Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   Word[Word],    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

2336  EXO 28:42  Also thou shalt make to them linen breeches, that they cover the flesh of their filth[hood], from the reins unto their hips.
3336  LEV 20:17  He that taketh his sister, his father’s daughter, or his mother’s daughter, and seeth her filth[hood], and she seeth the shame of her brother, they have wrought an unleaveful thing, both shall be slain in the sight of their people; for they showed together their filth[hood], and they shall bear together their wickedness.
3337  LEV 20:18  If a man doeth fleshly knowing with a woman in the flowing of blood of the month, and showeth her filth[hood], and she openeth the well of her blood, both they shall be slain from the midst of their people.
3340  LEV 20:21  He that weddeth his brother’s wife, doeth an unleaveful thing; he showed his brother’s filth[hood], [and] he shall be without free children.
3760  NUM 4:16  on which Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, shall be; to whose care the oil pertaineth to ordain lanterns, and the incense which is made by craft, and the sacrifice which is offered ever[more], that is, in each day, and the oil of anointing, and whatever thing pertaineth to the adorning of the tabernacle, and of all vessels that be in the saintuary.
3995  NUM 10:6  Forsooth in the second sound[ing], and in like noise of the trump, they that dwell at the south coast shall raze their tents; and by this manner, other men shall do, when the trumps shall sound into going forth.
4162  NUM 15:8  Forsooth when thou makest a burnt sacrifice, either an offering, of oxen, that thou [ful] fill a vow, either peaceable sacrifice[s],
4322  NUM 20:10  when the multitude was gathered before the stone; and he said to them, Hear ye, rebel[s], and unbelieveful; whether we may bring out of this stone water to you?
6451  JOS 22:23  if we builded this altar for intent of trespassing, that is, of idolatry, the Lord keep not us, but punish he us in this present time; and if we did by that mind, that we should put thereon burnt sacrifice[s], and sacrifice, and peaceable sacrifices, he seek, and deem;
6940  JDG 15:9  Then the Philistines went up into the land of Judah, and they setted tents in the place, that was called afterward Lehi, that is, a cheek[bone], where their host was spread abroad.
6945  JDG 15:14  And when they had come to the place that is called Cheek[bone], and the Philistines crying high had run to him, the spirit of the Lord felled into him, and as sticks be wont to be wasted at the hot tasting of fire, so and the bonds, with which he was bound, were scattered and loosed.
7557  1SA 14:47  And Saul, when his realm was stabled upon Israel, fought by compass against all his enemies, against Moab, and the sons of Ammon, and Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines; and whither ever he turned him[self], he overcame.
9052  1KI 8:64  In that day the king hallowed the middle of the great street, that was before the house of the Lord; for he made there burnt sacrifice[s], and offering, and the inner fatness of peaceable things; for the brazen altar that was before the Lord was too little, and it might not take the burnt sacrifice, and the offering, and the inner fatness of peaceable things.
9090  1KI 10:8  Thy men be blessed, and thy servants be blessed, these that stand before thee ever[more], and hear thy wisdom.
9845  2KI 11:12  And he brought forth the son of the king, and put upon his head a diadem, and the witnessing; and they made him king, and anointed him; and they clapped with the hand[s], and said, The king live!
14457  PSA 35:27  Have they full joy, and be they glad, that will or desire my rightful-ness [or rightwiseness]; and say they ever[more], The Lord be magnified, which desire the peace of his servant.
15030  PSA 70:5  All men that seek thee, make fully joy [or full out joy they], and be glad in thee; and they that love thine health, say ever[more], The Lord be magnified.
17270  PRO 28:4  They that forsake the law, praise the wicked man; they that keep the law, be kindled, or stirred[up], against him.
18876  ISA 59:6  The webs of them shall not be into cloth[ing], neither they shall be covered with their works; the works of them be unprofitable works, and the work of wickedness is in the hands of them.
20378  JER 52:33  and changed the clothes of his prison. And Jehoiachin ate bread before him ever[more], in all the days of his life;
21688  EZK 44:20  Forsooth they shall not shave their head[s], neither they shall nurse long hair, but they clipping shall clip their heads.
21990  DAN 6:17  Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and sent him into the pit of lions. And the king said to Daniel, Thy God, whom thou worshippest ever[more], he shall deliver thee.
21994  DAN 6:21  and he nighed to the pit, and cried on Daniel with [a] weeping voice, and spake to him, Daniel, the servant of God living [or the living God], guessest thou, whether thy God, whom thou servest ever[more], might deliver thee from the lions?
24720  MRK 11:11  And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple; and when he had seen all things about, when it was even[ing], he went out into Bethany, with the twelve.
25956  LUK 22:23  And they began to seek among them[selves], who it was of them, that was to do this thing.
28697  1CO 11:29  For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh doom, [or damnation], to him[self], not wisely deeming the body of the Lord.
32218  WIS 9:15  For why the body that is corrupt[ed], grieveth the soul; and earthly dwelling presseth down the wit, thinking many things.
32935  SIR 18:22  Be thou not hindered to pray ever[more], and dread thou not to be justified till to death; for why the meed of God dwelleth without end.
33742  SIR 47:6  So he glorified him, that is, made him to be praised, in ten thousand[s], and he praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in offering to him the crown [or a crown] of glory.
33904  BAR 2:21  Thus saith the Lord, Bow ye your shoulder[s], and your necks [or your nolls], and do ye travail to the king of Babylon; and ye shall sit in the land, which I gave to your fathers.
34218  BEL 1:13  Soothly they trusted, [or set at nought], for they had made a privy [or hid] entering under the board, and by it they entered ever[more], and devoured those things.