Wildebeest analysis examples for:   eng-engwyc2017   Word-Word,    February 11, 2023 at 18:33    Script wb_pprint_html.py   by Ulf Hermjakob

102  GEN 4:22  And Zillah begat Tubalcain, that was an hammer-beater, and [a] smith on all works of brass and of iron; forsooth the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
226  GEN 9:20  And Noah, an earth-tiller, began to till the earth, and he planted a vinery [or a vineyard],
315  GEN 12:16  Forsooth they used well Abram for her; and sheep, and oxen, and asses, and servants, and servantesses, and she-asses, and camels were given to him.
329  GEN 13:10  And so Lot raised [up] his eyes, and saw about all the country of Jordan, which was all-moisted, before that the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, as paradise of the Lord, and as Egypt, as men come into Zoar.
338  GEN 14:1  Forsooth it was done in that time, that Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Arioch, king of Ellasar, and Chedor-laomer, king of Elamites, and Tidal, king of folks,
374  GEN 15:13  And it was said to him, Know thou a before-knowing, that thy seed shall be [a] pilgrim four hundred years in a land not his own, and they shall make them subject to servage, and they shall torment them;
548  GEN 21:34  and he was an earth-tiller, or a comeling, of the land of Palestines in many days.
633  GEN 24:41  Thou shalt be innocent from my curse, when thou comest to my kins-men, and they give not her to thee.
813  GEN 29:17  but Leah was bleary-eyed, and Rachel was of fair face, and lovely in sight.
944  GEN 32:16  camels full with their foals thirty, forty kine, and twenty bulls, twenty she-asses, and [the] ten foals of them.
998  GEN 34:17  Forsooth if ye will not be cir-cumcised, we shall take our daughter, and we shall go away.
1079  GEN 36:38  And when he was dead, Baal-hanan, the son of Achbor, was successor into the realm.
1118  GEN 37:34  And he rent his clothes, and he was clothed with an hair-shirt, and bewailed his son in much time.
1138  GEN 38:18  Judah said, What wilt thou that be given to thee for a wed? She answered, Thy ring, and thy band of the arm, and the staff which thou holdest in thine hand. Therefore the woman conceived at one lying-by,
1228  GEN 41:32  Forsooth this that thou sawest the second time in a dream pertaining to the same thing, is a showing of firm-ness, that is, a confirming of the first, for the word of God shall be done, and it shall be [ful] filled full swiftly.
1250  GEN 41:54  [the] seven years of poverty began to come, which Joseph before-said, and hunger had the mastery in all the world; also hunger was in all the land of Egypt;
1305  GEN 43:14  forsooth my God Almighty make him peaceable or pleasable, or queme-ful, to you, and send he again your brother, whom he holdeth in bonds, and also this Benjamin; forsooth I shall be now as made bare without sons.
1516  GEN 50:9  And he had chariots, and horse-men, and fellowship with him, and the company was made not little.
1557  EXO 2:2  which conceived, and childed a son. And she saw him well-faring, and hid him three months.
1782  EXO 10:4  else soothly if thou against-standest, and wilt not deliver it, lo! I shall bring in tomorrow a locust, that is, a multitude of locusts, into thy coasts,
1865  EXO 12:48  that if any pilgrim will pass into your faith and worshipping, and make [the] pask of the Lord, each male kind of him shall be circumcised before the solemnity, and then he shall make it lawfully, and he shall be together with them as a man born of the land; forsooth if any man is not circum-cised, he shall not eat thereof.
1899  EXO 14:9  And when the Egyptians pursued the steps of the sons of Israel before-going, they found them in tents on the sea; all the chivalry, and [the] chariots of Pharaoh, and all the host were in Pihahiroth, against Baalzephon.
1924  EXO 15:3  The Lord is a man-fighter, his name is Almighty;
1968  EXO 16:20  which heard not him, but some of them left thereof till to the morrow-tide, and it began to boil with worms, and it was rotten; and Moses was wroth against them.
1980  EXO 16:32  Forsooth Moses said, This is the word which the Lord commanded, Fill thou an omer thereof, and be it kept into generations to coming [or to come] afterward, that they know the bread with which I fed you in wilder-ness, when ye were led out of the land of Egypt.
2092  EXO 21:14  If any man slayeth his neighbour by before-casting, and by ambush, draw thou him away from mine altar, that he die.
2100  EXO 21:22  If men chide, and a man smiteth a woman with child, and soothly he maketh the child dead-born, but the woman liveth over that smiting, he shall be subject to the harm, as much as the woman’s husband asketh, and as the judges deem.
2104  EXO 21:26  If a man smiteth the eye of his servant, either of his handmaid, and maketh them one-eyed, he shall deliver them free for the eye which he put out.
2168  EXO 23:23  and mine angel shall go before thee, and he shall lead in thee to Amorites, and Hittites, and Perizzites, and Canaanites, and Hivites, and Jebus-ites, which I shall break, or destroy.
2172  EXO 23:27  I shall send my dread into thy before-going, and I shall slay all the people, to which thou shalt enter, and I shall turn the backs of all thine enemies before thee;
2200  EXO 25:4  and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis, that is, white silk, [and] hairs of goats,
2237  EXO 26:1  Forsooth the tabernacle shall be made thus; thou shalt make ten curtains of bis folded again, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, made diverse by embroidery work.
2267  EXO 26:31  Thou shalt make also a veil of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work, and woven together by fair diversity;
2272  EXO 26:36  Thou shalt make also a curtain in the entering of the tabernacle, of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work.
2289  EXO 27:16  Forsooth in the large entry of the porch shall be made a curtain of twenty cubits, of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work; it shall have four pillars, with so many bases.
2294  EXO 27:21  in the tabernacle of witnessing without the veil, which is hanged in the tabernacle of witnessing; and Aaron and his sons shall set it, that it shine before the Lord from eventide till the morrowtide; it shall be everlasting worshipping by their successions, or after-comings, of the sons of Israel.
2299  EXO 28:5  And they shall take gold, and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis;
2300  EXO 28:6  forsooth they shall make the cloth on the shoulders [or cape] of gold, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by embroidery work [or needle-work] of diverse colours.
2302  EXO 28:8  That weaving, and all [the] diversity of the work shall be of gold, and of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again.
2309  EXO 28:15  Also thou shalt make the rational of doom by work of diverse colours, after the weaving of the cloth on the shoulders [or cape], of gold, jacinth, and purple, of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again.
2310  EXO 28:16  It shall be four-cornered, and double; it shall have the measure of a palm of an hand, as well in the length, as in breadth.
2327  EXO 28:33  Forsooth beneath at the feet of the same coat, by compass, thou shalt make as pomegranates, of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again;
2379  EXO 29:42  it is a sacrifice to the Lord by everlasting offering into your gener-ations, at the door of the tabernacle of witnessing before the Lord, where I shall ordain that I speak to thee;
2385  EXO 30:2  and the altar shall have a cubit of length, and another cubit of breadth, that is four-cornered, and two cubits in height; and the corners [or horns] shall come forth of the altar.
2424  EXO 31:3  and I have filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom, and under-standing, and knowing in all work,
2476  EXO 33:2  And I shall send thy before-goer, an angel, that I cast out Canaanite, and Amorite, and Hittite, and Perizzite, and Hivite, and Jebusite;
2538  EXO 35:6  and jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis, and hairs of goats,
2555  EXO 35:23  If any man had jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, bis, and the hairs of goats, skins of rams made red, and skins of jacinth, either blue,
2567  EXO 35:35  the Lord [hath] taught both with wisdom, that they make the works of a carpenter, of a stainer, and of an embroiderer, of jacinth, and of purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis, and that they make all things, and find all new things.
2575  EXO 36:8  And all the wise men in heart, to fulfill the work of the tabernacle, made ten curtains of bis folded again, and of jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, by diverse work, and by craft of many colours.
2602  EXO 36:35  He made also a veil diverse and parted, of jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis folded again, by the work of embroidery.
2604  EXO 36:37  He made also in the entering of the tabernacle a curtain of jacinth, and purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and bis folded again, by the work of embroidery.
2637  EXO 38:3  And into the uses thereof he made ready of brass diverse vessels, caul-drons, tongs, fleshhooks, hooks, and firepans.
2657  EXO 38:23  while Aholiab, the son of Ahisa-mach, of the lineage of Dan, was joined fellow to him, and he himself was a noble craftsman of wood, and a tapicer, that is, a weaver of diverse colours, and an embroiderer of jacinth, purple, vermilion, and bis.
2661  EXO 38:27  Furthermore there were an hundred talents of silver, of which the bases of the saintuary were melted out alto-gether, and the bases of the entering, where the veil hangeth; an hundred bases were made of an hundred talents, for to each base was ordained a talent.
2667  EXO 39:2  Therefore he made the cloth on the shoulders [or cape] of gold, jacinth, and purple, and of red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again, by work of embroidery;
2673  EXO 39:8  He made also the rational, by work of embroidery, by the work of the cloth on the shoulders [or cape], of gold, jacinth, purple, and red silk twice-dyed, and of bis folded again;
2674  EXO 39:9  he made the rational four-cornered, double, of the measure of four fingers.
2676  EXO 39:11  in the second order was car-buncle, sapphire, jasper;
2778  LEV 2:15  and thou shalt pour oil there-upon, and thou shalt put incense, for it is the offering of the Lord.
3029  LEV 11:31  All these be unclean; he that toucheth their bodies dead by them-selves, shall be unclean till to eventide;
3078  LEV 13:25  and lo! if it is turned into white-ness, and the place thereof is lower than the tother skin, the priest shall defoul the man, for a wound [or the plague] of leprosy is bred [or sprung] in the sign of wound.
3200  LEV 15:31  Therefore ye shall teach the sons of Israel, that they eschew unclean-nesses, and that they die not for their filths, when they defoul my tabernacle that is among them.
3330  LEV 20:11  If a man sleepeth with his step-dame, and showeth his father’s shame, both they die by death; their blood be on them.
3420  LEV 23:17  of all your dwelling places, two loaves of the first fruits, of two tenth parts of [tried] flour, dighted with sour-dough, which loaves ye shall bake into the first fruits to the Lord.
3473  LEV 25:3  six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt cut thy vine-yard, and thou shalt gather the fruits thereof;
3496  LEV 25:26  soothly if he hath no nigh kinsman, and he may find [the] price to again-buy,
3499  LEV 25:29  He that selleth his house, within the walls of a city, shall have license to again-buy, till one year be [full-]filled;
3500  LEV 25:30  if he again-buyeth not, and the circle of the year is passed, the buyer shall wield it, and his heirs into without end, and it shall not be able to be again-bought, yea, in the jubilee.
3503  LEV 25:33  if those [or they] be not again-bought, those [or they] shall turn again in the jubilee to the lords; for the houses of the cities of deacons [or Levites] be for possessions among the sons of Israel;
3515  LEV 25:45  either they that be born of comelings in your land; ye shall have these servants, and by right of heritage ye shall leave them to your after-comers, and ye shall wield them without end;
3519  LEV 25:49  both his father’s brother, and the son of his father’s brother, and his kins-man, and his ally. Else if also he shall be able, he shall again-buy himself,
3565  LEV 26:40  till they acknowledge their wicked-nesses, and have mind of their evils, by which they trespassed against me, and went contrary to me.
3566  LEV 26:41  Therefore and I shall go against them, and I shall bring them into the land of their enemies, till the uncir-cumcised soul of them be ashamed; then they shall pray for their wicked-ness,
3600  LEV 27:29  and each hallowing which is offered of man, shall not be again-bought, but it shall die by death.
3607  NUM 1:2  Take ye the sum or the number of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, by their kindreds, and meines, and all their names each by them-selves, whatever thing of male kind,
3643  NUM 1:38  Of the sons of Dan, by generations, and meines, and houses of their kin-dreds, were numbered, by the names of all, from twenty years and above, all men that might go forth to battles,
3645  NUM 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, by gener-ations, and meines, and houses of their kindreds, were numbered, by the names of all, from twenty years and above, all men that might go forth to battles,
3655  NUM 1:50  but thou shalt ordain them upon the tabernacle of witnessing, and upon all the vessels thereof, and upon what-ever thing pertaineth to [the] cere-monies, either sacrifices. They shall bear the tabernacle, and all the appur-tenances thereof, and they shall be in the service of it, and they shall set [their] tents by compass of the taber-nacle.
3936  NUM 7:85  so that one vessel to prove incense and such things had an hundred and thirty shekels of silver, and one basin had seventy shekels, that is, in com-mon, two thousand and four hundred shekels of all the vessels of silver, by the weight of [the] saintuary;
3989  NUM 9:23  By the word of the Lord they setted their tents, and by his word they went forth; and they were in the watches of the Lord, by his command-ment, by the hand of Moses.
4014  NUM 10:25  The sons of Dan, by their com-panies, went forth the last of all the tents, in whose host the prince was Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai.
4072  NUM 12:12  that this woman be not made as dead, and as a dead-born thing that is cast out of the mother’s womb; lo! now the half of her flesh is devoured, or over-covered, with leprosy.
4080  NUM 13:4  Of the lineage of Reuben, Sham-mua, the son of Zaccur.
4100  NUM 13:24  which is called Nahal-eshcol, that is, the strand of grapes, or the strand of cluster, for the sons of Israel bare a cluster from thence.
4109  NUM 13:33  there we saw some wonders against kind, of the sons of Anak, of the kind of giants, to which we were com-parisoned, and were seen as locusts.
4270  NUM 18:12  I have given to thee all the mar-row, or the best, of oil, and of wine, and of wheat, whatever thing of the first fruits they shall offer to the Lord.
4275  NUM 18:17  Forsooth thou shalt not make the first engendered of an ox, and of sheep, and of goat, to be again-bought, for those [or they] be hallowed to the Lord; only thou shalt pour the blood of those [or them] upon the altar, and thou shalt burn the inner fatness into sweetest odour to the Lord.
4398  NUM 22:22  And God was wroth with Balaam. And the angel of the Lord stood in the way against Balaam, that sat upon the she-ass, and had two servants with him.
4404  NUM 22:28  And the Lord opened the mouth of the she-ass, and she spake, What have I done to thee? why smitest thou me, lo! now the third time?
4405  NUM 22:29  Balaam answered, For thou hast dis-served, and hast scorned me; I would that I had a sword to slay thee.
4409  NUM 22:33  and if the she-ass had not bowed away from the way, and given place to the against-stander, I had slain thee, and the ass should have lived.
4556  NUM 26:65  for the Lord before-said, that all should die in the wilderness; and none of them dwelled alive, but Caleb, Jephunneh’s son, and Joshua, the son of Nun.
4557  NUM 27:1  Soothly the daughters of Zelophe-had, the son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, that was the son of Joseph, nighed; of which daughters these be the names; Mahlah, and Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.
4610  NUM 28:31  besides [the] burnt sacrifice ever-lasting, and the moist [or liquor] sacrifices thereof; ye shall offer all things without wem, with their moist [or liquor] sacrifices.
4655  NUM 30:6  Forsooth if her father against-said, anon as he heard, both [the] vows, and her oaths shall be void, and she shall not be holden bound to the promise, for her father against-said it.
4658  NUM 30:9  But if the husband heareth it, and anon against-saith, and maketh void all her promises, and words by which she bound her soul, the Lord shall be merciful to her.
4701  NUM 31:35  the souls of the persons of women-kind, that knew not men, were two and thirty thousand.
4770  NUM 33:8  And they went forth from Piha-hiroth, and they passed through the midst of the sea into wilderness, and they went three days by the desert of Etham, and setted tents in Marah.
4792  NUM 33:30  And they went forth from Hash-monah, and came into Moseroth;