinkled in the third day, he shall not be able to be cleansed in the seventh day. |
4685 | NUM 31:19 | and dwell ye without the tents seven days. He that slayeth a man, or toucheth a slain man, shall be cleansed in the third [day], and the seventh day; |
5547 | DEU 24:20 | If thou gatherest the fruits of olives, whatever thing leaveth in the trees, thou shalt not turn again to gather it, but thou shalt leave it to a comeling, a fatherless, either motherless [child], and to a widow. |
5548 | DEU 24:21 | If thou gatherest grapes of thy vinery [or vine], thou shalt not gather [the] raisins that leave or be left, but those [or they] shall fall into the uses of the comeling, of the fatherless, either motherless [child], and of the widow. |
5738 | DEU 31:8 | And the Lord himself, which is your leader, shall be with thee, he shall not leave [thee], neither forsake thee; do not thou dread outwardly, neither dread thou in heart. |
5923 | JOS 4:11 | And when all men had passed [over], also the ark of the Lord passed [over], and the priests went before the people. |
5935 | JOS 4:23 | for our Lord God dried the waters thereof in our sight, till that we over-passed it, as he did before in the Red Sea, which he dried while we passed [over], |
6023 | JOS 8:19 | the ambushments, that were hid, rose up anon; and they went to the city, and took [it], and burnt it. |
6435 | JOS 22:7 | Soothly Moses had given pos-session in Bashan to the half lineage of Manasseh; and therefore to the half lineage that was left [over], Joshua gave part among their other brethren beyond Jordan, at the west coast thereof. And when Joshua let them go into their tabernacles, and had blessed them, |
6598 | JDG 3:28 | Which said to them, Follow ye me, for the Lord hath betaken our enemies, Moabites, into our hands. And they came down after him, and occupied the fords of Jordan, that led over into Moab. And they suffered not any man to pass [over], |
6717 | JDG 7:21 | and they stood all in their place, about the tents of their enemies. And so all the tents were troubled; and they cried [out], and yelled, and fled; |
6753 | JDG 8:32 | And Gideon, the son of Joash, died in [a] good eld [age], and was buried in the sepulchre of Joash, his father, in Ophrah, of the meine of Abiezrites. |
6763 | JDG 9:7 | And when this thing was told to Jotham, he went, and stood in the top of the hill Gerizim, and cried with voice raised [up], and said, Ye men of Shechem, hear me, so that God hear you. |
7057 | JDG 20:1 | Therefore all the sons of Israel went [out], and were gathered together as one man, from Dan till to Beersheba, and from the land of Gilead, to the Lord in Mizpeh; |
7331 | 1SA 5:10 | Therefore they sent the ark of the Lord into Ekron. And when the ark of the Lord had come into Ekron, men of Ekron cried [out], and said, They have brought to us the ark of God of Israel, that he slay us and our people. |
7659 | 1SA 17:39 | Therefore David was girded with his sword on his cloth, and began to assay if he might go armed; for he had not [the] custom. And David said to Saul, I may not go thus, for I have not the uses of it. And David put away those [things], |
7672 | 1SA 17:52 | And the sons of Israel and of Judah rose up together, and cried [out], and pursued the Philistines, till the time they came into the valley, and unto the gates of Ekron. And the wounded men of the Philistines fell down in the way of Shaaraim, and unto Gath, and unto Ekron. |
8187 | 2SA 7:4 | And it was done in that night, and lo! the word of the Lord, was made to Nathan, [saying], |
8797 | 1KI 2:24 | And now the Lord liveth, that hath confirmed me, and hath set me on the throne of [David], my father, and that hath made to me an house, as he spake, for Adonijah shall be slain today. |
9031 | 1KI 8:43 | thou shalt hear in heaven, in the firmament of thy dwelling place, and thou shalt do all things, for which the alien calleth thee; that all peoples of lands learn to dread thy name, as thy people Israel doeth, and prove [they], that thy name is called on this house, which I [have] builded. |
9515 | 1KI 22:32 | Therefore when the princes of chariots had seen Jehoshaphat, they supposed that he was king of Israel, and by fierceness made, they fought against him. And Jehoshaphat cried [out], calling for God’s help, and declaring his banner; |
9564 | 2KI 2:9 | And when they had passed [over], Elijah said to Elisha, Ask thou that, that thou wilt that I do to thee, before that I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I beseech, that thy double spirit be made in me or with me. |
9683 | 2KI 6:5 | And it befelled, that when a man of them had cut down [a] matter, or a piece of wood, the iron of the ax felled [or fell] into the water; and he cried [out], and said, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, and I had taken this same thing by borrowing. |
10092 | 2KI 19:27 | And I knew thy dwelling [place], and thy going out, and thine entering or thy going in, and thy way, and thy strong vengeance against me. |
10120 | 2KI 20:18 | But also of thy sons, that shall go out of thee, which thou shalt beget, shall be taken [away], and they shall be geldings in the palace of the king of Babylon. |
10712 | 1CH 11:35 | Ahiam, the son of Sacar the Harar-ite, Eliphal, the son of [Ur], |
10746 | 1CH 12:22 | These men gave help to David against [the] thieves; for all were full strong [men], and were made princes in the host. |
11351 | 2CH 7:22 | And they shall answer, For they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, that led them out of the land of Egypt, and they took alien gods, and worship-ped [them], and praised them; there-fore all these evils came upon them. |
11405 | 2CH 10:5 | And he said, After three days turn ye again to me. And when the people was gone [away], |
11732 | 2CH 25:23 | And [Jehoash], the king of Israel, took in Bethshemesh Amaziah, the king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz, and brought him into Jerusalem; and he destroyed the walls thereof from the gate of Ephraim to the gate of the corner, by four hundred cubits in length. |
12139 | EZR 4:24 | Then the work of God’s house in Jerusalem was left [off], and it was not made till to the second year of the realm of Darius, king of Persia. |
12907 | JOB 2:12 | And when they had raised afar their eyes, they knew not him; and they cried [out], and wept, and rent their clothes, and sprinkled dust on their heads into heaven. |
12933 | JOB 3:25 | For the dread, which I dreaded, hath come to me; and that thing, that I shamed [of], hath befallen to me. |
13548 | JOB 29:12 | for I delivered the poor man crying [out], and the fatherless child, that had no helper. |
15004 | PSA 69:16 | The tempest of water drench not me [down], neither the depth swallow me; neither the pit make strait his mouth on me. |
16261 | PSA 135:18 | They that make those [things], be made like them; and all that trust in them. |
17390 | ECC 1:5 | The sun riseth [up], and goeth down, and turneth again to his place; and there it riseth again, |
18295 | ISA 30:8 | Now therefore enter thou, and write to it on [a] box [table], and write thou it diligently in a book; and it shall be in the last day into witnessing, till into without end. |
18561 | ISA 42:11 | The desert be raised [up], and the cities thereof; he shall dwell in the houses of Kedar; ye dwellers of the stone, praise ye; they shall cry from the top of hills. |
18736 | ISA 50:4 | The Lord gave to me a learned tongue, that I know how to sustain him by word that failed; early the father raiseth [up], early he raiseth [up] an ear to me, that I hear as a master. |
19049 | JER 2:15 | Lions roared on him, and gave their voice; they have set the land of him into wilderness, the cities of him be burnt [up], and none there is that dwelleth in those [or them]. |
19350 | JER 13:15 | Hear ye, and perceive with ears; do not ye be raised [up], for the Lord spake. |
19445 | JER 17:19 | The Lord saith these things to me, Go thou, and stand in the gate of the sons of the people, by which the kings of Judah enter [in], and go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem. |
19851 | JER 33:7 | and I shall convert the conversion of Judah, and I shall convert the conversion of Jerusalem, and I shall build them [up], as at the beginning. |
20725 | EZK 11:1 | And the spirit raised me [up], and led me within to the east gate of the house of the Lord, that beholdeth the rising of the sun. And lo! in the entering of the gate were five and twenty men; and I saw in the midst of them Jaazaniah, the son of Azur, and Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, princes of the people. |
20908 | EZK 17:14 | that it be a meek realm, and be not raised [up], but that it keep the covenant of him, and hold it. |
21228 | EZK 28:2 | Son of man, say thou to the prince of Tyre, The Lord God saith these things, For thine heart was raised [up], and thou saidest, I am God, and I sat in the chair of God, in the heart of the sea, since thou art man and not God, and thou gavest thine heart as the heart of God; |
21257 | EZK 29:5 | And I shall cast thee forth into desert, and all the fishes of thy flood; on the face of earth thou shalt fall down, thou shalt not be gathered [up], neither shalt be gathered together to thy people; to the beasts of earth, and to the volatiles of the air, I gave thee to be devoured. |
21294 | EZK 30:21 | Thou, son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and lo! it is not wrapped [about], that health should be restored thereto, that it should be bound with linen clothes, and wound about with linen clothes, and that he might hold a sword again, when he had received strength. |
21304 | EZK 31:5 | Therefore his highness was enhanced over all [the] trees of the country, and his trees were multiplied, and his branches were raised [up], for many waters. And when he had stretched forth his shadow, |
21492 | EZK 37:26 | And I shall smite to them a bond of peace; it shall be a covenant ever-lasting to them, and I shall ‘found’ them, and I shall multiply [them], and I shall give mine hallowing in the midst of them without end. |
21641 | EZK 42:20 | By four winds he meted the wall thereof on each side by compass, the length of five hundred [cubits], and the breadth of five hundred [cubits], the wall separating betwixt the saintuary and the place of the common people. |
21907 | DAN 3:31 | Nebuchadnezzar, the king, writeth thus to all peoples, [folks], and languages, that dwell in all earth, peace be multiplied to you. |
21963 | DAN 5:20 | Forsooth when his heart was raised [up], and his spirit was made obstinate in pride, he was put down off the seat of his realm; and his glory was taken away, |
21998 | DAN 6:25 | Forsooth the king commanded, and those men, that accused Daniel, were brought [forth], and were sent into the pit of lions, they, and the sons of them, and the wives of them; and they came not unto the pavement of the pit, till the lions ravished them, and all-brake all the bones of them. |
22141 | DAN 11:36 | And the king shall do by his will, and he shall be raised [up], and magnified against each god, and against God of gods he shall speak great things; and he shall be addressed, till wrathfulness [or wrath] be [ful] filled. For the determining is perfectly made. |
22266 | HOS 8:3 | Israel hath cast away good [thing], the enemy shall pursue him. |
22561 | AMO 8:11 | Lo! the days come, saith the Lord [God], and I shall send out hunger into earth; not hunger of bread, neither thirst of water, but of hearing the word of God. |
23044 | ZEC 7:13 | And it is done, as he spake; and as they heard not, so they shall cry, and I shall not hear [them], saith the Lord of hosts. |
23252 | MAT 2:14 | And Joseph rose [up], and took the child and his mother by night, and went into Egypt, |
23259 | MAT 2:21 | Joseph rose [up], and took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel. |
23440 | MAT 8:26 | And Jesus said to them, What be ye of little faith aghast [or afeared]? Then he rose [up], and commanded to the winds and the sea, and a great peaceableness was made. |
23448 | MAT 8:34 | And lo! all the city went out to meet Jesus; and when they had seen him, they prayed [him], that he would pass from their coasts. |
23603 | MAT 12:45 | Then he goeth, and taketh with him seven other spirits worse than himself; and they enter [in], and dwell there. And the last things of that man be made worse than the former. So it shall be to this worst generation. |
23732 | MAT 15:30 | And much people came to him, and had with them dumb men and crooked [men], feeble and blind, and many others; and they casted down them [or cast them down] at his feet. And he healed them, |
23742 | MAT 16:1 | And the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to him tempting [him], and prayed him to show them a token from heaven. |
24149 | MAT 26:26 | And while they supped, Jesus took bread, and blessed [it], and brake, and gave to his disciples, and said, Take ye, and eat; this is my body. |
24193 | MAT 26:70 | And he denied before all [men], and said, I know not what thou sayest. |
24622 | MRK 9:15 | And anon all the people seeing Jesus, was astonied, and they dreaded; and they running [to], greeted him. |
24659 | MRK 10:2 | And the Pharisees came [nigh], and asked him, Whether it be leaveful to a man to leave [or to forsake] his wife? and they tempted him. |
24845 | MRK 14:22 | And while they ate, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake [it], and gave to them, and said, Take ye; this is my body. |
25224 | LUK 6:9 | And Jesus said to them, I ask you, if it is leaveful to do well in the sabbath [day], or evil? to make a soul safe, or to lose? |
25309 | LUK 7:45 | Thou hast not given to me a kiss; but this [woman], since she entered [or since I entered], ceased not to kiss my feet. |
25393 | LUK 9:23 | And he said to all [men], If any [man] will come after me, deny he himself, and take he his cross every day, and pursue he me. |
25526 | LUK 11:52 | Woe to you, wise men of the law, for ye have taken away the key of knowing; and ye yourselves entered not [in], and ye have forbidden them that entered. |
25527 | LUK 11:53 | And when he said these things to them, the Pharisees and the wise men of the law began grievously to against-stand [him], and stop his mouth of many things, |
25611 | LUK 13:24 | Strive ye to enter by the strait gate; for I say to you, many seek to enter [in], and they shall not be able. |
25635 | LUK 14:13 | But when thou makest a feast, call poor men, feeble [men], crooked, and blind, |
26203 | JHN 3:14 | And as Moses areared [or reared up] a serpent in desert, so it behooveth man’s Son to be raised [up], |
26243 | JHN 4:18 | for thou hast had five husbands, and he that thou hast [now], is not thine husband. This thing thou saidest soothly. |
26386 | JHN 6:60 | Therefore many of his disciples hearing [this], said, This word is hard, who may hear it? |
26900 | JHN 19:6 | But when the bishops and ministers had seen him, they cried, and said, Crucify, crucify him. Pilate saith to them, Take ye him, and crucify ye [him], for I find no cause in him. |
26929 | JHN 19:35 | And he that saw, bare witnessing [thereof], and his witnessing is true; and he knoweth that he saith true things, that ye believe. |
27173 | ACT 6:3 | Therefore, brethren, behold ye men of you of good fame [or of good witnessing], [seven], full of the Holy Ghost, and of wisdom, whom we shall ordain on this work; |
27342 | ACT 10:14 | And Peter said, Lord, forbid [it], for I never eat any common thing, and unclean. |
27882 | ACT 25:18 | And when his accusers stood [nigh], they said no cause of which things I had suspicion of evil. |
27937 | ACT 27:14 | And not after much [time], the wind Tifonyk, that is called northeast, [or wind of tempest], was against it. |
28247 | ROM 9:24 | Which also he called [us], not only of the Jews, but also of heathen men, |
28374 | ROM 15:3 | For Christ pleased not to himself, [but], as it is written, The reproofs, [or shames], of men despising thee, felled on me. |
28682 | 1CO 11:14 | Neither the kind itself teacheth us [that], for if a man nourish long hair, it is shame to him; |
28693 | 1CO 11:25 | Also [he took] the cup, after that he had supped, and said, This cup is the new testament in my blood; do ye this thing, as oft as ye shall drink [it], into my mind. |
28705 | 1CO 12:3 | Therefore I make known to you, that no man speaking in the Spirit of God, saith departing from Jesus; and no man may say the Lord Jesus [is], but in the Holy Ghost. |