19 | GEN 1:19 | And the eventide and the morrow-tide was made, the fourth day. |
61 | GEN 3:5 | for why God knoweth that in what-ever day ye shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil. |
104 | GEN 4:24 | vengeance shall be given seven-fold of Cain, forsooth of Lamech seventy times seven times. |
184 | GEN 7:24 | And the waters of the great flood over-went the earth an hundred and fifty days. |
195 | GEN 8:11 | and she came to him at eventide, and bare in her mouth a branch of an olive tree with green leaves. There-fore Noah understood that the waters had ceased or abated on earth; |
201 | GEN 8:17 | and lead out with thee all living beasts that be with thee of each flesh, as well in volatiles, as in unreason-able beasts, and all reptiles or all creeping beasts that creep on [the] earth; and enter ye on the earth, increase ye, and be ye multiplied on earth. |
369 | GEN 15:8 | And Abram said, Lord God, where-by shall I know that I shall wield it? |
466 | GEN 19:8 | I have two daughters, that knew not yet a man; I shall lead out them to you, and mis-use ye them as it pleaseth you, so that ye do none evil to these men, for they entered under the shadow of my roof. |
516 | GEN 21:2 | And she conceived, and childed a son in her eld age, in the time wherein God before-said to her. |
572 | GEN 22:24 | Forsooth his concubine, or secon-dary wife, Reumah by name, childed Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah. |
579 | GEN 23:7 | And Abraham [a] rose, and worship-ped or honoured the people of the land, that is, the sons of Heth. |
640 | GEN 24:48 | and low-like I worshipped the Lord, and I blessed the Lord God of my lord Abraham, which God led me by the right way, that I should take the daughter of the brother of my lord to his son. |
683 | GEN 25:24 | Then the time of child-bearing came, and lo! two children were found in her womb. |
713 | GEN 26:20 | But also strife of [the] shepherds of Gerar was there against the shep-herds of Isaac, and they said, The water is ours; wherefore of that strife that befelled, Isaac called the name of that well False Challenge, or Esek, or Quarrel. |
821 | GEN 29:25 | And when Jacob had entered [in] to her by custom, when the morrow-tide was made, he saw Leah, and he said to his wife’s father, What is it that thou wouldest do? whether I served not thee for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me? |
863 | GEN 30:32 | Go about all thy flocks, and separate thou all diversely-coloured sheep, and of spotted fleeces, and whatever thing shall be of dun hue, and spotted, and diverse of colour, as well in sheep as in goats; that shall be my meed. |
882 | GEN 31:8 | If he said any time, Diversely-coloured sheep shall be thy meed, all the sheep brought forth diversely-coloured lambs; forsooth when he said, on the contrary, Thou shalt take all the white for thy meed, all the flocks brought forth white beasts; |
884 | GEN 31:10 | For after that the time of con-ceiving of sheep came, I raised [up] mine eyes, and saw in sleep males diverse, and spotty, and of diverse colours, going up on females. |
948 | GEN 32:20 | In like manner, he gave command-ments to the second, and to the third, and to all that pursued [or followed] the flocks; and said, Speak ye by the same words to Esau, when ye find him, |
1012 | GEN 34:31 | Simeon and Levi answered, Whether they ought to mis-use our sister as a whore? |
1018 | GEN 35:6 | Therefore Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, by the sire-name Bethel, he and all his people with him. |
1029 | GEN 35:17 | she began to be in peril for the hardness of childbearing; and the mid-wife said to her, Do not thou dread, for thou shalt have also this son. |
1050 | GEN 36:9 | Forsooth these were the genera-tions of Esau, father of Edom, in the hill of Seir, |
1109 | GEN 37:25 | And they sat to eat bread; and they saw that Ishmaelite way-goers came from Gilead, and that their camels bare sweet smelling spiceries, and resin, and stacte, into Egypt. |
1134 | GEN 38:14 | And she did away the clothes of widowhood, and she took a rochet cloth or veil with many wrinkles, and when the clothing was changed, she sat in the way-lot that leadeth to Timnath; for Shelah had waxed, and she had not taken him into husband. |
1158 | GEN 39:8 | which assented not to the unleave-ful work, and said to her, Lo! while all things be betaken to me, my lord wot not what he hath in his house, |
1160 | GEN 39:10 | They spake such words by all days or by long time, and the woman was dis-easeful to the young man, and he forsook the adultery. |
1207 | GEN 41:11 | where we both saw a dream in one night, before-showing of things to come. |
1353 | GEN 44:28 | one went out, and ye said, A beast [hath] devoured him, and hither-to he appeareth not; |
1366 | GEN 45:7 | and God before-sent me, that ye be kept alive on earth, and may have meats to live. |
1478 | GEN 49:4 | thou art shed [or poured] out as water; wax thou not, for thou ascend-edest [or went up] on the bed of thy father, and defouledest his bed. |
1480 | GEN 49:6 | my soul come not into the counsel of them, and my glory be not in the congregation of them; for in their strong vengeance, they killed a man, and in their [own] will, they under-mined the wall; |
1485 | GEN 49:11 | and he shall tie his colt at the vinery [or vineyard], and his she-ass at the vine; O! my son, he shall wash his stole in wine, and his mantle in the blood of the grape; |
1526 | GEN 50:19 | To which he answered, Do not ye dread; whether we may against-stand God’s will? |
1549 | EXO 1:16 | and he commanded to them, When ye shall do the office of midwives to [the] Hebrew women, and the time of child-bearing shall come, if it is a knave child, slay ye him; if it is a woman child, keep ye it. |
1662 | EXO 6:6 | Therefore say thou to the sons of Israel, I am the Lord, that shall lead you out of the prison of the Egyptians; and I shall deliver you from servage; and I shall again-buy you in an arm straight out, and in great dooms; |
1732 | EXO 8:17 | that if thou wilt not deliver the people, lo! I shall send into thee, and into thy servants, and into thy people, and into thine houses, all the kinds of flies; and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full-filled with flies of diverse kinds, and all the land in which they shall be. |
1780 | EXO 10:2 | and that thou tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son’s sons, how oft I all-brake the Egyptians, and did signs in them; and that ye know that I am the Lord. |
1783 | EXO 10:5 | that shall cover the over-part of the earth, neither anything thereof shall appear, but that, that was left of the hail shall be eaten of locusts; for the locusts shall gnaw all the trees that burgeon in [the] fields; |
1784 | EXO 10:6 | and they shall full-fill thine houses, and the houses of thy servants, and of all the Egyptians, how great thy fathers and thy grand-sires saw not, since they were born on earth, till into this present day. And Moses turned away himself, and went out from Pharaoh. |
1878 | EXO 13:10 | Thou shalt keep such a worship-ping in time ordained, from days into days, that is, from year into year. |
1881 | EXO 13:13 | Thou shalt exchange the first engendered of an ass for a sheep, that if thou again-buyest it not, thou shalt slay it; forsooth thou shalt again-buy with price all the first begotten of a man of thy sons. |
1883 | EXO 13:15 | for when Pharaoh was made hard in heart, and would not deliver us, the Lord slew all the first begotten thing in the land of Egypt, from the first begotten of man, till to the first engendered of beasts; therefore I offer to the Lord all thing of male kind that openeth the womb, and I again-buy all the first begotten things of my sons. |
1971 | EXO 16:23 | which said to them, This it is that the Lord spake, The rest of the sabbath is hallowed to the Lord; do ye what-ever thing shall be wrought tomorrow, and seethe ye those things that shall be sodden; soothly whatever thing is residue, or left over, keep ye it till into the morrow. |
2016 | EXO 18:16 | and when any strife befalleth to them, they come to me, that I deem betwixt them, and show the command-ments of God, and his laws. |
2025 | EXO 18:25 | And when noble men of all Israel were chosen, Moses ordained them princes of the people, tribunes [or rulers upon thousands], and centurions [or rulers upon hundreds], and quin-quagenaries [or rulers upon fifty], and deans [or rulers upon ten], |
2068 | EXO 20:16 | Thou shalt not speak false witness-ing [or false witness] against thy neigh-bour. |
2107 | EXO 21:29 | That if the ox was an horn-putter from yesterday and the third day ago, and men warned his lord, neither the lord enclosed him, and he slayeth a man, or a woman, both the ox shall be thrown adown with stones, and they shall slay his lord; |
2114 | EXO 21:36 | Forsooth if the lord knew, that his ox was a horn-putter from yesterday and the third day ago, and kept not him in, he shall yield ox for ox, and he shall take the whole dead carcass. |
2119 | EXO 22:4 | If a man harmeth a field, or a vinery [or vineyard], and suffereth his beast, that it waste other men’s things, he shall restore for the value of [the] harm, the best things what-ever he hath in his field, either in his vinery [or vineyard]. |
2123 | EXO 22:8 | as well in ox, as in ass, and in sheep, and in clothes; and in what-ever thing may bring in harm, the cause of ever either shall come to the judges, and if they deem him guilty, he shall restore the double to his neighbour. |
2145 | EXO 22:30 | Ye shall be holy men to me; ye shall not eat the flesh that is before-tasted of beasts, but ye shall cast it forth to hounds. |
2154 | EXO 23:9 | Thou shalt not be dis-easeful of a pilgrim, for ye know the souls of comelings, for also ye were pilgrims in the land of Egypt. |
2205 | EXO 25:9 | by all the likeness of the taber-nacle that I shall show to thee, and of all the vessels of [the] adorning thereof. |
2213 | EXO 25:17 | And thou shalt make a propiti-atory of cleanest gold; that is, a table covering the ark, [or a place of purchasing mercy]; the length thereof shall hold two cubits and an half, [and] the breadth shall hold one cubit and an half. |
2224 | EXO 25:28 | Thou shalt make the bars of the wood of shittim, and thou shalt com-pass them with gold to bear the board. |
2227 | EXO 25:31 | And thou shalt make a candle-stick beaten out with an hammer, of cleanest gold, [and]thou shalt make the shaft thereof, and [the] rods, and cups, and little roundels [or balls], and lilies coming forth thereof. |
2241 | EXO 26:5 | One curtain shall have fifty eye-lets in ever either part, so set in, that one eyelet come against another eyelet, and that the one curtain may be shaped to the tother. |
2298 | EXO 28:4 | Forsooth these shall be the clothes, which they shall make; they shall make a rational, that is, an ouch or brooch upon the breast, in which doom and truth, or Urim and Thum-mim shall be written, and a cloth on the shoulders [or cape], a coat, and a strait linen cloth, a mitre, and a girdle; holy clothes to Aaron, thy brother, and to his sons, that they be set in priesthood to me. |
2320 | EXO 28:26 | And thou shalt make two golden rings, which thou shalt set in the high-ness of the rational, and in the hems of the cloth on the shoulders [or cape], that be even against, and behold the latter things thereof. |
2332 | EXO 28:38 | And Aaron shall bear the wicked-nesses of those things that the sons of Israel shall offer, and hallow in all their gifts to God, and in their free gifts to men; and the plate shall ever[more] be in Aaron’s forehead, that the Lord be pleased to them. |
2339 | EXO 29:2 | and therf loaves, and a cake with-out sourdough, which be sprinkled altogether with oil, and therf pastes sodden in water, balmed, either fried, with oil; thou shalt make all these things of pure wheat flour, |
2351 | EXO 29:14 | Forsooth thou shalt burn without-forth the tents the flesh of the calf, and the skin, and the dung, for it is slain for sin. |
2410 | EXO 30:27 | and the board with his vessels, [and] the candlestick, and the appur-tenances thereof, the altars of incense, |
2451 | EXO 32:12 | I beseech, that [the] Egyptians say not, He led them out fellily or slyly, to slay in the hills, and to do them away from [the] earth; thine ire cease, and be thou quemeful on the wicked-ness of thy people. |
2477 | EXO 33:3 | and that thou enter into the land flowing with milk and honey; for I will not go up with thee, for thou art a people of hard noll, lest per-adventure I lose thee in the way. |
2498 | EXO 34:1 | And afterward God said, Hew to thee two tables of stone at the like-ness of the former, and I shall write on those tables those words, which the tables, that thou brakest, had. |
2504 | EXO 34:7 | which keepest covenant and mercy into thousands, which doest away wickedness, and trespasses, and sins, and no man by himself is innocent with thee, which yieldest the wicked-ness of fathers to their sons, and to the sons of their sons, into the third and the fourth generation. |
2516 | EXO 34:19 | All thing of male kind that open-eth the womb shall be mine, of all living beasts, as well of oxen, as of sheep, it shall be mine. |
2517 | EXO 34:20 | Thou shalt again-buy with a sheep the first engendered of an ass, else if thou givest not [the] price therefore, it shall be slain. Thou shalt again-buy the first begotten of thy sons; neither thou shalt appear void in my sight. |
2522 | EXO 34:25 | Thou shalt not offer on sour-dough the blood of my sacrifice, neither anything of the slain sacrifice of the solemnity of pask shall abide unto the morrowtide. |
2561 | EXO 35:29 | All men and women offered gifts with devout souls, that the works should be made, which the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses; all the sons of Israel hallowed will-fully things to the Lord. |
2646 | EXO 38:12 | Forsooth in that coast that be-holdeth [to] the west were curtains of fifty cubits, ten brazen pillars with their bases; and the hooks of pillars, and the holdings of those, were of silver. |
2824 | LEV 4:28 | and knoweth his sin, he shall offer a she-goat without wem; |
2893 | LEV 7:13 | Also they shall offer loaves dighted with sourdough, with the sacrifice of thankings which is offered for peace-able things; |
2897 | LEV 7:17 | soothly [the] fire shall waste what-ever thing the third day shall find. |
2914 | LEV 7:34 | For I have taken from the sons of Israel the breast of raising, and the shoulder of separating, of their peace-able sacrifices, and I have given those to Aaron the priest and to his sons, by everlasting law, of all the people of Israel. |
3074 | LEV 13:21 | That if the hair is of the former colour, and the sign of the wound is some-deal dark, and is not lower than the flesh beside, the priest shall enclose the man seven days; |
3079 | LEV 13:26 | That if the colour of [the] hairs is not changed, neither the wound, or soreness, is lower than the tother flesh, and that species of leprosy is some-deal dark, the priest shall enclose the man seven days; |
3092 | LEV 13:39 | the priest shall behold them; if he perceiveth, that whiteness some-deal dark shineth in the skin, know he, that it is no leprosy, but a spot of white colour, and that the man is clean. |
3108 | LEV 13:55 | and when he seeth the former like-ness not changed again, nevertheless that neither the leprosy hath waxed, he shall deem that thing unclean, and he shall burn it in fire, for the leprosy is shed [or spread] in the over-part of that cloth, either through[out]it all. |
3110 | LEV 13:57 | That if fleeing leprosy and unstead-fast appeareth furthermore in these places, that were unwemmed before, it oweth to be burnt in fire; |
3206 | LEV 16:4 | he shall be clothed with a linen cloth, [and] he shall hide his shame-fast members with linen breeches; he shall be girded with a linen girdle, [and] he shall put a linen mitre on his head; for these clothes be holy, with them all he shall be clothed, when he is washed. |
3221 | LEV 16:19 | and sprinkle he it seven times with his finger, and cleanse he, and hallow he the altar from [the] unclean-nesses of the sons of Israel. |
3233 | LEV 16:31 | for it is the sabbath of resting, and ye shall torment your souls by ever-lasting religion. |
3259 | LEV 18:7 | Thou shalt not discover the filth-hood of thy father, and the filthhood of thy mother; she is thy mother, thou shalt not show her filthhood. |
3260 | LEV 18:8 | Thou shalt not uncover the filth-hood of the wife of thy father, for it is the filthhood of thy father. |
3268 | LEV 18:16 | Thou shalt not show the filth-hood of thy brother’s wife, for it is the filthhood of thy brother. |
3302 | LEV 19:20 | If a man sleepeth with a woman by fleshly knowing of seed, which woman is an handmaid, or bond, yea, a noble woman of kin, and nevertheless is not again-bought by price, neither rewarded with freedom, she shall be beaten [or both shall be scourged], and they shall not die, for she was not free. |
3373 | LEV 22:3 | Say thou to them, and to the after-comers of them, Each man of your kindred, that nigheth to those things that be hallowed, and which things the sons of Israel offered to the Lord, in whom is uncleanness, he shall perish before the Lord; I am the Lord. |
3443 | LEV 23:40 | And ye shall take to you in the first day fruits of the fairest tree, and [the] branches of palm trees, and the branches of a thick-boughed tree, and sallows of the running stream, and ye shall be glad before your Lord God; |
3446 | LEV 23:43 | that your after-comers learn, that I made the sons of Israel to dwell in tabernacles, when I led them out of the land of Egypt; I am your Lord God. |
3495 | LEV 25:25 | If thy brother is made poor, and selleth his little possession, and his nigh kinsmen will, he may again-buy that that he sold; |
3500 | LEV 25:30 | if he again-buyeth not, and the circle of the year is passed, the buyer shall wield it, and his heirs into without end, and it shall not be able to be again-bought, yea, in the jubilee. |
3501 | LEV 25:31 | Forsooth if the house is in a town that hath not walls, it shall be sold by the law of [the] fields; soothly if it is not again-bought in the jubilee, it shall turn again to the lord thereof. |
3518 | LEV 25:48 | he may be again-bought after the selling; he that will of his brethren, again-buy him; |
3519 | LEV 25:49 | both his father’s brother, and the son of his father’s brother, and his kins-man, and his ally. Else if also he shall be able, he shall again-buy himself, |
3523 | LEV 25:53 | while those years, in which he served before, be reckoned for hires; a stranger shall not torment an home-born man violently in thy sight. |
3524 | LEV 25:54 | That if he may not be again-bought by this manner, he shall go out with his free children in the year of jubilee; |
3544 | LEV 26:19 | and I shall all-break the pride of your hardness, and I shall give to you heaven above as iron, and the earth as brass; |