12555 | NEH 10:3 | Seraiah, Azariah, Jeremy [or Jere-miah], |
13976 | PSA 4:6 | Sacrifice ye the sacrifice or Offer ye an offering of rightfulness [or right-wiseness], and hope ye in the Lord; |
14632 | PSA 45:8 | Thou lovedest rightfulness [or right-wiseness], and hatedest wickedness; therefore thou, God, thy God, anointed thee with the oil of gladness, more than thy fellows. |
14744 | PSA 51:21 | Then thou shalt take pleasantly the sacrifice of rightfulness [or rightwise-ness], offerings, and burnt sacrifices; then they shall put calves on thine altar. |
16473 | PRO 1:3 | and to take the learning of teach-ing; to take rightfulness [or rightwise-ness], and doom, and equity; |
16724 | PRO 9:16 | Who is a little man in wit; bow he to me. And she spake to a coward [or to the sorry-hearted], |
16886 | PRO 15:9 | The life of the unpious man is abomination to the Lord; he that pur-sueth rightfulness [or followeth right-wiseness], shall be loved of the Lord. |
19526 | JER 22:3 | The Lord saith these things, Do ye doom, and rightfulness [or right-wiseness], and deliver ye him that is oppressed by violence from the hand of the false challenger; and do not ye make sorry, neither oppress ye wickedly a comeling, and a fatherless child, and a widow, and shed ye not out innocent blood in this place. |
19536 | JER 22:13 | Woe to him that buildeth his house in unrightfulness [or unrightwise-ness], and his solars not in doom; he shall oppress his friend in vain, and he shall not yield his hire to him. |
24749 | MRK 12:7 | But the earth-tillers said together [or Forsooth the tenants said to them-selves], This is the heir; come ye, slay we him, and the heritage shall be ours. |
25067 | LUK 2:25 | And lo! a man was in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and this man was just, and virtuous [or dread-full], and abode the comfort of Israel; and the Holy Ghost was in him. |
25510 | LUK 11:36 | Therefore if all thy body be bright [or light-full], and have no part of darknesses, it shall be all bright [or light-full], and as a lantern of bright-ness, [or shining], it shall give light to thee. |
26828 | JHN 16:33 | These things I have spoken to you, that ye have peace in me; in the world ye shall have dis-ease, [or have pressing, or over-laying], but trust ye, I have overcome the world. |
27366 | ACT 10:38 | how God anointed him with the Holy Ghost, and virtue; which passed forth in doing well [or in well-doing], and healing all men oppressed of the devil, for God was with him. |
27540 | ACT 15:29 | that ye abstain you from the offered things of maumets [or simu-lacra], and blood strangled, and forni-cation. From which ye keeping you, shall do well. Fare ye well. |
28003 | ROM 1:5 | by whom we have received grace and the office of apostle [or apostle-hood], to obey to the faith in all folks, for his name, |
28897 | 2CO 2:5 | For if any man hath made me sorrowful, he hath not made me sorrowful but a part [or but in part], that I charge, [or dis-ease], not you all. |
29080 | 2CO 11:23 | they be the ministers of Christ, and I. As less wise I say, I more; in full many travails, in prisons more plente-ously, in wounds above-manner, [or over-measure], in deaths oft times. |
29137 | GAL 1:13 | For ye have heard my conver-sation sometime in the Jewry, that I pursued surpassingly, [or over-manner, or over-measure], the church of God, and fought against it. |
29272 | GAL 6:17 | And hereafter [or From hence-forth], no man be heavy to me; for I bear in my body the tokens, [or the wounds], of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
29539 | COL 1:7 | As ye learned of Epaphras, our fellow [or our even-servant], most dearworthy, which is a true minister of Jesus Christ for you; |
29619 | COL 4:10 | Aristarchus, prisoner with me [or mine even-captive], greeteth you well, and Marcus, the cousin of Barnabas, of whom ye have taken commandments; if he come to you, receive ye him; |
29719 | 2TH 1:3 | We owe to do thankings ever-more to God for you, brethren, so as it is worthy, for your faith over-waxeth [or ever-waxeth], and the charity of each of you to other aboundeth. |
30046 | HEB 2:2 | For if that word that was said by angels, was made firm, and each breaking of the law [or each tres-passing], and unobedience took just retribution of meed, |
31318 | TOB 8:15 | And she sent one of her hand-maids, which entered into the closet, or bed chamber, [or into the bed-place], and found them safe and sound, sleeping together by themselves. |
31551 | JDT 7:19 | We and our fathers have sinned, we have done unjustly [or unright-wisely], and we have done wickedness. |
32325 | WIS 14:11 | For this thing and to the idols of nations shall not be beholding [or reward]; for the creatures of God be made into hatred, and into temptation to the soul of men, and into a trap [or a mouse-catch], to the feet of unwise men. |
32692 | SIR 9:15 | Just [or Rightwise] men be guests, or meat-frères, [or meat-fellows], to thee; and thy glorying be in the dread of God. |
32824 | SIR 14:20 | Blessed is the man, that shall dwell in wisdom, and that shall bethink in rightfulness [or rightwise-ness], and shall think in wit the beholding [or the looking about] of God. |
32893 | SIR 17:12 | He ordained an everlasting testa-ment with them; and he showed to them his rightfulness [or rightwise-ness], and dooms. |
32971 | SIR 19:25 | There is certain subtlety [or sly-ness], and it is wicked. And there is a man, that sendeth out a certain word, telling out [the] truth. |
32984 | SIR 20:8 | He that useth many words, hurteth his soul; and he that taketh power to himself unjustly [or wrong-fully], shall be hated. |
33004 | SIR 20:28 | He that worketh his land, shall make high the heap of fruits; and he that worketh rightfulness [or right-wiseness], shall be enhanced. Soothly he that pleaseth great men, shall escape wickedness. |
33277 | SIR 30:15 | The health of soul is in the holiness of rightfulness [or rightwise-ness], and it is better than any [or all] gold and silver; and a strong body is better than full much chattel [or than money without measure]. |
33330 | SIR 32:12 | And do thy conceits [or con-ceivings], that is, perform thy good purpose conceived there, and not in sins, and in a proud word. |
33402 | SIR 35:1 | He that keepeth the word of God, multiplieth prayer. Wholeful [or Wholesome] sacrifice is to take heed to the commandments, and to depart [or go away] from all wickedness. And to offer the pleasing of sacrifice for unrightfulnesses [or unrightwise-nesses], and beseeching for sins, is to go away from unrightfulness [or unrightwiseness]. |
33997 | BAR 5:4 | For thy name shall be named of God to thee without end, The peace of rightfulness [or Peace of rightwise-ness], and The honour of piety. |